Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Jamie - The Journey Begins - 18. CH18 The Big Apple and Beyond
Our flight from Austin to Newark wasn’t too bad. Both Lucas and I were feeling a little sore from sitting so long, plus we remained on our self-induced no booze ban, so were probably feeling the effects of the flight more, not being half-charged.
After quickly getting out of the airport, we headed to our apartment to relax for a bit. It was just off Grand Street, lower East Side, so easy to get around. Walking and throwing our stuff on the floor, I headed to the refrigerator, grabbing us a soda each just to up our sugar levels after the flight. Lucas grabbed his cell out and started to check his messages. "Hey buddy, I'm going to have a quick shower and freshen up, ok?" he called out as I walked into the bathroom, stripping off on the way. It was fucking awesome - I needed that hot water on me! The only sad part was that it washed the remaining scent I could smell on me from Ben - not to be gross, but I could faintly smell him still, that personal, musky, sexy as smell.
Heading back out into the main room with the towel on my head rubbing my hair dry, I looked to see Lucas still sitting where I'd left him. "Hey! You going to freshen up a little before we head out, mate? I'm almost ready to go. You showering?”
“Yeah, give me five. Just chatting on messenger… one sec.” Lucas looked up at me for a sec. “Are fucking eating? Every time I see you naked you look 10lbs lighter! Your momma is going to kill me! She’ll think I’m starving you. Fuckin’ eat something, will you, Jamie?”
“Fine! I’ll eat something, okay? Don’t be too long in getting ready - there’s still time to do a few quick tourist things.”
After Lucas finally dragged himself off messenger, and showered, we headed out to Time Square for a look around and the next scene for our video diary. Plus, I grabbed a takeaway pasta dish to shut him and my mom no doubt up. From there we wandered to the Rockefeller Centre, and the Rock Observatory deck was so cool! A nice chilled afternoon in the Big Apple!
I’d texted Ben a few times after arriving in NYC. He'd left me a few messages, so I just had to reply…This is killing me: I'm so conflicted! Happy as to be in NYC and going to the Pride events tomorrow. I’m also equally sad because it would be months before I see Ben again. Even if he kept his promise to come out to Australia for either Thanksgiving or Christmas, it would be four or six months.
The more I thought about it, the more I doubted that his family would be happy with him gone for either - they are so close, kind of like mine, but no Mason, although he’d been nice to me surprisingly since the crash. But Ben’s brother, Daniel, was a surprise package: over the past few days, Daniel called me a few times to check on how I was, where I was going next and so on. He'd told me that Ben had already told their mom that he would be missing from either Christmas or Thanksgiving, depending on what leave he could get, and she was disappointed but happy. Go figure!
We walked into a bar near our apartment and took up a booth. “You want a beer, Jamie? Think it’s time,” Lucas smiled as he ordered us a couple of beers.
“Oi, Jamie, heard from Ben?”
“Yeah, a few messages and texts.”
“Oh cool! What’s he up to? How did he sound?”
"He's busy with work… gave us a few names of places we should go to while we're here, you know."
"Yeah, but how did he sound? Sad? Happy? Lonely for some Aussie?”
Bastard, I’ve tried to distract him but he’s had coffee, so no go. Resigned, I replied, “I haven’t spoken to him since we left Texas, Lucas.”
“What! Why the fuck not?”
‘Oh god! Kill me now.’
"Because I don't know what to say, and you know…"
“No, I don’t know. Tell me.”
“It’s hard, Lucas. I’m finding it really hard to be away from him, and then my mind starts to race.” I could feel the frustration building up inside me. “Plus, Daniel has been chatting to me, making sure that I’m okay. I think Ben is feeling worried because I haven’t called him, so Daniel is trying to find out if I’m ok.”
“Hmm, might have to have a word with Daniel. Clearly, you and Ben are both as brainless as each other!” Lucas laughed. “And Daniel seemed like a nice guy, too. Clearly, his family are nice people, mate. Just talk to him, Jamie. Don’t screw this up - I know how you feel about him.”
“But Lucas,” l looked at him pleading for mercy. He just looked at me with that, ‘no you’re not getting away with it’ look. “I just don’t know what to say. Ben said he would come down under to see me, right?” I was fidgeting around in my seat, somehow not standing up and pacing around, but in my head, I was.
