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How did you meet your soul mate


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Magpie and I had actually known about one another for years. We moved in the same circles and had met on several occasions, been to the same parties and so on, but somehow we'd never really been introduced so we didn't really talk often or know much about each other. Which is weird, because in my circle of friends people date so incestuously that we've got a maximum of two degrees of separation with regards to who's shagged whom. :P


Anyway, during winter 2009, we ended up at the same parties quite a few times and I guess we sort of noticed each other. We had both gotten out of long lasting relationships fairly recently (I think he got dumped in August and I dumped my ex in September, and this was February or there abouts), and we talked a few times, but I don't think there was actually any flirting. Then, in March, we were both in his ex's birthday party at a pub, and we sat at the same table and chatted, and then we kept bumping into each other on our way to and from the bar and randomly hugging. And then one of those hugs just kind of became a kiss. I ended out going home with him that night, and the next day we watched Donnie Darko and talked about everything, learning as much about each other as we could, and then we went out for Chinese. After that I pretty much slept at his place for about two weeks straight. In April, we decided to become exclusive, and the rest is history.

Edited by Thorn Wilde
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I don't believe in the concept of soul mates no matter who they are. But I met my boyfriend right on this site 4 years ago. We started talking in chat, then moving to private chat, then eventually met up about a month and a half later, and 4 years later we are still together. Of course I never tell people in real life that I met my boyfriend online cause they'll give you the 'WTF' look. So I tell them we met through mutual friends, which doesn't make sense because we grew up going to different schools in different states more then 2 1/2 hours apart from each other. But none so far have asked questions so it works, for now. 


Its kinda funny because we come from entirely different backgrounds, yet we still somehow work out. I come from an all-white, conservative family and my family came to America well over 100 years ago. I grew up in a rural-ish area that is pretty non-involved with anything significant in the world and people are pretty backwards. He's Latino and was born in a major city in South America, came to the US when he was 9, learned English, lived in a large suburb of New York City, speaks Spanish at home, and is a raging liberal. :P


Yeah, go figure. 

Edited by TetRefine
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Don't know about this soul mate thingy, but I met the guy I'm dating now on Facebook, like three years ago. We were friends for a long time, partly because we lived in different states and because we were apprehensive about dating.

Anyway, we kissed for the first time last month. We moved up to the next stage last week:)

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Jealous of you all XD

Christ, you're 17. What are you getting depressed about? Go out there and live fearlessly.  These sort of things tend to take care of themselves, when you focus on living to the fullest with an open kind heart. Pining/wishing/mooning for love is an impotent way to live. 


Yeah, yeah, I know I'm a wrinkled curmudgeon, but the concept of a soulmate staggers me ...  I wish I had a dollar for every professed pair of soulmates that break up.   http://what-if.xkcd.com/9/ that sums up my view perfectly sans the cynical groan. 

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He was working on an art project. The other artist sold ad space in his paintings. He wrote a personal ad for the piece, and to give it "legitimacy," ran the ad in the local rag. I was intrigued, and responded.


Can't agree on when the first date was, but the second was the day after my birthday. We were at a deli before going to see a Kurosawa film, and he asked when my birthday was. Sheepishly, I answered "yesterday."  :*)  He was shocked I hadn't tried to wrangle a gift out of him.


Now I can't get rid of him if I try.  :P  Going strong since 10/10/90. Just posted a pic from '91.

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I was working at a bar and we had English Pub style trivia. My trivia reader and a mutual friend worked together and wanted to set me up with their coworker. I said no way, no blind dates. This guy was supposed to be, "just like you." Yikes. So, one trivia night Raleigh showed up with this cute guy to play trivia. Halfway through the night Steve, the trivia reader, told me that was the coworker. 


I talked with him and he seemed nice and pretty cool so I asked him out. He said yes and we exchanged numbers. 


Trivia ended and he stuck around until close and asked me for a ride home. I was not having that. Enough with the cheap pickups, so I called him a cab. I was pretty hesitant about the date but we went out and had a great time. That will be sixteen years ago come February. 


Randy says my sending him home that night intrigued him. Sometimes having standards can work out in the end.

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Christ, you're 17. What are you getting depressed about? Go out there and live fearlessly.  These sort of things tend to take care of themselves, when you focus on living to the fullest with an open kind heart. Pining/wishing/mooning for love is an impotent way to live. 


Yeah, yeah, I know I'm a wrinkled curmudgeon, but the concept of a soulmate staggers me ...  I wish I had a dollar for every professed pair of soulmates that break up.   http://what-if.xkcd.com/9/ that sums up my view perfectly sans the cynical groan. 

