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Running with the Pack - 6. Chapter 6

In the morning Ethan woke feeling more refreshed than he had since before the attack. It did not hurt having a big mound of black fur from the huge wolf, man, whatever Aiden was cuddled against him keeping him warm and safe. He decided to lie there for a while and enjoy the feeling of being close to someone. His mind kept telling him it would not last, but at that moment he did not care. He looked around and saw the other two wolves sleeping on the other side of the clearing.

He finally could not put off getting up any longer. His bladder could be a real annoyance some mornings. As soon as he started to move Aiden woke, looked around then stood and stretched. Ethan got out of his sleeping bag and also stretched. As he did, Aiden playfully pushed his cold nose into Ethan’s crotch taking a deep breath and making the boy’s usual morning wood bounce. Ethan flushed red with embarrassment and pushed the animal away. “Stop that. I have to piss bad enough as it is.” He quickly pulled on a pair of shorts.

Aiden let out a chuffing sound almost as if he were laughing at Ethan’s predicament. He was disappointment for not being able to continue smelling from the source that scent he was quickly growing to love so much. Ethan walked over to the trees surrounding the clearing, away from all three wolves. As he looked over his shoulder, he saw Aiden shift to his human body. He had to smile to himself as he noticed Aiden was in the same condition. Ethan was impressed by what he saw which was going to make relieving himself that much more difficult. He absentmindedly licked his lips at the sight; that didn’t go unnoticed by Aiden.

After standing behind a tree for a few minutes, he was able to get the flow started and quickly took care of business. As soon as he finished, Aiden walked over to the same tree and relieved himself, giving Ethan a smug look. “Just marking my territory.” Ethan gave him a slightly confused smile and walked down to the stream to wash up.

Aiden joined him. He stared at him for what seemed like hours but was really a few seconds. Leaning in, he gave Ethan a quick kiss on the nose. “Morning, Pup.”

“You’ve called me Pup a few times now. Is that some kind of wolf nickname or just because I’m kinda small?”

“It’s what we usually call our young, but some use it as a term of endearment as well. In your case, it’s because you’re as cute and adorable as any puppy out there. From what I saw, you’re far from being small.” Aiden smiled as he swiped his tongue over the tip of Ethan’s nose.

“That’s embarrassing on so many levels, but I kinda like the sound of it when you call me that.” Ethan gave him a questioning look. “What do you mean by your young? You mean like kids?” He thought for a moment before asking more. “So… If you have kids are they…?” Ethan did not know how to finish the question.

Aiden had to laugh knowing what Ethan was thinking. “We’re born looking human. We shift for the first time during puberty. Something about increased hormones brings it on in us. It kinda gives horn dog a new meaning, though never call a lycan a dog. They take great offense to that.”

“So, you weren’t bit to become what you are?” Ethan could not grasp the concept there could be naturally born shifters. He expected them all to be turned from a bite.

“I was born this way. My family’s been lycan for more generations then we can count. It’s very rare for a human to be turned anymore.” Aiden’s expression became very serious. “And it’s absolutely against our laws to turn a human without their consent and our leader’s permission.”

“I’m still trying to get my head wrapped around the idea of people shifting into animals. Let alone that they can be born that way. When will you know if I’ve been changed?” The worried look on Ethan’s face plainly showed.

Aiden wrapped his arms around Ethan and pulled him into a strong hug. “I don’t really know. Usually the process starts as soon as you’re bit, but your scent is still completely human to me. The bite has to break the skin and I know it did on you. It’s possible the pussy that bit you is such a weak wolf that he just doesn’t have the ability to turn someone. I’m hoping that’s the case. I’m really starting to think you definitely haven’t been.”

Ethan had mixed emotions over the thought of being turned and fought to hold back a tear at what he thought he was hearing. “So that way you won’t have to worry about me and can head back to your own life?”

