Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Change of Heart - 11. Chapter Eleven
As the phone screen faded, Jeff turned to face the big Russian, “Ilya, what about Tom's place, has he showed up there yet?”
“No sir. We found apparel, toiletries and personal effects, indicative of a single gay male. We found matching fingerprints on personal, uh, objects. No disarray or detritus suggesting he left in a hurry. We surmise he is still in the local area.”
Jeff's face got a blank look as though he was deep in thought. Smiling, he slapped his palm against the tabletop and grabbed up his phone. Scrolling through his contacts he placed a call to Daniel Lovan.
“Hey Jeff, surprised to hear from you so soon. What's up?”
“Danny, I need a favor. Before you answer, let me tell you, we found out who set the fire. It was one of our ranch hands, Josh Morgan. Turns out his fingerprints match those of a burglar up in Idaho. Apparently, he tried to kill a homeowner when he was caught in the act. He's been working here at the ranch for almost a year. Right now we don't know where he is. We have his place under surveillance in case he shows up there. The favor I need is to get the police also looking for his ass. Can you help us out? We got fingerprints, a photograph and the fact that a couple of law enforcement agencies in Idaho are looking for him for burglary and attempted homicide.”
“I should ask a lot of questions about the legal issues about how you acquired your information, but you're the lawyer, so let me think. Hmmm….” A short, silent pause, then, “If you were to have run a background check on a current employee, submitted his fingerprints and then got a match from some jurisdictions in Idaho. Then you called me and if I just happen to have run those prints from the gas can and got the same hit. I would, of course, follow my training and contact those interested jurisdictions in Idaho. I am certain they would express more than a passing interest in Josh Morgan. I would, of course, issue a 'bolo' and afterwards I would present the evidence to the Sheriff. I am certain he would reopen the arson investigation and ask the DA to seek a warrant then every law enforcement agency in the whole Republic of Texas would be searching for Mr. Morgan. So, can you get me copies of the prints and the photos? Also, I need the gas can back, since it's supposedly been in the trunk of my cruiser since the fire.”
“Hold on a moment.” Speaking to the group he said, “Okay, ya'll heard the man, I need the prints and a decent mugshot all tied up so it looks like we stumbled upon the fact that our employee, Josh Morgan, is wanted for burglary in Idaho. How long before we can hand a believable package over to Deputy Lovan?”
All eyes turned to Tink. With a shrug and a smile, “We can have this to any police force in U.S.of A. in ten minutes. We can notify police in Idaho same time we notify Deputy. Looks like we just learn about criminal employee and doing civic duty. Dah?”
“Make it so. Mr. Tink.”
“Aye, Aye, Captain!”
Raymond smirked, Paul rolled his eyes, and Ilya looked unimpressed.
“Tink, make sure we get a good facial shot of Morgan to every security team member.”
“Already done, Captain!”
This time even Jeff rolled his eyes.
“Alright, guys is there anything more we need to take care of tonight? I feel like I’ve been running for days on adrenaline and caffeine. Accepting their lack of response as agreement, he continued, “Then let's call it a night. We may have the police looking for this joker, but, if we find him first, make sure our guys understand, I… we, Paul and I, want to see this guy before any cops are notified. Is that clear?” The others made it clear they understood and had nothing more to add.
Those that were departing took their leave. Those that were now staying at the house set up the watch rotation so an armed guard was awake and alert throughout the night.
Jeff and Paul checked on their Princess and replaced the covers she had kicked off. Silently. they made their way to Jeff's old room, undressed and headed into the shower. Through an unspoken agreement, they refused to discuss the day’s events any further. In the shower, there were many casual touches, caresses and a few light kisses, mostly to let each other know, “I’m here”. Hard-ons were mutually ignored.
Paul joined Jeff in bed after making sure the door was locked. Jeff got out of bed and retrieved a pair of boxers for each of them. “Understand these are for modesty in case our Princess knocks on the door tonight. As to underwear in general; If it's jeans we're commando, if it's in front of our little lady or Rosarita it tees and boxers as a minimum, if you just want to get me hot, it's those sexy briefs we got at Walmart or just plain nekkid.”
