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    Kansas City, MO
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    Singing, playing piano, walking, working out, wrestling, wine tasting, traveling

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  1. WildcatLes

    Chapter 36

    I enjoy Wesley's comments. Whenever he comments on a story, I know that he shoots from the hip. Sometimes his comments are humorous, but at other times, he has deep insights into the story.
  2. Something's coming and it's going to be good. I can sense that the hex that Richard put on Nate is about to be broken, just as the hex (and more damage) was inflicted on Greg by Richard. The party at the Omni is going to be something special. I'll be waiting.
  3. WildcatLes

    Chapter 6

    Great chapter. You have me hooked on this story. It is somewhat different from other stories that I read on this site, but I do love the setting in the mountains. Being away from the hustle and bustle of "civilization" has its place. Two lonely men need companionship. Paul is finding this with Corbin. I am sure that more will be revealed about Paul's past that brought him to this country.
  4. WildcatLes

    Chapter 5

    I had someone living with me for several months who was obsessed with going outside during cold weather. He suffered frostbite on his toes and eventually had to have part of them amputated. This was very difficult to watch. I learned a great deal about frostbite and hypothermia from this experience.
  5. Laura, you are sly like a FOX. I have been waiting for this chapter since you hooked me into reading another of your stories. I guessed that Heathcliff was going to lure Aiden into his den, but didn't expect that it would be done through a dating app. I will be waiting with anticipation for the next chapter. Let the fireworks begin. Thanks for writing another delicious story.
  6. WildcatLes

    The Fix

    That was a chilling chapter. Now, hopefully, the healing can continue for Greg. He can continue his relationship with Kyle, although it won't be everything that both of them want. I'm making an assumption, but I believe that Greg would like a real relationship with Kyle. It just is not possible with the age difference at this time. Nick probably knows what happened to Greg with The Fiend. Greg can tell him the rest of the story. I make a second to another great chapter. I am looking forward to more.
  7. WildcatLes

    Hot and Cold

    What a delight to start reading the continuing saga of Eric, along with the adventures of Adam and Andy. I certainly hope that Eric can get a used laptop computer and be able to get connected to the internet. He will be able to explore. Who knows who or what he might find? Eric could also post some of his drawings. I imagine that he might get some offers to provide additional income for him. Thanks for continuing this story.
  8. WildcatLes


    WOW! This was an intense chapter. The episode with Kyle and then the feelings brought to the surface helping Nate get ready for a date really triggered memories and feelings for Greg. Progress is being made with his counseling. I truly hope that he can explain what happened to Kyle, although doing that may be too early. The feelings are definitely apparent between Kyle and Greg in spite of the age difference. Kyle is a different animal than Greg was at that age. He has not been abused, at least with the story disclosed to the present. I'll be waiting for the next chapter and another surprise.
  9. WildcatLes

    Chapter 15

    I agree that this was quite an interesting chapter. After completing the negotiations with the bureaucrats from Washington, D.C., he was able to go into planning mode for training the mages. The more relaxed discussions with Marcus were also enlightening. Who knows what might develop from the training and relationship? Great chapter.
  10. WildcatLes

    Surv Chapter 18

    The accident to Jacob and Will created quite a change in their lives. Since his foot had to be amputated, the plans for Jacob's career definitely changed. His return to his boyhood home was quite a surprise, but definitely needed for his physical and mental healing. I wonder what you have planned for this change in his life, although I am sure that it will be both exciting and challenging.
  11. WildcatLes

    Surv Chapter 16

    Quokka, you have done it again. This is another awesome story with plenty of description of the trials involved in hiking and camping. I am waiting for some intimacy between the two lads. You always spring surprises in your stories.
  12. I think that lots of answers are included in this chapter. Greg has finally told his aunt and uncle the name of the man (FIEND) who hurt him so badly. This admission can be the start toward healing. He also took their advice to accept an offer of friendship. Hopefully, Greg sill share some of his story with Keigan. I am guessing that Keigan has his share of skeletons in the closet or troubles that are not evident on the surface. I will definitely look forward to more chapters. Thanks for writing.
  13. WildcatLes

    Chapter 28

    This was quite an interesting chapter. Milan's change and his wolf's first run was encouraging. Then, the love sessions between Milan and Rory provided one of the most exciting moments in this story. I think that Ilaria is starting to break. Once the wolves find a cure for her husband, she will decided to stay. From the hints that you have made. several interesting changes are coming for the people of Portento, as well as the people in the woods.
  14. WildcatLes

    Chapter 27

    I wondered what type of comment would come from Wesley.
  15. That is not the ending to this chapter that I expected. WOW! Noah doesn't mean what he said. He is really afraid of his mother and her reaction. The next chapter should be quite interesting. Don't keep us in suspense too long.
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