Aiden made sure he was looking directly into Ethan’s eyes, which he seemed to be doing a lot, as he said a little more forcefully then intended. “No! Because if anyone turns you, I want it to be me. But only if it’s what you want. Maybe after you’ve had a chance to decide if you even want to be my boyfriend, my Pup! I want you to have a choice in becoming lycan. It’s something intimate to pass on our gift. No one should have that forced on them by someone they don’t even know.”

“It could take a while to feel comfortable about someone like you wanting me as a boyfriend too.” Ethan spoke in barely a whisper.

The two sat quietly for a little bit with Aiden holding his pup. Ethan was silently crying. It had been so long since anyone had acted like they actually wanted him around. He was still partially convinced this was just a very good dream.

The quiet was finally broken by Trevor. “We’ve got breakfast if you guys are hungry.”

Ethan and Aiden responded in unison, “That sounds good.”

Casey fried up venison steaks from their kill the previous night and served it along with fruit they had run across. Ethan was almost afraid to ask what the meat was, so he just sat back and enjoyed it. They all talked as friends and the other two made sure they included Ethan in whatever they spoke about.

Ethan could not remember the last time he had felt so included, like he belonged. He glanced at Casey with a devious smirk. “Man, if you cook like that all the time, you’re gonna make someone a great wife someday.”

Aiden and Trevor broke out laughing hysterically. Casey took it in stride and with a huge smile grabbed his crotch. “Wife, huh? I’m all man here, little dude.” Even Ethan could not help but laugh at that point.

Once everything from breakfast was cleaned up, Aiden looked down at Ethan, “Hey Pup, you up for taking a hike in the woods?”

Ethan simply nodded.

Aiden looked over to his two friends knowing they had already heard him. “We’re going for a hike.”

Trevor replied, “I think we’re going to go for a run. We’ll meet you guys back here later.”


Aiden held out his hand which Ethan happily took hold of as the pair started through the woods. No words were spoken for a while and none were really needed. They enjoyed being with each other. Aiden knew more and more this boy was meant to be his mate. He swore to himself he would do everything right to win the heart of his pup. He told his wolf no matter how strong the drive was to mate, they would not claim Ethan until he was willing.

After an hour or so, they stopped and sat down on a rocky outcrop overlooking the valley below. Ethan had not realized they had climbed that high. The view was breathtaking and the man sitting next to him did not hurt the view in the slightest. In fact, he though this big furry chested man far surpassed what nature had to show them.

Aiden was the first to speak. “Pup, I can’t get over how beautiful you look. Everything else around here pales in comparison.” He leaned in and gave Ethan a gentle kiss on the lips, then looked deep into Ethan’s eyes and gave him a much longer and more passionate kiss.

Ethan knew he could not put off telling Aiden about his past any longer even though it meant Aiden would surely leave. His sad eyes returned as he looked up with a single tear beginning to fall. “You need to know about my past before anything else happens. I can handle it if you want to walk away now, but if I allow myself to develop feelings for you and you leave later…” He did not bother to finish the implied statement.

“I’m not going anywhere, Pup. It doesn’t really matter what you tell me and I’ll explain all that as we get to know each other. I’ll listen to everything you tell me, but know that I’m not leaving now or after you say what you need to.”

He took a deep breath and began telling Aiden about his life, holding nothing back. How his father had beaten and tried to kill him when he came out, how he lived on the streets, and how he sometimes traded sex for cash to survive. Aiden never once interrupted him, but Ethan could occasionally hear a very low growl coming from deep within Aiden. Especially when Ethan talked about having hustled and the way the men treated him. When he finally finished, he could not look Aiden in the eyes. There was no way anyone could overlook all that and still be interested.

Aiden had a hard look on his face and that deep growling continued. Ethan placed his hand on Aiden’s chest, but would not look up. “You’ve made me feel like I’m someone special again. For that, I’ll always be grateful to you. I know my past isn’t something that can easily be overlooked especially by a potential boyfriend. No one wants to actually date a whore. Thank you for everything, Aiden.”