“Nekkid is good. Now cowboy, come show me just how good being nekkid with you can be.” And Jeff did just that.
The next morning Jeff woke with Paul wrapped in his arms, a smile on his face and hard on that could cut glass. Inhaling deeply he wondered if his body wash made him smell as good as his lover. As his memory replayed their lovemaking from the night before his cock throbbed against Paul's ass.
A twinge in his groin dulled his amorous thoughts and shifted pissing to be a more urgent priority. Carefully, trying not to awaken Paul, he gently removed himself from their lovers' embrace. Just as he had taken the second step toward the ensuite, he stumbled in surprise at Paul's sudden utterance, “Wait for me, if I hold it in any longer, my bladder just might explode!” Recovering from his almost pratfall, Jeff watched as his lover’s hard on led him to his side, “You scared the shit out of me! Were you lying there watching me sleep? That's a little bit creepy, you know.”
Paul met his man with a smack on the lips, "Of course I wasn't watching you sleep, I had my back to you. I was just… uh, enjoying your company, wondering if you were going to pound me into the mattress again like you did last night.”
“Did I hurt you? You said you were ok. Are you sore, babe?”
Paul was touched to see the concern on his face. He gently caressed Jeff's cheek, “Listen, all I feel this morning is a pleasant reminder. It was good for both of us. You fell asleep right away and I was right behind you. After all, that's happened, I didn't really expect to sleep at all. So, thank you for that.”
With that last remark, Paul extended his arm so he could get a step ahead of Jeff to the bathroom. Some good-natured pushing, pulling and shoving found them side by side at the commode. With a glint in his eye, Jeff ordered, “Wait! Don't move!”
Paul froze in his efforts to bend his steel rod in the proper direction. He watched as Jeff walked away to turn on the shower.
Turning back to face Paul he asked, “Have you ever peed in the shower?”
“Of course I have. I’m sure every man has. If nothing else it's easier first thing in the morning and awfully convenient. Why, are you going to piss in there?”
“No. 'We' are going to piss in there.” Verifying the water temperature was acceptable he led Paul into the shower. Taking his lover into his arms, Jeff looked into his eyes and said, “I figure you been pissed on by horses, cows, pigs, and sheep. Not to mention a whole zoo’s worth of other animals. I figure one more isn't going to ruffle your feathers.”
Paul felt the concentrated warmth on his abdomen and groin. At first, he wasn't sure how he felt about being pissed on. The warm feeling was not unpleasant. If he felt anything, he felt naughty. Like when he was a little boy, peeing outside when there was a perfectly good bathroom just inside the house. He relaxed and let his own stream join Jeff's. When their eyes met he couldn't help but giggle. Stepping back he increased the pressure and proceeded to matt Jeff's chest hair. Then it became a contest to see which one could wet the other the most. Paul, feeling absolutely wicked bent his head and snatched a mouthful of Jeff's piss and spat it onto his own chest and rubbed it in. Jeff, not to be outdone, took a mouthful of Paul's piss and made it spurt onto Paul's lips. Then pulled him into an open mouth kiss. Stepping back his face held a smug, “Top That!” kind of grin.
As the streams diminished Jeff pulled Paul into his arms. He began to stroke both their, still pissing, cocks as their lips again joined in a kiss. A kiss that was soon robbing them of breath and yet seemed imperative to life. When Paul began twisting Jeff's nipples he swore he could taste the man’s guttural moans. Soon those moans tried to shift into words to signal Jeff's impending orgasm. Once again Paul felt a concentrated warmth. This warmth was enough to trigger his own rush toward ecstasy. They broke the kiss and rested their heads on each other's shoulders.
By the time they recovered, most of the forensic evidence had been washed away.
Jeff was the first to speak, “Well, I don't know about you but that was the most satisfying morning piss… ever.”
“I have seen that on videos, but never thought I would ever really piss on somebody. I have tasted my own, but never anyone else's. At first, it felt naughty, and then nasty, and then hot. I don't see it becoming a matter of routine, but it definitely could spice things up a bit, from time to time.” Jeff nodded his agreement and the two began to soap each other's bodies.
