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Change of Heart - 25. Chapter twenty-five

I wrote faster and posted sooner because I really hate cliffhangers. Even when they are mine.
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With fury in his eyes, Raymond bounded down the steps with Daniel right behind him. His voice was almost at a normal volume now but clearly projected so that everyone in the crowd could hear. “Just remember, dear mother, I have stayed out of your life, even avoided you and yours. It is you who have falsely accused, maligned, and assaulted my real family. You brought this upon yourself, you have no one else to blame.

“You talk about degenerates! How about your sanctimonious husband who enjoyed literally getting fucked in the ass by the old Sheriff and sucking cocks at the same time. I have received an email that is to be sent to every member of your congregation with that video attached. They will also see the video of Fire chief Bumpkis sharing with your husband and bragging about the money they stole from the needy children of this community, some were even members of his own congregation. Jeffrey Adams has never met your husband, let alone handed him money. But, I have met him, dear mother, I have. Do these blind followers of his and yours not suspect he has been skimming from their offerings. Do they not know that the missionaries they support in Ethiopia, don't even exist? How about his offshore bank account that has more of the church's building fund money in it, than the actual building fund account itself. Do they know that he laughs his ass off at how easily fooled they have been all these years? Do they not find it strange that he feigns poverty, yet drives a nicer car and lives in a better neighborhood than anyone in the congregation can afford? I do, yes dear mother, I do.

“And you, my dear, sainted, mother have you told them why I went to live with the Adams? The real reason? Or did you lie to them as well? You didn't want them to know that bastard was angry because I refused his sexual advances. When he learned I was gay, he decided to send me to a camp in Idaho that starved, beat and psychologically tortured children, just because they were different. He made sure I understood what was facing me. Oh, he made it clear, dear mother, if I had sex with him he would be happy for me to stay.

“Do these fine people know that he married you only to hide his own so-called deviant activities. He had been spotted coming out of a gay bar in Dallas. He married you to quell those rumors. Just ask some of the older congregants. Why didn't you have more children after you married him? Because you were frigid. Because a teenage pregnancy left you distrustful of and despising all men. Yes, I know you got pregnant. I know you found out you were pregnant after my sperm donor broke up with you. You told no one of your shame, you graduated high school and moved to California to live with a widowed Aunt. You met a young lawyer. You convinced him you were pregnant with his child. I was born “premature” at 8 pounds, 7 ounces, a chunky little premi, wouldn't you agree? Oh and just so you know, my father knew I wasn't his. He knew he was sterile long before he met you. I have copies of all his medical records. I learned the truth through DNA tests in law school. He married you so he could have a child and I thank god he did. You were a cold-hearted bitch to both of us. A cow that won't tend her calf is sent to slaughter and dear mother you should have been. My father loved me and I loved, and still love him dearly. You never cared for either of us. I am sure the preacher appreciated the fact that you and he had separate bedrooms from the beginning. God knows he tried more than once to get me into his. I suspect he likes women even less than you like men. Before you ask why I didn't tell you, it was clear to me, even as a child, dear mother, you wouldn't have cared. Oh yes, clutch your bosom as if all this is news to you and is so hurtful. Put on a show for these fine folks, maybe they'll believe it, but I won’t, no I won't, you miserable fucking excuse for a human being.”

The woman was at first shocked as anyone to see and hear her son express such contempt and in such foul language. As he drew nearer and began to speak, her whole world began to crumble. Her innermost secrets were laid bare. Even as he spoke she could see the misspelled placards that had been enthusiastically dancing in the air began to lower as if deflated. The people who had rallied to offer her moral support now were distancing themselves physically as well as mentally. Those that stood ready to cheer her courageous stand against these faggots, were now looking at her as if seeing some abhorrent creature. They looked at her as if she were the sinner, the unclean, the faggot.

Her anger rose again to the fore. The hand that had clutched her bosom in despair reached out to slap her offending, even now, burdensome child. Unlike the Adams faggot, this one did not attempt to block her assault.

In fact, he laughed loudly. “You stupid fucking bitch! Do you think you can really hurt me more than you did as a cold-hearted fish of a mother? “This.” Raymond rubbed the red handprint on his cheek. “This is nothing compared to the pain I suffered as a child, trying to figure out what I had done to be unworthy of even my own mother’s love.”

Raymond had not reacted, but Sheriff Lovan did. “Deputy Jones, arrest this woman for attempted assault of a high and aggravated nature, an attempted simple assault and one count of simple assault.”

