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[DomLuka] The Film Version

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OK, If we were to make a film version of TOU, who would you choose to play the characters.


Not being a film buff myself personally, I would ask that you post a link to a pic of each nomination.


Quinn Moore : Dean Cain

Jude Landon : Travis Fimmel

Brad Clair

Brianna Moore

Marissa Rixis

Trina Ashpock

Mrs Moore : Judith Light



Edited by naper_vic
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not sure I could go for your choice for Quinn - his hair puts me off.


Bree looks lovely - almost too beautiful. I might have gone for her as Marissa...


I do like the look of Taylor - I've never actually seen pics of Ryan before

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I think Chris' choice of Judd was pretty good, though with a different hair cut. I get the impression Judd has medium/normal length hair in the back, and much longer hair in the front (I think it's a better look than the one in the pic too). Bree is good too, though I think she may look a little Asian, and also I'd pictured her with very green eyes. I don't like the first choice of Quinn either, the second's better, Jole's choice of Taylor is perfect. I think Mrs. Moore looks ok, though I was picturing her with darker hair like her children (didn't it say somewhere she looked almost identicle to Bree?) And I think Marissa should DEFINITELY be blonde.

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I couldn't find pictures...


but I would pick Chad Allen for Jude....add to the fact that he actually is Gay..and I really think he would have lots of empathy for Jude since he had his own coming out process...that went public fast so he had to deal fast.


Ryan Phillipe is hot..but I don't think has the total edge thing going for a Taylor....but he has always played sarcastic parts..so hmmm...on second thought.yeah he would fit Taylor well..except he is now in his 30s..so um, need a teen actor.....and I don't think he could carry a teen actor role any more. I say go with Jake Gylehaal...he has that quirky yet hot style...and rumored after his latest movie to come out..or I sure hope so.....yummylicious:)


the person Cris chose for Bree, I would say would fit the role for Marissa.....Bree is the down to earth type...with what I would say is a natural beauty to her...so maybe a younger Liv Tyler type...how about Jake's sister, Maggie Gyelahaal? she would be great..


Judith Light for Mrs. Moore..a pretty cool choice......but we all know Judith as being very Gay friendly and supportive....so I would be looking at her and saying geez, Judith, that is some acting job we all know you are one of our str8 heroines for all she has done for us. Judith can play the too wound tight type of roles..so not a bad choice.


Quinn..he is descrbed as tall and curly haired.....do we make him dark haired and no curls? well, given that Jake Gylehaal could play Quinn.....also the actor who played David on Roseanne..but alas, at this point I think he is late 20s or early 30s..so probably too old)



Brad.. Toby Maguire (that wish he were Gay but such a good friend understanding funny straight stand up good friend kind of Guy) or Joseph Gordon Leavitt from 3rd Rock from the Sun..hmmm, well he could be a cool Taylor too.....


I will have to do more thinking and I apologize for not inserting pictures.....I just couldn't find them...where did you all find the ones you did?


Trina...find a younger version of Janeanne Garofolo......edgy and doesn't give a damn....a younger Courtney Love would be too blond....I believe Trina has a lot more brains then given credit for..she just isn't going to let you know that.....but don't mess with Trina especially since she is very protective of her friends..just the way I see Janeanne Garofolo..as an actress but in real life she is smart and don't mess with Janeanne...she rocks....I love her on Air America!



Edited by Rocketcnj
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Maybe I'm missing something here, Bardeara, but I believe that you and Michael are both on the same page.



Conner :boy:



LOL you know what Conner, after coming back and rereading this I noticed my error. That should teach me to stop and read these comments rather then just skiming though it. That and I haven't slept much in days. Been working too damn hard on that house... LOL I guess now I get the point Michael was trying to state. ... *shakes my head and smacks it while muttering* I'm sucks a dork. :blink:

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Judith Light for Mrs. Moore..a pretty cool choice......but we all know Judith as being very Gay friendly and supportive....so I would be looking at her and saying geez, Judith, that is some acting job we all know you are one of our str8 heroines for all she has done for us. Judith can play the too wound tight type of roles..so not a bad choice.