After checking and finding Maria's room empty, they headed for the kitchen. There they found Maria at the table charming Sam and Dave. Rosarita brought mugs for them and poured coffee as they all exchanged small talk. Everyone seemed to avoid any talk that might be unsuitable in front of Maria. Before long Rosarita set plates before everyone. Paul was more than pleased to see a double order of his favorite, eggs benedict.
Jeff insisted she join them, but Rosarita made it clear she was waiting to have breakfast with Fred. He was out checking the grounds. Thankfully, Maria was too absorbed in her conversation with the ‘soul men’ to notice the exchange.
Paul decided he needed to visit some of the ranchers he served to let them know he was joining the Veterinarian Care Clinic. Of course, he could do it with a phone call. He just felt it was more professional to do it in person. There would be follow up letters to everyone plus an ad in the local paper, but it was something he felt he should do, especially for his bigger/best customers. Jeff insisted he go along just to be safe.
“I think your presence would be difficult to explain. I don't want to hide our relationship, in fact, I want to celebrate it. I just think this would be better handled alone.”
“You heard what Ilya said, we don't go anywhere alone. If you can't take me with you then think of some reasonable excuse for having Sam or Dave driving you around. You are definitely not going anywhere alone.”
“Okay! I get it. I can pass one of them off as a new assistant. I just hope we don't have to treat an animal where I might need some help. Can one of you guys dress down in old jeans and boots? Nobody will buy y’all being a vets assistant dressed in business casual.” It was decided that Dave, having grown up on a Wyoming ranch, would go with Paul.
While waiting for Dave to change clothes there was a knock at the door. Aunt Mellie had arrived to pick up Maria. Paul charged Maria with being good for her Aunt Mellie and not to be asking for things she didn't need. With a tight hug, a sloppy kiss and an, “I love you so much!” Maria turned to Jeff. Jeff was more than pleased to receive that same goodbye.
After dressing appropriately Dave came back into the kitchen. Paul insisted they take his Explorer since it had all the equipment he might need. Dave insisted on driving which bothered Paul, only a little. He then turned to Jeff, “I’ll only be gone for a few hours but it feels like it will be a lifetime till I see you again.”
“If you are where you can, maybe we can grab lunch at the diner. We can cut the time in half. Keep me posted, Ok?” Jeff then pulled him into a scorching kiss. As he patted the wallet holster on Paul's ass, he said, stay safe, for us.”
As Paul and Dave headed out, Jeff turned to Sam and grimly asked, “Ok, what do we know about this fuckwads whereabouts?”
Sam explained that Morgan had not come home last night. Around-the-clock surveillance was being maintained. The police had issued a bolo for his pickup, an older model grey Ford, Ranger. The suspect was believed to be armed and dangerous. Jeff asked about that last part, thinking Danny might be trying to make Morgan look like some kind of badass. Sam told him a more intensive search of Morgan’s room had revealed a hidden empty holster, a spare magazine and a partial box of 9mm ammunition. Jeff acknowledged the logical conclusion was that wherever he was, the bastard was indeed, armed and dangerous.
Paul's Explorer had been gone less than five minutes when there was a knock at the door. Sam opened it and let Seth Hines step inside. Jeff stepped out of his office to see who would be knocking this early. Seth Hines greeted him with, “Good morning Mr. Adams, was just asking Sam here about the strange truck parked behind Doc Wilson’s barn. I wondered if it had anything to do with the fire. I know it's not his, it's an old gray Ford, Ranger. It wasn't there yesterday.”
Jeff felt the hair on the back of his neck stand on end at the thought of Morgan hiding out in Paul's barn waiting to ambush him. Drawing his sidearm, ignoring Seth’s gaping mouth and bug-eyed stare, Jeff directed Sam, “Let's go!”
“Wait we can have more guns here in five minutes. Let's think about this. If he is waiting for Paul, he'll still be there. If he's there and we surround him, he won't escape.”
As eager as Jeff was to nail the bastard, he could see the logic in Sam’s plan. Nodding his agreement he re-holstered his weapon and watched as Sam stepped away to make the phone call that would bring in the cavalry. Hopefully, this would be the end of having to constantly look over their shoulders.
