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Change of Heart - 16. Chapter sixteen
Thanks to Jay T for Editing and Beta reading.
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Jeff grabbed his shoulder feigning injury. “You know there are laws addressing domestic violence, even in Texas.”
Taking Paul's hand in his, looking deeply into those soft brown eyes he admitted, “I had to do something. When I saw him go for his gun, I didn't think. I just knew I couldn't let him hurt you. You’ve changed my life, for the better, in so many ways. For the first time in a long time, I belong to a family again. My life doesn't mean much without you in it. Loving Maria is a given. I will always love and cherish her. But, our lives would be desolate without you.”
Paul gripped Jeff's hand a little tighter. “I don't really think you're a dumbshit. I just… I mean… In books and movies, heroes always swear to lay down their lives to protect the ones they love. You didn't say it. You did it! How do I say thank you for something like that?”
Paul didn't notice, but Jeff saw when Dave, who was driving, laid his hand palm up on the center console. Then he watched as Sam interlocked their fingers. Somehow, that simple act spoke of more love than what’s expressed in all of Shakespeare's sonnets.
“You can say ‘Thanks’ for trying to save your life, but tell me, would you have done any less for me?”
With his brown eyes misting, “Jeff I don't know what I wouldn't do for you. Since I met you, life… my life has changed so much. I had never seriously harmed another human being. Even playground fights were started by others. I had expected to be overwhelmed with guilt after shooting that bastard. All I feel is that the universe is a better place without him. I would do it again if it meant protecting the ones I love, Maria and you.
“As for the Sheriff, he was a bad man too. Although, I’m not really convinced he would have shot me. I am glad I didn't have to find out, but still, I wonder.”
“Babe, the Sheriff had every intention of shooting you. He wasn't carrying those loaded guns and drugs in his trunk for some high school show and tell. He intended to kill all of us on that back road.
“Drawing on what I learned from both of my psych courses, he was going to kill us because we humiliated him and because we represented what he hated so much about himself. He hated being gay. In some twisted way, I think killing us would’ve helped justify his own self-hatred. He is… was a classic example of a homophobe who was outwardly manifesting his own lack of self-acceptance.”
Paul brought his other hand over to clasp Jeff's between his, “Hon, let's make a pact, Ok? I’ll give up my sappy gay soap opera dialogue if you give up sophomoric psychoanalysis. Deal?”
Jeff, at first looked confused. Then recalling he had accused Paul of using dialogue from gay soap operas, he smiled. “Well, it’ll be your loss. You never know when my spot on psychological observations could be crucial in helping you heal some critically ill farm animal. Besides, what if, years from now, I decided to take up watching gay soaps? You’d be right there by my side watching them with me. Meaning, you would have given up nothing. You’ve got to up the ante if you're looking to make a deal. How about you become my love slave, then I’ll give up my very perceptive, in-depth, psychoanalytical observations. Now, that's what I call a deal.”
Sam interrupted with, “Jeff, Paul, Fred just told us that Rosarita fixed some tortilla soup and sandwiches for their lunch. He wants to know if we are heading there or should he put away the leftovers?”
Jeff looked at Paul. Once their eyes met they nodded. Jeff turned back toward the front, pulled out his phone and said. “Tell him we're going to have lunch with Maria and Aunt Mellie” A quick phone call to Aunt Mellie set them up for lunch. Joe had already told her about the Sheriff. She insisted Jeff put the phone on speaker so she could hear both her boys tell her they were alright. By the time she let them hang up they were almost in the drive.
She and Maria meet them at the door. Maria's enthusiasm in greeting them was bounded only by Jeff's and Paul's efforts to shield their balls. Mellie's greeting seemed only slightly less enthusiastic and a great deal less threatening to their manhood. Already the house was filled with caterers and extra help getting ready for tonight's festivities. Paul expressed regrets at their imposing upon Mellie by having to entertain them for lunch when she had to prepare for a huge turnout in just a few hours. He insisted they take Maria for lunch at the diner.
Mellie looked at Paul sternly, for the first time, “We’ll have no more of that nonsense. When Maria, Jeff and you eat here, I am not ‘entertaining’. I am simply feeding my family.” Glaring at Sam and Dave, as if to prevent any argument, she stated, “Right now that includes you two.” Nodding emphatically! She ended the discussion.
