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Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Unforgivable - 17. Chapter 17

Chapter 17


“So, you’re staking your claim now?” Liam teased as he set a drink in front of Corey. The amusement in the man’s voice could be heard over the pounding music.

Corey snorted. “Just making sure your buddy knew the boundaries.” Byrce’s attention didn’t escape Corey’s notice, and the last thing he wanted to contend with was a potential flirt.

Liam’s gaze landed on his friend, who was currently dancing with a group of giggling young women. “Bry? He likes to flirt, but he’s pretty harmless.”

Corey hummed noncommittally. “Thanks for the beer,” he said instead, saluting his assistant with the bottle.

“You’re welcome, boss.” Liam smirked, lifting his own colourful drink. “So, where is your blonde Adonis?”

Corey pointed with the neck of the bottle. “He got hauled onto the floor by Kevin’s wife.” He laughed, thinking back on Jason’s surprise. “The woman was persistent. Apparently Kevin’s dancing skills are non-existent.”

He watched as Jason led Sonia around the floor. The woman was smiling up at the big man, and seemed to be having a wonderful time. Corey knew how charming Jason could be, and was sure he’d gained a new admirer.

“I’m happy you two are finally on the same page,” Liam interrupted his musings. “I wasn’t sure it would ever happen.”

Corey rolled his eyes. “You’re awfully invested in my relationship.”

“I just want to see you happy,” the young man said, all trace of humour gone. “And you’ve been very happy since Jason moved to town.”

“I haven’t been that bad….” Corey eyed the smaller man. “Have I?”

“No… just not as relaxed and cheerful as you’ve been lately. You’re smiling and laughing more. Heck, even the patients have noticed.”

That was news to Corey. He didn’t realize he’d changed so much, although he had to admit even thinking about the man had him grinning like a loon. “I guess he’s good for me,” he admitted with a fond smile.

“I’m sure it goes both ways, judging by the love-sick puppy looks the guy gives you whenever you’re nearby.” The man looked towards the dancefloor. Corey followed his gaze, and saw Jason grinning at them. He couldn’t have stopped his answering smile if he tried.

When the song finally ended, Jason and Bryce made their way to the table. Corey was aware of the appreciative looks his boyfriend was receiving. The admiration was mostly from women, but one or two men also seemed to take notice. The attention didn’t surprise him. Jason was tall, muscular and gorgeous. There was a reason why he’d been the object of Corey’s youthful fantasies… and now his adult ones.

“Hey, babe.” Jason gave his hand a quick squeeze before releasing it. Although Corey would have preferred a kiss, he understood the need for caution. “Dancing is hotter work than I remembered. I think I need a drink. You want anything?”

“No thanks, I’m good.” He raised his still mostly full drink.

“Liam?” The petite brunette shook his head, taking a sip from his glass.

“I’ll come with you. I want to grab something too,” Bryce said, smiling up at Jason. He nodded his agreement, and Corey watched over his shoulder as the two men made their way to the bar.

“He’s not a threat,” Liam whispered during a lull in the music. “Bry wouldn’t poach. Even if he tried, I don’t think Jason realizes any other man in the room exists except for you.”

Corey took a deep breath and tried to reign in his emotions. He didn’t have a reason to be jealous. Liam was right, Jason hadn’t taken his eyes off of him all night, and except for a bit of polite conversation, had barely spoken to Bryce. The last thing he wanted was for Jason to think he didn’t trust him. Maybe he did need to talk to someone? It was something Pierre had mentioned the night before. There were a lot of issues he needed to work through, but he wasn’t sure if he could do it on his own. Liam had seen a counsellor last year, after the unexpected death of his father, and she’d seemed to do wonders for the young man. Resolving to have a private word with his assistant next week, Corey made a concerted effort not to let his issues ruin the evening.

“You look thoughtful,” Jason breath tickled his ear, as he slid into the seat next to him.

“I was just thinking how much fun tonight’s been,” he answered, grinning at his boyfriend.

“It has been a lot of fun,” the other man agreed. “But the next time one of the baseball wives want a dance partner, it’s your turn.”

“Please,” Liam interrupted. “What they want is a chance to touch all of those muscles, right Cor?”

Jason coughed on his sip of beer. “Christ, don’t say things like that when I’m taking a drink,” he wheezed out.

Corey laughed, and patted Jason’s bicep. “They are some mighty fine muscles.”

“That they are,” Bryce agreed, with a mischievous sparkle in his eyes. “Can it be my turn to touch them next?”

Liam rolled his eyes, and elbowed his smaller friend in the ribs. “Time to stop teasing the lovebirds. Come on, let’s dance. I wanna show off my ass in these new pants.” Liam dragged Bryce onto the floor where they were immediately surrounded by a group of twenty-something women holding colourful drinks.

