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Box of Crackers - 2. Chapter 2

The alarm went off at six, the time I normally got out of bed to get ready for work. Once you have the habit of getting up early, it’s hard to break. I got up, took the folded clothes and set them outside the guest room door and went to take a shower. When I finished my ablutions, I dressed and started breakfast. I just sat down with a cup of coffee when I saw Bobby walking into the kitchen. “Good morning Bobby, how did you sleep?”

“I slept well, I had a dream of my mother and I sitting on a bank of a river. It was so peaceful.”

“I’m glad that you have beautiful dreams, I think your dream was your mother telling you she’s watching over you.” I know that may sound a little corny, but what do you tell a child who has a lovely dream rather than a tormented dream. “Bobby, how old are you?”

“I’m nine, but I’ll be ten in two months.”

I thought how could a father be so cruel, nine years old and put on the street. That isn’t going to happen if I have anything to say.

“Are you ready for breakfast? He smiled and nodded his head yes. “After breakfast we’re going shopping and then I have arranged for us to have lunch at one of my favorite restaurants. How does that sound?”

He looked at me with those big blue eyes and nodded. He didn’t smile. I wonder why and then he didn’t know that I was going to allow him to stay here. “Bobby, you’re not going back outside. I want you to stay here.” It took a few seconds for that to register, and then he was in my lap giving me a big hug. The eyes were sparkling and his smile was stretched as far as it could go.

I served breakfast and he ate more than I. I told him to get dressed because we’ re going shopping. While he was dressing, I cleared the breakfast dishes. Dressed, he came back upstairs, I took his old hat and threw it away and then got one of my hats I use when I run. He put it on, it was big and hung down in the back. It was a lot warmer than the hat he had. “Ready to go?”

My car was kept in an underground garage under the apartment building, getting into the elevator, “Push the button with a ‘G’ on it.

He did and when we got off the elevator, he realized he was in the garage. I led him to my car and his eyes widened again as he looked at my BMW. “Let’s go” He buckled himself in and off we went. There was a shopping mall about twenty miles out of town where I knew we could get clothes. “Bobby, are any of the clothes you’re wearing feel tight?”

He shock his head no. Good, I had the sizes of the clothes he was wearing. I parked in the mall’s indoor parking garage, we took the elevator to the main floor of the mall. At one end of the mall was a Macy’s and at the other end was a JC Penny’s. I headed toward JC Penny, as they had more children clothes than Macy’s. Walking into the store, I picked up a shopping cart. “Bobby, you push and follow me.”

He followed me to the children’s clothes, then I started. I began to toss all the clothes I thought he’d need for at least five changes. As I began to shop I watched Bobby, with each piece of clothes I tossed into the cart, he’d watch with his eyes and that’s when I noticed a small tear running down his cheeks. I got all of the clothes I thought he’d need, and one dress outfit. At the check out, the clerk just smiled at him. She handed him the hat I bought, he put it on handing me my hat back.

Before we left the mall, I took him to the electronic store and bought a lap top and two games. He looked as if he was going to cry. “Did you have a computer at home?” He shook his no. His eyes were wet and when the light hit them, they sparkled. “We have time to go home and change and then we’re going to Luigi’s for lunch.” When we got back to the apartment, “Bobby, I’d like you to take a shower and then you can dress in you new clothes.”

I took the underwear and t-shirts upstairs and ran them through the rinse cycle to remove the sizing the manufacture puts in their clothes so they look nice. From the rinse to the dryer and by the time Bobby was done, I had a fresh pair of underwear for him to wear. I placed the clothes on his bed, I stopped and thought, his bed. I went to the office while I waited for him to get clean and dressed. I notice the bathroom door open and a naked little boy ran to his bedroom.

When he was dressed he came into the office, “You look nice and the clothes seem to fit. When we come home we can wash the rest and then you can put them away.” I noticed his reaction when I said when we come home. “Bundle up, we’ll walk to Luigi’s.”

Luigi’s is at the end of the block and it’s an easy walk. We got there a little early, Fred, my lawyer friend, wasn’t there and if he’s true to normal, he’ll be late. Luigi met me at the door, looking at Bobby, he smiled. “The usual table Pete?”

“Yes, thank you Luigi, I’m expecting Fred so when he comes in just show him to our table, please.” As we walked to the table, I noticed several people looking at Bobby. I waved to a few of my friends and just smiled as I put my hand on Bobby’s shoulder. I wondered how long before we’d have company.

The waiter brought us a menu, “Jimmy, there'll be one more.” Jimmy nodded and left an extra menu. “Bobby, look at the menu and see if you find something you’d like to eat.”