“I hoped that he might come for Thanksgiving… not because it was closer, but… well, maybe a little – a lot! But Christmas time can be bad at home, you know, with the fire season kicking in. My chances of getting any leave are pretty much unlikely." I stopped and looked at Lucas. He was just giving me that all-knowing eye – bastard! - he knows me too well. "Anyways, he got to come down first. See this is it: my mind is having this massive debate and we've only known each other for such a short time, plus I guess he’s got to come down under first, right? And it’s so far, for someone you’ve just met, right?”
“Yeah it is, but if you like someone, really like someone, Jamie, it’s just one night’s sleep.” Lucas smiled at me gently, trying to put my mind at ease.
"True. Maybe I'll call him when we get back to our apartment. Thanks, Lucas."
Saturday started with a lazy breakfast at a local café. Then we started to make our way down to Harlem Pride Day. Gotta say, it was fantastic. I’d forgotten all about Ben during the music and food.
“Lucas, this is fantastic! It’s so relaxed and a great family vibe too, right?”
"Love it," and he leaned in a little closer. "Thanks for being cool about…" Lucas nodded his head towards our guest.
“All good, buddy,” I smiled and chugged on my cider. We hung around till the after party, then kicked on till 1 am, finally heading back to our apartment, still not blind drunk, but it had been fun. There were a few guys with iridescent face and body paint, charging ten bucks to paint you from waist to face. Under the UV lights, it looked awesome. I’d always wanted to try it after seeing the video’ My PNAU Go Bang’.
It was harmless sober fun and I was having plenty of it. Apparently, it attracts hot guys, too, so before long I was up and dancing the night away. There were a few that tried to make out with me, but I used the ‘can’t wreck the art' line on them. Really it was because I was only interested in having what I couldn't have.
“Fuck, Jamie! You look fucking amazing with that stuff on you. The way the guy traced out your body contours looks amazing. Let me take a pic for you.”
“Really, Lucas,” I stopped dancing for a moment and had the biggest scowl on my face possible. “The last pic you took for me fucked up stuff at home, remember?”
“Yeah, but to be fair, you’re not drunk, or hands down someone’s pants either, huh?”
“Okay, sure. Hey Hayley, come and join me please,” as I turned and grabbed her pulling the three of us together for a selfie. After Lucas clicked away, a random guy came over and took a better one with Lucas and Hayley either side of me, my arms draped over their shoulders. Turned out to be a fantastic picture. The rest of the night was easy - dancing and eating some food, a few drinks.
Lucas had messaged Hayley the day before. She was a friend of Ella that we’d seen a bit of in the hospital. She was up here seeing family in NJ, so joined us, it was nice to see them having so much fun together. I kinda felt a little envious, though… wished Ben was here, but was no way going to rain on their fun. And Hayley is awesome, funny and with an up-for-almost-anything attitude - they're good together.
Sunday, the three of us made our way to the Pride march. A few guys we were talking to the night before suggested a few places to watch from. In the end, we met up with them near E15th ST. Even saw a few Aussies go past with ‘We voted YES’ stickers from our marriage equality vote last year, so I let out a few cheers and ‘g’day mate’s’ to them. One of the guys ran over and gave me a kiss. Aww!!
It was a full-on day - so many hot guys, warm day, sunshine, just perfect. After all that was over, we headed back to the apartment, stopping at our semi-regular haunts from the past day or so – Marie’s Crisis and Sons of Essex, both fantastic bars and also so different from each other. What an amazing few days of fun, laughter and sightseeing it's been in NYC, but to be honest, still a little lovesick.
Monday rolled on with more tourist stuff - a solemn visit to ground zero, then a walk around Central Park, plus a one-hour phone call to Ben. I finally did it - I’d been messaging him, but his last message forced my hand. ‘James y r n t u takn my call, what did I do wrong.’
Well, that just fucked me over. I called him, and explained after a lot of false starts, pauses and just saying sorry, all the conversations I'd been having in my head and with Lucas too. Apparently, he’d called Ben yesterday and said ‘that I was okay, that I was just having trouble being adult at the moment, but to hang in there, it would be worth it.’
Ben was totally okay, and just asked me to talk to him if I was worried or upset, happy or any other thing - to just talk to him. Don’t over think it or freak myself out - kinda the same advice I’d used myself in the past… funny that.