“What is it with young women and gay men?” Jason asked with a laugh as he watched the two men being mobbed.

“We’re non-threatening… safe. They can flirt and have a good time all they want, and don’t have to worry about fending off grabby hands later.”

“Makes sense.”

“Speaking of which,” Corey whispered conspiratorially. “I see Maria headed this way. Sonia must’ve told her how good of a dancer you were.”

“Uh uh.” Jason shook his head, and stood so quickly he almost knocked his chair over. “I had my turn. You’re up next. I’m going to take a leak.”

“Coward!’ he yelled at his retreating boyfriend, laughing when Maria veered towards the bar and not their table.

While he waited for his boyfriend to return, Corey watched the dancers on the floor slide against one another. There were several couples, but most seemed to be in groups. He may not be familiar with the Kingston nightlife, but he wasn’t lying when he told Jason he was having a great time. It’d been too long since he’d gone out just for fun. As one song changed to another, he wondered if he could convince Jason to dance with him. They wouldn’t be able to hold each other close, but they could still get up there.

“You look like you’re enjoying yourself,” an annoyingly familiar voice interrupted his thoughts, as someone took the chair beside him.

“Zach... what do you want?”

“Just to say hi.” The big man shrugged. “That a crime now?”

Corey sighed. “No, but you didn’t want to talk before. Why now?”

“Look man, I’m just trying to be civil. Fucking sue me.” Zach started to rise from his chair, his mouth set in an irritated frown.

Against his better judgement, Corey placed a hand on Zach’s forearm, halting his progress. “Fine, I’m sorry. Was there anything else you wanted to say?”

Zach scrutinized him for a moment before settling back in the chair. “It’s shitty how we ended things, but I wanted you to know I’m not holding any grudges.”

Corey bit his tongue before he asked what grudge Zach could possibly be holding, especially after his questionable slide during the baseball game. If an olive branch was being offered, he decided to take it… if only to be finally done with the man once and for all. “I’m sorry how we ended too. I never wanted either one of us to get hurt.”

The big man sighed loudly, setting his beer on the table with a thud. “It wasn’t all bad with me, was it? We had some good times.”

Corey thought carefully before answering. He wanted to deny it, but in truth, there had been some good times with Zach. “No…,” he finally answered. “Not all bad, but you have to admit we were just going to through the motions by the end. We had some fun, but whatever we had ran its course long before we actually ended things.”

“I guess. So you with the brother now… Jason, wasn’t it?”

Corey’s defences immediately went up. Was Zach trying to pick another fight? “I don’t think that’s any of your business.”

“Cor, relax. I’m just making conversation. Don’t get so damned defensive.”

“Hey, Zach.” Liam suddenly appeared, looking curiously at Corey. “I didn’t know you were going to be here tonight.”

“Liam.” The big man nodded. His gaze travelled past the lithe brunette to Bryce, who was bouncing to the beat of the music.

“This is my friend, Bryce,” the assistant pointed to his bleached-blonde friend. “He’s visiting from out of town.”

“Hi.” The shorter man grinned, his eyes raking over Zach’s muscular chest. Corey chuckled inwardly. It seemed the little flirt found a new focus for his interest.

“Nice to meet you, Bryce. I need a refill. You want something?”

“It is hot it here. I could use something to quench my thirst.”

Zach rose from his seat, placed his hand on the much smaller man’s lower back, and led him away.

“I think you lost Bryce for the night,” Corey said with a laugh.

“Looks like,” Liam agreed. “What was Zach doing here anyways?”

“Beats the hell out of me.” Corey took a sip of his drink, thinking back on their conversation. “I think he was trying to apologize in his own unique Zach style.”

The younger man looked over his shoulder. “I hope he doesn’t chew Bry up and spit him out.”

“I think Bryce can take care of himself. If nothing else, Zach’s pretty good in the sack… at least at first. He’d be a great one night stand.”

“Whoa. TMI, boss.” His assistant lifted his hands, laughing.

“Sorry.” Corey grinned sheepishly. He couldn’t believe he’d said that out loud.

“Was that Zach I saw leaving the table?” Jason reclaimed his seat, looking in the direction the two men had gone.


“He didn’t try to start any trouble did he?” Jason’s obvious concern was touching.

“No. He wanted to talk. I think he was trying to apologize. The conversation was surprisingly cordial... and now he has someone else to occupy his attention.”

“I thought that was Bryce with him.” Jason laughed, leaning across Corey to address Liam. “You okay with your buddy being with that douche bag?”