Deputy Jones stepped forward and puffed his chest out. “I ain't about to arrest her, she's my preacher's wife. It’d be going against god. Besides, you ain't gonna be acting Sheriff for long. The preacher and the Mayor both done told me they was backing me for Sheriff in the next election. You ain't no kind of Sheriff. Since you ain't in uniform, you don't even look to be a Deputy.”

Daniel extended his hand palm up. “Fine, give me your handcuffs, keys, badge, and gun. If that man is still your preacher after what you heard here just now, you don't have the brains to be a Deputy, much less Sheriff. Consider yourself fired.”

In a last act of defiance, the now former Deputy, Jones dropped the requested items at the Sheriff's feet. "Take 'em. It won't be long before I'm the one doin' the firing and you are first on my list." Daniel offered no response and only after the little man turned his back and walked away did he retrieve the items. He then handcuffed the woman, announced the charges she faced, recited the Miranda warning and turned her over to another Deputy. He then took Raymond by the arm and said, “You need to come with me, Mr. Cargill”.

Before heading back inside with Daniel, Raymond scanned the faces of his family. Jeff was clearly in a state of shock. Joe and Mellie both, for some reason, appeared to be genuinely happy. Paul vacillated between a smugly satisfied smile and serious concern for Jeff. Raymond thought it could have gone better.

Soon the two were safely locked in Daniel's office. Daniel had given directions they were not to be disturbed. He knelt beside Raymond who was seated in one of two fake leather chairs, in front of Daniel's desk. He gently touched Raymond's still red cheek. “Are you ok”?

Raymond took a deep breath. “I will be. I just, when I saw her attack Jeff, it brought back memories. I guess I wanted to protect him from all the pain she had caused me all those years. I should have told you, I would have told you. I just, the time wasn't right. I want you to know all my secrets. I didn't want you or anybody to find out like that.

“Uncle Joe insisted I start seeing a therapist soon after I moved in with them. She helped a lot. She always insisted I deserved the chance to confront them both, the preacher and my mother. God, I still want to gag when I use that honorific toward her. She, the therapist, helped me realize a lot of things were wrong in my life. Once I had the resources and learned the particulars, I loved my father even more. Today it all came out. I feel like I just ran a marathon and the endorphins are all sparking in my brain at once.”

Daniel grasped Raymond's bicep and met his eye. “It is a surprise, but not a shock. I mean the eyes and sometimes you and Jeff make the same face. You really do look like brothers, of course, you are more handsome and sexy…”

They were interrupted by someone pounding on the door and a rather loud feminine voice demanded, “Daniel Lovan, you open this door immediately. That boy needs his family, er, uh, the rest of his family. Let us in there now, or I’ll take my gun and shoot the lock off.” This was followed by a loud shuffling noise from the outer office. Daniel figured it was his staff taking cover.

“Ok, Aunt Mellie, I’m coming, don’t shoot.” He unlocked the door and immediately his office was filled with members of the Adams family. Everyone was determined to reassure Raymond, all at the same time. The cacophonous din that resulted showed no sign of diminishing until Uncle Joe put his fingers to his lips and blew an ear piercing whistle. Silence echoed around the room just as everyone’s chatter had moments before.

Joe grinned as he approached Raymond. “I always wanted to do that inside. Daddy would have strapped my beehind and Mellie would have me sleeping in a guest room, if not the bunkhouse. Another thing I wanted to do for years is to hug my nephew. Come here son.” Raymond stepped into his Uncle's warm embrace. “We’ve known for years. We didn't want to stain the memories of your real father. I am certain my brother never knew. David would have been proud to call you son. I should know. He praised you often enough in my presence. Mellie and I got to talking years ago when we were reviewing our wills. We felt you were as much family to us, as Jeff was. What with the eyes and a few traits peculiar to the Adams, that you just happen to share, well, we decided to do a DNA test. I knew David had dated your mother but as close as we were, we would never “kiss and tell”. Not even to tell each other. I sent the samples from your’s and David's hairbrushes.

Joe turned to his younger nephew, “Jeff, son, we have left personal letters explaining what we knew. One for each of you. We hoped that you two would celebrate your brotherhood.” Turning back to Raymond he added, “We figured, the way you revered your Daddy, you didn't know. We spent many sleepless nights before we decided you needed to understand why we were leaving you just as much of our estate as Jeff was getting. We figured, if we didn't acknowledge your lineage, you would reject any bequest you felt should have gone to blood kin. I wish we had all been more upfront with the truth. I’m really glad we're here at last.”