Jeff found himself pacing to relieve the tension. He thought of calling Paul with the news but realized Paul would insist on coming back to help. No, he couldn't bear the thought of Paul in more immediate danger. Better he handles this with Ilya's men while Paul made his rounds unaware but in safety.
Jeff insisted that Seth go to the kitchen and have some breakfast with Rosarita and Fred. As soon as Seth explained to Rosarita and Fred why he was there, Fred rushed to join Jeff and Sam. While they waited for reinforcements, they collectively decided that Morgan must have spent the night in the barn. They figured he must have arrived while Jeff, Paul, and Rosarita were away.
The few minutes he waited seemed like an eternity had passed before two Suburbans finally parked in his front drive and disgorged a slew of heavily armed men. It looked to Jeff as though they had enough firepower to take on a small army… hell, he was looking at a small army.
Ilya was the first one onto the porch.
Jeff asked, “Where is Uncle Raymond?”
“Raymond is not soldat… soldier and neither are you. That is why he is there with your Uncle Joe and that is why you will wait here while me and my soldaty will take barn.” Turning to Tink, Ilya spoke in rapid-fire Russian. Jeff also looked at the younger Russian who was standing on his porch wearing a backpack and holding a very compact, but deadly looking submachine gun. Whatever the big Russian said it did not please the younger man. Tink’s response was to snap to attention and offer what Jeff assumed was the Russian equivalent of, “Sir! Yes Sir!”.
Ilya quietly barked out orders through his earpiece for his “soldaty” to load up into the vehicles. Jeff realized that while some of Ilya's “soldiers” may be Russian, the majority were American. It seemed all of them understood at least some Russian. Jeff and Tink watched as the Suburbans headed down the road toward the barn, beyond where Paul's house had stood.
Tink encouraged Jeff to step back into the house where he promised to relay anything he heard through his earpiece. Tink removed his backpack and took a seat at the conference table in Jeff's office. Jeff resumed pacing, still internally debating as to when he should call Paul?
Suddenly a sound like the screech of a hawk echoed around the room. Ilya pulled out his phone and with a look of disbelief said, “Your Paul is in trouble. His necklace monitor has been activated.” Tink quickly opened an app on his laptop. Jeff was looking at a satellite image of the ranch as a flashing red dot could be seen moving away from the ranch, along the farm to market road.
“The bastard must have been inside the Explorer.” Grabbing his keys and a jacket he shouted to Tink, “Let's Go!” Tink quickly followed with his laptop and submachine gun. He was still closing his door when Jeff slammed the Tahoe into reverse and backed out of the drive. Flooring the accelerator Jeff thought Tink was yelling at him for going so fast. Before he could think of an appropriate “fuck you” response, he realized that the man was yelling in Russian into the earpiece. There was some kind of disjointed discussion going on through the earpiece. Finally, Tink says, “Ilya says you are to pull over and let his soldaty, his soldiers, take care of this situation. You are an amateur.”
“Can he hear me?”
“Since you are shouting, yes he can hear you very good.”
Jeff reached over, put his hand around Tink’s neck and pulled him close. He leaned over so he was mere inches away from Tink’s earpiece and shouted, “Remember who you work for and FUCK YOU, Ilya!”
Tink's face screwed up in pain and he jerked out of Jeff's grasp. “I think he could have heard you without the earpiece. Turn right onto the highway.”
By the time they reached the highway, Jeff could see the Suburbans gaining on them. He wasn't sure if that was comforting or irritating. “How far away are they?”
Tink still watching the laptop, pulled out his phone to check “They are by road 3 kilometers, less than 2 miles away. They just turned onto a road that does not show on phone app, but I can see on satellite view. They seem to be heading to a farmhouse.
Paul and Dave had just driven away from the ranch house when Josh Morgan popped out from under a blanket lying on the backseat floorboard. He quickly nested his pistol at the base of Paul's skull. “Hello, faggot. You don't take a hint very well, now do you. I really think it's better this way. If you just left town Tom might have gone after you. With what I have in mind for you and your boyfriend here there’ll be no doubt in his mind about how you felt about him. Besides, I’ll be there to comfort him.”
