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  1. Winged_Wolf
    • Author
    • 2 Stories

    If you cant find me at my comp writing, im more than likely out on the trails somewhere enjoying the sights with my horse
  2. BarricadeBoy
    • Author
    • 2 Stories

    I grew up in the woods, raised by dragons and an army of ants.
  3. faxity
    • Author
    • 2 Stories

    Literally everything that I had in my author bio before turned out to be wrong XD I guess it's still too early in my writing career for me to say what my stories will be like!
  4. Cynus
    • Signature Author
    • 2 Stories

    My stories are born from my deepest emotions, bubbling to the surface when they demand to be released. The subjects I pursue are as varied as my interests, and I love to explore different genres. Some of my work is dark, some of it is light-hearted, but I never write the same story twice.
  5. Zuri
    • Author
    • 2 Stories

    I'm a German author who also loves to read and collaborate with other authors. The author that brought me here, is @Sammy Blue with his bilingual story Gemini
  6. Wolffang
    • Author
    • 2 Stories

    Mystery, Mystic and elements of Magic-realism inspire me. I like to reimagine worlds and whole realities, explore them and the characters I see. I find that there is a certain majesty in writing and reading novels. It has this awe-inspiring transportive ability. It allows you to freely explore different worlds, live different lives, love and lose, live and die, all without lifting a finger ( except to turn the page). While I grow and develop as an author and person, my aim is to eventually take you on as many of those trips as possible, get you to experience the worlds that I've lovingly crafted and connect with my readers through these vessels that will act as voyagers for the adventures we'll share.
  7. Mawgrim
    • Classic Author
    • 2 Stories

    Mawgrim writes in a variety of genres including Dragonriders of Pern fanfic, plus original stories which often have a connection to the cinema business. Ranging from 1000 word prompt stories to 200,000 word epics, why not dive in and take your pick?
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