Raymond was summarily pulled from Joe's arms and into a smaller but just as welcoming hug. “My boy, I was so afraid I would die, never being able to tell what a very real and deserving member of this family you are. I am insisting that you have your children call me grandma. As soon as I leave here I am going to Jeff's and stay until our little Maria also knows I am grandma from now on. Y’all can decide who Joe is on your own. Just know I will consider it my right as matron of this family to be called grandma by one and all.” Releasing Raymond she turned to Joe. “You can call me grandma too, except in the bedroom. I can't see myself getting frisky as a grandma. So unless you want to be left to your own devices, best not be sweet talking me and calling me grandma at the same time.”

Joe opened his arms in invitation. “Ah, Honey Bun, you know in my eye you haven't aged a day since we first met in grade school.” Everyone watched as Mellie melted into Joe's embrace after hearing his sincere sweet talk. As their lips met Joe's hand slid down and cupped her ample ass cheek.

Mellie pushed him away, “I Suwannee, Josephus Septimus Adams, you will never change. You horney old devil.” The uproarious laughter that accompanied their exchange let those in the outer office know it was ok to finally relax.

From the time of Raymond's revelation until now Paul had a physical hold, in some way, on his mate. He had watched him go from utter shock to dazed and confused to simply questioning. Now, he freed him and gave him a gentle nudge toward his brother. Jeff took the hint and moved to Raymond. Jeff took a deep shuddering breath. With his hands stuffed into his pockets, he searched Raymond's face. “You know I’ve always looked up to you. So many times Dad would use you as an example of not letting circumstances determine the kind of man I would become. He made it easy to look up to you as my Uncle. It was just natural to love and respect you. Right now, my mind is racing, digging up all the little clues and tells that should have marked you as an Adams, as my brother. Truth is, you’ve always been an Adams. And you’ve always been my brother. Today is like the universe is confirming what I’ve known to be true for years. I love you big brother.” They embraced tightly in an effort to become as physically close to each other as they felt in their hearts.

By this time every man in the room was choked up and had moisture in their eyes. Mellie had to reach into her purse, push her pistol aside and withdraw a tissue.

Once the statements had been documented, everyone reconvened, over bad coffee, in the Sheriff's office. Once assembled, Daniel, having been advised of Jones unprofessional conduct, made sure that no one had had an unpleasant experience in providing their statements.

Joe was the last to enter, with coffee in hand. He took a sip and got a look of disgust on his face. “Raymond you got to get your man a decent coffee maker. This stuff will eat his guts out before he hits thirty.” He quickly sat the cup on a nearby credenza and just as quickly forgot it.

Joe cleared his throat and began speaking, “As head of the Adams family…” At which point Daniel and Paul went, Snap, snap… Snap, snap. Joe snarled, “If you two weren't already family members, I’d have you both adopted out. Now knock that sh.. stuff. Knock that stuff off. We should have a celebration dinner welcoming Raymond as a certified blood member of the Ad.., of the, er, uh our family. And we will, at our place tomorrow night. Right now, I’m feeling rather peckish and I know your grandma is. So let's all meet over at the diner for a celebratory lunch, as a family. My treat. The idea met with immediate and unanimous approval. Daniel insisted Raymond ride with him in his patrol car. Raymond's security duo, rather than ride locked in the back seat, followed closely behind in Raymond's Tesla.

Jeff, Paul, Sam, with Dave driving brought up the rear of the caravan. Jeff turned to his partner, “You weren't really surprised were you, I mean that Unc…, I mean that Raymond and I are brothers”?

“I suspected a biological relationship from the moment I saw he had the same green eyes as you and Uncle Joe. I decided, I would bide my time and once I got to know Uncle Raymond, er, I mean Raymond, I was going to discuss the rarity of that particular shade of green. Green is actually the most uncommon common eye color. The distinctive shade y’all share must surely have a common genetic link.”

“It's pretty well accepted that the Adams men have all had that same eye color all the way back to Winston Adams’ father. I think women find it attractive, my mother always said it was my best feature.”

“I mean no offense to your mother but anyone can see you are handsome, hot and hung. Well, I don't want everyone to see that you're hung, but the rest is, just plain obvious. Your green eyes are just icing on the cake. And you cowboy, are my own private slice of beefcake.”

