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Song and Dance - 6. Chapter 6 Heartbreak Hotel

Hello, Goodbye

Song and Dance



Chapter 6



“I don’t know about you, wolfman, but I could eat the ass-end out of a skunk.”

“What did you just say?”

“I said, ‘I’m hungry.”

“Okay, that’s a relief. I thought that was some weird-ass come-on.” Arron smirked.

“Very funny. So what should we do for supper? It feels like my stomach’s touching my backbone. I need me some protein and some carbs.”

“Well, I could be convinced to cook something up… maybe a chicken stir-fry? How does that sound, you poor starving man?”

“Really, you want to do that? That sounds like a great idea, so how can I convince you?” Chet wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and Arron rolled his eyes before he crushed Chet’s hopes, at least temporarily.

“Don’t even go there. We’re taking that part slowly, right?” After what he seen in the gym, it was going to take some serious willpower.

“Yeah, you’re right. This is about a lot more than sex. I really do want us to get to know one another and build a trust first. So what will it take to convince you to do the stir fry thing?”

Arron loved how much importance Chet was putting on building things between them the right way. “I’ll cook if you promise to give me a foot rub after dinner… you do know how to give a decent foot rub, don’t you?”

Chet’s mind flashed on the memories of rubbing Ian’s feet after his runway shows, where he had to wear numerous kinds of ill-fitting shoes.“Yeah, I’m good at it… guaranteed. I’ve had some practice. That reminds me… something happened I need to tell you about.”

“Okay, what happened? And how did giving me a foot-rub remind you of something? Is this something kinky?”

Chet laughed at that. “No, not kinky. Far from it, unless you find vomiting kinky.” Arron shook his head violently. “It’s a long story… I’ll tell you while you’re cooking me dinner at your place. Let’s get going before I faint from starvation. I want to see that Craftsman style house of yours. It sounds amazing.”

“It is amazing, or at least I think so. My grandparents maintained it very well, and kept it all original before I inherited it, but we won’t be able to cook a stir fry if we go to my place. My gas stove is out of commission for a couple of days because my gas line has a weak spot. I had to shut off the valve to my stove until the line is replaced. We’d have to do takeout or microwave, or maybe something cold.”

“That’s fine, as long as we’re eating together, I’m good.” That earned him a tender kiss and a brilliant smile.

“I wanted to show off my culinary skills for you, though… you know, the way to a man’s heart and all that?”

“I don’t think you have to worry about finding the way to my heart, wolfie. You’re doing just fine.”

“I am, am I?” It was plain to see that comment made Arron happy, as his face lit up with a huge smile.

“Yes sir, Officer. I perved on you in there, and you do not need to have cooking skills.” He comically leered at Arron.

Arron’s laughter could be heard all through the parking lot. “I perved on you too, and you could be dumb as a post and I’d still date you.”

“So you just want me for my body, then?”

“Occasionally, yeah.”

“I can live with that,” Chet said looking quite pleased with himself and that got them both laughing.

“Have you got a Wok, because I am really craving a stir-fry now?”

“Yes, Officer, I’ve got a Wok. Do you want to cook at my place?” Chet liked the idea of Arron in his kitchen, cooking them something. He had never had that kind of domesticity before. He couldn’t remember a time that he had a boyfriend cook for him. Certainly Ian had never cooked him anything.

“Sure, if that’s okay with you?” Arron didn’t want to overstep, but he relished the idea of cooking in Chet’s kitchen, for Chet.

“Let’s see… you in my kitchen wearing nothing but an apron, and me sitting there ogling, I mean watching you; what’s not to like? Let’s do this!”

Arron loved the flirting from Chet. It felt so natural and full of fun. “Okay, that’s settled, but I’m wearing more than an apron... I think I'll need protection from you more than from splatters."

Chet stuck his tongue out at that.

"Let’s hit the grocery store and get this done. Loblaw’s always has good fresh produce.”

“Sounds good, I’ll follow you, Officer Bailey,” Chet said with a salute.

“I do have handcuffs you know,” Arron teased.

“Oh, I thought we were waiting on the sex stuff, but okay, if that’s what you want, count me in.”

Arron just smiled, rolled his eyes and got in his Highlander.