I’d lost Lucas by mid-afternoon. He a Hayley were doing some sight-seeing. Lucas was a little uncomfortable with me suggesting that they go do some stuff together and we’d meet back at the bar later. I wandered around ‘downtown’ for a little while and ended up having coffee near New York University in one of the shops that was on Seinfeld’s “Comedian’s Car-Coffee” show, just by total accident. I was sitting there enjoying a coffee looking out the windows when Adam called from home. We were skyping and he recognized it.
Jules and he were going well, great in fact - he sounded so happy. She’d moved into my place that we were going to share. Adam was ‘visiting’ a lot, but they weren’t going to get too serious till her divorce came through, not wanting to start out on the wrong foot or something. I couldn’t be happier for them - love them both to bits they are so suited - two of my best friends together - you can’t wish for better really. We chatted about shit, nothing of real substance, and three espresso’s later we ended the call. I headed out and decided to walk a few blocks to Washington Square Park when Ben called. So we chatted while I walked and sat down in the sun near the fountain and watched the people have fun.
I hadn't realized that we'd been chatting for almost an hour till Ben got all frantic saying he was going to be late for work. We both know he's never late - his late is less than twenty minutes early, but anyway, I was enjoying our now normal messenger chat sessions and was kinda sad to say bye.
We were only interrupted by his sister cutting in, and they switched the call to a video at Jack's insistence, apparently. She’d come over with the kids to say hi. Little Jack was full of questions and asked me why I made Uncle Ben cry…. I almost died on the spot - I did know what to say. Next minute, Amber grabbed the cell and explained to both Jack and me about the importance of not repeating adult conversations or things we don’t quite understand. Jack responded with ‘he did understand - Uncle Ben was sad and Uncle Dan said it was because of Jamie.
I started to laugh a little at poor Amber - she was getting somewhat flustered. I saved her in the end, too. “Jack, I’m sad too, buddy. I had to go and finish my holiday and Uncle Ben couldn’t come, so I’m sad too.”
His little eyes were working on the reply. “Did you cry too, Jamie?”
“Yes, buddy, I did.” And with that Jack was gone and Amber was apologizing again. I finally made her understand that it was okay. Ben jumped back on the line for a moment and apologized a thousand times for Jack. "I'm so sorry, James, really am. I didn't want you to know-"
I cut him off. “Ben, it’s okay, really, but can I ask you something, please?”
“Yeah, sure. I’ma guessing, I know what it is you’re gonna ask, but anyways…”
Taking a deep breath, I asked, “Is it true, Ben? Have I made you cry?”
Ben looked at me and didn’t say a word. He just nodded. It was ripping me up to see his expression, a quite pained expression. “Oh god, Ben. I’m so, so sorry. Was it when we arrived and I was having trouble being an adult, I guess, yeah?”
Ben just nodded again. I felt a tear slip from my eye. “Ben, please, please forgive me. You’re the last person on this earth I want to hurt, please.” Lifting my hand to my face, I wiped away a few more escaping tears.
“It’s okay, James. Lucas called me and explained the turmoil you were going through. He said you were having trouble being adult at the moment.”
I saw a tear roll down Ben's face. Oh for fuck's sake Spence, you are such a dumb fuck-wit at times, really.
“Hey, it’s okay. We talked about it, right?” I nodded without speaking. “And when there is a problem to work out, we're going to talk again, right, both of us. Yeah?"
Again I just nodded, words were escaping me. Then it started to fall into place. “Ben, I just want you to know, you are the best thing that has happened to me in a long, long time. I promise I won’t hurt you again. I swear on St. Florian,” I smiled weakly. "Okay, you'd better go, I guess, because you really are going to be late now." I smiled and waved into the camera. Ben did the same, blowing me a kiss and hanging up. I slipped my cell back into my pocket. "I think I love you, Ben," I said to the open space in front of me.
A voice from beside me answered. “He’s very lucky if you do love him. If he doesn’t, I’ll swap.” I turned to see some random guy sitting about fifteen feet away, with a few girls beside him smiling at me. “He’s very lucky,” he said, returning to the conversation with his friends.
After three amazing days of sun, fun and Lucas acting like the biggest straight queer around - well with Hayley in tow, so not too queer I guess, ha-ha - it was time for us to pack up and head to our airports. I was flying out of JFK to Heathrow-London for a few days, then to France, doing a road trip from Nice to Marseille via Cannes, Toulon, and Saint-Tropez, then home to Australia.
Lucas was heading home to Houston where he was still settling in. He’d been promoted to some job, couldn’t tell me what, but it involved him moving from Huntsville, AL, down south to Houston, TX.