Jeff's face took on a serious expression. Paul asked, what's the matter? Have I got something on my face? “No, no. It's just that I figured your lips would naturally have a really tight pucker after they passed that much bullshit.”

Sam and Dave guffawed at Jeff's jibe. Jeff chuckled right along with them. Paul glared at them all, in turn. “I don't think that was a damn bit funny. It’ll be a cold day in hell before I pay you another compliment, Mr. Adams. And I won’t forget that you two up there were busting a gut at my expense. Just remember payback's a bitch. Where I come from, we don't get even we get ahead.”

Jeff, still snickering, tried to take Paul's hand. Paul rebuffed him by folding his arms across his chest. “Keep your hands to yourself. Right now you should be afraid, be very afraid. I have a professional license that would allow me to conduct a none too gentle testicular examination on you before you even had time to cross your legs and beg for mercy.”

The front seat occupants suddenly got uncomfortably quiet. They weren't sure if they were about to witness an assault or foreplay. Jeff raised his hands in front of his face and made his fingers shake. With a frightened look, he insisted, “I’m askeered Doctor Wilson. I’m werwy, werwy askeered." Jeff offered in his best Elmer Fudd.

Sam leaned over and whispered in Dave's ear. Dave simply nodded.

Like a hungry copperhead striking at his supper, Paul’s hand was crushing Jeff's balls in a fraction of a second. Jeff's response whether intentionally slower or not, allowed Paul to get a werwy, werwy firm grip. His hands wrapped around Paul's forearm, but he was suddenly afraid to push the offending limb away. He wasn't sure his balls wouldn't go with the hand. Paul's grip grew tighter. “What do you say now, Mr. Adams?” A little tighter. “Are you enjoying the examination”?

The first response was honest, “Yes, werwy much”! But, an obvious mistake... in hindsight.

Paul's grip crushed Jeff's balls even harder. “Are we still having fun, Mr. Adams? Before you answer, I suggest you lose the accent. You sound like Elmer Fudd on acid.” A firm squeeze, then a slight relaxation of the grip. “Well, are you still enjoying the examination.”

Jeff knew, damn good and well, Paul could see his rock hard cock stretched alongside his left leg. But, in his normal, yet, pained voice he played along. “No sir Doc. It stopped being fun a squeeze or two ago. Please let go of my balls. You know I was kidding. And besides, I love both your puckers, don't I prove that to you every day and every night? I swear. I’ll make sweet love to both of them tonight, in any way you want.”

“You’ll agree to be my sex slave once we’re in our bedroom tonight”?

“I can't do that. You could make me do anything… YEEOUUCH! I mean, Yes sir! Doc, I’ll do anything. Just don't crush my balls no more.” Jeff could feel his cock spit out a gob of precum with that last squeeze. He hoped Paul would release him soon. He was werwy close to cumming.

“Now, say you're sorry for not just accepting my sincere compliment.”

Jeff didn't dare risk one more squeeze. But, it actually took him a moment to recall what had started this seriously fucking HOT! ball play. He could feel Paul beginning to really crush his nutz. “NO! NO! I mean, YES! I will accept your compliments, without making a joke. I promise! Honest! No lie! I cross my heart and hope to die! Anything! Just let go my nutz. Please!”

“Tonight, when I tell you to, you will go shave, take a shower and wait for me nekkid in our bedroom. You will be on your knees, on the sheepskin rug, with your hands clasped behind your back. Is that clear”?

Jeff felt one more gob of cum spit forth. He was tempted to argue, just so he could cum now. But, tonight would be so much better if he waited. If, he could wait! “Yes Sir”! He barked.

Paul reluctantly released, what was quickly becoming his second and third most favorite toys. He hoped his erection wasn't as obvious as his lover's. He glanced at his own crotch. ‘Damn! They looked like twins’.

It was too late to do anything but think unsexy thoughts. Both men tried… both men failed. As they gathered at the front of Paul's new Tahoe, Dave offered the only possible solution, as he handed Sam a twenty dollar bill. “You guys need to hold your jackets in front of yourselves until the swelling goes down. And for future reference, we’re professionally trained not to look into the backseat when we hear heavy breathing or moaning, unless ‘precipitated by or accompanied by gunshots’”. Sam cracked up at his partner's joke. Jeff and Paul laughed along nervously. Each man wondering if there would come a day in which they tested that facet of Sam and Dave’s professional training. If it was even a real topic of training. They dutifully held their jackets in front of their crotches.

