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39 minutes ago, Reader1810 said:

Hey @Mikiesboy

Have you seen the video Sasha put out today for Healthy Lemon Cheesecake (made with Ricotta cheese) bars? 

As I’m not having much luck with his Lemon Bars, I thought I’d try this one. I’ve got my fingers crossed this one will work. 



nope hadn't seen it, but that sure looks nice. Likely will give that a go!  Let me know what you think of them!!

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1 hour ago, kbois said:

There is no bigger waste of time than an hour long phone seminar on "time management". 

Help me. 

ok.. i'm getting my plane ticket now... where am i going exactly?

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1 hour ago, kbois said:

I swear... 

We're supposed to take the time out of our day to create a list of shit we need to do. Write down what shit wastes our time. Journal how not to waste time. Prioritze our lists. And my particular favorite???

  Reveal hidden contents

Recruite a goddamn time management "buddy" to help us keep on top of all this so we don't waste time!!!!!

I kid you not. This job needs to come with a pirate ship complete with a short plank over a vast expanse of open shark-infested ocean. (Not for me of course...)

I think the heat has fried everyone's brains. 

Hey better idea you take your buddies list and he takes your list and tear them up.
We had an active shooter training which started at 6 am lasting till 10 am. and it was required to be there. Yes we did learn a lot so it wasn’t a bad meeting.

good thing they had coffee and donuts. 

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11 minutes ago, Mikiesboy said:

that is just so much crap .. on my job, i have a schedule, i'm allowed so many minutes a day to be off the schedule.. .my bonus is reduced if i don't adhere to my schedule.  I have a number of buttons to use to show what i am doing... available, available on on queue, busy, if i'm busy, away.. like away at the washroom, break... like take a break . not break glass by throwing yourself out the window, Meal.. eating not cooking, Meetings and  Training.  Those have to be used in conjunction with the schedule. Also, the Bank blocks most websites, we are not allowed to look at anything really other than our own website.. which was also blocked for us at one point. 

i'm just used to it now but .. it's a pain.  We haven't been asked to create lists about wasting time, there isn't room in schedule to write lists...lol 

Only a few days until you finish working tim.

I bet your looking forward to it.

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1 hour ago, rickproehl said:

Hey better idea you take your buddies list and he takes your list and tear them up.
We had an active shooter training which started at 6 am lasting till 10 am. and it was required to be there. Yes we did learn a lot so it wasn’t a bad meeting.

good thing they had coffee and donuts. 


1 hour ago, Mikiesboy said:

that is just so much crap .. on my job, i have a schedule, i'm allowed so many minutes a day to be off the schedule.. .my bonus is reduced if i don't adhere to my schedule.  I have a number of buttons to use to show what i am doing... available, available on on queue, busy, if i'm busy, away.. like away at the washroom, break... like take a break . not break glass by throwing yourself out the window, Meal.. eating not cooking, Meetings and  Training.  Those have to be used in conjunction with the schedule. Also, the Bank blocks most websites, we are not allowed to look at anything really other than our own website.. which was also blocked for us at one point. 

i'm just used to it now but .. it's a pain.  We haven't been asked to create lists about wasting time, there isn't room in schedule to write lists...lol 


1 hour ago, Page Scrawler said:

I'll take "Excercises in Redundancy" for $200, Ken.  :gikkle:

Tomorrow's webinar?


At least we get lunch out of the deal while we listen to our regional manager tell us why it's not a good idea to run with scissors. 

@rickproehl I didn't even get a mint out of today's debacle. 

tim... you must be chomping at the bit by now!

@Page Scrawler... I'd sweep the category 


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Lately, I've been having to go into my son, Max's room to retrieve my phone, because he often borrows it before bed time and then falls asleep with it. I wondered what he could be doing with it each night, so I checked the browser history. Nothing appeared amiss, so I then checked the call log. A call made each night to the same number, which belongs to the family of his bestie, Michael, for over an hour.

I barely use the phone myself, except for arranging schedules and appointments, so the service bill can withstand a little stretching. When I asked Max why he keeps calling Michael each night, Max admitted that Michael sometimes struggles with night terrors. And so, Max has taken to calling him before bed, and they talk over the phone until Michael falls asleep. Apparently, it helps Michael calm whatever part of his brain that triggers the night terrors, so he can sleep easy.

Honestly, I don't know what I did to deserve such a compassionate kid.  :heart:

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2 hours ago, Page Scrawler said:

Lately, I've been having to go into my son, Max's room to retrieve my phone, because he often borrows it before bed time and then falls asleep with it. I wondered what he could be doing with it each night, so I checked the browser history. Nothing appeared amiss, so I then checked the call log. A call made each night to the same number, which belongs to the family of his bestie, Michael, for over an hour.

I barely use the phone myself, except for arranging schedules and appointments, so the service bill can withstand a little stretching. When I asked Max why he keeps calling Michael each night, Max admitted that Michael sometimes struggles with night terrors. And so, Max has taken to calling him before bed, and they talk over the phone until Michael falls asleep. Apparently, it helps Michael calm whatever part of his brain that triggers the night terrors, so he can sleep easy.

Honestly, I don't know what I did to deserve such a compassionate kid.  :heart:

You have an amazing kid. 🥰

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21 minutes ago, Page Scrawler said:

He really is.  :D

I'm split. I have one I'm insanely proud of and another who pushes every button I possess. But I deal with it because I have to.

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32 minutes ago, kbois said:

I'm split. I have one I'm insanely proud of and another who pushes every button I possess.

Mine does both. :lol:  Before my old 3G phone went out of service, Max called it my "vintage paperweight". :rolleyes:  Also, he doesn't accept help easily, and can be surprisingly stubborn about the little things.

Edited by Page Scrawler
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1 hour ago, Page Scrawler said:

Mine does both. :lol:  Before my old 3G phone went out of service, Max called it my "vintage paperweight". :rolleyes:  Also, he doesn't accept help easily, and can be surprisingly stubborn about the little things.

Stubbornness is a quality every child possesses in spades. 

Tonight mine has been... extra challenging. I've sequestered myself for the sake of my mental health. He hasn't been this bad in a while. 

Add in the fact we just found out my husband's niece wants to have a big family get together while we're up in Mass in September, which is fine, except for the fact that my husband's sister out in Indiana now wants to crash our vacation. I can't deal with her for more than a day. She finds the most complicated way of doing something... then makes it more complicated. Ugh. My husband sent her a text and told her to stay in Indiana. Let's hope she listens. 

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5 minutes ago, kbois said:

Tonight mine has been... extra challenging. I've sequestered myself for the sake of my mental health. He hasn't been this bad in a while. 

Mine recently had a growth spurt, and we had to get new shoes for him, but fortunately he hasn't started puberty yet. We're still a couple of years away from that.  :gikkle:

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