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Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Lie of the Serpent - 2. Chapter 2

Chapter 2


Wyatt sucked in a sharp breath as he stared at the strip of leather. He could vaguely see both of their initials tooled into the leather through his hazy vision. Oh, fuck. He couldn't breathe. Why the hell couldn't he breathe?

Marry him? Was he serious?

At Bryan's wide, imploring grin, Wyatt knew. Air rushed back into his lungs as his eyes blurred. He'd been so sure a moment ago Bryan was going to dump him. After Darrin destroyed him a couple years ago, he'd been too wary to accept that anyone might want to be with him in that way.

"Are you serious?" He heard his voice crack.

"Damn serious." Bryan kissed his knuckles. "I want us to have forever. And I want you to know that I'll always be there for you."

"Bryan, I—"


"Say yes!"

"Go for it, man!"

The peanut gallery of his students and a few other park patrons started cheering and laughing with glee at being able to witness this. Wyatt was sure it'd be all over the school before it even started back up after the break was over. But the clapping and encouraging calls from the teens, as well as the hopeful grin of the man waiting in front of him, assuaged his anxiety.

This man was ready to give him the one thing he wanted most.

"Yes," Wyatt found himself whispering as Bryan grinned widely, snapping the clasp to the leather closed. He yanked Bryan to his feet, gripping his shirt and hauling him closer into a demanding kiss.

The cheers and applause around them grew louder, and he vaguely realized the crowd had grown. Bryan's strong arms were wrapped around him as he slowly came back to himself. He laughed against Bryan's chest at the spectacle they had caused.

He shoved lightly at Bryan's chest as he wiped at his eyes. "You—"

But he just found himself hauling Bryan back in, shaking his head, burying into Bryan's shoulder. "I can't believe—"

Bryan and the crowd laughed as he struggled to regain his composure. Damn the man had shocked him. Wyatt found his body trembling and it took several minutes before he finally managed to calm his nerves. Bryan was already waving and grinning at the crowd, thanking them for their support.

Wyatt finally found his equilibrium enough to smile at the gawking park patrons as well. The group of skaters bounded over, slapping him on the back.

"Mr. Kinnon, dude," Marc grinned.

"Hey, man, what you couldn't get a fucking ring?" a red head with a mohawk chastised Bryan.

"Greg, language," Wyatt snapped, the teacher in him automatically correcting them, but the boys just grinned.

Bryan didn't even bat an eye at the boy berating his choice. "The rings will be for the wedding—where we'll both wear one."

"Ahh, okay, cool dude."

"Love the leather."

"Makes you look a little more hip there, Mr. Kinnon."

The voices all blended together and Wyatt didn't bother to try to keep them all straight. His focus was solely for the man in front of him. The sparkle in those light blue eyes as Bryan looked down at him took his breath away.

"Seriously, man, congratulations."

"Dude, they aren't even listening to us anymore."

"Maybe you two should get a room."

Okay that got his attention. He flushed again as he turned to the high school students. "Aaannnd I think it's time you moseyed along." He made a shooing motion to get the chuckling boys to move on. He waited until they dropped their skateboards and took off down the wide walkway.

Finally alone, well, for the most part anyway, Wyatt clutched at Bryan's hand. Bryan took his wrist and smoothed his thumb over the soft leather wrapped around it, claiming Wyatt as his.

"Do you believe me now?" Bryan whispered softly.

Wyatt stared at their initials carved into the leather with a leafy design intertwining them, Bryan's thumb caressing it. "I— Are you sure?"

Bryan chuckled, tightening his grip. "I've never been more sure about anything. I want this. I want you. The question is: do you want me?"

Wyatt blinked rapidly. "Fuck, Bry, you know I do. I just...want you to be sure, that's all. You know it's just hard for me to—" he faltered. "I have a hard time—"

"Trusting, I know."

Damn, of course, he did. Wyatt smiled, his shoulders relaxing slightly. He looked up into his lover's beaming face. "So you thought you'd propose here, in front of everyone, so I'd be less likely to say no?" he teased.

Bryan looked affronted. "No, actually. I picked here because it's one of your favorite places. You love the outdoors, Wyatt. Hell, if I thought about it more, I probably would have done it on one of your hikes on the trail."

