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Headstall's Paddock

CoTT 2 House of Cards


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37 minutes ago, dughlas said:

It's become very pleasant here. The sun is quite warm, hot actually, it's 88/31° but there is a breeze and the dewpoint has dropped into the mid-50's/13° making for very comfortable humidity. I'll shut off the AC and open the house once the sun has gone down.

It's beautiful here.  It was sunny all day, but now there are some dark clouds moving in and the breeze has picked up.  It's in the low 70s, so absolutely perfect.  I actually have the windows open, which the cats love. 

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2 hours ago, Valkyrie said:

There's nothing better than food cooked over a campfire.  :)  

Even hot dogs taste better. I think a wood-burning fire gives them a smoky flavor. Smoked hot dogs...that would be something new to try.   :D

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Those both sound better than what I went through at Cub Scouts. Never went camping or did any "projects" with our Scout mistress, unless you count the Popcorn Drive. Yeah, you heard me right. Our BOY scout troop was led by a WOMAN. I'm not saying that a woman can't lead...it's just that boys would relate better to a man, and maybe they'd have more respect for someone who doesn't sound like a nagging mom. As for the Popcorn Drive, I'm not sure what the money went towards, because we never seemed to see much of anything besides the occasional merit badge for some small "deed". Then she and her family moved to Wyoming before 4th Grade. I think she was replaced by the Pastor for a year or so, and it kind of turned into more of a Bible study group. By the end of 4th Grade, I was completely burned out, and I quit the whole mess. I think I learned more responsibility and discipline by cooking in the kitchen than I ever learned from Scouts. Ahhh, the joys of $h***y private schools....

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9 minutes ago, Albert1434 said:

It was funny I was in the cub scouts and my mother ran the group because no man would do it :yes:

It was someone else's mom who ran our Scout troop. The irony is, maybe having a man to relate to and keep things organized would have actually made it fun.

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