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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
There is sexual activity between like minded teen age boys in this chapter

The Farm At Maple Hollow - 2. Chapter 2

Arik makes a life changing decision and as a warning, there is graphic sex in this chapter.

Previously His jeep was now coming down the driveway and boldly I assumed the position. I would start off with just a bit of a testicle exposed. Bringing the jeep to a stop he hopped out and started up the walk.

My heart was pounding and there was an internal roaring of anticipation in my ears. My breathing grew very shallow and I felt as if I was going to explode. He got to the rear of the bike and asked me what was wrong. I started to speak but the words got stuck for a moment. Managing to look up at him I told him I thought the tire was out of balance and I couldn’t get it adjusted. As he kneeled down beside the bike, I made the decision that changed the rest of my life…and parted my legs.

Reaching down to grab the wrench I noticed him looking at me where I wanted him to. My left nut was hanging out of my underpants and I could see a slight smile cross his face. Encouraged by his glance at me I opened up just a bit further so both of my balls were now exposed. He kept looking towards my crotch as he fiddled with the front tire of my bike. It was obvious that he was interested in what he was seeing. Sitting on the step as I was with both of my balls showing I shifted my position slightly so that my underpants held just the head of my penis covered. Now most of my shaft and sparse pubes were on display, as just the head of my penis was covered by my underpants. He kept trying to adjust the tire while casting looks at me. This went on for a minute or so and I noticed Ethan was trying not to be obvious.

It was time for the final moment, he hadn’t reacted negatively and was definitely showing interest and I noticed he had a tightness in his shorts. Encouraged I lifted one leg to rest on the step above the other and this caused my penis to completely break free of my underpants. I was now fully exposed. I leaned back on my elbows and he spent a final minute or two finishing the repair to my tire. My frigging heart was pounding and my fists were clenched by my sides. He set the bike upright and set it off to the side on its kickstand.

Turning back to me before we could check it out, he knelt in front of me and moved my legs, in such a manner as he re-tied my sneakers, that he had a complete and close up view of my stuff. I was putty in his hands and I was ready for the final step and I let myself become fully erect as he finished with my sneakers. The die was cast and I had made my intentions clear. I know that Ethan had noticed my fully erect state. Looking back up at me he placed a hand midway between my knee and crotch.

Making sure to maintain eye contact with me he said in a very serious tone, “I know you saw me the last night during the thunderstorm”.

Shocked, not knowing how to respond I hung my head, this was it I thought to myself, he’s gonna reject me and I have made a complete fool out of myself. My eyes were glistening and I could not look Ethan in the face for fear of being completely spurned. My mind was racing trying to figure a way out of this predicament. More importantly, how could he have known? I was sure I made no noise or disturbance of any kind. As I thought of all of this something else came to mind, he didn’t sound upset or bothered, there was something to the tone of his voice I had missed. “I was planning to discuss with you this morning what you saw last night, but I see you may have solved this problem”.

“How” I croaked softly “How did you know I was watching you”? I mumbled abjectly. “As I was turning out the light, I remembered I needed to put the mirror back to its correct position. When the lightning bolt hit, it illuminated you as you started to leave my room. I could see from your face and profile just how excited you were by the lump in your underpants. It was a pretty good indication that you had been watching me for a while”. “I promise not to say anything, I’ll never tell anyone” I implored. As I said those words, I turned my gaze up towards his eyes and noticed he had a very distinct bulge in his shorts. If I was going to make this happen, I needed to ask him the question.

Funny thing is, I never gave any thought in all of my planning, as to what the next steps should be. I knew I had to ask if he wanted me the way I wanted him and before I could ask, he answered my question with a question. “Is anyone home, I don’t see any cars”? “No, it is just me, Dad is golfing, Mom is shopping and my brother and sister are gone for the weekend” I replied. “Good, let’s go into the house than, I see we have a pretty stiff issue to resolve here” he answered smiling.

I looked up at Ethan obviously relieved and very excited. Before I could ask him to follow me, he slid the hand on my thigh up to my crotch and tucked my erection and balls back into my underpants. He slid his fingers along the length of me as his touch made me shudder as a soft moan escaped from my lips. I stood up and for all the world to see, was a rock-solid boner jutting out in front of me trying to wrest its way free from its confines. Ethan stood up to follow me and before I turned to go into the house, I placed my hand on his crotch, giving him a gentle squeeze.

While I was walking up to and through the house towards my bedroom I was stunned. I had done it and I was about to have sex with another boy. I was undressing as I entered my bedroom. I kicked off my sneakers and socks and removed my tee shirt. I was standing in my underwear as I turned to face Ethan. He had removed his shirt and I was mesmerized at the sight of him. He kicked off his shoes, socks and shorts and was now standing beside me in his underpants. Somehow, we made it to the bed and we lay beside each other. I reached down to feel him as he did the same to me. He leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips as our erections fully displayed themselves through the fabric of our underwear. As we kissed our hands roamed freely over each other. Breaking from our kiss I lifted my butt as he partially pulled my jockey shorts downwards.

