Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Starcutter - 8. Chapter 8
Gabe woke when Ryle tried to slide from under his arms. His smile was sleepy eyed and something that the Cana found more endearing than anything else because he knew that this smile was his. “Trying to sneak away?” Gabe asked teasingly. Ryle knew when he was teasing...most of the time.
“I'm hungry.” Gabe laughed and raised his arm. Ryle got up and covered Gabe with a blanket. “Shall I bring you breakfast when it arrives?”
“Only if you want. I shouldn't lay around too much. My muscles will cramp.” Gabe touched a spot on the wall, a projection of the ship's time flashing. 0535. “But I have an hour.” He rolled over and smiled as Ryle pulled on only a pair of shorts. “Your tail is growing in.” It was. The feathers were just starting to show, a mix of reds, yellows and a vibrant blue-green.
“I...have a reason to look good again.” When he said it, Ryle blushed so deeply that Gabe had to stifle a laugh. “Gabe...the other day. You called me your friend.”
“I did?”
“Yeah. When Meg was bandaging you up.” Gabe nodded like he remembered now. “That was the first time anyone has ever said that.”
Gabe held open the covers and Ryle smiled and got in next to him for a moment. “It's one of the few times I've been able to say it. Always too busy with school and helping David with his business. Mom didn't keep me locked in, but she worried, so I tried to keep her from stressing too much by having a few really close friends. Okay, one really close friend.”
Ryle kissed his chin. “So similar, yet so different.”
Gabe nodded, and he tilted Ryle's face up for a real kiss. To Ryle, Gabe treated him almost like spun glass. Something so delicate and precious he dare not touch it too roughly. Ryle knew Gabe had no experience with relationships, and Ryle had enough to know what they weren't. Gabe was a big guy for his age, and he had proven he could do damage. His kiss proved how much he had grown to care for the hybrid, and the feelings in that kiss were something foreign to Ryle, but they were ones he wanted to become very acquainted with.
A knock came on the door, and Gabe bolted up in bed, stifling a scream of agony. “You stay, I'll see who it is,” said Ryle. Gabe went to get up, but Ryle just gave him a look, so Gabe settled back to get his breath back.
Ryle went to the door and keyed the camera outside. He smiled a bit as he saw Meg. “Come in, Meg,” he said and unlocked the door.
“Hey there. Gabe still in bed? I have his breakfast.” She noted his lack of shirt and did her best to ignore it.
“He is. You startled him, and he hurt himself getting up too quickly.”
“I wondered why you answered the door.” Meg smiled at him. “I thought he was doing pretty good.”
“He slipped in the shower last night and hurt himself.”
Her eyes went wide, and she hurried to the other room. “I'm turning on the lights, Gabe.” He had about one second warning to clamp his eyes shut.
She reached for the covers and Gabe clutched them tighter. “Um...I'm not decent.”
“I've seen it before,” she said, “Now roll over, and let me see your back.” She pulled the covers from him, noting his morning erection. Her eyes bugged out a bit, and she spun around while her face turned a bit red.
“Now you've seen everything,” he said testily and rolled over.
Yes, yes I have. It definitely runs in the family. Lucky girl who gets you, she thought. “Sorry. I'm used to stubborn men, not young men who take their time from injury. At least that still works.”
“Oh funny gal. Hilarious. You can check my back now, funny one.” Gabe was embarrassed, but not horribly so. His mom had walked in on him when he slept nude at home; this felt about the same really.
Meg looked him over and shook her head. “New bruises. At least your muscles haven't cramped up.” That was the worst part about getting hurt. The pain mostly came from disused muscles in the long run.
“Thankfully. The numbing shower gel helps a lot.”
“I know. After a few hours of sitting at the sewing machine, my back kills me.” Meg checked for anything else. Finding nothing, she said, “I brought your breakfast. Earlier than normal, but the Captain wanted everyone fed before we get to OSA.”
“We're almost to Andromeda?” It was the largest orbital station in the sector, the place where the Captain found their best contracts.
“Yup. He wants you fed and dressed to see the station doc. Just in case.”
Gabe rolled over, covering with the blanket as he rolled. “He said that?”
“Well, he said it would be nice if you could. To me. In private.” They shared a smile. Gabe knew his father cared for him in his own way. While he would not come out and say it in front of the crew, he could pass along some feelings through Meg.
