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35 minutes ago, Brayon said:

. My asthma is already acting up to all the Tree Sex going on, 

excuse me Sir’s and DiC friends but i have a question what is “Tree Sex” i have heard a lot of things but not this one? 

i hope everyone is staying safe during this time. i went with my Brother this am to grocery shop 6 am no lines or waiting. We were able to get most of what we needed.

we are supporting a local restaurant tonight sadly no one is out eating. 

so how is everyone else tonight?


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3 minutes ago, rickproehl said:

i have a question what is “Tree Sex” i have heard a lot of things but not this one? 

Just a FL boy's way of saying all the Pollen in the air. Something my friends and I've said since 8th grade. Mainly Oak, Popular, and Pine around me.

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39 minutes ago, Mikiesboy said:

Have to go into work today ... but then working from home as of Monday. I'm glad in one way, but also not. Some it is because i have no monitors here so go from using 3 screens to an 11inch laptop screen. On that I am supposed access 8 different platforms and continue to do my job the same way.  I've asked if we can bring home a monitor ... boss wasn't able to say yes or no.

At work, we have each other to rely on ... we can ask each other questions, get help....here i am more or less on my own, unless i can find someone on skype. We will see how it goes. I don't think its gonna be pretty.


Image result for work from home free images


i know this isn’t a good time right now with things the way they are. The experts are trying to keep us all safe. The working from home will become the new normal. One thing you may ask you bosses if they will help cover your internet or phone service? Not sure about your perks at work. One other item to bring up is what happens if your internet or phone company has a outage. Sorry to bring those questions up but they have  been issues in the calls i get at work. My job is a tech support for a phone / cable / internet service. 
This lack of social interaction is the hard part a smile / hello means so much. So during this time we al need to be flexible and do our part.

stay save my friend.

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10 hours ago, Mikiesboy said:

Have to go into work today ... but then working from home as of Monday. I'm glad in one way, but also not. Some it is because i have no monitors here so go from using 3 screens to an 11inch laptop screen. On that I am supposed access 8 different platforms and continue to do my job the same way.  I've asked if we can bring home a monitor ... boss wasn't able to say yes or no.

At work, we have each other to rely on ... we can ask each other questions, get help....here i am more or less on my own, unless i can find someone on skype. We will see how it goes. I don't think its gonna be pretty.

Hope it goes well for you and hope they allow you to bring a monitor home.

University is allowing staff the option of working from home if they are able.  Some things I can do, some I can't, and most of what I could do would involve lugging large amounts of paperwork home.  Luckily, at work I have my own office and can stay pretty isolated.

We've had our first confirmed case in this county today. Only thing surprising about that -- given that this is home to a University -- is that it took so long.

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45 minutes ago, Reader1810 said:

Saw this sign (posted all along the aisle) at my local grocery store. Good and fair policy, imo. 

No TP as yet, but theres more facial tissue and paper towels

Mom says the stores that do have supplied like that on hand up where she is are putting similar limits in place.  We only have one store here in town that has any left. Someone mis-ordered the last time they paced an order with the warehouse.  Manage has gone from really annoyed to very happy.

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Still not sure if we're going to drive up tonight or tomorrow morning.  Part will depend on how bad SP's back is bothering him and how much my joints hurt. Driving up in the morning would let us skip the hotel, but would mean driving up in potentially heavy rain. Driving up tonight could mean getting there after dark -- I'm more than slightly nightblind and don't like driving.  SP knows he's going to have to re-get his license, but he's been without it long enough it will mean retaking the tests all over again.

We'll just have to weigh the +/- when he gets here tonight.

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3 hours ago, Mikiesboy said:

Monitor and keyboard home.. vpn ok .. logged everything to make sure, i'm good to go tomorrow.  it will be nice not to have to travel farther than from the bedroom to the diningroom

glad you got to bring the extra monitor home, and yeah, that commute will be breeze, lol! 

i logged into the "My Chart" feature for our health providers to do the "E Check In" for my appointment tomorrow, couldn't proceed until i answered the COVID-19 screening questions, but i'm all set to see the eye doctor tomorrow

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@MichaelS36 this should make you smile. Now if only it happened to all who did this. 



PS: He’s only sorry he got caught. I do feel bad his family has to suffer the consequences of his greediness. 


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6 hours ago, Reader1810 said:

@MichaelS36 this should make you smile. Now if only it happened to all who did this. 


  Reveal hidden contents

PS: He’s only sorry he got caught. I do feel bad his family has to suffer the consequences of his greediness. 


Maybe he didnt think it would happen ... maybe he doesn't read or watch the news about what happened first in China.  And maybe he is a scumbag and we should tell him so, but i don't think he receive death threats, that's just wrong. The authorities are looking into his dealings.  But somehow, he just doesn't seem to get that the is a difference in making a profit to gouging your neighbours over things that could save a life. We are not talking antiques here.

Thanks for sharing Reader ... xo

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16 hours ago, Fae Briona said:

Still not sure if we're going to drive up tonight or tomorrow morning.  Part will depend on how bad SP's back is bothering him and how much my joints hurt. Driving up in the morning would let us skip the hotel, but would mean driving up in potentially heavy rain. Driving up tonight could mean getting there after dark -- I'm more than slightly nightblind and don't like driving.  SP knows he's going to have to re-get his license, but he's been without it long enough it will mean retaking the tests all over again.

We'll just have to weigh the +/- when he gets here tonight.

Well...   no going up to visit anyone.  Mom called at 4:38am this morning to say her building had "gone crazy" and the majority of the tenants (or at least the loudest and most bullying) had decided they didn't want outside people in the building unless they were a nurse or similar person.

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15 hours ago, Mikiesboy said:

Monitor and keyboard home.. vpn ok .. logged everything to make sure, i'm good to go tomorrow.  it will be nice not to have to travel farther than from the bedroom to the diningroom

Try to set up an area that is as "office like" as possible. Glad you were able to bring another monitor home.

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