“He’s a big boy,” Liam gave them a lopsided grin. “Besides I hear Zach’s an animal in the sack.” Jason eyed the young man curiously, while Corey sent him a death glare. Liam, grinned at his boss before turning his attention back on Jason. “That’s the word on the street anyways.”

Corey rolled his eyes and huffed out a breath. “Can we stop talking about Zach and Bryce now? They can fuck like bunnies all night for all I care, as long as they leave me alone.”

Liam laughed loudly, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “Fine, fine. You two ready to get up on the floor? I see a few people we know.”

Jason looked from one man to the other. “Why do I feel like I’m missing something?” he muttered.

“It’s nothing.” Corey grabbed his boyfriend’s arm and pulled him to his feet. “Come on, dance with me.”

The three men weaved their way through the drunken masses, joining a group of friends from the gym. Corey felt rusty, as he tried to find his rhythm. He hadn’t danced since Drew’s wedding, and rarely went out before then. His attention kept returning to his boyfriend, thankful he would be the one Jason was going home with tonight.

The area became so crowded that people were bumping into each other, and stepping on toes, but no one cared. One song morphed into two, and two into three. After they’d been up there for at least an hour, Corey decided it was time for a break. “I’m thirsty,” he yelled to Jason. His big boyfriend nodded, and led the way to seating area. Their table was long gone, but one had opened up in a back corner of the room.

“Sit here. I’ll grab us something.”

Corey dutifully sat, panting lightly, trying to catch his breath. He was in shape, but the heat had intensified the workout. Looking at his watch he realized it was close to midnight… only minutes from the start of his first full year with Jason back in his life. The thought was exciting and scary at the same time.

“Here you go.” A bottle of water entered his field of vision, and a beer was placed beside him. “I thought you could use the water before more alcohol. You need to rehydrate.”

Corey grinned. “You sound like my mom.”

“Nah, I’d look terrible in a negligee.” Jason winked before lifting his own water to his lips.

Corey sputtered. “Not a picture I want in my head, Jase.”

“What? Your mom or me?”

“Ugh,” he said with a groan. “My mom. Thanks… now I need to bleach my brain.”

“But the idea of my ass in a black teddy you can handle… kinky.”

“Not a black teddy... maybe a black jock strap.” Corey’s attempt to tease the man backfired, as he pictured the muscular blonde modelling the tight undergarment.

Jason leaned forward, his lips brushing Corey’s ear. “I can make that happen. Just say the word.”

Corey’s breath hitched as a shudder moved up his spine. “Just… damn….”

Jason grinned as he sat back.

“You’re not playing fair,” Corey grumbled, reaching down to adjust himself. In their dark corner he wasn’t too worried about anyone noticing him. Even if they did, there were much lewder displays happening around the room.

The big blonde cocked his head to the side. “Who said I was playing?”

Corey’s cock twitched. “That’s quite an image,” he admitted, looking at Jason’s groin, and gratified the other man was equally affected.

“You won’t have to use much imagination.” Jason teased.

Corey’s breath caught when he realized the other man’s meaning. He was wearing a jock right now? Fuck….

“Drink up. You have to replenish those fluids.”

Corey chuckled. Jason was the king of innuendo tonight. In order to calm his overheated libido, the brunette took a deep breath, and looked around the large room. He found Liam near the door chatting with a tattooed man who appeared to be a bouncer. Judging by the shy smiles from his assistant, Corey guessed there was a crush brewing. Several tables to his left he spotted Zach and Bryce. The petite blonde was sitting so close he was practically in the bigger man’s lap. Corey breathed a mental sigh of relief that they were both so happily occupied. Suddenly the music stopped mid-song, and the DJ announced there were 60 seconds left until midnight.

Corey turned to his boyfriend with a grin. “It’s almost a new year.”

Jason raised his beer. “Here’s to it being filled with happiness.”

Soon the crowd was chanting as they counted down… 10… 9… 8… 7….

“And to remembering what’s important.” Corey tapped Jason’s bottle with his own.

6… 5… 4… 3…

“And who we can’t live without.”

2… 1!

Corey was shocked when Jason leaned closer, kissing him. Although their table was relatively private, the move was completely unexpected, but not unwelcome. Not wanting it to end, he was tempted to wrap his arms around his boyfriend, and pull his closer. Instead, he allowed the man to sit back, promising himself they would revisit that kiss. He couldn’t wait to get his man home to ring in the year properly.

“Happy New Year, Cor.” The desire in his blue eyes told him Jason agreed. “I think it’s time to go.”

