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Maybe they are all the white wolf? Combined forces?


Like with the teenage ninjas! Or transformers ... There is a point: normally those Jungian spaces are symbolized with colors (red top right, purple right, blue bottom right, brown bottom left, orange left, yellow top left). And we know in physics what happens when you blend all those colors: you get white.


But: no.

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Or did Colt suspect the opposite???

Stop twisting things and playing with our heads ... some of us are really saddened to have lost Leo.


I understand Seb dying in the battle removes the complication of a rogue alpha nonetheless it hurts.


Al dying removes the complication of the straight wolf overcome by an addiction but he'd come a long way from the cretin he was. I'll miss him

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:huh:  are you referring to all the times I have to edit Brain to Brian ? :lol:


Indeed. My brain has connected those two words ... this is a hint: nearly every name of a character has been chosen for a very deliberate reason  :devil: : Prime (not for the reason everyone thinks), Brian for the above one, CE for one still to be explained ...  :music: Even Colt's ... :X

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Sheesh I get a busy day and this blows up for 2 pages... Well at least I read it before I looked here...




So lets review....

We should be at what is hopefully the FINAL days before we know the full outcome of the battle. Sooooo


What 'queens' do you think survive the battle?  7 were IDed and 5 Marked.


Queens             IDed         Marked

Galina       No        No

MaryAnn      Yes       No

Ale'sandra   Yes       Yes  

Risa         Yes       Yes  

Qin          Yes       Yes 

Vroni        Yes       No

Cristin      Yes       Yes

Nactaria     No        No 

Aria         Yes       Yes


Confirmed Matchup Reminder.

Prime vs un IDed Possibly Nactaria

Al vs MaryAnn

Leo vs Risa

CE vs Vroni

Warren vs Cristin


Unconfirmed Matchup Reminder

Brian vs Ale'sandra

Sam vs Aria

Isaac vs Unknown

Colt vs Unknown. A queen smelling like MaryAnn but he tought 'ninth queen' as he 'passed out'


Unknown Queen Status





Queen                 Vote

Galina         0

MaryAnn        0

Ale'sandra     0

Risa           0

Qin            0

Vroni          0

Cristin        0

Nactaria       0

Aria           0

Confirmed Survial





Confirmed Death

Qin - killed by most likely Isaac's group

Nactaria - killed by Prime's group

Aria - killed by Sam's group

Cristin - killed by Warren's group

Ale'sandra - killed by Brian's group

Vroni - killed by CE's group

About 12000 Vampires


A side note this confirms that the end of July had a red haring in it when Lunn saw a woman he called 'sandra that looked like the dancer the 3 wolves almost fought over and became friends over. Now just who was this 'sandra?


We have no information on Balt but some theorize he is the 'male' appearance of Galina given he is Russian and was at the Queen Meeting.


Ok so we are days away from Colt being out of the mind zone and probably hitting either the end of the battle or waking up after its over...


So we are at crunch time for who lives and who dies... This is MetaDEATHS after all...


If you could save 1 and only 1 wolf who would it be?


Wolf          Votes

Prime     0

CE        1

Brian     1

Sam       0

Isaac     1

Leo       0

Al        0

Warren    1

Confirmed Survival








Confirmed Death

Seb - was with Leo, killed by Risa

Al - killed by MaryAnn

Leo - killed by Risa

Lars - was with Prime, killed fighting Nactaria

Drew - was with Warren, killed fighting Cristin

Hunter - helping Warren, killed fighting Cristin

213 total wolves dead


Yes Al was targeted specifically because he was a Nose. We know that he isn't the only Nose in existance since he was in contact with others who confirmed the queens moving towards Nevada before the battle. Rain brought him out as a likely hood to die even beyond his Nose status. It is to bad to see someone like him who just realized what he could be to be removed from the board but beyond being a Nose and Enforcer he had not visibly shown any other helpful qualities.


Leo however sad to see him pass he was one that could be 'seen' as a probable due to his characteristics and the issues brought up with Rain. Between Al and Leo, Leo had the greatest things he could add to the pack. He was the scientific approach for the Pack, he was planning on being a doctor after going to school for another 6 or so years. So his loss in a way could be felt more.