Ethan started to get up so he could walk away, but Aiden grabbed his hand and pulled him back so he was sitting on his lap. Aiden wrapped his arms protectively around Ethan and refused to let go. The deep growls finally subsided.

“Pup, I don’t care about your past or what you had to do to survive, but I do care about your future. It hurts me that I wasn’t able to find you sooner and save you from all that pain.” Aiden was silent for a moment. “I’d love to rip the heads off any of those guys who used you like that. Wouldn’t mind gutting them like pigs going to slaughter either. That’s nothing compared to what I’d like to do to the person that claimed to be your father. Ultimately, all that would do is scare you away thinking I’m some violent animal and get me sent to prison for murder. I can accept your past because it is part of who you are. You wouldn’t be you if you hadn’t gone through that. You also wouldn’t have been here in the forest for me to find. I won’t push you, but when you’re ready, I will be proud as hell to have you as my Pup.”

The floodgates opened up and Ethan could not stop crying to save his life. He could not understand how even after telling Aiden everything, this gorgeous man still seemed to want him. It had been years since he felt wanted and he desperately needed to hold on to that feeling. Despite his lack of trust in anyone, he really wanted to trust this strange person… wolf… whatever he was.

Aiden was already thinking of Ethan as his pup, his mate and in an attempt to lighten his pup’s mood confidently joked. “I guess when you do accept me, and I know you will, I’ll get to benefit from all those skills you learned.” He flexed his more than ample manhood which Ethan felt under him to make his point. His face immediately paled as he realized what he had said. “Pup, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound or act like I was only after sex. I shouldn’t have said that after everything you just told me.”

Ethan wiped away some of the tears, laughing a little bit as Aiden stammered on with his apologies. “It’s okay. I know what you were trying to do, but dream on, bottom boy. The skills I learned aren’t the ones you’re thinking I’ll be showing you. Feeling a little over confident that I’ll someday say yes?” He would not say it out loud, but he could not deny he felt a strong pull he did not understand towards the man holding him.

“Of course you’ll say yes. How could you say no to getting me?”

“Conceited much?”

They both started laughing at that point.

Aiden gazed down at Ethan. “Let’s head back to camp.”

Ethan nodded and they hiked hand in hand to rejoin Aiden’s friends.


Aiden and Ethan arrived at the campsite to find the other two relaxing in the sun by the stream.

Trevor sat up and looked at his friend. “Everything okay?”

Aiden glanced down at Ethan. “Yeah, things are good.” He wrapped his arm around Ethan’s chest and pulled the boy back into him.

“Casey and I have been talking about this situation and we have an idea if Ethan and you are interested.” Trevor waited for their response.

Ethan nodded looking between Aiden, Trevor, and Casey.

Aiden answered, “Let’s hear it.”

“We’re sure you’ll agree with us, Aiden. Ethan, we’d like you to come back to our town with us. We know how Aiden feels about you since it’s written all over that smile he has. He probably hasn’t had time to explain everything to you about our kind or his interest in you. Even if you decide you’re not interested in him, we’d still like to help you out. I’ve got an apartment I rarely use since I’m away at the university most of the time. Casey has room in his apartment or even Casey’s family has space. If nothing else, it’ll let you and Aiden get to know each other.”

Aiden was proud as always of his friends. Ethan tried unsuccessfully to fight back his tears, not wanting to cry again from the kind offer.

Wiping his eyes Ethan sniffed a few times. “I don’t know what to say. I don’t want to be in the way and I’m not good at accepting help.”