“Y’all can take turns cleaning up in the hallway bathroom or Jeff can show you to the guest rooms. Rosa is never far away from having something ready to serve. She heard me talking to Jeff earlier and insisted she would have a proper lunch ready by the time y’all arrived. She is a godsend and the only person this side of heaven who can prepare coffee to your Uncle Joe’s liking. I never could stand the stuff, but Joe can't start his day until he's had his second cup.
“Now go clean up and come on in the kitchen and grab a seat. Maria's been dying to tell her daddies what all we found in Abilene.”
Neither Jeff nor Paul was especially hungry. They just filled up on being with people that loved them unconditionally. And Maria, in all her youthful innocence, fit the bill perfectly. Mellie’s nurturing nature also went a long way in easing their anxiety over the morning’s events. Later they would talk about how that lunch “recharged” their humanity. For once, Paul felt he might understand a soldier’s suffering as he tries to cope with PTSD. Jeff just tried to downplay his joy that Paul had come away unscathed from two life-threatening situations, in as many days.
Maria overflowed with effervescent delight as she described many of the outfits, each piece of furniture and the area rugs they had purchased the day before. It reminded Jeff that he and Paul had to get some guys to help clear out “Maria's” room. They might have to wait until after the holidays to arrange for painters. Jeff finally admitted it was time to claim the master suite for Paul and himself. He knew his parents would have approved. Maybe if they bought a new mattress it wouldn't feel too creepy, making love in his parent's bed. The thought made him shudder, just a little.
Raymond called Jeff to let them know the town was flooded with network as well as cable news vans. He cautioned them that it wouldn't be long before they tried to get onto the ranch. Ilya was already stepping up perimeter security by manning all the gates. All news people were to be barred automatically. His men at the gates were to get authorization from the appropriate house before granting any vehicle access. No one without the local zip code on their driver’s license would even warrant a call to the appropriate house. He relayed that Ilya insisted they travel in the heavily tinted Suburbans as a precautionary measure.
After enjoying lunch they loaded up some of Maria's clothes and headed out to Jeff's place or what was now, their home. Maria recognized a couple of satellite vans and wanted to know why television was at her Aunt Mellie and Uncle Joe’s place?
Jeff took her hand and said,”Well Princess, remember that man in the stable, who said those bad things about your daddy?” Jeff paused. Once Maria nodded, he continued, “That man tried to shoot your daddy, but he got shot instead.”
With a quizzical expression, Maria asked, “But who shot him?”
A loud voice from the driver's seat interrupted, “I did, Princess.” Dave stated as he realigned his rearview mirror to catch Maria's reflection. “He was going to shoot your daddy. I had to stop him. That's my job as well as Sam’s, to protect all three of you.”
Satisfied, Maria smiled warmly at Dave's eyes reflected in the mirror. “Thank you, Mister Dave for doing your job so my Daddy's didn't get hurt.”
Jeff and Paul shared a meaningful glance above Maria’s head. Paul dropped his hand onto Dave's shoulder, “Thanks Dave, for saving me, again.”
Dave grinned and nodded in understanding, “Anytime.”
There were no news vans at the cattle crossing leading to Jeff’s… their place. Two men were standing in front of a couple of saw horses. One was a ranch hand that Jeff knew by name and Paul had met but didn't know well enough to remember his name. The other was one of Ilya's men that knew Sam and Dave. Dave couldn't let it pass. He had to ask, “Are those sawhorses covered in Christmas gift wrapping paper?”
The soldat blushed a little, “It was Fred’s girlfriend’s idea. She insisted it was bright and shiny and would make them more visible and…” That last bit drifted off in a muted mumble.
Dave knew the man well enough, “Jim, I didn't catch that last part you said. Can you repeat that a little louder.” On the last phrase, he raised his voice for emphasis.
Jim said, much louder, “I said, she insisted. Said it was in keeping with the season.” Jim was in a full on blush. Paul burst out laughing not at the sawhorses but at the thought of a professional bodyguard being embarrassed at the idea of having to shoot someone for breaking through a Christmas barricade. No one else seemed to get the joke. That didn't stop his tears of laughter. In futility, he tried to explain the joke. He convinced himself that they all thought it was funny, but simply refused to let on that they got it. Though Maria's look was the one Paul was convinced meant she was already internally debating the efficacy of nursing homes and heavy medication.