Ok I'm getting backed into a corner and I don't even know her but I wanted to at least set the record ... parden the pun... stright. Judith Light is in a G&L right activist. the only reason I know of this is because if you remember the show 'Who's the Boss' the guy who plays her son on that show is in fact gay. She supported him 100% and became a G&L activest as a result. He even said had it not been for her I would never had made it.


Ok why I said it? I guess it is beause I am fet up with the media for taking infomation and twisting it to sell papers and such even when it is completly false.


Long story and no I don't want to talk about it.


Sorry Michael if I sound harsh I don't mean to be so I not trying to step on your toes for it.


Take care

Bardeara....um, you and I are on the same page as Conner said....maybe you didn't understand my post...but I know Judith Light is very very supportive of Gay causes and has been forever....she is an amazing str8 ally for our community and has been so long before Danny Pintauro came out...


so, my point was, I would see Judith Light, who to me as not only a Gay icon and great actress...i have followed her career since her days when she was on the ABC soap opera "One Life to Live," and really LOVE her tons....


so, I would look at Judith playing Mrs. Moore and know its a great acting job..since Judith is far from clueless as Mrs. Moore seems to be....


so relax, you and I are on the same page, in the same Gay church and same Gay pew (pardon the puns)


its all good:)



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Ok...from Alan Brocka's new film, "Eating Out"


for Jude or Quinn....Jim Verraros (his look since American Idol days has changed a lot!)


but he has the long hair now....blondish...tall like Jude...around the same age..so would work well:)



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For Quinn, my vote goes to Tom Welling who plays young Clark Kent in Smallville.  Really a dumd show but I can spend the day just staring at him. 


Can he act?  Who cares?


Hope this link works or just google Tom Welling






Conner :boy:

Conner.....call Central Casting...I think you have definitely found our Quinn......and I so agree....yummy yummy yummy..


I would also say Kerr Smith, who played Jack McFee on "Dawson's Creek" but at this point he has to be close to 30 so too old to play a 17 yr old, but he had that Quinn like angst down perfect..


If Tom doesn't want to play Quinn, he would be a great Brad....(I am betting that Vic will try to recruit him to play Nicky in that other soon to be Indy Film...."The Log Way".....but that's another topic..


Conner, you have as always as the Director of Communication and Lap research, the yummiest taste par excellence.....I say we hire Tom for our Quinn.....



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Hello everyone

I just needed to say I agree with Conner, Tom Welling is freaking HOT and would make a great Quinn.. What show he stars in again, time and day would help too.


Travis Fimmel could be seen as Jude, don't know if he could do the teen thing though....hm oh well, he still makes me drool.



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Ryan Phillippe for Taylor. :2thumbs:


What a hottie! Phillippe could play Santa Claus and I would enjoy it. :music:


My favourite flick with Phillippe would be "White Squall" 1996. A super super movie.... and not just because it's full of A&F type male actors. :P Be prepared for a rather traumatic ending if you decide to watch it. :(



Conner :boy:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, so I have been thinking alot about this since Micheal and I said that TOU would make a great movie. I like Tom Welling for the part of Quinn except that he doesn't seem mysterious enough to me.


For Quinn I like Stephen from the show Laguna Beach on MTV. I don't really watch the show, but he is CUTE!! and has mystery in his eyes.

MTV- Stephen


For Jude, I was thinking maybe Jesse Mccartney, singer/actor.

Jesse McCartney


I am trying to keep in mind that these guys are supposed to be in high school or of that age group.


I am still working on Taylor, Marissa, Bree, and Brad...



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  • 2 weeks later...

aww i use my freinds as characters lol. well heres what i see when i read TOU








well all of them are basicaly 16-17 so we dont really have a problem of age lol and i dont really know who should play brad talor and trina lol.


oh and speaking of TLW i jsut finished it. but im still hung up on what nick and aiden talked about any one got any idea what they said?

Edited by Bao
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  • 3 weeks later...

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