A big thank you to my Gary, my editor, beta, and friend, :glomp:   and thank you to all of you who read and support this story. 
Copyright © 2016 LitLover; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

On 08/12/2016 12:00 AM, BuffyWillow said:

Wow, this was a smooth chapter with a chance of drama (i.e. Zach). It was funny when Liam told Corey his happiness was observed by everyone including his patients. So it makes me wonder how he was before Jason became a staple in his life that people notice this change in him.


I wanted to know Zach's real reason for approaching Corey, but Liam interrupted before that could happen. So there might be another conversation in the future? But he seems distracted with Bryce for the time being. I hope their pairing is not a 'Dangerous Liaisons' in the making.


I loved Jase and Core's conversation at the table. The sexual tension was adorable because we all know what they want to happen. Is tonight truly the night? I guess we find out next week.


Nice job, Lit! :heart::2thumbs:Now, what do I do for the next few days while I wait for the next chapter? I guess I'll just go on that mini-vacay I have planned, that should kill some time! :P

I don't think Corey was miserable before Jason, just not smiling all of the time. I doubt anyone would have thought he was unhappy before, but the comparison makes the change more pronounced.


Jase and Corey do want something to happen... hopefully they'll get their wish ;)


Thank you for your review and your support, BuffyWillow

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On 08/12/2016 03:10 AM, spikey582 said:

So I don't have a ton to say again this chapter, other than I really enjoyed it. I think the most momentous thing was Cory recognizing that perhaps talking to a counselor might actually help him. I personally think Cory is very well put together despite his reaction to his father's latest indiscretion. But even then, perhaps talking to someone and sorting out his feelings will help him feel more secure with Jason.


But I'm really enjoying Jason and Cory together. They have great chemistry together and they just fit. Thanks for another great chapter LL.

That was a big epiphany for Corey. I think hints were given before and Pierre outright suggested it in their talk, but his reaction to Bryce made him realize he could jeopardize his relationship with Jason, and maybe even lose him this time


Thank you for your review and your support, Spikey :)

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On 08/12/2016 06:56 AM, Timothy M. said:

I'm glad to see the matter of Zach resolved, hopefully the idiot will stay away from Corey now. Bryce was a good test case for Corey's issues, flirty but not a threat, and Liam's observation of Jason's devotion helped too. Interesting how he had noticed his boss being more cheerful as his friendship with Jason evolved. Being official boyfriends might take things to an even better level. Now they just need to tell their families. Oh, wait, something else first... :P

Bryce was a good test, and he made Corey realize he needs to talk to someone so he doesn't overreact the next time someone flirts with Jason.


They do need to tell their families, but yes, there is something they might want to take care of first. ;)


Thank you for your review, and your support, Tim :hug:

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On 08/12/2016 07:32 AM, Lisa said:

Thank God Bryce was there to distract Zach. His maturity surprised me in this chapter. Maybe he's finally realizing what he and Corey had is definitely over. Hopefully he won't be a shit to Bryce. Maybe it's good that Bryce doesn't live there. lol


Corey is absolutely right in thinking he should see a therapist. He doesn't want his insecurities regarding his trust issues to come between he and Jason.


I agree with everyone else who said the chapter and the dialogue between C&J sounded so natural. I loved this chapter, Lit! :)

Zach did show some maturity. As I mentioned in my response to Gary, he's not a terrible guy, just immature and self-centred. He's had time to get over whatever he felt when Corey broke up with him. They'll never be friends, but maybe they can be civil now?


Thank you for your review and your support, Lisa. :)

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On 08/12/2016 07:44 PM, Mikiesboy said:

Happy New Year! Very nicely put together!

lol happy New Year, tim :) Thank you for your review and your support. :hug:

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Aside from Jason modeling a black jock strap, what sorts of resolutions will the boys make? ;-)


As someone who sees a therapist every week, I agree that Corey should talk to someone about his issues. It helps even if none of my therapists or psychiatrists will wave their magic wand over my head to cure me!


(I'm sure Luc was very busy in his restaurant in Toronto. He probably organized a special event to draw in the crowds.)

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On 01/17/2017 08:06 PM, droughtquake said:

Aside from Jason modeling a black jock strap, what sorts of resolutions will the boys make? ;-)


As someone who sees a therapist every week, I agree that Corey should talk to someone about his issues. It helps even if none of my therapists or psychiatrists will wave their magic wand over my head to cure me!


(I'm sure Luc was very busy in his restaurant in Toronto. He probably organized a special event to draw in the crowds.)

lol I'm sure they have a few resolutions, mostly revolving around communication.


Corey does need to talk to someone. His trust issues run pretty deep and having an unbiased ear might help him to wade through some of them.


Thank you for your review and your support, droughtquake. :)

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