Wyatt felt his breath catch. Fuck. He couldn't believe Bryan had thought that much about it. "You hate hiking though."

"But I do it for you."

As Wyatt's heart thudded in his chest, he reached up and gripped his taller lover's neck, pulling him down to meet his lips. "I love you."

"I love you too."




The drive back to Wyatt's apartment was one of the quickest ones ever. Bryan pulled his car into Wyatt's assigned parking spot. Since Wyatt didn't own a car, Bryan knew he'd always have a parking spot when he visited. Wyatt's apartment was within walking distance of work and grocery stores so he'd never felt the need to buy a car and just took the bus or a cab if he needed to go elsewhere.

Wyatt abruptly realized that Bryan had truly been serious about moving in together. He'd picked up boxes when they'd planned it a couple months ago, but something kept holding him back from actually packing, like Bryan was going to change his mind. The niggling fear in the back of his mind evaporated though, with the comforting embrace of the soft leather around his wrist.

Wyatt grinned to himself. Guess he'd be buying a car soon.

Bryan immediately jumped out of the car and grabbed him around the waist, diving in for another kiss. The abrupt movements sent Wyatt's hat tumbling off his head to the ground. Wyatt laughingly shoved him back as he turned, swiping his hat up, and stumbling toward his apartment.

"You and that damn Indiana Jones hat," Bryan laughed, shaking his head.

"Fuck you, I like this hat," Wyatt shot back.

Bryan shoved him against the door, stealing Wyatt's breath away. Wyatt watched his lover's eyes bleed to nearly black. "And I like you in only that hat."

Wyatt moaned against the demanding kiss, melting against the door as Bryan pinned him in place with his body. He could feel the taller man's hard cock pressing against his belly and his own became nearly painful against the zipper of his jeans.

A cough to their right was like cold water splashing over them. Wyatt whipped his head around to look at which neighbor he might have offended, while Bryan dropped his forehead in frustration against the door next to his ear.

His stiffened when he caught sight of the man leaning against the wall. Fuck. What the hell was he doing here?

"I see you haven't wasted any time picking up some slut—"

"Darrin, what the hell are you doing here?"

Wyatt felt Bryan spin to face the man, anger rolling off the man in waves. "Get the hell out of here, Roque."

"Or what?" Wyatt's ex sneered.

Wyatt's eyes flicked between the two men who were practically snarling at each other. At any other time, he probably would have thought the whole Alpha-dominant thing pretty funny.

Instead, he stepped between his ex-boyfriend and his fiancé. "Darrin, we've been over for more than two years. You know when you broken my fucking ribs."

"Wy-Wy, you know that wasn't—"

"Don't fucking call me that," Wyatt snapped.

A look of surprise marred the man's face, obviously shocked by Wyatt's boldness. Darrin had always seen him as someone he could control, and Wyatt had been so new to relationships and so willing to believe the sugary words that he'd ignored Darrin manipulating him. When friends questioned Darrin's treatment of him, Wyatt had slowly realized that the occasion hit or backhand wasn't something he should just accept as part of Darrin's nature. He deserved better. He'd given Darrin chances to change. Too many, Sarah had adamantly stated many times. Breaking a couple ribs had been the last straw and Wyatt had finally made the break. Wyatt wondered why he'd stayed with Darrin so long. Unfortunately, Darrin still didn't want to accept it.

"You know that was an accident," Darrin said placating, spreading his hands in a soothing gesture.

Wyatt felt Bryan's chest press up against his back, and knew instantly that Bryan was about to pound his ex into the floor. "And all the other times you hit me when you didn't get your way?"

Wyatt could see Darrin's jaw grinding in anger. In the past that look would probably have had him cowing in fear. But he wasn't that man anymore. "I told you the last four times you came by, it's over. I don't want to see you anymore, Darrin. Please leave."

Darrin's dark brown eyes raked over him, and Wyatt felt like the man was undressing him right then. Bryan practically growled from behind him at the leering smirk on Darrin's face.

"When this guy drops you," Darrin said, flicking his eyes at Bryan, "I'll be here to pick up the pieces of your broken heart, sweetheart."