“I'll eat and get there as soon as I can.”
Meg took the hint and left, giving Ryle a smile as he was setting out the food for the both of them. “You might want to get off the ship for a bit, too, Ryle. After this, it's four months or more with no stops.”
“I...will see if Gabriel wishes my company.” She held out her hand, palm down, and with a small smile, Ryle butted his head up under it. He was slowly letting the past go, and he had less trauma from women, so Meg's touch did not bother him nearly as much as the Captain's would have.
“I'm glad you're coming along so fast. I know it means a lot to Gabe. Me too. We both hope that you can find a good place with him.”
Ryle smiled, hiding their budding relationship. Gabe had said no one knew he liked men, not even his fathers. Something like this could get him hurt, or even killed, on this ship. Knowing how much this meant to him, Ryle didn't even have to be asked to stay silent.
* * *
It was near mid day on the ship when Gabe was dressed and ready to hobble to the doctor's. He was dressed in one of his better sets of clothing, and much to his joy, Ryle was with him, dressed in his best outfit. Both were black, both wore a coat, and both seemed to get some appreciative glances from the station's denizens. Men and women alike seemed to find them a striking pair. Some of them too attentive for Ryle's liking, but those who leered took one look at Gabriel, and more importantly, at the ship emblem stitched into the breast of the vest, and stopped leering.
The doctor said Gabe was healing and would be fine. “No more slips in the shower,” the doctor said with a smile.
“No sir. Baths for me for a for more weeks.” Gabe turned to Ryle. “Ryle, would you be comfortable with a check up? With the departure from the OSC being so swift, I never had a chance to see if I bought healthy goods.”
Ryle knew that Gabe wanted to make sure he was healthy. “If it pleases you, Master, but might I have a female?”
Gabe turned to the doctor with an indulgent smile. “He's had bad experiences with men. If there is a nurse or woman on hand?”
The doctor nodded. “Of course. We have a Cana female who works for us. Shall I send her in?” Ryle bowed deeply. “Fine. A shame you have not been treated well in the past, Ryle, but Gabriel here seems a good sort. Give me a few moments, and I'll send in Loola.”
Gabe nodded. When the doctor left he smiled over at Ryle. “Thanks for doing it, even though I sprung it on you.”
“It's fine. I would like to know if some old wounds have healed. If it is too much to ask...can I be alone?”
“Sure, Ryle. I want you to get the best care possible.” Gabe took him in his arms, making Ryle coo. “I'm really liking that reaction. I hope that isn't a bad thing.”
“It is much like a cat's purr. I am happy.”
“I'm really glad to hear that, Ryle. Maybe someday I can hear a song. Whenever you want.”
Ryle pulled back a bit. “I will think on it. That...is something they would ask of me...before they...”
Gabe pulled him in for a tighter hug. “Then you don't have to, if you don't want to. Just don't hold back if you want to sing.” Gabe's eyes got a bit of a glossy look. “Mom used to sing me to sleep when I was small. She wasn't even that good of a singer. Just a bit of a crooning, but it worked all the time.”
“When I am able, I will sing you to sleep.”
Gabe smiled and wiped at his eyes. “Thanks.”
The nurse showed up and Gabe stepped out. Loola was a stunning Can with bright red feathery hair, a long tail, and thankfully her wings were under her coat. “Ryle, right? I'm Loola. Need a checkup I hear?”
Gabe sat in the waiting room, feeling a bit better with the pain killers the doctor gave him. The fall hadn't broken anything, just bruised a rib and made everything worse. Now, all he hoped for was a passing bill of health for Ryle, and he could go back to the ship without a worry. Yet...he was here. What would the Captain do if he stayed a bit longer for something other than a doctor visit? He stood with a small groan and walked to the information kiosk to look up what was here.
Ryle came out, escorted by Loola who was smiling pleasantly. “He's fine, sir. Some of the old wounds won't give him too much of a problem until he's old and bald. From the medical files I could get from the slave depot,” she said this with disgust, “he's put on some weight and is in much better health. Your care for him is to be commended.”
Gabe could see Ryle blushing a bit. “I'm glad to hear it. Thank you for your help today, Loola.” Gabe left, Ryle falling into his place. “Did you have a good cry?”