Who knew shopping for food could be so much fun. Chet was like a happy little kid, checking everything out and getting into stuff. Arron saw the normally mundane task of shopping in a whole new light with Chet at his side. He was very touchy-feely, and Arron found himself comfortable with it, and loving the intimacy of it. He had never interacted this way with Dwayne. Chet didn’t place items in a basket. No, he threw them from good distances away. Flying bags and packages of peppers, mushrooms, carrots, snow peas, fresh ginger, bean sprouts and the like kept Arron on his toes. He drew the line at the boneless chicken breasts though, threatening mutiny… and no dinner if those things came flying at his head. Chet conceded to Arron’s demand at that point, satisfied after already having had his play-time. At the checkout, Arron realized he had forgotten soy sauce, and with the airs of a superhero, Chet announced, “I’m on it!” and took off running down one of the aisles.

“That’s my guy,” announced Arron to the amused people waiting in line. Saying it surprised him, but God it felt good to say that in public. Arron had never felt freer, and admitted to himself that he was falling fast for this adorable, warmhearted, brown-haired man. Chet was back in a flash, planting his feet wide in a heroic stance and presenting the soy sauce to Arron with a serious countenance.

“My mission has been accomplished, Officer Bailey.” Arron grinned widely at his antics, as did the people around them. Could the man be anymore charming?

Whispering to him, “You come in handy, green eyes,” got him an eyebrow wiggle and a whispered response.

“You have no idea.”

Arron just grinned some more, blushing at the same time.

Both of them carrying a bag of groceries, they raced up the stairwell to Chet’s apartment like two little kids… actually, two hungry big kids. At the door, Chet had trouble getting his keys out because Arron chose that moment to claim a kiss from a laughing Chet. There was a different kind of hunger they were feeling now, as Arron’s free hand held onto the back of Chet’s head, his tongue exploring that delicious mouth. Breaking apart, breathless and giggling, they managed to get the door open and step inside.

What greeted them startled them both, for different reasons. What Chet saw was Ian violating his privacy, his loft, and his life. What Arron saw was a stranger, a stupendously beautiful god of a man, pretty much naked in a skimpy pair of briefs, staring at him with displeasure.

“Who is this, Jets?” The man looked proprietary, and Arron didn’t like it. He was stunned, and having trouble comprehending what was happening.

“Ian, what the fuck are you still doing here? You were supposed to be gone this morning. You have no right to be here… Arron, I’m sorry, this is what I was going to tell you about. Ian, get dressed for fuck sake, and get the hell out of here.” Pure anger was radiating off of Chet, and Arron was practically reeling from the shock of the situation. A sick feeling settled in the pit of his stomach. This guy was Chet’s ex-partner? Why did he look so familiar?

“I thought we could continue our talk. I thought you said there was nobody else in your life? Who is he, Jets?”

The ‘nobody else in your life’ comment hit Arron hard. This whole thing was way too much to handle.

“That is not what I said, and he’s none of your fucking business… and stop calling me that. Fuck, Ian, what the hell are you thinking? There’s nothing more to talk about, and I made that clear last night!”

Arron felt Chet’s concerned eyes on him while he was talking. What Arron saw was big blue eyes filled with tears staring at ‘his guy’ beseechingly. So much for Chet being ‘his guy’ anymore. Arron knew that face… and it dawned on him where he knew it from.

“You’re the guy in those cologne ads, coming out of the water?!” Arron blurted out before he could stop himself. Ian turned his attention to Arron, tears still flowing, and gave him a short nod before dismissing him with his eyes, and returning his focus to Chet.

Arron was suddenly overwhelmed by all of this and Chet could see it. “Arron, are you okay? I’m so sorry this has happened but there is nothing here that affects you and me… I promise you. Arron, say something.” Arron’s face was blank, his demeanor that of a man closing himself off, and putting up shields. “Ian! Get your ass dressed and get out of here… now!” Arron was aware of the sound of sobs disappearing towards the bedroom. The bedroom? Why was he going to the bedroom? This was all too much for him. “I’m sorry about this, baby. Arron say something, please?”

“I’m not your baby,” Arron said with a sigh. Realizing he was still holding a bag of groceries, he walked over and set them on the kitchen island. Turning around, he faced a shell-shocked looking Chet. That response had hurt him, scared him even.