"Like fucking hell you will," Bryan snapped. "We're engaged now, you asshole. So don't show your face around here again."

Darrin looked like he'd been slapped, and Wyatt grinned at the stunned look. He crossed his arms over his chest as Darrin scowled at them, trying to hold in his chuckle.

"Engaged? No fucking way."

Wyatt just smiled back and him and nodded. "Oh, yeah." He felt Bryan's hand grip his shoulder reassuringly. "So maybe now you'll get it through your thick skull that we are done."

The darker man edged toward the stairs, his eyes narrowed. "This isn't over. I promise you."

Wyatt rolled his eyes and flung his arms out in frustration. "What the fuck, Darrin? Seriously. It. Is. Over."

Wyatt watched his ex's dark head disappear down the stairs before turning to see Bryan's soft blue eyes hardened in anger. It was actually nice to see someone angry for him like that. He shoved at Bryan's chest, getting him to turn toward the apartment door.

"Man, that guy has some serious issues," Bryan mumbled as Wyatt keyed open the door. "He's creepy."

"Well, he is a creep, but he's just jealous. That's all." Wyatt tossed his keys on the small stand by the door.

"I'm just fucking glad that you're getting out of here soon." Bryan closed the door behind him, flipping the deadbolt. "Once you've moved in with me, maybe he'll back the hell off."

"Yeah, I'm sure he will." Wyatt ducked his gaze as he moved quickly to the kitchen. He could feel Bryan frowning at him. He knew the moment Bryan had finished his perusal of the apartment and realized that nothing had been packed yet.

"Wyatt? Where are your boxes?" Bryan asked cautiously.

He dropped his hands to the kitchen counter, his head falling forward, refusing to meet Bryan's eye. "I—I haven't really... gotten much packed yet," he reluctantly admitted.

His heart pounded as Bryan stepped up beside him. He knew Bryan had to be angry, and he felt himself shiver with foreboding at what the bigger man might be thinking. But, unlike with Darrin, he wasn't afraid of Bryan. He'd never feared Bryan ever hurting him physically—only leaving him for something better.

"Why not?" Bryan's voice was harsh, controlled. "You're off all week for Spring Break. You said that you'd start packing."

"I just—" Wyatt choked, his eyes falling to the strip of leather binding his wrist. "God, Bry, I just—I wasn't sure if..."

He felt Bryan's breath against his neck as the man leaned against him, warm arms wrapping around his waist. "You just weren't sure how serious I was when I asked you to move in, were you?" Bryan whispered.

Wyatt nodded, unable to speak. He knew that Bryan was hurt by his lack of faith, but Bryan had to know how hard it was to accept that Bryan wouldn't tire of him.

Bryan reached forward and took Wyatt's hands, lifting them to Wyatt's chest. His larger hand wrapped around the leather that held his promise. "Do you know now?"

Wyatt melted back into the man he loved, relieved that Bryan understood, wasn't furious with him for doubting. He twisted his head to meet Bryan's soft cobalt eyes. God, how the hell could he have ever doubted the man's intentions?

"Yeah," Wyatt heard himself admitting. "Yeah, I do."

A sly smile crept across Bryan's lips. "Just remember that's what you'll be saying in front of a judge soon." Then he placed a quick peck on Wyatt's nose.

Wyatt laughed, turning in his arms. "Definitely."

He leaned up to catch Bryan's soft lips, teasing them open with his tongue. Bryan let him leisurely explore the recesses of his mouth for a moment before growling and dueling with him for control. Wyatt loved that Bryan let him take the lead sometimes. No one he'd ever dated, especially Darrin, had ever let him take control. He didn't want to often, which was probably why Darrin was able to manipulate him so well, but sometimes he felt the desire to call the shots.

"So, did you actually get any boxes yet, or do we need to head to the store?" Bryan asked with a smirk.

Wyatt shoved his shoulder. "Jerk. Yes, I did get boxes. I just haven't put them together yet."

Bryan laughed, drawing Wyatt back into his arms. "Well, how about we get some boxes put together, pack a room up, have dinner, and then..." he smiled slyly, "consummate our engagement?"

