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Imagine Magazine For Pride Month!

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A while ago, I tried to warn everybody on the site that Pride month this year would bring about a level of homophobia the likes that we've never seen before. And it just keeps getting worse. :( But please don't let that discourage you or feel bad about who you are. Please don't. You are loved, and you're perfect just the way you were made. Never forget that. And ignore the brainless idiots who just attack whoever they're told is the new trending scapegoat. I love you just as you are. So be that person, and prove them all wrong, ok?

The newest issue of Imagine Magazine is now live. So go and check it out. I've spent half of my life just trying to help people find a way to get comfortable in their own skin. And what's going on right now is a shameless destruction of everything that I've ever been able to accomplish with the Shack. Especially for the teens who came here looking for a safe haven. And it hurts. It really hurts.

But we're going to survive and struggle through it. Because we're better than the people who've had it so easy they're whole lives and can only feel good about themselves by pressing their knees on the necks of those who don't have a chance to fight back. FUCK those people! And fuck anybody who stands beside them and don't speak up for the rest of us.

Karma is coming. Don't whine and complain when it comes knocking.

Enjoy the new issue, you guys! And I'll talk to you soon!

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