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Canadian Slang


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  • Site Administrator

I never thought there was Canadian Slang. Other than being teased for the way we say about, eh, among other words, who would have thought we had slang too :unsure:


I guess since we get so much US Television and movies up here, we are well versed in what could be called American slang yet some common terms up here are not known south of the border.


See you you do on this test and maybe share some of your slang from your country that maybe interesting to others:



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Hmm, seeing as us Brits have a few, here are some of the more popular ones :D



1. Any road: used in place of “any way,” primarily used in the north of Britain.

2. Baccy: shortened word for “tobacco;” also, “wacky backy” means marijuana.

3. Barmy: crazy, insane; always derogatory.

4. Bender: derogatory term for homosexual, like “poof.” (Note: You probably shouldn’t use it or you’ll get slapped, but it’s worthy of note for giving Futurama a very different meaning.)

5. Biggie: term children might use to describe feces; also, an erection.

6. Bits ‘n Bobs: various things. (Example: “My mother has a lot of Bits ‘n Bobs around the house.”)

7. “Bob’s your uncle!”: “There you go! You’ve got it!”

8. Bollocks: technically means “balls,” but often describes something seen as extremely negative or lacking in value; e.g. “total shit.”

9. “Bugger off!”: “Go away!” or “Leave me alone!” (Note: Bugger, used on its own, is akin to “Fuck!” or “Shit!”)

10. Chav: white trash.

flickrthomas-depenbusch.jpeg?w=500&h=313Flickr/Thomas Depenbusch

11. Cheeky: to be not respectful of something, having a flippant or facetious attitude.

12. Chin Wag: to have a chat with someone.

13. Collywobbles: extreme queasiness or stomach pain brought on by stress, nervousness or anxiety.

14. Crusty Dragon: a piece of snot or booger.

15. Daft Cow: a very stupid person (See also: “Wazzock.”)

16. Dog’s Bollocks: extremely good or favorable, great

17. Dog’s Dinner: to be dressed nicely or look dapper.

18. Donkey’s Years: ages, as in “I haven’t seen you in ages!”

19. Fagged: disturbed, bothered or interrupted (Example: If one were studying for a test, one would not want to be “fagged.”)

20. Fall Arse Over Tit: to have an embarrassing fall or to topple over.


21. Fanny: vagina.

22. Fit: hot or sexually desirable.

23. The Full Monty: going all the way with it, going big instead of going home.

24. “Get stuffed!”: “Beat it” or “Scram!”

25. Gobby: loudly opinionated, offensive or prickish. (See: Donald Trump.)

26. Gobsmacked: amazed or awed by something.

27. Gormless: completely clueless, like Alicia Silverstone in the 90s film.

28. To Have A Butcher’s: to take a look at something or someone.

29. Her Majesty’s Pleasure: being incarcerated or put in prison.

30. “How’s Your Father?”: euphemism for sex (Example: “Have you and your wife had any of the ol’ ‘How’s your father?’ recently?”)


31. “I’m Off To Bedfordshire!”: “I’m hitting the hay!”

32. “It’s Monkeys Outside!”: “Wow, it’s very cold out!”

33. John Thomas: penis.

34. Knackered: phrase meaning “extremely tired,” often uttered after a long, exhausting day; also see: “zonked.”

35. Knees Up: A term for a mixer or a dance party (Example: “I went to this wild knees up this weekend. I wish you could have been there.”)

36. Legless: totally, completely hammered.

37. Lose The Plot: to go “crazy” or become mentally unstable.

38. Lurgy: sick or under the weather.

39. Made Redundant: to be fired or let go from one’s position.

40. Minted: to be extremely rich.


41. Off One’s Trolley: mad, out of one’s mind.

42. On The Piss: binge drinking solely for the purpose of getting totally smashed.

43. On The Pull: cruising for sexual intercourse.

44. Pavement Pizza: euphemism for puke or vomit.

45. “Pip pip!”: archaic, out-of-use phrase used to say goodbye.

46. Plonk: a pejorative word used to describe red wine of poor quality, usually purchased at little expensive.

47. Ponce: a poser.

48. Porkies: old Cockney rhyming word used to mean “lies.” (Example: If one is “telling porkies,” you’re telling lies.) Comes from “pork pies,” which rhymes with lies.