“I can appreciate that, but this is something we want to do for you. We can see how comfortable you are with Aiden. The way you are right now in his arms makes it obvious. Staying out here in the forest indefinitely really isn’t a viable option and we still don’t know your status on being turned. Either way, as far as Casey and I are concerned, it looks like you’re part of our little pack now. We can even help you get a job around town.” Trevor smiled. “You could rent a room from whoever you stayed with even if it’s a dollar a year. So it’s not like it would be free or a handout. Think of this as a fresh start on a new life and a chance to get to know a marginally great guy.”

A protective feeling washed over Aiden. “I’m not sure I want him staying with anyone other than me, but the choice is yours, Pup. I know it’s too soon for that and we have a lot to discuss first. It will let you see what pack life is like and learn about being a lycan too.”

Ethan glanced at everyone. “Okay. I’ll go with you guys. But if I can’t pull my own weight, I’m going back out on my own. Besides, I don’t think I’d be able to enjoy myself here alone after meeting you all.” He thought for a moment before adding, “But what about the ones that attacked me or any other wolves? Will they be okay with me being a human? What if they try to attack me again?”

Casey spoke up before anyone else could. “Let us worry about the others. We got your back. None of us will let anything happen to you.” He glanced at Aiden expecting a glare but only saw a look of absolute pride from his pack mate.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

“I’ve got one more question. Since you’re a wolf some of the time, does that mean I get to put a leash on you and take you for walks once in a while?”

Casey and Trevor rolled around on the ground laughing their asses off. “Oh, I like him. He’s gonna really keep you on your paws.”

Even Aiden had to laugh. “Maybe we’ll save any leash for the bedroom.” His friends laughed even harder.

Aiden was all smiles. “Why don’t we head out in the morning? It will take us a couple days to get back to the truck.” He walked over to his friends. “Thanks guys.”

“No problem, bro. Anyways, we like the little guy so it really is just as much about him as it is about you.” Casey first-bumped his friend.

Aiden knew without a doubt he had two true friends. He wrapped his arms around Ethan. “Thank you, Pup.”

Ethan looked up at him questioningly. “For what?”

“For agreeing to come back with us. I never would have left the forest without you. If you stayed, I would have given up everything from my life back home to stay here with you.”

Ethan relaxed against Aiden’s chest as muscular arms wrapped around him. He thought about what Aiden said about giving up everything to stay with him and he felt one last tear run down his cheek.

The two talked into the evening until Ethan fell asleep in Aiden’s arms.

He gently laid Ethan on his sleeping bag never waking the boy then settled in beside him to get some sleep.


Everyone woke up early and began their normal routine. After a light breakfast, the four packed up everything and began the long hike out of the forest. Casey and Trevor walked ahead and were playfully pushing and shoving each other much to Ethan’s amusement. He walked alongside Aiden who made sure they held hands.

The three shifters never made any issue when Ethan needed to stop and rest where they did not. They understood with him being human he did not have their stamina. After two and a half days of hiking, the group made it back to the trailhead where Casey’s truck was.

Ethan started to get a little nervous and the three lycan could easily pick up on it. Aiden gave him a questioning look. “Is everything okay, Pup?”

Ethan spoke softly so he thought only Aiden would hear him. “I’ve been out there for I don’t know how long and even though I’ve been washing up I don’t want to mess up Casey’s truck. I can smell myself after that hike and I definitely don’t smell good.”

Casey’s sensitive hearing caught every word Ethan said. He had to smile to himself as most would not have even given it a first thought. Nodding to Aiden he pointed in the direction of a small building.

Aiden glanced over and smiled. Leaning in he sniffed Ethan. “Mmmm. Even after that hike you smell good to me. If you want, you can grab a shower over there. I could probably use one myself.”

Trevor yelled from where he was. “You guys go ahead then we’ll take ours.”

The showers really did not take that much time, but Ethan did take the opportunity to get another look at Aiden’s great body. Aiden also admired the smaller body he first saw out in the forest. With all the showers done and everyone smelling considerably better, they piled into the truck for the long drive back to their home territory.