Well, at least he was going to be closer to Aiden and his family. Joshua, his other brother, had moved up north to NH and was busy farming the old place. It was like they were scattered all over the country. At least we stayed close together. Well, once you get into the same country, hemisphere, ha ha.
Looking back on the past few days, I’d been well behaved. Yeah I flirted around, but nothing more than that. But little Jack’s conversation with me was weighing heavily on my mind. Lucas and I said our goodbyes at the apartment, our cabs coming and taking us in two different directions. It’s always so fucking hard to say goodbye to Lucas, ever since we were kids. I’d cry for ages each time one of us would have to go home. It didn’t change much over time. The past two months had been so intense, so personal, so life altering on so many levels. Shit we’d almost died together, plus having a load of laughs and fun along the way - I was going to miss him.
We hugged each other for a good ten minutes, switching between tears and silence, but the cabs were here now, so we had to go. I promised that I’d be careful in London and France. He promised to call in and see Ben for me.
Riding out to JFK I just couldn’t stop thinking about what to do. My mind, like a magnet, was pulling me back to Texas, to Ben, but here I was heading to JFK and on to London.
As I watched the skyline of NYC pass me by, I reflected on all that had happened. Still fresh tears on my cheeks from saying goodbye to Lucas, I think he won this time. To make each other feel better and not bad about crying when we said goodbye, as kids we declared the winner of the goodbye - if there is such a thing - is the one with more tears or tear stains on their faces.
The trip to France along the Cote d’Azur was something that I was really looking forward to - might be able to get in some water skiing and lying beside the Med. Hmm, I can almost feel, smell the wine, food, and beach from there.
I pulled out my cell and loaded up Skype, dialing Steph. I needed my big sister. “Hey, Steph! How are you?”
“Hey man-child! How are you? Nice accent you've developed over there, mate! Jeez, you almost sound like Lucas. Where is he anyway?"
I smiled at the sass Steph had paid out on me - she never lets an opportunity go by. “He’s on the way to LaGuardia. I’m heading to JFK.”
“Who won?”
“Lucas, but it was close to a draw.”
“So, what up Jamie, you look like someone kicked your puppy.”
Taking another deep breath, “Well… Steph.”
ettling back into my seat, I asked the cabin crew to bring me a JD and Coke when they could. Thankfully it was delivered to me not that long into the flight. I downed the drink and closed my eyes - Fuck! I hope I’m doing the right thing - and let the booze and the past few days of sightseeing and enjoyment carry me off to sleep.When I woke up, my chest, ass, and legs were all killing me from sitting still too long. God, I was hungry! My stomach was growling away like a wild lion! The cabin crew – Erin - laughed at my own shock when my growl started again. “Mr. Spence, you missed your meal. Let me get that for you now,” she smiled sweetly.
“Oh thanks, Erin,” I said, somewhat embarrassed.
I chowed down on the meal and some extra fruit, washed down with a couple of cokes.
After landing I collected my bag and carry on, heading out the terminal building. Shit! Damn it was cold! There was a strong cool breeze outside, and I’d left NYC in shorts and a tee. Hurriedly, I pulled out a top and slipped it on - could have done with some jeans, too, but I didn’t want to strip down and be arrested for indecency or waste time getting redressed and miss the cab.
Anyways, the cab would be warm. I just needed to harden the fuck up. Sure enough, I didn't have to wait too long. Jumping into the cab, I gave him the address and we headed out pretty much in silence. He was chatty and wanted to know all about my accent and travels. I was more upset about Ben - I just couldn’t get him out of my mind. I wasn’t very chatty and actually apologized at some point for being sullen.
I'd had a long chat with Steph at JFK airport. She was amazing, as usual, and helped me confirm what I was thinking. Then she started to give me crap because I looked half-starved. What was Mom doing-couldn’t she see that I was thin and stuff?
I told her about the shower at the hospital, including, obviously, Mom’s reaction when I came back in. Apparently, an extra serve of food wasn’t enough, according to Steph. She knew how quickly at times my body would burn up reserves. Plus, a month of limited exercise and ’'d lost some muscle tone too. With a smile, I happily told her that I’d started to regain some weight now that I was into the protein and carbs. She seemed happy with that, well, for the moment.
The cab stopped pulled me back to reality. It was dark out - not much street lighting. At first, I wondered if I had given him the wrong address, and voiced that. The driver pointed me to the satnav screen. “Yeah-okay-nope, that’s the right one. Sorry, mate.” I felt somewhat stupid.