Raymond met them at the front door as he was returning from the men’s room. He took one look at the two and asked, sotto voce, “Were you two playing with each other on the drive over? Little brother, how many times do I have to tell you. The grownups, in the front seat, are gonna catch you.” He directed his next comment to Sam and Dave. “I know you boys are professionally trained to not look back when things get heavy. But, as your boss's, boss, I hereby authorize the use of cold water to separate these two dogs in heat so they don't get knotted. Especially, if they are going to appear in public. You can easily explain a water stain. But, nobody wants to have to explain an accidental cum stain.” Raymond burst out laughing and Sam and Dave heartily joined in. Suddenly, playing games in the backseat didn't seem as alluring to Jeff and Paul.

As the guys made their way through the diner, they couldn't help but notice the, intended to be surreptitious, glances. They were surprised to see several smartphones and a couple of tablets brazenly displaying some "Daddy Sheriff" gay porn as if it were an everyday occurrence. Jeff pulled Raymond to his side and said, “Cowboy up big brother, this ain't no hill for a climber. Me and Paul, your brothers, are right beside you. We aren't about to let nothing get you down if we can help it. You’ve always been there for me when I needed you, just like a good big brother should be. Just like you came to my rescue this morning. I know you did all that to protect me and I love you more for having done it. Now, lean on your little brothers if you need to. I swear you can count on us.”

Raymond returned his little brother's hug. “You know I actually feel like a real weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I don't mind the stares. There’re just curious. There much more interested in the gay porn starring the Sheriff and the preacher. Besides, I feel ten years younger. My real regrets are concerning you, Uncle Joe and Aunt Mellie. I found out you were my brother when I was in law school. I felt it would be a betrayal of all my father did for me if I said anything to anyone. It was like I couldn't tell my birth family without destroying the loving, adopted family I was blessed to have had. Now, I know I can have both.”

The free-flowing, light-hearted conversation around the central table belied the tumultuous exchange they had all witnessed, earlier in the day. Melissa waited on the family table and immediately asked about Maria.

The flanking security force tables had separate waiters. No one questioned Ilya and Tink’s presence at the family table. Ilya made sure his two soldaty watching the vehicles were well fed also.

Miss Julie came by to offer her congratulations to Raymond for putting to rest demons that had plagued him for years. “Hon, I am truly happy for you. You grew up a lot today. You’ve found that love can realize its full potential without leaving anyone behind. You’ll soon be starting your own branch of the Adams family tree.”

A harsh glance at Daniel and Paul immediately quelled any thoughts of snapping fingers. “I think Raymond Cargill Adams junior is waiting to become the first of his several siblings. Little RC is only too happy to lord it over his cousin JG that he is always going to be the oldest.”

Raymond mused about having a son and giving that son his name. Accepting his father's surname as his middle name seemed like the perfect idea. Both families would be represented. He certainly would not object to being called “R. C. Adams”. It certainly sounded like a strong, trustworthy name… especially for his son. He stared at his mate. He was lost in those warm brown eyes until a thought solidified in his mind and established permanent residence, ‘our son’.

Well, I have done my part, now you do yours. Like and post your comments.
Nathan looked this over and caught a couple of mistakes, so thanks Nathan.
Copyright © 2017 sojourn; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

This had to be my werwy favorite chapter. The car scene with Paul and Jeff was awesome! I'm glad Raymond and Jeff are brothers. Elmer Fudd on acid is an interesting thing to imagine!

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Keeps getting better n better!  I would have LOVED to have done the testicular exam!!!  Karma's Wonderful so glad to see the BITCH get her comeuppance!  Keep up the Great work!

Edited by ott
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Very interesting revelations I think that all the hatred can now start to be put to bed and buried where it belongs . WOW very interesting I can't wait for more. 

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1 hour ago, Wesley8890 said:

This had to be my werwy favorite chapter. The car scene with Paul and Jeff was awesome! I'm glad Raymond and Jeff are brothers. Elmer Fudd on acid is an interesting thing to imagine!

LOL! There were several comments but when I read "werwy" I laughed out loud. Thanks for that. And as always thanks for taking your time out to post your comments.



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1 hour ago, JayT said:

yeah so all of that just happened....next on to Chicago for the party and the resignation???