In spite of having the day off, Rosarita met them at the door. She exclaimed as she took the party dress that Maria was carrying like some holy relic. It was white with crimson lace overlaying the bodice. The skirt started out white at the waist then with lace overlayers it melded from light pink into crimson at the knee length hem. Starting at the right side of the neckline a single gold star seemed to spray an expanding trail of smaller gold stars until fully half the front hem was star covered. The back was adorned the same way so that when she twirled, she appeared to be amidst shooting stars. The finishing touches were a crimson star-studded tiara and star-spangled, crimson slippers. She wanted to change to show the full effect, but Paul insisted she wait until after she napped and then she could show them after she bathed and dressed for the party. Rosarita assured her she would be there to help her get dressed and do her hair.
Paul was impressed when she laid down without complaint. However, he was not surprised when she began to bargain for a later bedtime because of the get-together. Paul insisted they would discuss it later.
By the time Paul rejoined the adults in the family room, the cable news was all over the Sheriff's shooting. The State’s Attorney General had arrived by helicopter and had made a statement to the effect that he had been briefed by local authorities and some eyewitnesses to the shooting. Pending further investigation there would likely be no charges filed against those lawmen involved. Jeff happily pointed out Joe, Raymond and Jubal Harshaw standing just behind acting Sheriff Daniel Lovan. The Mayor was conspicuously absent.
The Attorney General added, his office would be conducting an official investigation into any court prosecuted cases under the deceased Sheriff's purview. He expressed his gratitude to acting Sheriff Lovan for his promise of complete support from both himself and his department during the upcoming investigation.
Tink had texted a link to an Abilene tv station which featured an interview with a much recovered Mayor. The Mayor read a statement that his presence at the shooting of the Sheriff was a result of a happenstance invitation from the Sheriff. He had no prior knowledge nor real interest in the investigation of the shooting of a local resident. When pressed he clarified, “Of course I am interested, I mean concerned, when any citizen of our town is involved in a shooting. Just not that kind of citizen.” Pressed harder, he continued, “You know those people involved were fags… I mean homosexuals!” He spat it out, as though it physically pained him to say the word. “The shooting was precipitated by jealousy.” When he said that last part, he physically shuddered. “Of course I had no idea beforehand that those kind of people were involved. My being present at the Sheriff's shooting was mere happenstance.”
He went on to state that his relationship with the Sheriff was strictly professional. He barely knew the man well enough to say hello when they met. Apparently one of the reporters knew better. When cornered he admitted that Sheriff Johnson had been his sister’s nephew by marriage and that they had attended the same church for most of their lives. And yes it was true that he had officially endorsed Johnson in his only bid for County Sheriff. Yes, they had shared a meal occasionally at the local diner. It was true that the Sheriff had been a guest in the Mayor’s home a few times. But, he insisted, all that didn't mean theirs was anything but a strictly professional relationship.
The consensus within the family room was that the Mayor should look for a new line of work. Especially since, having reached a consensus amongst Joe, Raymond, Jeff and Paul, Tink had anonymously emailed copies of “Bad Daddy Sheriff” porn to each City Council member. With the subject line “Whose Mayor held the camera?” Paul had insisted that Deputy Harris’ face be blurred. He wasn't convinced that the Deputy was completely innocent, but he had appeared to be a victim in the videos. It was the only way Paul could feel comfortable releasing the videos. The truth was, there was no evidence a third person was present when the videos were recorded.
Jeff and Paul excused themselves and went down the hall to take a nap. Inside Jeff's old room they stripped down and climbed into bed. Jeff laid on his back and Paul rested his head on Jeff's shoulder. Toying with his chest hair, he asked Jeff, “Are our lives together always going to be filled with such drama? I mean… I feel like I’ve aged ten years in the last two days. Don't get me wrong, I’d do it all over again just to have you in our lives, it's just that I’ve always lived such a quiet life. Do you have any objections to settling down, without guns strapped to our sides, with just Maria and me?”
Jeff took a deep breath, “Babe, I don't know what our lives will be like. My life, up to this point, has been mostly average too. Except for the being rich part. I was never spoiled, I had to work on the ranch for spending money since I was twelve. I didn't know we were rich until I was a freshman in high school. I can't say it hasn't made a difference, I’m sure it has. I never had to worry about money for college or anything. The only expensive thing I have ever bought is the car I have in Chicago. I paid for that with money I earned as an attorney.
“As for drama? Trust me, these last couple of days are as far from the norm for me as they have been for you. Like I said before, when I came home this time, I was ready for a change. After falling for you like a rock, I figured I’d quietly settle into being a rancher with you by my side and we’d raise our Princess together. Now it seems we are the poster boys for 'gay Texas'. Combine that with Uncle Joe getting involved in local politics and I can't guarantee our lives will be quiet. But, I can guarantee you one thing and that is that no matter what kind of life we lead, I will be by your side.”