Wyatt's eyes darkened, the gold bleeding to a small ring around his blown pupils. "Do we have to stick with that order?"

Wyatt could feel the hitch in Bryan's breath as the man tightened his grip and nipped at his throat. "Definitely not. We can do number four first..." he bit harder, "second," a slow lick up his Adam's apple. Wyatt shivered with anticipation, feeling Bryan's cock pressing against his abs.

"And third... and fourth," Wyatt added, thrusting his hips against his lover.

Wyatt felt Bryan's fingers sliding down the buttons of his shirt. Those warm fingers teasing his nipples as the shirt was shoved off his shoulders. Yeah, he was pretty sure there wasn't going to be any packing going on.

Copyright © 2015 craftingmom; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Recommended Comments

Chapter Comments

Such a lovely engagement! I like that his students got to share it, even if it might have been a bit too much personal life mixing with his professional life. Worlds colliding, as George Costanza would put it.


Too bad Darton showed up like a fly in their chardonnay.

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  • Site Moderator

The vivid description and dialogue surrounding the proposal had me feeling as if I was there witnessing it in person.
The congratulatory remarks of Wyatt's students' are evidence of Wyatt's good heart as it was clear they liked him a lot.
It seems crazy that Darrin would still be pursuing Wyatt two years post break up. I'm thinking that makes him either extremely possessive (to the point of obsession) or he is just so lousy at forging relationships that he hasn't found anyone else who wants him. Unfortunately, coupled with the news of the engagement, this could make him dangerous for Wyatt et al.
I'm glad that Bryan is supportive of Wyatt's insecurities. Always encouraging him without showing frustration as someone else might.
All in all, another exciting chapter.

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  • Site Moderator

I don't know if it was conscious or not, but Darrin looks a lot like Damn. Damn Darrin. Just that pesky little dot over the i. I can already see Darrin is going to remain around just like that annoyingly insistent dot. I am sure that most readers have considered the title and that serpents, like the one in the Garden of Eden, are liars. They also lie in the dirt and crawl through it. In that way you can see Darrin as a slick tongued bottom feeder. He's not going to stop. It's not in his nature. Now we're waiting for his inevitable strike.

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Your abusive ex shows up on the day of your romantic and sweet engagement to a wonderful man. A man who respects you, is patient and understanding. Nope, that's not how it's supposed to go. Unfortunately, for Wyatt and Bryan, that won't be the last of Darrin. Judging from the little Wyatt hinted at, he is trouble waiting to happen.

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That proposal was so romantic! It was great that Wyatt's students and other park people were there also! lol Thank God he said yes, right? :P


Darrin is going to be trouble. What a prick. They should both get a restraining order against him.

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What a fun, interesting story!
Like everyone else, found the proposal moving, and (again) like everyone else, loved the cool students around. I'm hoping you'll incorporate the students interests/involvement as the story progressives--it'll be a different perspective from the other characters. And also know that Darrin is trouble, and gonna be interesting to see how all of the friends/family rally around to deal with his menace.
Loving the inclusion of the protective older brother. He may require professional care, but his heart is in the right place, and can't wait till the happy couple meet up with him--suspect it's going to be a moving scene as only you can write it.
Good job--more, more!

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On 07/20/2015 09:45 AM, Puppilull said:

Such a lovely engagement! I like that his students got to share it, even if it might have been a bit too much personal life mixing with his professional life. Worlds colliding, as George Costanza would put it.


Too bad Darton showed up like a fly in their chardonnay.

It is a bit of mixing, but as a teacher myself, I'm starting to find my former 6th grade students as adults now serving in restaurants, meeting them in bars (yes, this happened! And I was shocked to see what an amazing dancer my shy 6th grader turned out to be.), etc. While I don't 'hang out' with them at all, running into them everywhere is practically a given.

Glad you enjoyed the engagement!

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On 07/20/2015 09:52 AM, flamingo136 said:

I'm hating Darrin now. Great chapter, romantic and intense from beginning to end. :) Mike

hehe, you probably won't like Darrin much later either. :)

Glad you are enjoying it.

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On 07/20/2015 10:15 AM, Reader1810 said:

The vivid description and dialogue surrounding the proposal had me feeling as if I was there witnessing it in person.