“How did you know?”
“Your eyes look a bit less haunted and a little more red.” He looked over his shoulder with a small smile to see Ryle hanging his head. “There is no shame in crying, Ryle, but I am glad you were able to find someone of your species to talk with.”
“She...she seemed to understand. It was nice. Thank you for bring it up.” Ryle's smile was sad but honest.
“What else are friends for?”
After a moment, Ryle asked. “Where are we going?”
“To get pampered a bit, and this is one time I will not take no for an answer. You're doing it, and that is final.” Gabe's grin said it would not be a bad thing, but it might be a bit...unsettling. Which proved to be true when he led them to a day spa.
“Oh no. I am not going in there.” Ryle tried to walk away, but Gabe just picked him up and put him over his shoulder. “Do I really not get a say in this?”
“Nope.” Ryle sighed and hung there like a useless sack. A slightly turned on useless sack because he got to look at Gabe's round bottom all the way. Watching it flex and relax was certainly a treat.
“How often do you plan to throw me around like a doll?”
Gabe could hear the slight joking tone, and when he pulled Ryle back over his shoulder, he whispered in his ear. “Only in bed. When you're ready for that.” It was the most brazen thing he had ever said to Ryle, and the Cana shivered. His voice sent a chill down his neck and to his groin.
Ryle's face turned beet red but he grinned. “Okay,” he said with a shy look.
The receptionist smiled as they walked up. “Welcome, good sir. One table?”
“Two. A Cana female if you have one.”
She blinked a few times. She knew a slave when she saw one. Must be one of THOSE kinds of masters. “Of course, sir.”
“Full treatment.” Gabe loved watching her face when she realized that he wanted the best they had to offer for his slave. She looked shocked and even scandalized.
“Yes sir.” Gabe handed over the money, knowing this would nearly break him until he was back on duty. “Separate or adjoining rooms?”
“Hmm. Adjoining.”
In only a moment, a Cana female and a very large, very well built man came out from the back. “I think I would break the little one if I touched him, so you must be with me,” the man said to Gabe. “I'm Sten.”
“Gabe. Ryle, quit staring at the lovely lady.”
But both of them were staring. “Kyla?”
Looked at them both. Then he saw it. “Oh wow. Well shit. Um, Sten, I may need something to clear my head. And go easy on the back. Doctor's orders.”
“I can't believe it's you,” she said and took his claw in her own. She led him to the room the duo would share for their massage. “You look...”
“I've been worse, believe me. I never thought I would see you again when they took you from us.” Kyla was Ryle's older sister. She had been taken from the family immediately and sold off to the highest bidder.
“Nor I you, little bird.” They shared a small smile. Kyla shared the same purple eyes and golden highlights in her feathers, but she had buttery low-lights and a deep brown base. She also stood a head taller.
“I haven't heard that in so many years.”
“Okay, so we can talk while I work.” She handed him a robe. He got undressed behind a folding screen and came out to lay in the table next to Gabe who was groaning in appreciation. Kyla changed to Canari to give them some privacy. “Is this owner as kind as he seems?”
“Ky, he's the best thing in my life. He treats me like family. I would probably be dead if it weren't for him. No shackles, no collar, nothing to say I am his property other than where I walk when we're in public. Even that is for show.”
She grunted to let him know she was listening. Kyla didn't trust herself to speak when she saw what they had done to her baby brother. All those scars, and his wings gone...it was worse than the day she was separated from the family. “And...you're happy?”
“I am now. Gabriel is great, Ky. The reason he's hurt is protecting me from someone.” He cooed as she dug into his small frame with her knuckles.
“He took a beating for you?”
“No, he challenged the human male.”
Kyla looked out of the corner of her eye at the human on the table. “You are happy with him? I scent him on you.”
“I am. He is young for his kind and kind for his species. Enough about me. How have you been?”
She told him of how she had been sold to a master who used her for his own pleasure until he was found out and all property taken by his noble family, which included her. She was then sold to the master she had now who trained her in the art of massage therapy. She had been here for eight years working and two years prior in study. “My life has been mostly good, little bird. Master Deacon is a station master and few wish to rouse his ire. I'm left to do my job, and I don't get harassed.”