After apologizing again, I got out, grabbed my bags, paid him and sent him on his way. I stopped for a moment and wondered if I should have asked him to wait. As the rear lights of the cab disappeared down the road, I wasn’t sure what was going to happen next.
Oh well, I survived worse I guess, this far...
Walking up to the front door, I reached out and knocked. No answer. I tried again, a little louder this time. Nothing. Shit! What do I do? I spotted the doorbell Tried that too - still nothing. "Fuck!"
I sat down on the step for a moment and pondered ‘how the hell do I get myself into these situations, really!’ I looked up to the sky taking in the beautiful stars that were peeking in and out the light cloud cover. Guess that’s why it’s so damn cold.
Taking a breath and letting it out slowly, I closed my eyes for a moment. The next thing, a car was pulling up. The dazzle of the headlights woke me up.
I didn’t know how cold it was - or how cold I was for that matter - because I was pretty much frozen. I guess I’d fallen asleep for a bit. Jeez! My toes were aching and so was my nose with the cold. Clever Jamie-very clever, again!
“What the…” a voice echoed out from behind the headlights. I stood up and almost fell over - my legs had gone to sleep all pins and needles like wobbling upright. I lifted my left hand, trying to shield the blinding light from my eyes. A shape cut across in front them but I couldn’t make it out.
Seconds before I felt lips on mine, my eyes went wide with surprise at first. I pulled back a little when I saw Ben’s face. His arms wrapped around me, his smell enveloped me. It was awesome. My left hand had come to rest on the back of his left shoulder, pulling him in closer to me. His taste, the feeling of his body against mine - it left me speechless. I was totally lost in holding him.
Ben pulled back after a few breathless moments, looking at me as if I was a phantom or something.
“Jamie – James.” He pulled at me, his hands landing on each side of my face. “But you’re going to London and France? I don’t understand.” His face was full of confusion.
“I still am. I just had to make a detour,” I smiled back, grabbing the back of his head and pulling him towards me, renewing our kiss. “Oh Christ! I’ve missed this! I’ve missed you!” I managed to get out before our mouths collided again.
After who knows how long - I was totally lost, time for me stood still - enough time and emotion had passed and we were both fully aroused, about to fall off that cliff leading to ripping someone’s clothes off - we broke apart for a moment.
“Ben, I could care less where we are. I just want you now. So, either open the house or we're going to give your neighbors a show!” I smiled back at him, although he could tell I was deadly serious. To prove my point, I started to undo my jeans.
“Okay, hold up Aussie Outback Wrangler!” Ben placed his hand on mine as I was starting to pop the studs on my jeans. “Let’s put my car in the garage and go inside from there, okay?” Ben looked at me, still not quite believing I was standing in front of him.
“Okay-okay let’s go.” I playfully pushed him towards his car and waited for him to drive in, and park. As soon as he stopped, I followed. I’ve got to say, the twenty seconds it took for the click of the roller door fully closing felt like a lifetime. “Game on.” I lunged at Ben as he did me, not in the most coordinated manner. We crashed into each other, but I had his work tee off in seconds as he pulled mine over my head. Our bodies crashed back together skin on skin, our mouths renewing their connection from the front steps only moments earlier. It seemed like a lifetime’s absence from one another.
Hurriedly, we stumbled our way from the garage doorway, into Ben’s house, sliding and rolling along the walls until we reached the kitchen. By now we were both butt naked, a trail of abandoned clothes, cell phones, even Ben’s pager was left marking where we’d come from. Consumed by passion - absence really does make the heart grow fonder, I guess, plus he’s “just so fucking sexy,” not only to look at but inside too - somehow, I spotted the low countertop, in the kitchen area. "You’re gonna need to clean this before we can eat later,” I managed to get out before we were swept up in our passion, lifting Ben up onto the bench with ease. Okay, I might have lost some strength and a few pounds, but I'm not a lightweight.
I leaned down and took him in my mouth in one swift movement, the taste and feel of him in my mouth, empowering and invigorating me. “Oh god, Jamie,” was about all I could make out. The rest of what was coming out of Ben’s mouth was unintelligible babble.
“I’ve wanted_ to do_ this _to you_ from_ out front _of Aiden’s_ place when I left,” I murmured.