Bobby looked at the menu and I’d bet my last dollar that he’d settle for pizza. “May I have a pizza?”

“Sure, when Jimmy comes, just tell him what you want.”

It didn’t take long for Billy to head over to our table. “Hello Pete, who’s this young man?”

It doesn’t take Billy long to get to the heart of the matter. Billy works for his dad’s company and probably will inherit it someday. He’s a good guy, just nosy. I’ve known him for a long time.

“Bobby, this is a good friend of mine Mr. Waters. Billy, this young man is a very close friend of mine who’s visiting.”

“Hey, Billy, Pete, what’s the event.”

“Hi Fred, this is a special friend of mine, Bobby. Bobby, this is Mr. Laker.” Bobby looked at Fred and smiled.

“You eating with us Billy?”

“No, Walter and I have already eaten and we’re just about to leave when Pete showed up. You guy’s coming to Al’s party?”

“I’m not sure, but if I can make it, I’ll be there.”

Fred sat down and started to look at the menu. Jimmy came back after a few minutes, Bobby told him he wanted a pizza, Fred ordered a pasta dish and I had a Luigi salad. Jimmy took the order to the kitchen and brought out a basket of garlic rolls.

Bobby could smell the garlic and made a funny face. I took a roll and broke off a piece. I looked at Bobby, I pinched his nose and put the piece of bread into his mouth. At first Bobby was a little shocked but as soon as he closed his mouth there was a smile. Luigi’s hot garlic rolls are to die for. Soon Bobby was eating the rolls, competing with Fred and I. When Jimmy brought our lunch, I knew there was no way Bobby was going to eat it all. We dug into our lunch making small talk. Fred was very smart and figured out that the reason I invited him to lunch was sitting right there.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, just tell me what I need to do.” Bobby looked at me confused. I just winked and smiled at him. “What you don’t finish, we can take home and you can have it for dinner or snack on it later.”

We made small talk while we ate. Bobby excused himself to go to the bathroom. This gave me a chance to talk to Fred. “Fred, I want to adopt that boy. His father threw him away because he was worthless. Send me an email of what I need to do and then help me to do it.” I told Fred how I met the boy and what I had done so far.

“I’ll get back to you but first I need to know his last name and address. Can you get that?”

“Yes, maybe we can get that information before you leave.”

We continue to talk about the gang and Al’s party. Bobby returned and looked at his pizza. “Want to take that home?” He nodded yes. ‘Bobby, I never asked you what your last name was, will you tell me please?”

“You won’t make me go back will you?”

“No, I’ll never make you go back. But I’m going to make sure you go to school so I need to know your last name and the name of the school you attended.”

“My last name is Leicaster and I go to South Belmont School.”

“Were you a good student there?”

“Yes, I was an A student. I like school but I’m not sure I can go back there.”

“Why not? You weren’t in any trouble were you?”

“No, but my best friend knows that my dad threw me out of the house. I’m sure he’ll tell every one at school.”

Fred nodded and I knew he had enough information. I paid the check, thanked Luigi for an excellent lunch, Bobby carried the pizza box and we walked back home.

Copyright © 2020 CLJobe; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

40 minutes ago, chris191070 said:

Great chapter. I think Fred will sort out Bobby's old family and get him a new Dad.

Yes, I think so as well. Pete has taken to the idea of Bobby becoming his son. Bobby likes the idea as well.

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1 minute ago, weinerdog said:

I like what is happening the one possible problem I see is while going through the process they come across some idiot judge or official that would object to Pete being single and gay.It does still happen sadly.

Yes, a judge's bias does and can play a role. 

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Great chapter, Bobby is settling in well, the lawyer seems to have asked the right questions and Bobby answered truthfully, I hope he speeds through the process

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7 minutes ago, mikedup said:

Great chapter, Bobby is settling in well, the lawyer seems to have asked the right questions and Bobby answered truthfully, I hope he speeds through the process

In stories a day is a second or at least 8 hours on this web site.  We shall see what happens tonight.

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9 minutes ago, Clancy59 said:

I was thinking along the same lines.  However, as an upstanding business-owner, he does have an advantage, hopefully.  Fred, Billy and his friends will go to bat for hi,m, I’m sure.

