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5 minutes ago, Mikiesboy said:

A fun one today ....




wiseacre Audio pronunciation

noun | WYZE-ay-ker  
one who pretends to knowledge or cleverness; especially : smart aleck


Given the spelling and definition of wiseacre, you might guess that the word derives from the sense of wise meaning "insolent" or "fresh"—the sense that also gives us wise guy, wisecrack, and wisenheimer. But, in fact, wiseacre came to English by a different route: it is derived from the Middle Dutch wijssegger, meaning "soothsayer." Wiseacre first appeared in English way back in the 16th century, while the "insolent" sense of wise and the words formed from it are products of the 19th century. The etymologies of wiseacre and wise are not completely distinct, however; the ancestors of wiseacre are loosely tied to the same Old English root that gave us wise.


That is a fun word. I like it! :) 

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13 minutes ago, MichaelS36 said:


good morning Michael Sir

hope you have a good day

1 hour ago, Mikiesboy said:

Since it often seems to be missing, in this forum often, and on GA all of the time -  it's lack is what forces me into silence most often - and because the motivational quote means lot to me, i added a second word of the day:


plural -es
:  the quality or state of being humble in spirit :  freedom from pride or arrogance <we all need … humility in the face of what we do not understand — Nicola Chiaromonte>
Humility is expected from subs. we are supposed to practice it. i try to ... i'm not always perfect and i am reminded of that when it happens.

it's a tricky one this


cold here today, gonna grab a coffee & hit the emails hard this morning

see everyone later


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3 minutes ago, Mikiesboy said:

Sir is writing again ... a poem




Wonderful poem!


I don't understand why I don't get notifications when new blogs post... 


Good morning, subs n DiCsters. 

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4 minutes ago, MacGreg said:

Wonderful poem!


I don't understand why I don't get notifications when new blogs post... 


Good morning, subs n DiCsters. 

Thanks, Mac.  I haven't figured out the notifications yet. When I think I have, they seem to not do what I wanted. Why do I get notifications when I input, don't send them?  LOL. 

Edited by MichaelS36
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8 minutes ago, MacGreg said:

Wonderful poem!


I don't understand why I don't get notifications when new blogs post... 


Good morning, subs n DiCsters. 

I got a notification... Have you followed the blog directly?


EDIT: You're listed as following the blog... How odd.

Edited by Thorn Wilde
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7 minutes ago, MacGreg said:

Wonderful poem!


I don't understand why I don't get notifications when new blogs post... 


Good morning, subs n DiCsters. 

Good morning, Sir

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So humility a word for today. Perhaps tim, another topic for your Submissive's Journey?  I understand what you mean about it being lacking sometimes. I would suggest you read more about it. Think about it. Then I'd like to read what you come up with. 

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1 minute ago, MichaelS36 said:

So humility a word for today. Perhaps tim, another topic for your Submissive's Journey?  I understand what you mean about it being lacking sometimes. I would suggest you read more about it. Think about it. Then I'd like to read what you come up with. 

yes, Sir

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Suddenly started thinking... 'Have a nice day.' If you think about it, it sounds kind of like an order, doesn't it? 'Have a nice day!' Like, what if you fail at having a nice day? Do you apologise? 'Sorry, I know you told me to have a nice day, but my day sucked. I'll try to do better tomorrow.'

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35 minutes ago, Thorn Wilde said:

Suddenly started thinking... 'Have a nice day.' If you think about it, it sounds kind of like an order, doesn't it? 'Have a nice day!' Like, what if you fail at having a nice day? Do you apologise? 'Sorry, I know you told me to have a nice day, but my day sucked. I'll try to do better tomorrow.'

Have a nice f'g day, dammit. LOL 

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2 minutes ago, c081huang said:

I'd rather think of it as like a hope or a prayer. If I'm not lazy I would usually type "Hope you have a nice day!" but most of the time it's just "Have a nice day!!".



I'm definitely struggling with this. I'm quite a proud person at times.. The regret always comes late.

Well that's the thing...we all are proud. But subs are to be humble, and obedient and so we work to be that way.  it's the ego thing that got to me other morning on that one thread... what are your fav. comments.  i joined in because i thought it would be nice to show the comment i remember most..which was very humbling frankly.  Yet, it turned into an ego fest..so i never returned to read more. 

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Good morning everyone...


The day started out rather bleak, but now the sky has cleared and it is sunny, so I’m thinking it will be a good day. I hope it will be that way for all of you. :) 


I’m going to finish my coffee, so I’ll see you laterz...

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3 minutes ago, Reader1810 said:

Good morning everyone...


The day started out rather bleak, but now the sky has cleared and it is sunny, so I’m thinking it will be a good day. I hope it will be that way for all of you. :) 


I’m going to finish my coffee, so I’ll see you laterz...

it is bright now, that's for sure

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