Seb's loss is sad but it does remove all the 'extra drama' of him wanting to challenge Zef for the West Montana Pack Alpha position and use Colt's Pack to back him up forcing it to be a Challenge. This changes a lot how one reads into Prompt Dynasty. I wonder if the other Battles Prompts around Seb need to be looked at again to see what else they could hint at.


The White Wolf..... *bites his tongue* Not going to share those thoughts.


This all makes one look at Prompt Tombs a bit differently also. The end of it specifically.


Prompt Dynasty which takes place between 12 and 13 suggests that 'one' of Seb's children is with the pack. Makes you wonder what is going on since he has two sons... Mind you we only knew of one at the time.



JAR says that each wolf has their names for a specific reason... I'm only going to point out one specific thing for one name... Maybe I'll look/share at the other some other time.


Your name of Leuk has made you practical, systematic, and thorough. This name encourages the expression of leadership and organizational skills, shrewdness, and analytical ability. You are mathematically adept and have great patience with work of a detailed nature such as bookkeeping, accounting, or technical research. Particular about your material possessions, you keep everything you own in a good state of repair, and you budget your personal finances very carefully. Because of its matter-of-fact influence, this name limits, to some degree, your ability to be flexible and spontaneous. You tend to treat new and unfamiliar ideas with skepticism.



I'll leave you all with that plethera for the moment...

Edited by PkCrichton
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Balt being Galina is just too neat. Sure, they both seem to like their appearence and is said to be Russian, but I'm still suspicious.


The white wolf... I had the feeling it could be more if a power or force, not an actual person, but that ending suggested otherwise. I don't think we'll have an answer, since there are a lot of books to go. Perhaps the white wolf helped, but in the frenzy of the battle it wasn't clear who it was? Or did someone turn into an actual white wolf, and they couldn't tell who? All scents would be mixed in the battle so maybe not even a wolf could distinguish between them?


I think we have another 'sandra. Or things are very twisted... Oh, right. This is Meta...


I'll miss Leo the most too, but for different reasons.


I think I need to reread all prompts now...

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Perhaps the white wolf helped, but in the frenzy of the battle it wasn't clear who it was? Or did someone turn into an actual white wolf, and they couldn't tell who?


:blink: I cannot believe I did a better guess than you on this topic. :X


Oh, and I love your new profile picture, Puppilul. :D

Edited by Timothy M.
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:blink: I cannot believe I did a better guess than you on this topic. :X


Well, just to be clear my first guess is of course Colt as the white wolf, but that too seems too simple. But just in case, I thought I'd just get that out there. Beyond him, I have just random speculation.

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Well, just to be clear my first guess is of course Colt as the white wolf, but that too seems too simple. But just in case, I thought I'd just get that out there. Beyond him, I have just random speculation.


The White Wolf..... *bites his tongue* Not going to share those thoughts.


Come on, share. Puppi has. ;)  (oh wait, unless you have insider knowledge from corresponding with JAR)

That alone wouldn't save him, or Leo would be here with us...


Leo was a lot of admirable things, but not cute. And not innocent like Warren.

But I admit I have no clue why Warren was important enough for Fate (Betsy) to send Hunter to save him. Apart from the obvious matter of not fucking up the Alpha challenge.

Edited by Timothy M.
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If fuckable was a requirement for living.... EVERY SINGLE inner circle wolf would live forever while Colt is around.



I will leave you with these tid bits to ponder over.



  • White Wolf

    • The story says that one day a mighty White Wolf will appear. And he will go to hell to fight the Lord of the Dark.

    • We’ve always thought is was the wolves’ interpretation of Judgment Day, but the fairy tale was unusually specific in certain elements

      • Well, for once, in that fairy tale, the Lord in his hell thinks he is protected from wolf shifters because he has bedecked the hell with heavy silver. No wolf could get ever close to him; except for the White Wolf, who is immune against the negative effect of silver.

      • Secondly, the White Wolf was created or at least nurtured by the devil itself. A Sorcerer's Apprentice Topos

        • But the fairy tale never explained why the devil would create a White Wolf or how

      • Thirdly the story never tells us how the fight ends. Normally, in fairy tales, the good trumps the bad; even if it is violent like Grimm’s tales tend to be. But there is not such ending in this tale.
Edited by PkCrichton
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