Jeff wasn't sure how much Paul had heard, but by the time he paused for a response he could barely hear Paul softly snoring. He yawned, relaxed and drifted off to join his lover in dreamland.
Paul had heard what Jeff had to say even if the last few words were somewhat muffled. Now, the sun had gone down and he was awake and feeling refreshed. Checking the time he knew they should be getting up to shower and dress for the get-together. It would be unseemly not to arrive early enough to at least offer to help.
He had awakened in the same position in which he had fallen asleep. Jeff's massive erection was taking up most of Paul's field of vision. He grinned at the thought of what he could with that thick stalk of flesh and how much pleasure it would bring both of them. Instead of giving into temptation, he scooted off the bed and loudly called Jeff's name. It took a lot of self control not to crawl back into bed and awaken his mate with some oral loving. Maybe they could compromise with a long, hot shower. Once he was sure Jeff was awake he slipped on jeans and a shirt and went to awaken Maria. Even at her tender age, she took more time to simply get dressed than did her father.
He was pleasantly surprised to find Rosarita had already gotten Maria to bathe and was doing her hair. Paul came back into Jeff's old bedroom to find Jeff laying in the middle of the bed stroking his cock. Stripping his clothes off he offered, “It's getting late. We need to hurry. If you join me in the shower we can help each other out. If you stay in bed, you're on your own. Paul snickered as he watched Jeff scurrying off the bed and into the bathroom, with his hardon proudly leading the way.
Later, two satiated lovers met the rest of their group in the family room. Paul thought the other two couples looked smugly satisfied. He shrugged off his suspicions and focused on his beautiful daughter. Her blonde curls seemed to set off her sparkling brown eyes. He was awed by how pretty she really was. The tiara, dress, and slippers combined to make her look like a real live Princess.
Jeff said out loud what Paul was thinking. “Darling you look like a Princess, for real. I am truly sorry that we don't have a red carpet for you to walk on or a real carriage for you to go to the ball in. Stand by the fireplace and let me take your picture.”
Maria was delighted by the attention she received from her daddies as well as the rest of the group. She was less than thrilled when both her daddies insisted she wear a coat on the ride to the party. She insisted a coat would “spoil the look” she was going for.
Somehow Fred had the night free to attend the festivities with Rosarita. Jeff and Paul both suspected Rosarita had a hand in arranging Fred's schedule. Wisely they kept those opinions between the two of them. Jeff gave Fred the keys to the Tahoe so he could properly escort Rosarita. Maria insisted she ride with Rosarita. She wound up riding with her daddies after Rosarita promised to provide any last minute touch ups to Maria's hair and makeup once they arrived. Paul was livid at the thought of his child wearing makeup until Rosarita privately assured him it was only some lightly applied foundation. He asked Jeff to remind him later to Google “foundation makeup”. Jeff was pretty blasé about the makeup until he began to think in terms of Maria as his not quite six-year-old daughter. Suddenly he knew damn well that soon they both would both be googling “foundation makeup”.
Joe and Mellie greeted everyone at the door already dressed in their finery. Mellie was dressed in an elegant A-line crimson and lace cocktail dress that had obviously been chosen with Maria's dress in mind. They were wearing the same knee-length style with some similar coloring, Mellie's was sans stars and tiara. Joe, like Jeff and Paul, wore a button down shirt with a bolo tie and a leather blazer.
Everyone was ushered into the family room. Although Paul had been in this room numbers of times, he had never seen it expanded to its current size. He had begged off the other two times he had been invited to the get-together. Tonight, walls on either end, made up of bookcases, had been folded back to open up two other rooms. Now, Paul thought it looked like some gigantic hotel ballroom, complete with chandeliers. Bars were set up at either end. Ample seating lined the perimeter, while the center was cleared for dancing. A four-piece combo was tuning up around the baby grand piano that was placed against the wall near the center of the dance area. Jeff knew tonight's music would range from light jazz and pop to the classics… of country music.
Mellie, Rosarita, and Maria went off to do girly things while Joe asked Jeff and Paul to join him in his office.
Joe came right to the point. “We need to select our candidate for Mayor as soon as possible. This clod isn't going to last through the investigation. Even if, by some miracle, he avoids indictment. We need to take a serious look at the City Council members. I think one of them will most likely be the next Mayor. I need you two to try and sound each of them out tonight. We need to get the ball rolling tonight if we're going to find the right candidate. Our next Mayor has to be a good man who wants what's best for the citizens and his community.”