“Please tell me you don’t think there was anything was going on here. He came by last night after you left, out of the blue.”

Arron dimly remembered a guy on the stairway as he was leaving. It must have been Ian. “Why did he come here?” No emotion seeped into his voice because all he felt was a numbness.

“Arron, listen, nothing happened between us. I swear.”

Arron remembered someone else saying words like those to him in the same pleading tone. “Why did he come here?” Same question.

“He wanted us to get back together, but I said no, and that’s the truth. Please believe me. I know this probably looks bad, but he was drinking and he took some drugs and he threw up. Remember what I said about vomiting… that’s what I was talking about. So I couldn’t throw him out even though I wanted to. You believe me, right?”

“Did he sleep with you, Chet? Was he in your bed?” Arron glanced towards the bedroom, afraid of the answer.

“Look, I put him on the couch and that’s where he was supposed to sleep. But he ended up getting into my bed when I was sleeping. I swear as soon as I realized it, I went out to the couch because he wouldn’t wake up. Nothing happened, I promise you.”

There was another phrase he'd heard before, from Dwayne. “I think you guys need to finish talking. You have things to work out, and I shouldn’t be here. I need to go.”

“Please don’t do this. Trust me. There is nothing for Ian and me to talk about. That ended a long time ago and there’s nothing to work out. You’re letting your fears get the best of you. Don’t let them control you. I need you to have faith in me. You’re the only one I care about.”

Arron sighed, as feelings he didn’t want began to make their presence known. “You may not think you need to talk, but he does.” He gestured to the far side of the living room where a dressed Ian was standing barefoot, watching them.

“What about our stir-fry... our plans? Ian is leaving; Ian, hurry up and get the fuck out of here!” he glared at the golden-haired man with anger. “Please don’t go, wolf.”

“Chet, it’s okay. You have something you need to do, and I’m not feeling hungry anymore.” He gave Chet a pained look as he walked past him to the door, not really sure how he was feeling because it was too much to process all at once. As he opened the door, he turned to see a devastated Chet coming towards him.

“I know this freaked you out, and I get it and I’m sorry, but don’t let it wreck what we have. I fucked up. I had no idea Ian was still here or I would have told you about last night earlier. I don’t want you to leave, but I can’t stop you. I really wish you would stay so we could talk about this. Ian is not going to be here much longer; I can promise you that.” There was no response from Arron. ‘Can I call you later?” The look on Chet’s face tore at something inside Arron, and he knew he had to leave.

“I don’t know right now… maybe in a couple of days. You’re right… I am freaked out and you have stuff you need to sort out.” A picture of Chet revealing how much he had loved Ian, with tears streaming down his face, forced itself forward in Arron’s tortured mind. “Maybe you guys have a second chance.” His attempt at a smile failed miserably.

“What can I do to convince you I don’t want a second chance with Ian?” Chet looked and sounded exasperated.

“Right now, you can’t. You need time to think this through. I know how much you loved him, and he is… he’s very beautiful, and he wants you back.” Ian’s looks had definitely intimidated him. The numbness was leaving and tears were coming, so Arron turned and left a frustrated Chet standing in the doorway. On his way down the stairs, the dam broke, and he had to brush the onslaught away so he could see.

Behind him he heard Chet say clearly, “You’re making a mistake. Please, don’t do this. Arron, trust me... please!"

Thanks, once again, to Lightning Tim.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

All I have to say is Kitt and I were right. Chett should have locked his bedroom door and he should have told Arron about what happened sooner. Oh and he should have thrown Ian out before he left in the morning. :pissed:

Looking forward to Chett punching Ian *please* :yes: and then grovelling to Arron. :heart:

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I was worried that Chet's compassion and not explaining about Ian right away would come back to bite him. I hope Arron gives him a chance, but that's going to take a huge leap of faith for him.

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Oh my! Ian is in for it now! I get the feeling Chet doesn't lose his temper that easily, but when he does... Look out!

