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Headstall's Paddock

CoTT 2 House of Cards


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12 hours ago, Valkyrie said:

:hug:  Making fun of someone's speech patterns is never acceptable, no matter what the circumstances.  You outlined the reasons perfectly.  :hug: As a speech-language pathologist, this issue hits home for me as well.  Thank you for this.  

All, I think Bob is sorry about it. Now, I know that language hit me, too, since when I was born, I had a stroke and it cause me that my Rs sounds like W. Some bullies called me Elmer Fudd, and while it was hurtful, I knew I was smarter than most of my classmates. I had a speech pathologist, too. :kiss:

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13 hours ago, Valkyrie said:

*waves*  Hi, all!  Sorry I've been so absent.  I went on vacation and I've also been dealing with some health issues in addition to the never-ending house renovations.  So I'm exhausted all the time and have been reading/lurking more than participating.  And no, WQs and Clo... that is not an invitation to raid the herd! :P 

So I guess, I can RAID your herd!! 😄

Edited by BabyXander1990
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3 hours ago, Bucket1 said:

Did Steve's sister break her ankle doing something exciting? Is there a good story to go with it?

She was skydiving...



I mean if she wasn't doing anything exciting...I could make it interesting...😄


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17 minutes ago, BabyXander1990 said:

**Sneaks into Val's house to remove new couch**.  😇

Hey, Xander, Dennis, Jordan, and Ash!   :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

*waves to the foster kids*

Edited by Page Scrawler
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2 minutes ago, BabyXander1990 said:

Hello Page...How are you and Morgan. And Mickey, Remy and their hero worshipper , Rory...😄. 💓

Morgan, Mickey and I are just fine. Not sure about Remy or Rory. Haven't heard from either of them in about a week. Might see them tomorrow, though.

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17 minutes ago, BabyXander1990 said:

She was skydiving...


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I mean if she wasn't doing anything exciting...I could make it interesting...😄


Skydiving is interesting so you get points for that but it should be noble too... how about skydiving rescuing puppies? :) 

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3 hours ago, Albert1434 said:

I agree with Marty maybe there is hope for Gary tennis career:rofl:

When I broke my ankle motorcycling, the doctor said to me that I can do everything when I got healed, so I asked if I could snow ski, he said yes, so I said I can't before I broke it..😄  I broke my ankle when I wiped out after a jump...🏍️

Edited by BabyXander1990
Auto incorrect...😀
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2 hours ago, Marty said:

I'll probably be in bed when you get back. It's almost 1:30am here.

Enjoy your dinners, Albert & Steve. And enjoy the rest of your day. :)

Night all! :hug: :kiss: 

Marty, night....

 And I'm leaving soon...bedtime...

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