“I'm so happy to hear that.”
After their massage came the bath treatment with scented oils and facials. Ryle was able to talk with his sister for the entire time. Gabe was silent and just relaxing, letting their language just lull him into a nice doze. To find his sister was a shock. A pleasant one for all three of them. Ryle had family, and they could see each other every now and then. Gabe would spend the money in advance to make sure of it.
Then came the mani/pedi combo and for that they were in separate rooms, although the dividing wall was another folding screen. “How are you doing over there, Ryle?”
“She has scissors.”
Gabe laughed. “Hope she remembers you fondly.”
“I do. You won't have a silly looking companion, Master Gabriel.”
“I like her,” Gabe said to Sten.
“She's been with Master Deacon longer than I have. She has been a blessing to all. Kind and caring.”
Gabe knew that tone. He was smitten. Very smitten. “Does she return the feelings?”
Sten nodded. “Master has given us permission to wed in a year.” This he said quietly. “If it is to your liking...could you and her nestmate attend? It would mean the world to her.”
Put so, Gabe could not refuse. “I will have to check flight schedules with the Captain, but if it can be done, we'll be there.”
Sten bowed deeply. “Thank you.” Gabe only smiled.
When they were done with their outing, Gabe and Ryle saw each other for the first time. Ryle could not believe his eyes. Gabe's somewhat shaggy hair was cut, and his patchy beard was shaped. The facial they had given him had included some additives to speed healing for the cut on his cheek, and he looked back to normal. He had a small scar now, but it did nothing to detract from his good looks.
Ryle's hair had been trimmed to a uniform length and washed with the right shampoo. It was shining, and Gabe could swear it shimmered with a light of its own. Gone was all the residual grime from his last life, and there, standing before Gabe, was the most beautiful creature ever.
“Well, it seems you have worked you magic again, Kyla.”
Gabe looked to see a man come walking up with a cane, his left leg looking to be permanently injured. “You are too kind, Master Deacon.”
“Oh, child, you know you're the best we have.” He patted her head like a grandfather would to his granddaughter. “Hello, Gabriel. I'm Deacon Farshaw.”
“A pleasure, sir. Your staff is a credit, to be sure, and I'll be stopping by more often.” Gabe liked this man. He seemed kind, but those eyes were shrewd and missed little. He had already made the connection between Ryle and Kyla. “May I have a brief word with you?” he asked and Deacon led him to the other side of the room.
“If you're asking to buy Kyla, the answer is no.”
“I couldn't afford her on my salary even if she was for sale. I would like for Ryle and me to attend their wedding, if that's okay. I know it didn't escape you that they are related.”
“It did not,” Deacon said with a smile. “You do not underestimate me, do you?”
“No more than you underestimate me and who I'm related to.” Both smiled and nodded. “It would be such a gift to Ryle.”
“I see. Is it for his benefit, Gabe?”
“His and hers. Sten seems to want to keep it a surprise, and I would like to keep it that way too.” Gabe would love to see her eyes shine when she saw he little brother there in the crowd.
“You are nothing like your father. That's a good thing.”
“You're wrong, but I'll take the compliment as I know what you mean.”
Deacon thought about it. It would be a good deed for his most prized slave and a savvy political move. The Captain would see his son attending a station master's affair and would remember that. He may show favor for jobs to the station master. “If your flight plan brings you through here, then yes. The Captain may also attend, if he so desires.”
“Politics are fun, no?”
The two shared a laugh and Deacon put his hand on Gabe's shoulder. “You are going to be a very formidable person, Gabriel. It's nice to see someone with your smarts and morals. This, I believe, will be the start of a good friendship and a potentially lucrative business venture.” They shook hands and laughed, just two men who understood each other well enough. “You care for him, don't you?”
“More than I can say.”
“Good. Next time you come through, come see me. I will give Kyla some time off.”
“I think I am going to like you, Deacon.” The two men went back to their companions. “Ryle, it is time to go. Sten, next time I'm here, I hope to be well enough to take advantage of those big hands. Kyla, a pleasure.” He shook Sten's hand and bowed over her. Deacon hid his smile.
This lad is going to go far.
I hope you all had a good holiday (for my American readers) and that the days that come for all of my readers lead to something to be thankful for.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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