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On 03/23/2015 05:04 AM, Caz Pedroso said:
All I have to say is Kitt and I were right. Chett should have locked his bedroom door and he should have told Arron about what happened sooner. Oh and he should have thrown Ian out before he left in the morning. :pissed:

Looking forward to Chett punching Ian *please* :yes: and then grovelling to Arron. :heart:

Thanks for the great review, Caz! I can't argue with the should haves although there may not have been a lock on Chet's bedroom door :) What really matters is how Arron handles his trust issues...He got a real slap in the face here... Cheers
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On 03/23/2015 05:47 AM, EagleIsaac said:
I was worried that Chet's compassion and not explaining about Ian right away would come back to bite him. I hope Arron gives him a chance, but that's going to take a huge leap of faith for him.
Thanks Isaac, for the review. Aren't all relationships about leaps of faith? If Arron can't take that leap, then it looks pretty bleak. Cheers
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On 03/23/2015 05:47 AM, Puppilull said:
Oh my! Ian is in for it now! I get the feeling Chet doesn't lose his temper that easily, but when he does... Look out!
Thank you, Puppilull, for the review. Chet is really angry, but what he is most... is hurt and afraid...Cheers
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Awww dammit ... I was really hopeful this wouldn't happen. However, every relationship has issues that must be resolved if it is to continue. If not this than it would have some other thing. Chet can't "proove" anything until Arron is ready to begin listening and trusting. Chet needs to make clear to Ian that there is no future for them using whatever means necessary short of beating him senseless. Then they can move on.

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On 03/23/2015 07:10 AM, dughlas said:
Awww dammit ... I was really hopeful this wouldn't happen. However, every relationship has issues that must be resolved if it is to continue. If not this than it would have some other thing. Chet can't "proove" anything until Arron is ready to begin listening and trusting. Chet needs to make clear to Ian that there is no future for them using whatever means necessary short of beating him senseless. Then they can move on.
LOL. Thanks, dugh for a great review. I guess I'll have to rewrite the next chapter if I can't let Chet beat Ian senseless lol. Just kidding. Your so right that in every relationship, any issues have to be resolved if there is to be a chance of success...we have to hope for the best ...thanks again and cheers,,,
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On 03/23/2015 07:38 AM, Ozymandias said:
Why do people have to be so damn stupid about relationship?
That's a good question, Ozy...most times it's about baggage, and it certainly is in this case. Intense feelings complicate the thinking process as well. These two guys have been stuck by lightning, fast and furious... and need to settle down and think! Thank you so much for the review...cheers
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A very disappointing chapter for me, Gary--not because of the writing or anything--but because Chet was immensely stupid. He knew Ian could not be trusted, and yet acted like a babe in the woods, taking for granted that the nut case would do as he asked.


There are trust issues on all sides here, not just Arron's. Despite past history, Chet let emotion blind him to Ian's past--and credited him with being trustworthy--no sane person would have allowed Ian to do any of the things he did and still stay one second after he'd said his piece, so Chet was an idiot with too much trust, and because of that destroyed the recovering trust that Arron had been developing thanks to Chet's being part of his life. For the record, I don't blame Arron at all for leaving, his belief in what he and Chet had was fragile, and hard-won from his awful relationship with Dwayne...and he sees it again with Chet. He was seriously burned in his first relationship, and now I think it will be much harder to give that trust to Chet a second time. How many times can you be expected to suffer heartbreak before it becomes too costly to risk again?


For me, the burden of change here lies mostly with Chet--his trust issue is not knowing where to place it, abandoning evidence and facts to let past emotion rule him. Compassion is well and good, but it must have a limit or be used wisely before you are drained completely by those who would prey on it...like Ian. All Arron needs to do right now, is think things through, examine what he knew of Chet before Ian popped up, and hold an open mind--whether he will open his heart as fully again is something only time will tell--but I'd say that time is further in the future than it had been.


There is no magical fix for this, Chet needs to rethink his life choices very badly before he tries to win Arron back.

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Damn..I knew this was going to happen. Ian was too much of a manipulative user just to walk away. Deep breath. Give Arron time to think and then Chet needs to talk to him again.

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On 03/23/2015 09:19 AM, ColumbusGuy said:
A very disappointing chapter for me, Gary--not because of the writing or anything--but because Chet was immensely stupid. He knew Ian could not be trusted, and yet acted like a babe in the woods, taking for granted that the nut case would do as he asked.


