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2 minutes ago, mollyhousemouse said:

well, you're supposed to have snow 😊 we may have to install a dock in the backyard with all the rain

i'm just whiney, the cold & damp makes me ache 

i understand ... i dont like the damp either. Toronto is damp in the winter ... it's pretty for two minutes the snow and then it turns grey and blah cuz of the cars and plows and stuff.  You need a body suit made like your gloves!

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Just now, Mikiesboy said:

i understand ... i dont like the damp either. Toronto is damp in the winter ... it's pretty for two minutes the snow and then it turns grey and blah cuz of the cars and plows and stuff.  You need a body suit made like your gloves!

yes, yes i do! 

ok i'm off to get ready for work see y'all later

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rapporteur Audio pronunciation

noun | ra-por-TER  
a person who gives reports (as at a meeting of a learned society)


Rapporteur was adopted into English in the 16th century and is a descendant of the Middle French verb rapporter, meaning "to bring back, report, or refer." Other descendants of rapporter in English include rapportage (a rare synonym of reportage, in the sense of "writing intended to give an account of observed or documented events") and rapport ("a harmonious relationship," as in "The young teacher had a good rapport with the students"). The words report, reporter, reportage, etc., are also distant relatives of rapporteur; all can ultimately be traced back to the Latin prefix re-, meaning "back, again, or against," and the Latin word portare, meaning "to carry."


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Morning peeps.


Work, blahhhh


I love my job, honest.  It's the peeps I dont care for much. The hands ran down one of our feeds on Monday.  Had they said something then ( I was there ALL DAY) I could have picked up a bag befor the feed supplier closed.  Nope, they wait till New Years Day to tell me, when every feed store in the state is closed, and then get mad at me because they NEED  it to make dinners!

Edited by Kitt
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Morning all. I'm having an 'I suck' day. My room is a mess. It has been for the longest time. Yesterday I finally sorted all the laundry that had ended up on the floor... I'm a disgusting slob. Underneath everything was so dusty that when I went to bed last night it was like I was having an allergic reaction. How does shit get so out of hand and why can't I just do things, like a normal person? Sorting all that laundry doesn't meat it's tidy in there, and doing that is such a massive job in such a tiny room I don't even know where to begin, and I can't start tackling the dust until I've done that. I feel really overwhelmed, and I feel like the most useless and disgusting person on the planet right now...


It's hovering around 0C here at the moment. Snow keeps melting and then freezing again, so it's super slippery outside.

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2 minutes ago, Thorn Wilde said:

Morning all. I'm having an 'I suck' day. My room is a mess. It has been for the longest time. Yesterday I finally sorted all the laundry that had ended up on the floor... I'm a disgusting slob. Underneath everything was so dusty that when I went to bed last night it was like I was having an allergic reaction. How does shit get so out of hand and why can't I just do things, like a normal person? Sorting all that laundry doesn't meat it's tidy in there, and doing that is such a massive job in such a tiny room I don't even know where to begin, and I can't start tackling the dust until I've done that. I feel really overwhelmed, and I feel like the most useless and disgusting person on the planet right now...


It's hovering around 0C here at the moment. Snow keeps melting and then freezing again, so it's super slippery outside.

You can feel like 'i suck' for the next twenty minutes. Put the timer on.   Read this, it may help with where to start, which can be overwhelming, i know: https://www.wikihow.com/Deep-Clean-and-Organize-Your-Room


I start with surfaces, do the bedside table, do the book shelves, fold and put things away.  Have a bag for garbage and actually USE it. 


Being angry or hating yourself will not get things done.  You can do this, one surface at a time.


When you're finished, you will have a clean space. Then clean it once a week.

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2 minutes ago, Mikiesboy said:

You can feel like 'i suck' for the next twenty minutes. Put the timer on.   Read this, it may help with where to start, which can be overwhelming, i know: https://www.wikihow.com/Deep-Clean-and-Organize-Your-Room


I start with surfaces, do the bedside table, do the book shelves, fold and put things away.  Have a bag for garbage and actually USE it. 


Being angry or hating yourself will not get things done.  You can do this, one surface at a time.


When you're finished, you will have a clean space. Then clean it once a week.


Thank you, tim. Gonna try to give it my best today. Gonna have to use some of the living room space to organise things, I think... Also need to go through my closet, which I know is full of clothes that don't even fit me anymore, to make room for the ones that do.

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Oh and @Thorn Wilde once you start put the timer on for 45 minutes. Work for those 45 minutes and when the timer goes off, go and make a cup of tea. Sit down, not in your room, and look out the window. Finish your tea and then go back to work. You will feel better, you will feel better about your room and yourself for doing a good job.