49. Puff: a fart.

50. Rumpy-Pumpy: amazing phrase used as a euphemism for sexual intercourse.

flickrpaolo-margari.jpeg?w=500&h=325Flickr/Paolo Margari

51. See A Man About a Dog: what you say as an excuse for leaving, in order to hide your destination; also, to excuse oneself to take a giant shit.

52. Shambolic: in a total state of bedlam, chaos or dismay.

53. Shirty: ill-tempered, insolent.

54. Skive: a character deemed particularly lazy or incapable of being of use.

55. Slap And Tickle: making out or heavy petting.

56. Slapper: a promiscuous female.

57. Spend A Penny: to use the restroom.

58. Snookered: to be in a bad situation, totally fucked or otherwise without a paddle.

59. Starkers: completely naked.

60. Stonker: a boner.


61. Strawberry Creams: hunger-inducing term for a woman’s breasts.

62. Sweet Fanny Adams: code for “Sweet fuck all”, meaning little to nothing at all. (Example: “I thought I had a chance with her, but I ended up with Sweet Fanny Adams.)

63. Taking The Piss: messing or screwing around.

64. Throw A Spanner In The Works: to make a mistake or fuck up something.

65. Tickety-Boo: phrase for when everything’s going great (Example: “All is tickety-boo in my world.”)

66. Todger: another word for “dick.”

67. Tosh: total bullshit, nonsense or rubbish.

68. Tosser: derogatory term for male masturbator, used to indicate that you look upon someone unfavorably. (Example: “He fancies himself the bee’s knees, but frankly he’s quite the wanker.”)

69. Twig And Berries: male genitalia, the penis and balls.

70. Up The Duff: pregnant or with child.

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  • Site Administrator

Here's a link to a list of Australian slang. Just be warned, some of this is dated or very regional. For example, while I recognise the term "Sheila", I've not heard it realistically used for probably two decades. It's a very old-fashioned word. Others on the list are in common use, while many are only occasionally used. It's a real mixture :)

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I never thought there was Canadian Slang. Other than being teased for the way we say about, eh, among other words, who would have thought we had slang too :unsure:


I guess since we get so much US Television and movies up here, we are well versed in what could be called American slang yet some common terms up here are not known south of the border.


See you you do on this test and maybe share some of your slang from your country that maybe interesting to others:



Jesus Murphy!!! Thank you, Wildone, for this source! I've been working my way through a new project in the voice a 23-year old Ontarian, and with the sage advise and help of Headstall, have found it both challenging and rewarding. I love my new new expressions, like deke you out, slacked, and it's not Timmy Ho's!!!  

Edited by AC Benus
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Hmm, seeing as us Brits have a few, here are some of the more popular ones :D

I'm British born and bred but even I haven't heard of half of them :P that said, there are ones that I know as very common that aren't on that list. Isn't English an awesome language?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's a few more English slang terms :P


scarper, leggit - run off, disappear
slapped - hit
innit - conversational padding e.g. "He was comin' at me - innit - so I slapped him one."
a bad 'un - a criminal, ranging from petty theft to gangland killer
scallywag / scally - a young criminal  e.g. "the two of 'em, they're a couple of right scallies"
dodgy - dubious transaction, probably illegal :unsure2:
well dodgy - dubious transaction, definitely illegal
quaff - to drink, usually beer

ale - beer
bladdered - the need to make frequent "rest room" visits after quaffing too many ales :funny:
sharpish - quickly
scoffing - gobbling food sharpish
ringburner - physiological effects after getting bladdered and scoffing a Chicken Vindaloo :o
done up like a kipper - ripped off, conned, hoodwinked
spank the monkey - er, "self stimulation" by a guy
tosser - a guy who habitually, er... see above :gikkle:

shat it! - please be quiet [usually an irate male to an overly talkative female]
slag - an "easy" woman / term of abuse e.g. typical BBC Eastenders TV show scene: "Shat it you slaaaag!  You fat slaaaaag!"





Edited by Zombie
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