Leaning over I tugged his down as he in turn lifted his butt. Tossing them to the floor with the rest of our clothes, I leaned over to take him in my hand and mentally compared notes. While Ethan was four years older than me, he was the size of a medium banana fully erect, about six inches in length, while I was about three quarters of his size. If it didn’t bother him who was I to care. I was about to lose my virginity. I started to stroke him and fondle his sac. “Easy tiger’ he said ‘’let’s slow down a bit and let me get a closer look as to what I was looking at, lean back and let’s open those legs for me please’’.

I did as I was told and spread my legs apart and Ethan leaned over my crotch, finally removing my underpants. He gently started fondling me, rubbing my balls and running his fingers up and down the length of me, each soft touch would cause it to jump slightly. He explored, stroked and teased me till I was ready to burst. I had to tell him to slow down or it would be over too quick. I wanted to savior these moments. I needed this to last and I wanted to remember each delicate moment.

I asked him to lean back and give me a turn. I leaned over and took him in my mouth. He moaned softly nearly breathlessly. There was a sharp intake of air as he realized the breadth of my intentions as he lay back and let me bring him to the edge. He returned the favor and we spent the better part of an hour teaching each other, there was no talking unless you count our physical reactions to the stimulus, we each received at the hand of each other. We carefully explored every microscopic facet of our nether regions as we licked, sucked tickled and teased each other closer and closer to our pinnacle. I took Ethan one last time that morning into my mouth, I wouldn’t be satiated till he climaxed while I was nursing on his cock. I started bobbing up and down on him and gently massaging his sac, lightly running my fingers over his balls as if they were feathers on the whispering wind.

His breathing is staggered, he is moaning for me not to stop, to stay the course. As he got closer and closer to the inevitable his testicles cleaved closer to his body, his hips started to buck in rhythm with the motion created by my mouth and hand. With my other hand, I trace the outlines of the space below and between his legs, stopping ever so lightly at that smooth patch of skin at the top of his anus. Everything I wanted is here and now, all of my desires I hold in my hands. I marvel at his skin and how it changes from the way it slides over his engorged shaft and how it changes in color and texture as it becomes that which covers his testicles. I love the dusky tan color of his shaft and note the darker brown of his circumcision scar, how it creates a band around the thickness of him. I see how the skin changes from there, displaying a whole new color and smoothness.

I am in adoration of the purple mushroom helmet that sits atop his end. How incredibly unique it is in its formation. To the symmetrical edges that define its shape all the way around to the opening, where soon the entire fiber of his being, will rush out to greet the insides of my eager mouth. I am in disbelief as I look, suckle and admiringly gaze upon him, how smoothly his skin and form change in creating this magnificent specimen of manhood. I appreciate and notice lovingly how his flesh changes as each new part ends and the other begins, the lines of separation clearly identifying each new part, and how all form the whole.

Ethan’s hips start to shift and his tummy becomes flatter as his legs splay fully apart. One arm is behind his head and the other caressing my hair. We move in unison, as I go down, he thrusts up. Slowly at first and more urgently as we near the inevitable. My grip becomes tighter and I take him deeper into my mouth. My free hand continues to massage the space below. I probe lightly towards his anus and draw my finger lightly across the wrinkled skin slowly working my way upwards in a circular motion until his nuts are once again in my hand. I hear the words that the impending moment is not far off, he is close now. It is not so much spoken, but panted out in a series of exhalations. We speed up and I match him stroke for thrust maintaining our rhythm. “Squirt…I’m gonna cum…O fuck…O fuck…O dear god in fucking heaven…it’s real soon…close….so close…so frigging close. If you don’t take you mouth off…it’s gonna be to fucking late” he gasps.

I straighten my neck out and force my mouth further down and move my thumb to the backside of his shaft while placing my fingers on his urethra so I can feel his seed pulse out. Arching his back I match his hips as he lifts up. As I complete the down stroke the first release hits the roof of my mouth followed quickly by two more pulsating blasts. Like someone letting the air out of a balloon he collapses and my mouth is full of his warm goodness. I am surprised at how warm it is and the semi bitter taste. It seems to be both runny and thick as I move it around my mouth. I feel the weight of his spent balls as they relax over my fingers. He mews as I continue to suckle him. Finally, he urges me to stop, it’s too sensitive. My mouth reluctantly lets him go and I swallow his essences. I lay my head on his stomach and feel his breathing return to normal. I watch as his penis slowly deflates and oozes the last of his seed, a small puddle of cum pools on his belly. I pick it up with a finger and bring it to my mouth and lick my finger clean. Looking back towards Ethan, I note how it is like that commercial for that coffee that’s “good to the last drop’’.