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2 minutes ago, Thorn Wilde said:


Thank you, tim. Gonna try to give it my best today. Gonna have to use some of the living room space to organise things, I think... Also need to go through my closet, which I know is full of clothes that don't even fit me anymore, to make room for the ones that do.

Unless you need the closet don't do it today. Clean first. The clothes can wait a day or so. Once the room is clean you can organize the clothes.

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25 minutes ago, Thorn Wilde said:


Thank you, tim. Gonna try to give it my best today. Gonna have to use some of the living room space to organise things, I think... Also need to go through my closet, which I know is full of clothes that don't even fit me anymore, to make room for the ones that do.

Please write down what you do. Like: I cleaned the bedside table, i organized and cleaned the bookshelf.  The idea is to see what you did.. not what you didn't do. Add things you didn't do today, to a new To Do List. 


And when you look at your What I Did List at the end of the day and if there is more on the To Do List...that is fine because you accomplished more than you would have done just sitting around saying, I suck.


As my dear Husband says, "The only time I want to hear 'i suck' is when you are kneeling in front of me with my dick in your hand.'      LOL.. .

Edited by Mikiesboy
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Morning Peeps.

Hope all is well in the land of DiC today.


tim, my Brother. That last line in the post above mine had me spew my water across the table. Laptop safe. LOL.


Thorn, listen to tim. He's giving some of the best advice, people like us with bipolar disorder need. I can't add to what he said, as it would be repetitive, so I won't. I've also found a walk down to the stop sign and back helps clears the "I suck" attitude, and helps with getting stuff done.

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10 minutes ago, BHopper2 said:

tim, my Brother. That last line in the post above mine had me spew my water across the table. Laptop safe. LOL.

LOL..  that's my Husband for you ... LOL  He has a very quick and sharp wit, He's very funny.   I'm glad your laptop is safe.

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2 hours ago, Mikiesboy said:

Oh and @Thorn Wilde once you start put the timer on for 45 minutes. Work for those 45 minutes and when the timer goes off, go and make a cup of tea. Sit down, not in your room, and look out the window. Finish your tea and then go back to work. You will feel better, you will feel better about your room and yourself for doing a good job.


And set the timer for 15 when you sit down! When it rings get up and start over.


1 hour ago, BHopper2 said:

Morning Peeps.

Hope all is well in the land of DiC today.


tim, my Brother. That . I can't add to what he said, as it would be repetitive, so I won't. 


I can.  Start with the smallest spot you can, like the night stand.  Resist the urge to "stage" things, especially in the public areas of the flat. Put things directly where they belong the first time you pick it up. I live with a hoarder who will move the same item four or 5 times and never get it to its "home".

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Thanks for all your advice, everyone. It's been really helpful. I've gotten some stuff done. Started with the nightstand, which is now clean and tidy and free of dust. Did most of my dresser, sorted a lot of papers. (I found a letter from the school I went to ten years ago, wtf? Lol! Anyway, flatmate is home now, so can't occupy the living room table for sorting anymore. Think that'll have to be it for today, and now I get ti play Skyrim as a reward. That sounds fair, right? Tomorrow I'll finish the dresser, and then start tackling all my clean laundry and sort my dresser...

Edited by Thorn Wilde
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1 minute ago, Thorn Wilde said:

Think that'll have to be it for today, and now I get ti play Skyrim as a reward.

Oprah has a saying for weight loss that can be applied to everything: "Reward yourself Daily."

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1 minute ago, Thorn Wilde said:

Thanks for all your advice, everyone. It's been really helpful. I've gotten some stuff done. Started with the nightstand, which is now clean and tidy and of from dust. Did most of my dresser, sorted a lot of papers. (I found a letter from the school I went to ten years ago, wtf? Lol! Anyway, flatmate is home now, so can't occupy the living room table for sorting anymore. Think that'll have to be it for today, and now I get ti play Skyrim as a reward. That sounds fair, right? Tomorrow I'll finish the dresser, and then start tackling all my clean laundry and sort my dresser...

Good for you!!  That's really good! I always do that .. no games until such and such is done, no writing until ... So things get done.

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2 minutes ago, mollyhousemouse said:

hello Def

feeling any better yet?

Hi, molly. 

Chest does not feel as heavy, and the meds make me sleepy.. forced rest.. lol.

Hopefully after a full day it will get even better. 

Thank you, molly..

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Just now, Defiance19 said:

Hi, molly. 

Chest does not feel as heavy, and the meds make me sleepy.. forced rest.. lol.

Hopefully after a full day it will get even better. 

Thank you, molly..

Well just chill out and let them work, boss. You'll be back to yourself shortly!

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