The congratulatory remarks of Wyatt's students' are evidence of Wyatt's good heart as it was clear they liked him a lot.

It seems crazy that Darrin would still be pursuing Wyatt two years post break up. I'm thinking that makes him either extremely possessive (to the point of obsession) or he is just so lousy at forging relationships that he hasn't found anyone else who wants him. Unfortunately, coupled with the news of the engagement, this could make him dangerous for Wyatt et al.

I'm glad that Bryan is supportive of Wyatt's insecurities. Always encouraging him without showing frustration as someone else might.

All in all, another exciting chapter.

Thanks so much! I'm glad the engagement came across well. Darrin definitely has some possessiveness issues.

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On 07/20/2015 10:16 AM, drpaladin said:

I don't know if it was conscious or not, but Darrin looks a lot like Damn. Damn Darrin. Just that pesky little dot over the i. I can already see Darrin is going to remain around just like that annoyingly insistent dot. I am sure that most readers have considered the title and that serpents, like the one in the Garden of Eden, are liars. They also lie in the dirt and crawl through it. In that way you can see Darrin as a slick tongued bottom feeder. He's not going to stop. It's not in his nature. Now we're waiting for his inevitable strike.

hehe, it wasn't actually conscious but that's pretty cool that it does look like Damn. You'll see Darrin again soon in chapter 4, and you probably will like him even less!

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On 07/20/2015 12:04 PM, Defiance19 said:

Your abusive ex shows up on the day of your romantic and sweet engagement to a wonderful man. A man who respects you, is patient and understanding. Nope, that's not how it's supposed to go. Unfortunately, for Wyatt and Bryan, that won't be the last of Darrin. Judging from the little Wyatt hinted at, he is trouble waiting to happen.

:) yep, you haven't seen the last of Darrin...

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On 07/20/2015 01:15 PM, Lisa said:

That proposal was so romantic! It was great that Wyatt's students and other park people were there also! lol Thank God he said yes, right? :P


Darrin is going to be trouble. What a prick. They should both get a restraining order against him.

Thank you, so glad you liked the proposal! And yeah, Darrin is..., well, you probably know me by now that he's not the nicest of exes.

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On 07/21/2015 09:05 PM, Robert Rex said:

What a fun, interesting story!

Like everyone else, found the proposal moving, and (again) like everyone else, loved the cool students around. I'm hoping you'll incorporate the students interests/involvement as the story progressives--it'll be a different perspective from the other characters. And also know that Darrin is trouble, and gonna be interesting to see how all of the friends/family rally around to deal with his menace.

Loving the inclusion of the protective older brother. He may require professional care, but his heart is in the right place, and can't wait till the happy couple meet up with him--suspect it's going to be a moving scene as only you can write it.

Good job--more, more!

:) Glad you liked it. There's going to be a bit of interesting twists coming, I think. And Eddie is going to show up later as you suspected. I do hope to get in more detail with the students.

Unfortunately, right now, I'm having a hard time finding time to write, so it's going slower than I anticipated. But hopefully not tooooo slow. :)

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Loved how the student were happy for them both :*) and hated Darrin :/
Great chapter and you have created some good characters, it'll be fun and probably also not so fun to get to know them better.

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On 10/07/2015 04:20 AM, Suvitar said:

Loved how the student were happy for them both :*) and hated Darrin :/

Great chapter and you have created some good characters, it'll be fun and probably also not so fun to get to know them better.

Yeah, Darrin's not such a pleasant guy. I really like the teens, joking and hanging out, supporting their teacher.


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Yay! This is so yummy! It's sweet and hot. I really like it. Now, I just wonder when Darrin is coming back and what awful things he's going to do. O.O I'm really glad I decided to look at your list of stories. Xoxo Robin

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On 03/04/2017 04:00 PM, Rambling Robin said:

Yay! This is so yummy! It's sweet and hot. I really like it. Now, I just wonder when Darrin is coming back and what awful things he's going to do. O.O I'm really glad I decided to look at your list of stories. Xoxo Robin

:) I'm glad you looked back too! I always love to hear your thoughts on them!

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