“Hmm, you sound so good with my cock in your mouth James,” Ben threw his head back, wrapping his legs behind me and crossing his ankles, letting out a cry of passion.
I’d just woken up. Even from Ben’s bedroom I heard the beep from my cell alerting me that there was a message on it. His place was so quiet this morning - not even much noise from outside - and my cell was super loud. It was so nice and warm in bed with Ben, his body heat, and the firm but softness of his body pressed against me. After our night, he’d taken up the big spoon position as some point. It felt so nice. We’d moved our… well it’s hard to describe, it was more than just sex, fucking_ hot_ sex_ at that. My god, I sound like some love-sick teenager, but we connect. Not just physically but emotionally too, even more so emotionally for me at times, and it worries me a bit… a lot. I’d tried to explain this to Lucas, but even when he wasn’t being a clown, I just couldn’t pull the words together in a way that I was comfortable with. Jeez, when I was trying to pull it together in my head, I just sounded like a lovesick kid… Fuck’s sake. Finally, I couldn’t stand hearing it beeping from the other end of Ben’s place. So I climbed out of bed quickly and quietly, being my inner ninja, I located the little bastard. “Ahhh… that’s where you are!” Yeah, I’m crazy now. Talking to my cell like it’s a person. I found it where it had been abandoned - under my sock and Ben’s discarded boxer briefs. The message on the screen was from Lucas.
Quietly, I padded my way back to bed and slid in against Ben, like the true ninja I am and not clumsy this time ha,-ha. I opened messenger up.
Lucas: “WFT your app says u r in Austin, TX, not England –
Lucas: “Say hi to Ben for me J … call me.”
Jamie: “Yeah oops my bad, changed flight last minute - call you soon-ish ” I laughed to myself.
I felt some movement in the bed behind me, as a hand snaked its way around my waist, a warm inviting hand at that.
Clearly still half asleep, “Jamie, what are you doing?” Ben mumbled out.
“I’m just texting Lucas. He knows I’m here, not England. Wanted to know what’s going on.”
I placed the cell on the bedside table and rolled back over to face Ben. “I’d rather be here or anywhere with you;” I could instantly feel my face flush red. “My god was that as corny as it sounded in my head?”
“Corny, but I like it,” Ben looked into my eyes. The tips of our noses were touching. It was quiet. One of those tender moments you get occasionally, a moment that I’d welcome doing every day for the rest of my life if I could. “So, you were going to show me some hose laying tricks, right? my sexy Texan smirked at me.
“Oh, I’ve got a few tricks,” I tried to do a really good - but sounded crap - Liam Neeson -taken quote. It sounded good in my head, but... “What I do have is a very particular set of skills - skills I have acquired over a very long career.” I deadpanned it.
“Show me those skills,” Ben pushed me onto my back and straddled me, pushing his butt crack against my cock. “Hmm… looks like someone is happy to see me.”
“Oh, he’s always happy to see you,” I smiled with an eat-shit grin on my face, pulling Ben’s face down to mine, where I laid gentile kisses on his lips.
We finally got out of bed and managed to keep our hands off one another for ten minutes, long enough to shower and get dressed. It was going to be another warm day out in the mid-nineties, so shorts and tank tops were the order of the day.
Sitting at the kitchen counter, in the exact same spot where I’d blown Ben, I noticed the surface cleaner and tell-tale swipe marks over the surface - Ben had obviously cleaned up. It was nice sitting back watching Ben make us our breakfast. It just felt so comfortable sitting here.
“Hey, so when do you have to fly out?” Ben asked over his shoulder.
“I was able to rebook without cost if it was plus four-days. Apparently, there was some promotion on for the state tourism body if I stayed over a weekend then the cost was reduced. So, I’ve rebooked for next Monday.”
“What about your hotels in London and France? Did you lose money? It was a bit crazy to just come down," Ben stopped and looked at me, "but I loved it, Jamie. It’s made my week. I was in a real funk after you left." He walked over and placed a gentle kiss on my lips, then smiled and went back to cooking breakfast.
"Umm, Ben…" I was a little nervous, but what the hell, all my confidence, and aloofness had evaporated with this guy: I was just Jamie-James Spence with him, he could see through my defenses straight up…"are you due to some leave?"
Ben walked over with our breakfast all plated up, went back and grabbed our coffees he made and sat down next to me. Our legs were resting against each other, from hip to ankle almost. It was nice… cute almost.