No one had noticed they had company until, “Why can't you be Mayor? You're a good man, Uncle Joe.” Then turning to Paul she asked, “what's a moon tea?”
While Paul pulled Maria into his lap to define ‘moon tea’, Jeff engaged his Uncle, “She’s right you know. You’ve been looking for the right man when every credential you credit him with is one you already possess. You have integrity, you’re honest, open and caring. Plus you could return the Mayor's salary to the city coffers. You already have ongoing projects that will bring in more jobs. Who better to coordinate with city government than the head of the Adams Family, who just happens to be the Mayor. It makes perfect sense. Why didn't we think of it before?”
Leaving his Uncle to get used to the idea, Jeff moved closer to Paul, still holding Maria. “Princess, not only are you beautiful, but you must surely be a genius. That means you are very intelligent.” This last he emphasized with a loud and sloppy kiss on her cheek.
Maria was giggling as Jeff's wiggling fingers threatened to tickle her mercilessly. Paul ignored their antics to address Joe. “He is right you know. There is no one better suited to the job. You have a good heart and a strong sense of what is right. You are a practical man with the foresight needed to plan ahead. Once Raymond, Danny and Aunt Mellie get wind of this you're all but elected… Congratulations, Mr. Mayor!” Joe looked like he had the most bitter taste ever in his mouth.
Once the party was well under way, Paul was a little overwhelmed by the attention strangers paid him. Most expressed sympathy about the fire, horror at the kidnapping, backslapping enthusiasm at the shooting, and or utter amazement at his having survived the crazed Sheriff's attempt to kill him.
He was somewhat relieved when his fellow veterinarians T.R and David, along with their son DJ, arrived. They, unlike most folk, seemed to have complete and actual facts regarding the events of his last few days.
It was a refreshing change to be able to discuss more important aspects of life such as parenting, elementary school, getting kids to eat and most embarrassing moments in the lives of young parents. T.R. was the clear winner in that last topic. It seems on their last visit back home, his father entertained the adults of the family by relating what his five-year-old grandson had described having witnessed, “naked daddies wrestling”.
Laughter drew the attention of those around them, and soon they were in the midst of a dozen young parents discussing the one thing all of them had in common, children. Paul enjoyed hearing that most of them shared similar fears and foibles. Jeff was a like new convert, feeling slightly overwhelmed and yet eager to accept the challenges.
As soon as DJ had shown up, Maria deserted her daddies for some more age-appropriate company. Besides, there was a supervised room for children under twelve complete with games, snacks, and Disney videos. There was also a room set aside and manned as a nursery. Maria was determined to visit the nursery with the real live babies. DJ was not so enthusiastic saying his Maria had been babysitting her relatives babies for as long as he could remember. Babies were alright sometimes but mostly they just made noise and stunk. Nonchalantly, he informed Maria that he was going to have a baby brother soon enough and maybe she could come over to play with him and his little brother. Maria agreed enthusiastically but made a mental note to ask her daddies how two men got pregnant and delivered a baby. By virtue of her being an only child of a single parent veterinarian, she had seen enough animal husbandry to understand breeding and birthing.
Paul relaxed when he realized no one would dare be openly hostile toward him tonight, certainly not in Joe's house. Still, there were a few who made it clear they were not sympathetic to him or his kind. It wasn't hard to single them out. They would turn their backs or cut an obviously wide swathe in avoiding Paul or any group he might be chatting with.
Those same people didn't seem to realize that he and Jeff were a couple. While they were trying to avoid Paul, they were trying to gain Jeff's attention. When Paul pointed this out to Jeff, his lover had the perfect solution. Jeff took Paul's drink and handed it to T.R. Then he led Paul onto the dance floor and led them through a spritely Texas two-step. At first, there seemed to be a collective gasp from the crowd. Then Joe and Mellie, Fred and Rosarita, as well as Sam and Dave joined in the dance. Soon the crowd seemed to relax and several “straight” same-sex couples joined them on the dance floor. T.R. and David smiled broadly as they “boot scooted” by. After a couple of traditional two steps, the quartet played a soft, slow number which suited Jeff and Paul just fine. Paul was surprised to see that most of the “straight” same-sex couples simply adjusted their steps and folded into each other's arms.