There are trust issues on all sides here, not just Arron's. Despite past history, Chet let emotion blind him to Ian's past--and credited him with being trustworthy--no sane person would have allowed Ian to do any of the things he did and still stay one second after he'd said his piece, so Chet was an idiot with too much trust, and because of that destroyed the recovering trust that Arron had been developing thanks to Chet's being part of his life. For the record, I don't blame Arron at all for leaving, his belief in what he and Chet had was fragile, and hard-won from his awful relationship with Dwayne...and he sees it again with Chet. He was seriously burned in his first relationship, and now I think it will be much harder to give that trust to Chet a second time. How many times can you be expected to suffer heartbreak before it becomes too costly to risk again?


For me, the burden of change here lies mostly with Chet--his trust issue is not knowing where to place it, abandoning evidence and facts to let past emotion rule him. Compassion is well and good, but it must have a limit or be used wisely before you are drained completely by those who would prey on it...like Ian. All Arron needs to do right now, is think things through, examine what he knew of Chet before Ian popped up, and hold an open mind--whether he will open his heart as fully again is something only time will tell--but I'd say that time is further in the future than it had been.


There is no magical fix for this, Chet needs to rethink his life choices very badly before he tries to win Arron back.

Thank you CG. I understand what you are saying. I will say this though. I don't think Chet is stupid. He loved and trusted Ian right up until Ian walked away from him. Faced with a difficult decision on this unexpected visit, he took the high road, and didn't throw Ian out while he was impaired... he wanted to though. This visit and Ian not leaving was a surprise to Chet... but it has really opened his eyes to who Ian really is... and I believe that was necessary to the story. Chet's baggage is now gone. Did it cost him Arron? If Arron can't come to grips with his own issues, then possibly. Ian did do damage, but not because Chet was stupid... Chet just hadn't figured out the real Ian yet.Now he has. I knew this chapter was going to be a tough one and I get that.I'm sorry you are disappointed... and I am not playing with you... there is a method to my madness... as always, your review is well thought out and thought provoking... I appreciate it and you...cheers
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On 03/23/2015 09:25 AM, LitLover said:
Damn..I knew this was going to happen. Ian was too much of a manipulative user just to walk away. Deep breath. Give Arron time to think and then Chet needs to talk to him again.
I had to take a few deep breathe before I posted this chapter. I was dreading the reaction but I have to tell the story. Life is not a bed of ROSES, unfortunately... These are grown men who need to face their issues or lose their chances at happiness. Thanks ,Lit for the review, and sorry for the stress... cheers
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Chet pays the price for his stupidity. And Aaron is shallow - Ian is beautiful therefore Chet should go back to him. Disappointing.

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On 03/23/2015 11:16 AM, Bucket1 said:
Chet pays the price for his stupidity. And Aaron is shallow - Ian is beautiful therefore Chet should go back to him. Disappointing.
Hey Bucket. Sorry you're disappointed. I don't think Arron is shallow... I think he had an awful relationship that left him wounded. Betrayal hurts and that's a fact. he lost his partner and his best friend all at once so he was left alone...not out because his partner didn't want that to happen... he has insecurities and trust issues... I hope you can give him time to absorb what happened... thanks for the review...Cheers
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I think you showed very realistic reactions on the part of both guys. Chet didn't throw Ian out because he's a good guy. Ian was too messed up to be safe. Maybe he should have told Arron what happened sooner, but he did mention it and he was planning on telling him. I'm not surprised Ian didn't do as he was told. I understand Arron's reaction and kind of don't blame him for leaving. I have no doubt these guys will get back on track again. What they have is too special to just let go. Life isn't easy and neither are relationships. I like that you threw a little conflict their way. I can't wait to see how they work through this.