Now im just living my life with tons of restrictions but in a couple of years I'll probably be able to find and grab the opportunities out there.. ;) besides i havent got the time to worry about anything with all the exams I have to sit..but im glad im not the type to be stressed with studying :D

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What's your definition of a soul mate by the way?

and how do you know it's "the one"???

it confuses me sometimes, if you ever found yours, does it mean you're destined to be together?

there was a time I thought I found mine, but then we didn't end up together. 

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What's your definition of a soul mate by the way?

and how do you know it's "the one"???

it confuses me sometimes, if you ever found yours, does it mean you're destined to be together?

there was a time I thought I found mine, but then we didn't end up together.


It's about taking risks :)

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For me, the heart is fragile, you just can't take the risks knowing that your heart is at stake.


I tend to jump right in where matters of the heart are concerned. If I like someone, I find a way of letting them know. And I've had my heart broken many, many times, but it's so worth it for the times where I haven't. The times when things have worked out. A broken heart can be mended, but a missed chance may never come again.

Edited by Thorn Wilde
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I tend to jump right in where matters of the heart are concerned. If I like someone, I find a way of letting them know. And I've had my heart broken many, many times, but it's so worth it for the times where I haven't. The times when things have worked out. A broken heart can be mended, but a missed chance may never come again.

wow! that got me thinkin', maybe this is where the influence of the society is taking place, no matter what courage I have, I'm still afraid of what others might gonna say. but it's just me anyway. and i got your point. I'm just so out of topic. sorry!

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wow! that got me thinkin', maybe this is where the influence of the society is taking place, no matter what courage I have, I'm still afraid of what others might gonna say. but it's just me anyway. and i got your point. I'm just so out of topic. sorry!


In my experience, it's when you stop worrying about what other people think that you find the people who are willing to love you for who you really are, friends and lovers alike, and there are a lot more of those out there than you'd imagine. :)

Edited by Thorn Wilde
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In my experience, it's when you stop worrying about what other people think that you find the people who are willing to love you for who you really are, friends and lovers alike, and there are a lot more of those out there than you'd imagine. :)

Awww, thorn you make it sound so easy. I wish it really is.

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I was seventeen, Cris was sixteen. i was friends with his ex (then partner) at college (high school to you people) and we hated each other.


Then i was nineteen, he was eighteen, we were both single and i signed on to MSN to shut down my account and this bubble pops up. we had a chat about plastics and silicone casting and decided to meet for coffee (my degree is in wood, metals, ceramics and plastics, go figure).

So we met for coffee and lunch three sundays in a row, i decided that i could really love a man shorter than me and then i kissed him senseless in the back of my dad's car. Apart from when i spent 84 days going around the world (the trip was booked before we re-met) we have never been apart.


And then i was twenty six, and he was twenty five, and we got married on a sunny August afternoon with all our friends and family and danced by the lake with no shoes on. it was perfect.

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so whats your def of a soul mate and what has your experience yielded? are you close? do you need to search in a diff location?

Still looking, been on lots of dates, want to give up search sometimes...... :(

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Still looking, been on lots of dates, want to give up search sometimes...... :(


I'm gonna rub the fluffy puppy's ears - just cuz.  :hug:  Been there, done that, felt the same. 

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For me, a soul mate is some one who is my partner in life; a person who is able to be my friend and my critic, because I need a bit of both. A man, who can love a guy with only one eye, but also will not go easy on me just due to my disability.


Most gay guys I have dated are either far too emotional or far too loose.


Thanks Greg for the scratch, Can I get a puppy treat? :P (Wags tail)

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thanks for the response

it reminds me of the tv series brothers n sisters ... the senator's second wife seem to be his soul mate ... lots of political debate they had to keep him in line

however ... having goodness, ethics and morals ... didn't secure him governorship nor presidential seat ... the opponents will always play dirty


... hehehe I got to give a very hairy collie a good two week scratch ... but the dog really needs a very good bath ... being outside a lot is a magnet for smells

For me, a soul mate is some one who is my partner in life; a person who is able to be my friend and my critic, because I need a bit of both. A man, who can love a guy with only one eye, but also will not go easy on me just due to my disability.


Most gay guys I have dated are either far too emotional or far too loose.


Thanks Greg for the scratch, Can I get a puppy treat? :P (Wags tail)

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Still looking, been on lots of dates, want to give up search sometimes...... :(


Maybe you should? In my experience, it's when you're not looking that they come out of left field and take you completely by surprise. ;)


Don't worry, darling. When you least expect it, he will come, and you won't even know what hit you. :hug:

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