I think they all need time to assess and decompress. Raymond goes to Arkansas and then Jeff and Paul take off for Chicago. Thanks for posting your comments.


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1 hour ago, Crazyd1965 said:

Loved it great chapter. I can hardly wait for the next one.

Let us hope the drama is minimized for a few days.

Thanks for posting your comments.


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1 hour ago, janet said:

More please

Thank you Janet. I regard that as a high compliment.


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49 minutes ago, ott said:

Keeps getting better n better!  I would have LOVED to have done the testicular exam!!!  Karma's Wonderful so glad to see the BITCH get her comeuppance!  Keep up the Great work!

Maybe you would like to be onboard when Raymond gives Daniel a less than professional proctological examination. All in the name of science, of course.

I sometimes think folks take things like "maternal instincts" too much for granted.

Thanks again, Ott,


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33 minutes ago, Hlasota said:

werwy good chapter,

and I don't know how you did it, there is no cliffhanger. 

I am beginning to think readers don't approve of cliffhangers. Cliffhangers are fun, there exciting, they brighten.... Nah, not really. They are no more than an object lesson in frustration.

i am glad you hung in there... so whatcha think? Are my puns better than my cliffhangers?

thanks for posting your comments.


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29 minutes ago, mikedup said:

Very interesting revelations I think that all the hatred can now start to be put to bed and buried where it belongs . WOW very interesting I can't wait for more. 

Raymond cleared out a lot of deep seated negative emotions when he unloaded on her.

Thanks for posting your comments and saying such nice things.


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Wow! You dropped a bomb shell of information in that chapter! Good to finally know for certain about Raymond. Can't wait to see what happens next. Thanks. Jeff

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2 hours ago, JeffreyL said:

Wow! You dropped a bomb shell of information in that chapter! Good to finally know for certain about Raymond. Can't wait to see what happens next. Thanks. Jeff

Yeah, it was short, but it was loaded.

Thanks for posting your comments.


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Just now, Timothy M. said:

sitting here all smug and smirky ;) 

As well you should be. I am sure I would have never would have put it together. Although, I used to be pretty good at guessing movie plots. I could point out the reasons a twist was predictable. After Paul's initial meeting with Raymond was posted without reader comments, I figured it would be a surprise.

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25 minutes ago, LilDaddy98 said:

Excellent chapter. This story just keeps getting better. 

Comments like yours are sweet music to my ears.

Thank you,


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Such a good chapter! I love this family. I'm just an ordinary guy, but this family has a beautiful way of making everyone, ordinary or extraordinary, feel special. I didn't realize how long I had been holding my breath during Raymond's gut retching speach . I loved the car scene. As someone who's been there once, I didn't realize how much I wanted (fantasized) about it till it happened. I loved how nonchalant everyone was about " gay porn" , from so many people, in the diner. Where I grew up in Texas it would have been seen in private and discussed in 2nd and 3rd person discussion, lol. I don't think everyone reading has a dislike of cliffhangers. If they're like me, it's just hard to leave and wait till the next post. That is a great compliment to your story telling and characters we have adopted into our hearts. Always-Brian 

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2 hours ago, Tazzle001 said:

Such a good chapter! I love this family. I'm just an ordinary guy, but this family has a beautiful way of making everyone, ordinary or extraordinary, feel special. I didn't realize how long I had been holding my breath during Raymond's gut retching speach . I loved the car scene. As someone who's been there once, I didn't realize how much I wanted (fantasized) about it till it happened. I loved how nonchalant everyone was about " gay porn" , from so many people, in the diner. Where I grew up in Texas it would have been seen in private and discussed in 2nd and 3rd person discussion, lol. I don't think everyone reading has a dislike of cliffhangers. If they're like me, it's just hard to leave and wait till the next post. That is a great compliment to your story telling and characters we have adopted into our hearts. Always-Brian 


Thanks for saying such nice things about the story. I think looking at gay porn would have appalled most of the diner's customers. But watching one of the town's preachers in a gay porn video was just too good to pass up. Especially, if he wasn't 'your' preacher. I am sure most of them, even after having viewed this video, would deny ever having 'watched' gay porn. People are strange.

thanks for posting your comments.


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Revenge is a dish , best served cold, they say. Seems mummy dearest is going to be eating jailhouse food for the immediate future and humble pie thereafter, if she gets out and has to face the community and deal with her husbands thefts. A powerful chapter with a solid ending for the family and Raymond and Daniels relationship. 

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