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Headstall's Paddock

CoTT 2 House of Cards


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3 hours ago, Albert1434 said:

Were doing good Terry thanks for asking and now we have the end to daylight saving which i hate! Almost to many times to count!

Ours was a week ago, now it's dark at 6pm... dont like it either 

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4 hours ago, bignick said:

Good morning, my dear friends :).  Kinda sunny here, in the middle of the Caribbean B). Don't forget to apply sunblock ;)

Hey you my Prince Charming :glomp: unfortunately I won't need sunblock but rather a heater. I'm back at the apartment after 10 days away and it was only 12°C  :unsure: the heater is now on but Looping snuck in  the arm of my coat to be warm in the meantime 

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5 minutes ago, Drew Espinosa said:

You said multiple times that you know that I love you, but now that I say I do love you, you don't believe me?

Over It Whatever GIF by Rodney Dangerfield

I meant the bullying post.  It was just cause I led with "I'm not bullying you" in our pm that you had to make a public claim that I was bullying you.

I know you love me. :P

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16 minutes ago, Drew Espinosa said:

You do know I'm turning away like Nick did with Boston on New Year's Eve, right? :P

That was what Nick needed to do for himself.  If you remember my various analyses of the inconsistencies and hypocrisies of the final episode, and criticisms of bad messaging, I never disagreed with what Nick did.  Just some of his badly written dialogue in a couple of scenes.

But who knows, maybe my criticisms were way off, a bunch of straight female viewers, who don’t listen to dialogue and follow visual storytelling seemed to think Ton was cheating on Nick, and was toxic somehow.  I think mostly because saying that relationships are “toxic” is the new hotness, without knowing the definition of the word. 

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