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The train keeps moving...

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Since it has been so very long since I've been able to have access to my email...an email address that I've kept since that very first story that I ever sent to Nifty waaaaaay back when...it appears that I'm going to have to start all over again. :/ I have to keep this short, so I won't go into a ton of details about it all, but I'll keep fighting to get my original address back for as long as it's possible for me to do so. However, in the meantime, thanks to JeffsFort, I now have a new place where you guys can reach me! K? As soon as you get a chance, just drop me a short email to say hello, and send me your email addresses, as I have to rebuild my contact list from scratch as well, and I don't know how to get in touch with you. Also, if you sent me an email in the past few weeks, and I didn't answer, please send it again! Just look in your 'Sent' folder and see if it's still there. Then just forward it to me! I always love to hear from you guys! Especially if you're brand new to the site! I usually welcome you all personally, but, you know...obstacles. :P Anyway, here we go...



Easy enough to remember, right? Hehehe! And this time, it's my OWN email! I'm not at the mercy of some souless online corporation who can screw shit up without any rhyme or reason as to why! So drop me a line, and I'll get back to you soon! Love always! Comsie!

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It's actually sad to see that address go. I mean sure, there are a ton of younger Shackers who have no idea what WebTV was or that it was even a thing one upon a fetus internet ;) I know they aren't going to jump to restore service but the least they can do is allow you to get what was stored on it. 🙄

*HUGZ* The new one is all you now, take that WebTV or Outlook... or whoever actually owned the domain last!

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