“I don't know what you have planned, mister, but Dave here is not my boyfriend. He is my new assistant. Why don't you let him out here alongside the road? By the time he can get back to the ranch house we would already be long gone.”
“Sorry Dave, you picked a shitty bossman. Too bad, too bad, but you fit into new my plans very nicely. Good news is you get to fuck your new boss. Bad news is, it's your last piece of ass. Morgan laughed at his own joke.
Dave spoke for the first time. In a quavering voice, he pleaded, “B, b, but I’m not gay. I, I, I don't even like guys. Everybody knows I am not a queer!” To emphasize his distress Dave let the vehicle slow down.
“I didn't say stop. Keep driving. Turn right onto the highway.
“Yeah, I can make Tom forget all about you soon enough. He doesn't know it yet but I got a tidy little nest egg stashed away. Took a year of living with a disgusting old queen before I could get access to his accounts. Then I made it look like an accident. He had it coming. Even now I want to shower thinking about what I had to do with him. But now I got Tom. I had it all planned out. Even had another sucker all set up. He was a veterinarian too. Figured I could hit him up for a big contribution to our retirement fund. Then the motherfucker got into some kind of trouble and had to leave town, fast. Just when I was about to spring the trap.
“Then Tom up and tells me he thinks he has feelings for your sorry, faggoty ass. Even tells me I have to move out. After all the wedding and honeymoon plans I made. When he gets back he’ll find out you're no longer an option. Then, when I let him know I got enough stashed away to buy my own place where he can raise and train his own horses, I figure that'll seal the deal.” This was followed by maniacal laughter.
“You must be high. You really think Tom will fall for all that bullshit?”
“I may have used a little something to get me through the night. It was as cold as a well digger's ass in here last night. That reminds me, turn up the heat.
“Lucky for you faggot, I found a couple of empty water bottles or your backseat would be floating in piss. I used a little last night, but I can take it or leave it. I’m getting kinda hungry too. Last time I ate was lunch yesterday. Couldn't hardly eat for that bitch that owns the place staring daggers at me. You’d a thought I broke into her place and robbed it. I should've stuck with one of them fast food places.
"Hey boyfriend step on it, you gonna turn right again about a mile and a half up ahead.”
When Paul first felt the gun against his head he thought he was a dead man. As time passed and Morgan hadn't simply pulled the trigger, he began to hope. He knew he didn't stand a chance of reaching either of his guns before Morgan could blow his brains out. He could, however, use his necklace to alert Ilya and his crew. At least they would know he had been taken under duress. Slowly, trying not to alert Morgan, Paul eased his hand up and applied what he hoped was enough pressure to activate the signal.
Suddenly the screeching of a hawk filled the vehicle. Morgan jumped at the impossibly loud noise, “What the fuck was that?”
Dave immediately responded with, “That was my phone my brother's ringtone we call him Hawkeyes so the screech of a hawk sounds whenever he calls. I can silence it.”
“Yeah, do that. Just remember, one quick move and your boyfriend gets another hole in his head. We don't want that to happen too soon.”
Dave slowly removed his phone from his jacket pocket and laid it face down in the center console.
By this time Paul was convinced Morgan was high on something. He couldn't look but he could tell by the way the gun barrel tapped an uneven rhythm against his skull and the way the man kept up a near constant rant, he was definitely high. He wondered if this morning's goodbye was the last time he would feel his lover’s lips. Silently he choked back a sob. He would not give this bastard the satisfaction of knowing how fearful he was. Paul was surprised that it wasn't so much dying as it was the fear of never again holding his baby girl or Jeff in his arms again. Somehow that thought gave him the resolve to get through this alive. More to the point, he swore, Morgan would not live out the day!
Paul wasn't sure where they were going when they turned down a dirt road. He could see an old house with a dilapidated front porch in the distance.
“I wonder if people will be surprised when they learn you were killed by your lover in an act of murder/suicide. It’ll sure make it easier for Tom to forget about you. He thinks you're pretty much inexperienced. At least that's what he said. Of course, he may change his mind once he hears you two were found naked and you with cum leaking out of your asshole.” Morgan snickered at the image in his mind.
