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What the hell am I doing wrong here? In three weeks, two stories, one anthology submission, and six chapters, I have received more feed back on my avatar than I have my writing.


I came here after several people pointed me to this site. CJames gave me a wonderful welcome and I thought

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Dude, you just have to get people to read your stuff....it's not easy. I started off by posting my stuff in the library when there was no such thing as efiction, and the cuss words in my stories were edited out automatically by the joint because of the filters on the forum ......the trick here is to just keep updating your ish and make sure you announce it in the Story Announcement threads.....eventually people are gonna start noticing you and talking about you in the forums. Also, put a gig colorful link in your signature so cats can get to your stories without having to search for them on efiction.

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Sorry about that Shannon (do you mind if I keep calling you Shannon? Darkshadow's kinda... weird XD). I think your stories are great, and they probably have a lot of readers... it's just that it takes people time to warm up to authors here at g.a. At nifty, you'll usually have the more outgoing readers, whereas GA we get a lot of introverts... nevertheless, once they warm up to you, you'll be more than satisfied.


And I agree with everything Nick said, especially the sig idea




I've changed my sig.... I hope that it is enough. I know we all have lives, but when I see a new story appear and get reviews, when mine has sat their for two days prior, I have to seriously wonder if I'm doing something wrong. I've all but spammed my work across the forum in my feable attempt at gleaning some feedback and I've recieved nothing.


If it sucks... say it sucks... if it is great... say it's great, but god damn! At least say something!

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I've changed my sig.... I hope that it is enough. I know we all have lives, but when I see a new story appear and get reviews, when mine has sat their for two days prior, I have to seriously wonder if I'm doing something wrong. I've all but spammed my work across the forum in my feable attempt at gleaning some feedback and I've recieved nothing.


If it sucks... say it sucks... if it is great... say it's great, but god damn! At least say something!



If you haven

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One of the problems with a MEGA-SITE is that there is so much material here. I want to read EVERYTHING by EVERYBODY but we've so much good stuff here that it would take you years to wade through it all.


I read 60 chapters of Com's Diary of Bill Chase. Now there's 25 more of it. :blink: I love Dom's stuff but he's got a couple of stories that I have yet to read. Sorry Dom. :read:


One thing that you might think about. If horror is your genre, the fall anthology at the end of this month theme is Halloween/horror. That would be a great place to introduce yourself with a short work.


Don't worry. You'll get read. If I'm not mistaken, there is a who thread in the authors forum that discusses how to get more readers.

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Well, I happen to like your writing. I wasn't aware that you were posting on e-fiction until today to be honest... sorry. You have it in you and people will read and like your work. So I know I'm like the worst person to tell you to be patient as I have a terrible time at being patient myself.. :P


But be patient..


Personally I think the Anthology idea is probably the best way for Authors who want to become better known and established here. Being active does help too, but anyway, I do want to sit down and read your stuff.





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I personally have very little spare time at the moment so I haven't started a reading a new novel for months. I'll read the occasional short story and I always try to read things that are put up for explicit comment and feedback, though (as distinct from things posted generally).


If you are looking for constructive criticism, rather than just pats on the back, then I would suggest doing what you did earlier and ask explicitly for comment and advice in an appropriate place such as in one of the various writers' forums.


Good luck!


Graeme :)

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I came here, because this site hosts the greatest authors of the stories I love best, and I had hoped that my writing might improve. I think it has, but then again, how the hell would I know?



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Sorry, but you only announced Earth Reborn of e-fiction yesterday and I planned to do some reading today. Promise an email when I'll be finished :) I'm really looking for some nice SF right now.



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Well, Shannon, I hope you don't mind if I give this away in advance ... but you've already submitted a story for the Fall Anthology, and it's excellent, if I say so myself. :great:


Also, we've got a great bunch of guys here, known as the "Writer Support team", whose job it is to ... well, support the writers at GA, and that includes people who post in eFiction. You and any other writer here who wants assistance, please let one of the Writer Support team members know, and they'll be happy to work with you.



First, thank you all for your kind words and help. Especially CJames. He received the brunt of my frustration and it truly wasn't fair. The man must have the patience of a saint. I know better than to post when I'm bitchy, and I know that at the end of every month that is exactly how I am. Still... I let my fingers fly. (Can a guy have PMS?). Please accept my apologies.


As I said to CJames in a very recent PM, let me take the pacifier from my mouth, the stick from my butt (and no... not the fun kind) and get back to work.


I've been making my announcements in Gaycafe, and E-Discussion, when I should have been placing them in a different thread. I need to slow down... 'read' and be more patient. I've wasted your time and mine with my little tirade, and for that I'm sorry as well.


On that note... let me run and get my toothbrush, and try to get this 'sneaker-breath' taken care of.


I hope what is left of your weekend is a good one!

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I know better than to post when I'm bitchy, and I know that at the end of every month that is exactly how I am. Still... I let my fingers fly. (Can a guy have PMS?).


If I had a quarter for anytime someone had a 'man period' on here, I'd be rich :2thumbs: .