With a mouthful of biscuit, he replied, “I’m not sure. I think I’ve got a few weeks owing.”
Taking a sip of coffee and a mouthful of the beautiful bacon before me, I swallowed it down. "Okay, hear me out before you say ‘no’, okay?” Ben nodded. “My ticket is already paid for” - I must thank Dave or Gav one of them to getting me the open destination option, saved me a bag of cash in re-ticketing fees - “If you could get a week off, maybe you could join me, come with me to France.” I looked at Ben, trying to read his response before he’d offered it.
“Look, my accommodation in London was thru a website. I still had 10hrs left to cancel with no out of pocket fee when I left JFK, so I cancelled it and I’ve lost nothing. I’ve actually saved money staying with you. I could work for my lodging if you like,” I smiled, leaning over and kissing him on the neck.
“Hmm, I’ve never been to France before. I’ve always wanted to, though.” A smile broke out across his face.
I felt a wave of relief wash over me. “So you’ll see if you can get some leave then?” I asked, trying not to look too hopeful.
"Let me, call my boss now and see if she’ll okay my application.” Ben kissed me on the cheek. “Jamie, that is the sweetest thing anyone has ever asked me… Come to France.”
Ben walked into his bedroom to retrieve his cell. I could hear him chatting away for a few minutes when we walked out still talking. He was smiling, so his boss obviously hadn’t said no yet.
I switched my attention back to the breakfast before me. The smells were filling my senses. Although I was hanging off every word that Ben was saying to his boss, I didn't want to be a flat-out sticky-nose.
Resuming chomping on the sweet bacon with scrambled eggs and hollandaise sauce, with maple syrup and biscuits on the side – ‘I’m not going to eat for a week after this. Wonder if mom has been in his ear about feeding me up?’ - oh well, it’s too nice to knock back right.
"Okay, thanks, ma'am. I appreciate it. Are you sure it’s okay?“ Ben’s face was a mix of concern and excitement. "Sure… thank you again, ma'am." Ben turned towards me with the biggest smile on his face. "Guess I need to learn me some French, James. They said ‘yes’ straight up.”
I felt my eyes bug out of my head almost while leaping up from the chair and sweeping Ben up in a hug. The wave of pain washed over my chest for a moment, but it was completely worth it.
“So they’re okay with you taking some time off?” I asked, looking into his eyes. Oh those eyes I could get so lost in them.
“Yep. All I have to do is log in and lodge the paperwork and two weeks of leave are mine. I can’t believe it - when I told them that I wanted to go with you to France, she approved it on the spot!”
I pulled Ben against me. By now, all I wanted to do was kiss him, so, I gave in to my desires. He didn't knock me back - we were in real danger of this going off the rails and back into the bedroom again.
Ben pulled back a little. “Hmm… that syrup tastes nice.” Smirking away, he said, “Come on… let's finish up breakfast and go and see our families. I know mine will be over the moon that you’re back for a few days.”
“Yeah, but first, Ben, let me get you on a flight. I’ll call our travel agent Sharon in Australia. She is a miracle worker. I’m absolutely sure she will sort it. “
Ben’s face dropped for a moment. “Wait... I need to get my credit card so I can pay for it. Y’all have to let me know how much a ticket is first. I don’t know if I’ve got enough cash in my at-call account. Oh damn! What am I gonna do, Jamie?” His face was all stressed.
I pulled him in closer. “It’s okay. Don't sweat it. Our family has an account with the travel agent. She will get the flights sorted and then send me a link to pay it, via bank transfer or card, so you don't pay booking fees.” I smiled, “She’s awesome. Just wish the guys at home didn’t know about it. That’s how they booked my flights. They emailed her from my cell.” I replied, rolling my eyes.
Not long after, I called Lucas, and explained that I’d turned right at Albuquerque, to coin the Bugs Bunny phrase. To tell you the truth, he wasn’t all that surprised. “I knew you were still here, Jamie. I’m telling you I could feel it, knew you were still in the country. That’s why I called your cell a few times.”
“How’s the move-in going?”
"Not too bad. Work arranged for the movers to transport everything pretty much to my living room. So, the hardest part is really just settling into the neighborhood on the outskirts of Houston. Loads of young families, so not bad at all, mate."
“What are you and the other half up to?” Lucas sniggered.
"We're not a couple, dickhead."
"Yeah, so you say, next thing you're going to say he's coming to Europe with you? Is he?"