Paul reasoned his best chance would be when they were getting out of the Explorer. As far as he could tell Morgan had no idea that both he and Dave were armed. Morgan directed Dave to park in front of the house. “Me and the other vet come here a few times. Guess this belonged to his wife's family. Comes complete with a mattress. Of course, the sheets aren't all that clean, but nobody will notice for all the blood.” Morgan again laughed at the thought.
Paul was beginning to really hate that laugh almost as much as he hated the laugher.
Putting the selector in park, Dave rested his both hands on the steering wheel and waited.”Turn the motor off and hand me the keys. You two won't be going anywhere else in this thing.”
Paul was rehearsing his moves for when he made his exit. A smooth steady draw with his finger on the trigger. “Just don't squeeze the trigger before it's pointed at the bastard!” He reminded himself.
Maybe it was overconfidence. Maybe it was blatant stupidity. Or just dumb luck. Paul would never know. Whatever it was had Morgan exit the vehicle first and move toward the front bumper. He held his gun high as he directed them both to get out slowly. Paul saw his chance. Keeping his eyes on Morgan he drew his revolver. Taking a half step back to close the door he brought his gun up at the same instance he slammed the door shut. Even as he squeezed his trigger he watched Morgan’s face, for the first and last time, as it was knocked back at an impossible angle. He would recall it was like a slow-motion scene in an action flick as the back of Morgan’s head disappeared in a red haze. He could never be sure, but he figured Dave had fired first with an instantaneously dead, headshot. Paul figured his own just as deadly chest shot, would have stopped the bastard just as well. He thought the last thing Morgan saw was Dave’s gun barrel. His body was facing Paul, but apparently, he was looking at Dave. Paul could only hope the son of a bitch knew it was coming.
Paul cautiously approached the body. Once he was convinced there would be no return fire, his eyes met Dave’s. “You alright?”
Dave grinned, “I should be asking you that. Are you ok?”
Paul nodded, Dave answered with a single nod. He then took several steps away and proceeded to regurgitate his breakfast. Paul shrugged, thinking he didn't feel the least bit queasy. Just some strange ambivalent sensation he attributed to the ebb of adrenaline. He had seen a lot more disturbing scenes in his work. He tried to conjure up some guilt, sympathy, or any kind of humane regard for the man on the ground. All he felt was a very real sense of relief that his loved ones were safe. He moved to the back of the Explorer and retrieved two bottles of water. Handing one to Dave he asked, “You do realize he intended to kill you and me, don't you?”
Dave rinsed his mouth and said, “This wasn't my first time. I’ve had three tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. I think it was the fact breakfast was not long ago and it was plenty gory. Don't worry, I’ll be ready for lunch soon.
“I was damn well impressed with how you handled yourself through all of this. When I saw that gun at the back of your head, I damn near shit myself. But, you, you were as cool as ice. Damn! I’ve seen a lot of highly trained, brave men lose their shit in tough situations. I’d choose you over most any of them.”
They turned together to the sound of the Tahoe and two Suburbans charging up the dirt road. “Here comes the cavalry!”
Paul and Dave were embraced with heartfelt enthusiasm by Jeff and Sam respectively. No one seemed to even notice the passionate kisses.
Ilya had his men search the house and grounds for anything that might require further attention. In the meantime, he asked what Jeff wanted to have happen to the body. He assured them that his men were totally loyal and could dispose of the remains and the pickup so that no one would know anything questionable ever happened over the last few days. The fire was already attributed to faulty wiring. Cowboys come and go with little or no notice. Tom was already expecting Morgan to have left. The police would think he had left the area knowing they were hot on his tail. It was up to Jeff. Ilya made it clear, cleaning up messy scenes was a specialty of his.
Jeff led Paul to the back of the Tahoe to discuss their options. Jeff felt the decision rested mainly in Paul's hands. He was the one who would face all the questions and have to deal with the publicity. It was he who would be outed in a most public manner. Once they reached their decision Jeff called his Uncle Raymond who happened to be in his Uncle Joe's office. Upon hearing the details of what happened Raymond directed them to say nothing to anyone until they arrived
Let me know by a review or an email to sojourn1950@yahoo.com
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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