Not sure what you're talking about. Oh, wait, you're picking on me! Yep, you're Liebe.
PS I haven't seen your name pop up either. You sure you wrote something? Maybe it was too wordy and it's being simplified as we speak?
I'm telling the whole world you were responsible for her mishap. I can't believe you brag about that. But then again, you know how she turns out.
People are gonna wonder what the fuck we're talking about!
I've been going to the Florida Keys since I was a kid; one of my first drives after getting my license at 16 was in my dads business van with a few friends and a cooler of beer in the back. I tried to capture Key West's quirky characters and atmosphere. Thanks for reading, Liebe. (That chapter where she emulates your bully handling's coming up next month.) LMAO
Thank you!
I've preached about newer authors using prompts as a way of practicing and experimenting, and this is a perfect example.
Not sure if you noticed, but I never named or identified the narrator's sex/gender. My goal was for readers to decide if it was a man or a woman. Being vague at times is a useful tool; I may have used it again in subsequent stories.
I had to wind my way to the big reveal, and that innocent comment led the way.
Not sure why, but you're not the only person who's missed details I was proud of recently. I think I've been posting too much, too frequently. I'm in the process of adjusting that.
Thank you, Jeff.
This was one of my earliest efforts and compared to later works it's rough. But you're absolutely right; even back then I was fascinated with setting fictional stories in the real world and incorporating real-life events. I think between Solcar and Children of the Dust, I established myself as a historical fiction writer. So what if some of the history is only a couple of years in the past. LOL
Glad you enjoyed this one.
I disagree anthology should be light and airy. There's plenty of room for hard tales too. And yours is a wonderful distillation of the precarious times we live in. I recently wrote a dialogue line where someone claims the fight is not over and vigilance is a must. You make a strong argument for that view.
Great job, Bill.
Wish I could give this one more than one heart.
As usual, your use of language is impeccable and your pacing was spot on. I always enjoy your historical tales, and needless to say, Kim talking about St Louis... when did Famous Barr first open its doors?
Great job, AC. Truly enjoyed this one.
Anyone reading this should know Wolf's deployed to a fire. He texted the poem to his husband who posted it. I messaged the hubby when I heard of the Queen's since I knew how Wolf felt about her. I mean, they did fly over for the Jubelee 😁.
More than I usually do, I want to hug a tree. Progress, as measured by human, often leads to losses most people don't recognize. In this case the pond and the hare were both lost in pursuit of profits.
So damn touching. Really enjoyed it.
Inanimate objects can help recall and cherish special times, and cars do it often. Our first drive, an escape vehicle when stressed, and at times a private spot for smooching or simply thinking.