I told him that Ben was coming to France with me. Laughing, he said to “be careful that you don't fall too much in love there Jamie, although there is a lot to love."
“Hey look, I wasn’t… I’m not… in love at all. You're just being stupid."
Secretly I think I might be though. Lucas did let slip that Hayley was coming to visit him on the weekend - the drive to Houston was less than three hours. In Australia, that’s like down to the corner store, lol.
“So when do you fly out to Nice, Jamie?”
“Monday mid-morning." I needed to get the focus back on Lucas and off me quickly. "So things were looking good for you and Hayley?” Silence.
“Look you better hurry up and marry the girl else I would, and we would call our first child Lucas, Lucas-Mason-Joshua Spence.” The phone went dead for a second, then he laughed.
”You marry another woman - like that's going to work well.” Lucas couldn’t stop laughing.
“Oh, fuck off mate!” Then I almost pissed myself laughing. “That would be funny - think I just stick to trying to get Ben pregnant.”
The best news of the call was he’d gotten the results of his medical and was all clear to resume at work. They just wanted him to participate in their Employee assistance program to make sure the internal wounds were healing too - "It's just not the physical" as I've told guys at my own workloads of times.
The following two days were full of visiting family and just being with each other. It has to have been close to the best days of the trip so far.
Ben had to go to work for one last shift before his leave kicked in. So after I'd done a bit of housework and a few loads of laundry for us both, I thought that, seeing it’s been two months since I logged into my work email, I should give it a look-see, so I made an espresso and parked my butt down on at the kitchen counter. Kind of lucky I did: Raine had sent me an email, reminding me to attend the start date of my promo course, also noting that because I’d been in a serious incident, that I had to report to the medical officer for a full physical, to confirm my status as fit for duty.
The course commander was aware of it and was going to link me in on the webinars for the first few days. My start date at the course pending a positive outcome would be delayed by three days - a day for the test, one to get the results and another for some catch-up briefings before start. So it was doctor’s office then HQ for two days, boo.
He then followed it up with loads of questions about how I was going, was I having a good time, the videos were awesome, also that my little accident was big news at HQ. Other than that, the rest was just garbage stuff.
Ben had come home from his last shift before we leave. Our flights were a little long, so we opted to make the one stop in Frankfurt, Germany - a 24hr stop - do a little sight-seeing around the city, use the airline club lounge to get a shower and clean up, then head on to France. So, it was a simple dinner that I prepared like a good house husband - a warm chicken and mango salad, home-made naan bread on the side, and for dessert… firefighter.
Not surprisingly there was a cast of thousands at the airport lounge bar the next morning. Aiden came and took us in the station’s SUV. My aunt and uncle had been deputised by mom and dad to see me off. Almost all of Bens family and a few I hadn’t met yet were in the bar waiting for us. It was a cast of thousands almost, and they all seemed to want to meet me and say hi. I’m not complaining at all - I love to talk to people, could do it all day long. Ben would argue that’s a normal day for me ha-ha.
Best of all, Lucas and Hayley arrived just in time to walk us down to the departure gate. When I spotted them, Lucas had that happy look on his face, the one that I recognise, because that’s how I feel around Ben. I grabbed Lucas into a hug. It had only been days since I’d seen him last, but it was just so nice to see him again. We pulled Hayley and Ben in quickly and made is a four-way hug. As for tears when we left, Ben and Hayley drew for the win this time.
Lucas and Hayley offered to walk with us to the departure gate, so the four of us headed off, chatting and laughing in our own world as we walked through the terminal building. We’d done the whole ‘see y’all later, thank you’ to everyone. It was so nice - loads of smiles and laughter from all.
Just as we arrived at the gateway, Ben’s mom appeared out of thin air. She walked over to Ben with a quizzical look on her face, and they had a few quiet words. I noticed she handed something to Ben, kissing him on the cheek, then a quick wave and she was gone again.
“Everything okay with your Mom, Ben?”
Nodding with a small hidden smile, he replied “Yeah - all good.”
The boarding announcement came over, inviting our section to make our way on to the flight, so a final kiss and hug to Lucas and Hayley and we were walking through the aerobridge to the plane. I couldn’t help myself - I noticed that Ben checked his pocket where he’d put the small box his mom gave him. “So did you forget something, Ben? Weird that your Mom hustled all the way to the gate, hey?”
He just looked at me and smiled… “You coming or what?” We stepped forward on to the aircraft.
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