Running with the Pack, WolfM, 2012-2016, All Rights Reserved
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

On 4/2/2022 at 8:35 PM, bearbtm said:

Although I have read this already it is already sucking me. Your writing has the about to take the mind into the world of Ethan and Aiden.

Thank you, Bear. I'm glad these early chapters were rewritten, reviewed, worked on some more before they were originally posted. Especially glad they were edited and rewritten again so the readers can enjoy it and not cringe at how they started. lol

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Aiden does have some true friends.  They are much like him and hold the beliefs he holds towards helping and protecting others.  I love that they have accepted Ethan for more that just the fact Ethan is Aiden's mate.  The humour and good natured fun in this chapter was very entertaining.  I like the slow burn that is not cluttered with a lot of meaningless sex.  When sex does arrive, it will be more meaningful and spectacular because it is not another jaded event.  Great story that keeps me wanting to read more.

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On 4/16/2022 at 5:58 AM, raven1 said:

Aiden does have some true friends.  They are much like him and hold the beliefs he holds towards helping and protecting others.  I love that they have accepted Ethan for more that just the fact Ethan is Aiden's mate.  The humour and good natured fun in this chapter was very entertaining.  I like the slow burn that is not cluttered with a lot of meaningless sex.  When sex does arrive, it will be more meaningful and spectacular because it is not another jaded event.  Great story that keeps me wanting to read more.

Thank you once again, Raven. :)  Aiden and his friends do have their flaws, but in general they try to do what's right for the pack and the people they're around. Ethan would have had their support just for being Aiden's mate, but they see him as the person he is and the strength he shows.

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On 11/18/2015 at 6:29 PM, Reader1810 said:

I just hope Michael doesn't try anything...

At this point in my reading, I'm willing to place money on Michael's interference.

On 12/3/2015 at 2:17 PM, centexhairysub said:

Glad to see that Trevor and Casey are willing to help Ethan just because he is a good guy and not because Aiden is attracted to him. You can really feel the attraction between the two just leaping off the page. They don't seem to even understand how deep it is already yet...

When Trevor and Casey were first introduced, my mental picture was of an Alpha with his beta and enforcer. That hasn't changed. Makes me wonder if we are gonna see the development of a new or sub-pack.

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6 hours ago, Al Norris said:

At this point in my reading, I'm willing to place money on Michael's interference.

When Trevor and Casey were first introduced, my mental picture was of an Alpha with his beta and enforcer. That hasn't changed. Makes me wonder if we are gonna see the development of a new or sub-pack.

I'm enjoying your responses to the chapters. Michael seems like such a responsible person. lol. I'm surprised my keyboard didn't explode from writing that. ;)

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6 hours ago, Albert1434 said:

I am just loving this story thanks so much for sharing it:thankyou:

Thank you for reading, Albert. I'm happy with how long it's been posted, it still gets new readers and repeats. :)

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Finally a shape shifting story where ‘scent’ is not about cedar and pine or cinnamon and lilac. It’s about pheromones and masculinity.  I’d have my nose in Ethan’s crotch as well. But don’t let Aiden know lol.. I’m so excited to be starting this adventure!

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5 hours ago, Straycat said:

Finally a shape shifting story where ‘scent’ is not about cedar and pine or cinnamon and lilac. It’s about pheromones and masculinity.  I’d have my nose in Ethan’s crotch as well. But don’t let Aiden know lol.. I’m so excited to be starting this adventure!

Thank you, Straycat. :) I may have accidentally let the scent of something slip through once between guys in one of the books, but for my characters, it's definitely pheromones and that natural musk of a man. ;) I won't tell Aiden if Ethan doesn't. lol. I hope you enjoy the book and welcome aboard.

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On 11/15/2023 at 3:45 AM, Ajbt2001 said:

I'm in love with these four guys. 

Thank you, AJbt. :)

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7 minutes ago, Albert1434 said:

Strange my post didn't take sigh

Maybe GA was having issues.

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