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Headstall's Paddock

CoTT 2 House of Cards


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3 minutes ago, Dmrman said:

Giving up on speedo's Bertie...😆😆😆

I am guessing that your just not paying attention :rofl:

Edited by Albert1434
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2 minutes ago, Kitt said:

So what do you do with the other half a person???   Put it in the boot? Or just give it the boot?

On the back there 2 "normal" sits and the one in middle is less wide https://www.google.com/search?q=renault+clio+3+siege+arriere&client=ms-android-asus-tpin&prmd=isvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwin0dvN1PviAhWNN8AKHfh9AJsQ_AUoAXoECA4QAQ&biw=360&bih=593


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2 hours ago, BabyXander1990 said:

Page, we are...Happy Weekend...How are you and Morgan and Mickey and Remi...and Grant and Haley?


Morgan and I are doing well. We're getting ready to watch a movie on Netflix.   :yes:  Mickey is watching with us, but Remi is at home tonight with his family. As for the nephews, Deirdre hasn't been around since last weekend. No news about them, but I might call her tomorrow.

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2 hours ago, Marty said:

Hi, Page! How the divil are you, my man? :hug: 

Doing well, thanks.   :hug:

2 hours ago, Dmrman said:

Hey Pagey...and Family...😗 😗😗😗 ehhh no good today...

Sorry to hear that, Bob.   :hug:  Glad that the boys are okay, though.   :yes:

2 hours ago, BabyXander1990 said:

A bottle of Jack Daniel's? 😀


Edited by Page Scrawler
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2 hours ago, Kitt said:

Wings should be bringing her friend by the shop tomorrow for a kilting.  Tease the hell outta him dugh! He is fun to pick on!

Hey, Kitt.   :hug:  You're terrible!   :gikkle:

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49 minutes ago, Kitt said:

Yup!  Lol the guy is not the sharpest tack in the box but he is good people. Turns funny colors when embarrassed, and has earned himself several rather less than flattering nicknames.

Sounds like he'd be fun to tease.   :gikkle:

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