Just thank goodness all of our periods aren't synching up :lol:






P.S. - Your dramatic flair could use some polishing, please see Luc, Mark_L, or myself for lessons :D

Edited by naper_vic
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If I had a quarter for anytime someone had a 'man period' on here, I'd be rich :2thumbs: .


Just thank goodness all of our periods aren't synching up :lol:






P.S. - Your dramatic flair could use some polishing, please see Luc, Mark_L, or myself for lessons :D



LOL! I'll just chalk it up to a prozac moment and hope it goes by the wayside. As for my lackluster dramatic flair.... that's okay. I think I'll pass at the moment. I had my little tantrum, and I think I'll leave that be for a while.


Man period... hmmm I bet we could market a pill!

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If I had a quarter for anytime someone had a 'man period' on here, I'd be rich :2thumbs: .


Just thank goodness all of our periods aren't synching up :lol:






P.S. - Your dramatic flair could use some polishing, please see Luc, Mark_L, or myself for lessons :D



HEYYYYYYYYY i object when have i ever been dramatic ? :P stupid maybe but rarely dramatic i leave that to you and Luc :P oh and dark shadow it seems too

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Dramatic? :o Moi? :o


...well...maybe just a little...


...well...maybe a lot...




...ok...maybe most of the time...


*scowls* alright, damnit, all of the time :angry: There! Happy now? :angry:


*stalks from the room muttering*




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(Can a guy have PMS?). Please accept my apologies.


As I said to CJames in a very recent PM, let me take the pacifier from my mouth, the stick from my butt (and no... not the fun kind) and get back to work.


One final shot into the barrel. BTW, I hope your pacifier is battery-operated? 0:)


It is a real crap-roll to get your stories noticed. I'm going to make a point of reading your story this week. As others have mentioned, there is so much material out there...and so little time. :blink: Authors like DomLuka or DK have a loyal following based on a long following. I'm the newest Hostest Author at GA and it's a bitch to get your stories read. IT JUST TAKES TIME.


Nick is the master at promotion. My god, just the font size alone makes him a champ...not to acknowledge I'm a size queen. :lol: Beat the drums, flash the lights, roll out the headlines and be earnest in developing a forum. Above all, answer the emails or PM's. If you're a good writer with interesting stories, a following (albeit slowly) will develop.


Best wishes,

Jack B)

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One final shot into the barrel. BTW, I hope your pacifier is battery-operated? 0:)


Well, I thought about wiring it for 220. Then at least I could regrout the bathroom and give the thing some real purpose.


It is a real crap-roll to get your stories noticed. I'm going to make a point of reading your story this week. As others have mentioned, there is so much material out there...and so little time. :blink: Authors like DomLuka or DK have a loyal following based on a long following. I'm the newest Hostest Author at GA and it's a bitch to get your stories read. IT JUST TAKES TIME.


I have often said, "I'm a very patient person, I just hate to wait!" I've left a link to this forum, in my most recent nifty submissions, for those that are emailing me from nifty. I let them know, that a revised copy of Earth Reborn is here, and now (I hope) a much better read than it's predecessors. The story has definately come a long way since I originally wrote it, thanks to the wonderful help of a very good editor.


Nick is the master at promotion. My god, just the font size alone makes him a champ...not to acknowledge I'm a size queen. :lol: Beat the drums, flash the lights, roll out the headlines and be earnest in developing a forum. Above all, answer the emails or PM's. If you're a good writer with interesting stories, a following (albeit slowly) will develop.


Best wishes,

Jack B)


I know it's difficult to find the time to write, read, and work. I try to do all three, and each one seems to push the other away. Between, pre-editing submissions to my editor, re-editing them after they come back, posting them here, and then trying to get a couple of pages squeezed out each day, it seems I run out of time.


I try to read a new story every couple of days. It seems to me, the more I read, the better I write. The problem with that, of course, is when I get sucked in by someone else's writing, and don't want to stop. Then, before you know it, the entire night has passed, and I haven't accomplished a thing.


The funny part is, I have been writing every night since July 23, 2006. I had finished reading one of Com's stories, and decided... hmmm I think I'm going to try to write. I thought about the story I would like to read but wasn't there yet, sat my ass in front of the computer, and pounded out about ten or twelves pages. I fired them off to nifty. I recieved a few replies, and they fueled me to write even more.


Two weeks and eight chapters later I decided to rewrite the whole damn thing, and resubmitted them as four chapters. Almost two months later, I had slung nineteen chapters, 172 pages, and 78,000 words of my first story. It is by no means finished, as I'm rewriting the whole thing yet again, but with the very skilled help of my wonderful new found editor.


It seems, since that first day a little over two months ago, I've found myself a new obsession. I'm learning, albeit slowly, and hope to improve with time. Who knows, some day I may even begin to watch television again. (NOT!)


I have to be at work in less than four hours. I suppose I should do some laundry, shower my scraggly self, and make some attempt at being presentable to the public. Heheh, then I might have a couple of free hours to write before I go to work. If it is a typical Monday, I doubt I'll be able to get much writing done. They actually expect me to 'work' at my job, and it's hard for them to repair things without the parts I'm supposed to order. 'selfish bastards'


I hope everyone had a great weekend, and I hope your Monday turns out to be quick and painless.


Take care all!

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