The food was good and plentiful, the booze was free, and the music was tolerable. It was time for folks to let their hair down and have a good time. Raymond had latched onto the idea of his Uncle Joe becoming Mayor like a sprung bear trap. He, being a hometown boy made good, was well received by everyone. Before the booze was even loosening up the crowd, he had planted the seed with three City Council members. Less than an hour later they had each approached Joe with what was presented as their own idea, that he should run for Mayor. This of course was based on their very likely suspicion that a special election would soon be called. No one mentioned the “Whose Mayor is holding the camera?” videos.
Joe appeared to be humbled by the notion they thought he could be a potentially successful candidate. Raymond was pretty sure Uncle Joe would surprise more than a few folks with his managerial and leadership skills. Wearing a broad smile he scanned the crowd of holiday revelers. Everyone seemed in good spirits even those he knew to be homophobic wore smiles, even if somewhat subdued. Raymond was surprised their faces hadn't melted like candle wax at the sight of same-sex couples dancing.
As he continued to peruse the room, his eyes fell upon the newly appointed Sheriff Lovan. Even out of uniform he presented a striking figure of a man. He was reminded of an old Chuck Berry tune “Brown Eyed Handsome Man.” How stupid had he been, trying to recapture one of his most erotic memories by treating Daniel like the teenager he had been, instead of the masculine ideal he had become.
In a well fitted suit and tie, Sheriff Lovan caught the eye of most the women in the room. Raymond was confident the man was gay and at least somewhat attracted to him. Figures he would be closeted as a lawman in a small town, especially in Texas. That didn't bother Raymond; while he didn't display rainbow flags, pins, tee shirts or stickers, he never denied being gay. He was sure more than a few people here knew he was gay. He certainly hoped Daniel wasn't leading on some woman with false hope. Even if he did, it wasn't any of his business. He had fucked up royally the last time he approached Daniel. In the few instances in which they had interacted since the blow-up, they had both been totally professional. No one could tell there had ever been even a spark of lust between them. Raymond watched as Daniel worked the room. He was attentive to anyone who approached him but never stayed too long with anyone or any group. He watched as Daniel smoothly sought out and thanked the County Judge and the County Commissioners who appointed him. Raymond was impressed as Daniel made casual conversation and seemed to leave everyone with whom he spoke smiling. Raymond clinically observed, ‘the man was a naturally gifted politician’.
Raymond jumped, almost spilling his drink, as the voice behind him pulled him from his reverie. “You know, he's going to catch you if you don't quit following him with your eyes.” Joe tugged on Raymond’s shoulder so they were facing each other. “Why don't you go over and try again. Just try not to come across as such an asshole. Try apologizing before you step on your dick again. You insulted the man as well as the uniform he proudly wears.
“He’s been keeping tabs on you tonight as well as over the years. He’s just better at not getting caught. Think about it Son, how would he know where you live or what you drive if he wasn't interested enough to find out. Do like I do with Mellie when I mess up. Beg for forgiveness. You don't have to buy jewelry or anything, but do something nice. Now, go on, there's no time like the present.” Joe slapped Raymond on the back and shoved him lightly in Daniel’s direction.
Raymond diverted to the nearest bar and ordered two drinks. Timing it so Danny was just leaving the group he was speaking with, Raymond proffered the drink, “Club soda over ice with a slice of lime? That's what you been drinking, right? I owe you several apologies and at least one to the uniform you wear. Can I bend your ear for a moment... privately?”
Daniel stared at the drink dubiously, as though it might be sending the wrong message if he accepted. “I don't think that would be in our mutual best interests. Anything you have to say you can say it here and now. I’d rather we keep it strictly professional.”
Raymond could tell he had a snowball’s chance in hell of building a relationship with Daniel. At least he could apologize. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I was so flippant with you the other day. I was… quite frankly, scared. I knew I’d hurt you years ago. My attraction was so strong and you were underage, I didn't trust myself to be around you, much less be alone with you. When you stopped coming to the ranch, I knew it was to avoid seeing me.
“Later, as the years passed, I figured you had moved on from that teenage crush. When I saw you and felt such a spark, I was thrilled. It was plain stupid that I approached you as the teenager with a crush that I remembered, instead of the strong, handsome, intelligent, professional that you have become. Even if you forgive me, I will always regret having done that. I won't bother you again.” Having said his piece, Raymond turned to go.
As he started to walk away, a hand reached out and grabbed his arm, “Where are you going? I thought you bought me a drink. The least you can do is stay and talk a while.”
A whole nother chapter and no one pulled a gun... there may yet be hope for a peaceful future, for all concerned.
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