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Hey there ,

Sorry to bother you , but I've been going through a hard time lately and reading stories here always seemed to help me , but it feels like evey story I chose to read for the past couple of weaks just made it worse for me ( I get very emotional while reading ) , so I need your suggestions on what to read that can lighten my mood , I need something funny , light hearted , silly even! Something to make me believe that love still exists :(

Thanks in advance.

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I'd advise looking at any authors who write the author prompts. They are usually short, funny and romantic (but do check the tags, just in case)


Personally I like joann 414 but it's up to you. 

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Yessir , I know they're tagged , just wanted your opinion on what's best to read in order to narrow down my options. Sorry!

Also , I've already read the art being gay and absolutely loved it , thank you for suggesting it.

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Hi, I'd advise looking at any authors who write the author prompts. They are usually short, funny and romantic (but do check the tags, just in case) Personally I like joann 414 but it's up to you.


Thank you , ma'm . I love your stories , btw.
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  • Site Administrator

I can't really comment on anyone else's stories (I tend to go for the romances, rather than the comedies), but here's a collection of my short stories you might like:


A Week on the Farm

Afternoon Tea (especially if you like the British comedy Keeping Up Appearances)

Gay Whales

Georgie Wants to Make Friends (from the 2007 Fairytale anthology)

Letters (trilogy of short stories)

My Roommate's Gay

Odds-on Favourite

Show Time!

When the Cat's Away


My novels tend to be more romance/drama, but there are certainly light-hearted moments in them. Falls Creek Lessons is probably the closest to what you're looking for, though The Price of Friendship is another possibility.


Hopefully that helps! :)

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I would agree with the stories Graeme has listed. I been reading his stuff fors awhile and think you would enjoy them.

I also like Sasha Distan's "American Songbook" stories. I will warn you that the longer ones often have some heavy spots but the people in them always come out for the better on the other side.

I am sorry to hear that you're struggling ... please know that folks here care ...

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