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"Words From Comicality"


I'm sorry that it has been so long since I've been able to make my own posts on this board. Unfortunately, I'm working with a limited technology here at home, and GA's awesome improvements have gone beyond my ability to interact with you guys as much as I wish I could. But I HAVE been watching! I check the board all the time (The "Billy Chase" discussions always thrill me! I LOVE you guys!) Thanks to you all for keeping things moving for me.


I'm happy to announce that I now have an official 'ambassador' to the Cafe now! Someone to make posts for me and take care of things that I can't necessarily get to on my own! So please give a wonderful round of applause to lady 'Topaz'! She's gonna help me come back and give the Cafe the attention that it so rightly deserves! So I am looking forward to completely starting over from scratch and breathing new life into this place! I hope you guys will be here to join me! :)


First off, I really want to start the weekly writing discussions again! This board was created with the intention of bringing writers and readers together to talk about the online erotica culture. (Make no mistake...it IS an entire culture revolving around this, and it's always growing) Basically, it's a place for readers to discuss what they like and want to see, and for writers to discuss what they go through and how they do it. SO...from now on, check back every Monday night for a brand new topic to talk back and forth about for the week. We went through about 50 topics last time, and I might be repeating some of those questions again to get a new perspective on them. (Don't worry, they were posted years ago! Hehehe!) I hope to see you guys much more often. :)


Also, I thought about adding a new feature as well to the board. Every two weeks, I'll post the name of a story or series that was either posted here on Gay Authors, or Nifty, or anywhere else online. Id love for you guys to check these stories out and come back here to discuss certain elements that you liked or didn't like about them. Sort of like a form of 'public feedback' for other authors and readers to talk about amonst each other. I call it the "Gradebook Selection". I'll give a brief description of the story, the title, where to find it, and the author's name and email address. I've got a bunch of titles that I've got ready to go, but suggestions are always welcome! So don't be shy!


Alright, that's it! Thank you all for sticking around! Make sure you let everyone know that we are fully operational once again, and looking for more friends all the time! I'll be here often as well, now that I've

gotten my 'voice' back! ::Grins::


Thank you lady Topaz! You made all of this possible! ::kiss::


Enjoy the board folks, and I'll seezya soon! (Weekly, in fact!)

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Question: would it be too dificult to come up with a user name for Com? It might be a bit confusing for people who don't frequent the site to figure out that Topaz is Com. And if Mrs. Topaz ever wants to add to the discussion, some people might think that the post or reply is from Com. Anyway, just a thought so that the topic starter or poster will show up as Comicality. Thanks for helping bring Com back to the Cafe, Topaz. It's a great thing that you're doing. Later, Me.

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Problem I see here is (and this is just from personal experience - I am, after all, from the internets), the username "Comicality" already exists on this board. If you go back, there are threads started by him and posts made by him. I'm thinking that to give Topaz the ability to post under that name, he'd have to give her the password. And if he's anything like me (and I'm guessing a majority of internet users), that password is the same one he uses for everything. If he's unable to go to the control panel and change the password before giving her control of the account, then he's giving her his password, which is a Bad Thing.


Of course, she could always make another account with a similar username, like "Com" or "ComsieCality" or something like that. I'm actually just sitting bored in study hall, so I'm kinda rambling. I apologize. ^^

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Problem I see here is (and this is just from personal experience - I am, after all, from the internets), the username "Comicality" already exists on this board.


The confusion is understandable but easy to unscramble. Topaz is the link from Comicality to the forum. To use his words, she is the "Official Ambassador". Due to technical limitations, Topaz will "make posts" for Comicality.


Hopefully that clarifies the situation. Best wishes for a robust forum!


Jack B)

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"Words From Comicality"


Thanks so much for coming back to the Cafe, you guys! I seriously LOVE

seeing you here! Makes me fel all 'gummy' inside!


(Oh yes...I said 'gummy')


Anyway, to answer the question about how you guys will know if it's me talking or not (Besides the fact that it will sound like the ridiculous ramblings of a very sick man), is simple. I'll be putting the 'fine print' at the head of all of my posts from now on. "Words From Comicality" will be at the top of all of my posts and replies. Cool? I hope that won't get confusing.

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