His face is such a sweet picture of contentment. I turned and lay beside him, my erection pressing into his thigh. We lay like that for a few minutes when Ethan reached down to stroke me, I roll over on my back and open my legs wide in an offering to him. I know what’s gonna happen and I am excited, everything I have been dreaming of has happened today. Today I brought another to completion and loved everything about it.

What I am and will be is confirmed and I am happy. Now another is going to manipulate me into the release I so desperately seek and need. Anticipation coursed throughout my body, I know what’s about to happen and with all of the excitement and passion, it won’t take long. Ethan did to me what I did to him. Being in his mouth was such a conflicting series of incredible feelings. It was like my penis was subjected to fire and ice as my shaft went in and out of his mouth. I felt the inevitable surge start to build.

Like a pressure cooker, my whistle was about to sound…my bells were being rung and I was taken to a far-off place where my innermost desires would be satiated. Time had no meaning and I was floating in the throes of ecstasy. From somewhere within, my body was consumed in the surges of impending release. I was gasping for air I couldn’t keep inside of me. My toes curled as I grabbed the mattress at my sides, in a desperate need to cling in some manner, to the world I was about to leave.

Wave after wave of pure pleasure came forward in unabated abundance emitting from my groin. Squeezing my eyes tightly shut in one last effort to elude total surrender. I throw my head back and announced to the universes I was traveling through in a guttural growl, that the executioner was summoned, my time had arrived…’’I’m frigging cumming…dear sweet mother of Mary’’ as surge after surge of pure unsullied gratifying release, coursed throughout my entire being. I had come to the realization that I had pumped the very fabric of my being, my soul if you will, clear and completely out of me leaving a shallow empty husk.

As my hands relaxed from their death grip on the mattress, I has shared with Ethan, and my chest slowed it’s heaving, I felt my world ever so slowly return to me. Turning towards Ethan, “If it weren’t for the muscles and bones in my feet, I believe my toenails would have ended up in your mouth”. I couldn’t help but chuckle as Ethan shook his head ruefully. The moment passed and was replaced by mutual looks of longing. I placed my hand to the side of his face and expressed my deepest thanks. I was hopelessly in love and it wasn’t unrequited.

Cupping his hand against the side of my face, Ethan returned my thanks. Those gentle touches turned into a full-fledged-hugs. As I nuzzled his neck, I heard him exclaim “What have you done to me Squirt “?

We didn’t let a day go by over the next couple of weeks. We satiated each other in the lower fields, all of the barns, his bedroom late at night, on the workbench in the workshop, down at the pond and on the banks of the river bordering the lower acreage. One afternoon after a spirited bout of mind blowing bj’s we discussed us, we were each other’s first when this began and we came to the realization that we were comfortable with each other. While we couldn’t date in the conventional sense per say, we could be boyfriends. We would have to be careful and discrete but we both felt we could manage it. I asked Ethan if he would consider taking the next step, He wanted to know what I meant.

‘’I’d like to give myself to you. I think I am ready and there is no one I want to be with more. It’s like that song, ‘I Only Have eyes For You’’. I rolled over and draped my arm across his chest and rested my head against his shoulder.

Breaking from our embrace sometime later, I rolled Ethan on his back and straddled him. Bringing my face very close to his I told him I had thought at first that I was in it for the feeling of release. Tending to my selfish needs without complication but now I eagerly wait for the next day and next time with him. What I wanted then isn’t possible now. That I wanted to give us a try and in committing to him, I wanted to take the next step. A minute or two had passed and while running his fingers along my sides he softly whispered “Are you sure, this is a pretty big step”? “Mmmm” I moaned, as I looked deeply into Ethan’s eyes and simply told him…yes.

Thanks for reading, your comments are appreciated as always!!
Copyright © 2020 drsawzall; All Rights Reserved.
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Thanks for reading, I look forward to your reactions and comments.
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

A really good start of the story of Arik's journey from boyhood into the initial stages of a potential loving relationship with Ethan.

Looking forward to coming chapters.


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Ah the passion of youth; that first few moments of feeling as if this moment would never come, then never end, and then God, please let it happen again.  

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What two passionate young men.  I do hope they continue their exploration of each other, and develop a deep friendship at the very least. Your description of the seduction and the results was perfect!

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4 hours ago, raven1 said:

What two passionate young men.  I do hope they continue their exploration of each other, and develop a deep friendship at the very least. Your description of the seduction and the results was perfect!

Finding another like oneself for the first time is magical, first times are precious!

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Man I am just loving this story the results are just perfect. I am loving there perfect passion and there wonderful Fullment. Just perfect!


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