I have A LOT of problematic words, some that I can pronounce but can't spell, some that I can spell but not pronounce, others I just try and explain the word because I can't pronounce or spell them.
Some words I have an extreme hatred for because I really don't like them and they piss me off.
For example: I hate sliver. Don't mention around me, it's making me cringe just typing it.
I can't pronounce ambulance, comes out as am-bl-nc.
I can't spell resterante (restaurant) I always have to google it, even if I've just written it somewhere I just can't spell it correctly.
I don't understand a lot of the English language because it does not make sense. I normally spell sense 'sence' but autocorrect on my phone fixes it, if spell check didn't exist I would be able to write half the words I want to.
The Australian language can be confusing when it comes to words where the English spell it with a 'z' and the Americans spell it with an 's'.. why not just agree on one or the other?!?!
Language is annoying and I don't like it but you can't really function without it.