They have good cause to go after the father for abandonment.  Although, I think another story has gotten my ‘suspicious switch’ turned on, and they’ll have to be certain that Bobby isn’t a runaway and pulling a fast one on Pete.  (Sorry.  My husband has been watching non-stop ‘Law and Order’ episodes and my mind is in conspiracy mode. 😉)

I'm betting on Fred to get this done. Bobby was abandoned, ni child would run away in the coldest night of the year./

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5 minutes ago, CLJobe said:

I'm betting on Fred to get this done. Bobby was abandoned, ni child would run away in the coldest night of the year./

He’s nine.  Not the greatest thinker at that age.  I said the TV program had my ‘suspicious’ lobe on high!

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1 minute ago, Clancy59 said:

He’s nine.  Not the greatest thinker at that age.  I said the TV program had my ‘suspicious’ lobe on high!

No, but why would a 9 year old leave on a cold day. If he was going to leave it would have been a better choice of days. I respect your opinion, so don't feel this is a negative response. We are at the discussion point, haven't reached the argumentative state yet. 

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3 minutes ago, CLJobe said:

No, but why would a 9 year old leave on a cold day. If he was going to leave it would have been a better choice of days. I respect your opinion, so don't feel this is a negative response. We are at the discussion point, haven't reached the argumentative state yet. 

LOL!  How many 9-year-olds have you dealt with?  I taught for 31 years as a Librarian.  I didn’t have 25 kids per year.  I averaged over 750.  Believe me.  Kids do incredible things!  They are, at the same time, incredibly brilliant and incredibly silly/careless/‘dumb’ and can do the strangest things at the most inexplicable times, leaving you scratching your head!  😂🤣😂

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37 minutes ago, Clancy59 said:

LOL!  How many 9-year-olds have you dealt with?  I taught for 31 years as a Librarian.  I didn’t have 25 kids per year.  I averaged over 750.  Believe me.  Kids do incredible things!  They are, at the same time, incredibly brilliant and incredibly silly/careless/‘dumb’ and can do the strangest things at the most inexplicable times, leaving you scratching your head!  😂🤣😂

They can do that even when they are 18, let alone 9

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39 minutes ago, Wesley8890 said:

Pretty sure if bobbys friend told then a teacher would hear.

Very much looking forward to more. 

Yes and if a teacher heard, Bobby would probably end up in a home and his dad might go to jail.

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16 minutes ago, CLJobe said:

Yes and if a teacher heard, Bobby would probably end up in a home and his dad might go to jail.

If a teacher hears something like this, we are obligated to report it to the authorities.  It’s a law almost everywhere.

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19 minutes ago, Clancy59 said:

If a teacher hears something like this, we are obligated to report it to the authorities.  It’s a law almost everywhere.

yes, I agree

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Outstanding chapter! Pete is proceeding as though Bobby will become his son. Bobby is acting like Pete is already his Dad. Fred knows how to handle this situation and I’m certain that everyone will be happy together. Bobby is overwhelmed by the generosity of Pete with new clothing and a laptop computer of his own. Pete’s circle of friends seem supportive and caring. Thankfully since Fred is a Lawyer which will hopefully keep Child Services and their bureaucratic processes at bay. I’m definitely looking forward to the next chapter! 😃❤️

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2 minutes ago, flesco said:

Outstanding chapter! Pete is proceeding as though Bobby will become his son. Bobby is acting like Pete is already his Dad. Fred knows how to handle this situation and I’m certain that everyone will be happy together. Bobby is overwhelmed by the generosity of Pete with new clothing and a laptop computer of his own. Pete’s circle of friends seem supportive and caring. Thankfully since Fred is a Lawyer which will hopefully keep Child Services and their bureaucratic processes at bay. I’m definitely looking forward to the next chapter! 😃❤️

Thanks, you have several to catch up on. I generally post two chapters every day. Being retired allows me the time to do that.

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OMG. I love shopping. I have a beautiful memory of being in Cardiff and going crazy in the shops for my nephew. It was so much fun. His Mother thought I was nuts. Seriously.

My dream job would be to travel the world and just shop. Well, I did say it was a dream...okay. A fantasy at least. The very least.

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1 minute ago, Buz said:

OMG. I love shopping. I have a beautiful memory of being in Cardiff and going crazy in the shops for my nephew. It was so much fun. His Mother thought I was nuts. Seriously.

My dream job would be to travel the world and just shop. Well, I did say it was a dream...okay. A fantasy at least. The very least.

You are a gay man's dream. Shop till you drop

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Posted (edited)

What a scumbag Bobby’s dad is, how can anyone throw a child out on the street is not a fit and proper person 

Edited by Bft
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30 minutes ago, Bft said:

What a scumbag Bobby’s dad is, how can anyone throw a child out on the street is not a fit and proper person 

he isn't human, obviously there was no love there 

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