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On 03/23/2015 11:27 AM, Valkyrie said:
I think you showed very realistic reactions on the part of both guys. Chet didn't throw Ian out because he's a good guy. Ian was too messed up to be safe. Maybe he should have told Arron what happened sooner, but he did mention it and he was planning on telling him. I'm not surprised Ian didn't do as he was told. I understand Arron's reaction and kind of don't blame him for leaving. I have no doubt these guys will get back on track again. What they have is too special to just let go. Life isn't easy and neither are relationships. I like that you threw a little conflict their way. I can't wait to see how they work through this.
Thank you Val. I appreciate the thoughtful review. You're right that life isn't easy... real life is often messy...thank you for thinking their reactions were realistic... that is most important to me and very affirming...I thank you for your take on the chapter...hope you like the next one... Cheers
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To be fair to Chet, if all had gone according to plan, Arron would have known everything about Ian's visit, if only they had cooked supper at Arron's place. And faced with a impossible situation Chet did his best to reassure Arron while telling Ian exactly what he thought of his behavior. It's true, Chet shouldn't have trusted Ian and left him in the apartment, but he couldn't have thrown him out the night before.

Right after reading this chapter I was more worried about Arron, he seems in shock. Will he come to his senses and trust in Chet again?

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Poor Arron, poor Chet! I totally understand how Chet was so into Arron when they met after work that bringing up Ian's visit didn't seem significant, especially when he thought Ian was out of the door and his life. Chet knows what the situation is but poor Arron had to relive a horribly similar situation that had wounded him in the past. Saying those words to Chet wasn't shallowness, it was a desperate attempt to maintain some of control and save his face on his way out. I truly hope he won't let it destroy all of his newfound hope of a trusting and equal relationship between two guys who know themselves and know what they want. I hope you will update soon so that we don't need to worry about Arron too long!

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Had a bad feeling that Ian was going to cause a problem. Damn! But i have faith that somehow in someway they going to get thru this and that Chet and Arron will be fine. Have faith in you, Gary, to make it all right and that youll have great fun doing that. Lol.

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On 03/23/2015 05:22 PM, Timothy M. said:
To be fair to Chet, if all had gone according to plan, Arron would have known everything about Ian's visit, if only they had cooked supper at Arron's place. And faced with a impossible situation Chet did his best to reassure Arron while telling Ian exactly what he thought of his behavior. It's true, Chet shouldn't have trusted Ian and left him in the apartment, but he couldn't have thrown him out the night before.

Right after reading this chapter I was more worried about Arron, he seems in shock. Will he come to his senses and trust in Chet again?

Thanks for reviewing, Tim. It means a lot when you do. I appreciate your balanced view of the situation. Chet learned a valuable lesson here. He really thought Ian understood where they stood and that morning he softened towards him... rejecting someone was hard for Chet... too nice? maybe... stupid? hindsight is a wonderful thing. Chet is more trusting than stupid... but he has learned the consequences of giving Ian the benefit of the doubt. His mind was totally on Arron that morning. I think you're right that Arron was in a bad way and has to figure out some things...thanks again...cheers
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On 03/23/2015 06:09 PM, Kalandor said:
Poor Arron, poor Chet! I totally understand how Chet was so into Arron when they met after work that bringing up Ian's visit didn't seem significant, especially when he thought Ian was out of the door and his life. Chet knows what the situation is but poor Arron had to relive a horribly similar situation that had wounded him in the past. Saying those words to Chet wasn't shallowness, it was a desperate attempt to maintain some of control and save his face on his way out. I truly hope he won't let it destroy all of his newfound hope of a trusting and equal relationship between two guys who know themselves and know what they want. I hope you will update soon so that we don't need to worry about Arron too long!
Thank you Kalandor, for another great review. I think you have read the situation exactly right. Baggage we carry around from the past can do a lot of damage and keep us from seeing things the way we should. Let's hope Arron can let some of his baggage go...cheers
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On 03/24/2015 01:16 AM, Jaro_423 said:
Had a bad feeling that Ian was going to cause a problem. Damn! But i have faith that somehow in someway they going to get thru this and that Chet and Arron will be fine. Have faith in you, Gary, to make it all right and that youll have great fun doing that. Lol.
Thank you Jaro, for the review and the faith... I will do my best to get them and us through it... cheers
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They are still very new, even though they moved fast and thought they had it all figured out. Arron's reaction showed this clearly. You can't build genuine trust in such a short time. It really looked bad. Would Chet have reacted the same way, if Dwayne had been at Arron's house? Who knows?

No really, if you've been hurt bad, you always remember this and try to avoid that it ever happens again at all cost, that's not a conscious decision. I understand Arron.

So, my trust is in you, Gary. Go fix this! ASAP! Lol.

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