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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Higher Education - 1. Higher 1

Yo, Trev!” A voice from across the quad caught Trevor Carlson’s attention. “Wait up.”

“Hey, Jayson.” He bumped fists with the muscle-bound blond. “Let me guess. Since I’m back in class, you’re hoping to score my notes from the lecture again.”

“Well, yeah.” Jayson Salvaggi guiltily looked to the ground. “Where the hell did you disappear to after winter break? No one’s seen or heard from you in over two months. One day you were in class, and then nothing. Some people thought you dropped out. Was like you fell off the face of the earth.” He dropped his backpack onto a shaded bench and pulled out his tablet.

“Pretty much did.” Trevor took a seat on the bench next to his friend. “Had to make a trip to Australia with some friends and just got back.”

“Australia? Had to make a trip? What? Hiding from an angry husband or boyfriend that caught you with his woman? Must suck to have your life and get to spend your winter someplace warm.” Smirking, he looked his friend in the eye. “And how the fuck did you manage that without any of the professors booting you from class? If I miss a single class, they threaten to put me on academic probation. Don’t remember you even taking a sick day before.”

“That’s the difference between straight A’s and pulling mostly C’s.”

“Ouch. I’m trying, but this shit’s hard. But that’s why I come to you for help. You’re always at the top of the class.” Jayson gave him a sheepish smile. “So, think you could send me your notes from the lecture?”

“Not this time, man.”

“For real? Gonna hang me out?” Jayson sounded pitiful.

“Nope. Well, maybe. You’re meeting me in the library tonight at seven. We’ll go over what you do and don’t understand. I want to see the notes you took. Then I’ll decide if I’m gonna keep helping you.”

“Fine. I’ll be there.” Salvaggi scrolled through what he had written down during class before returning the device to his pack. “So why the trip? Family emergency or something?”

“Or something. You know the wildfires they had?” Trevor shook his head at the blank stare he received. “Dude, don’t you ever watch or read the news?”

Jayson shrugged. “Yeah, the stuff they have on ESPN.”

“Seriously? You sure getting an MBA’s the right move for you? Anyways, a couple of my buddies from back home went to help with the fires. I volunteered to go and assist with logistical support or anything else they needed.”

“Fuck, that’s Hallmark movie stuff. Sorry, I’ve met your friends, so guess it would be Bravo.” Jayson dodged the hand aimed at his head. “You really ditched school for two months and went halfway around the world to fight a forest fire?”

“Now I’m picturing you binge-watching Real Housewives. But also nice that you know where the gay-themed shows are. I’m proud of you, bud.” Trevor patted his friend’s shoulder. “Yeah, I did. I cleared it with the school, and they handled my professors. I’m working to make up what I missed.” He ran a hand over his facial scruff. “Dude, it was the scariest thing I’ve ever done. I helped a little to fight the fires. The real firefighters gave me and a couple others a crash course in how to handle a hose or cutting containment lines. Mostly I did whatever the crew my friends were with needed. So fuckin’ glad we don’t get fires like that in Pennsylvania. Hope I go the rest of my life without seeing flames that tall again.”

“You’re just bullshitting me, aren’t ya?” An eye roll accompanied Jay’s incredulous tone. “You met some freakin’ hot lady online and went to get laid. Didn’t you?”

Trevor doubled over laughing, causing people around the quad to turn and look. “I may have met up with some of the lovelies in Sydney when we finished, but I really did go there because of the bushfires.” He glanced at his phone. “I’ve got to head to my next class. Maybe I’ll show you some videos of what I saw when we meet up tonight. You better be there.”

“Catch ya later, Trev. And thanks for agreeing to help me. Again.”

“Later, Salvaggi


“And our time’s just about up for this session. For Wednesday’s class, I’d like you to read chapters thirty-six and thirty-seven on the impact of natural disasters. I know a few in here have been through hurricanes or tornados, and some of you from the west coast have had to deal with fires.” The professor zeroed in on Trevor. “Possibly in other locations too. Dismissed, and remember, I can see if you read the material or not.”

The noise level increased as people got to their feet while stuffing computers and notebooks into their packs.

“Mr. Carlson, if you have a moment before you leave?”

There were snickers from the students around Trevor. “Sounds like someone’s in trouble.”

He waited until the lecture hall cleared before moving to the front. “What can I do for you, professor?”

“When’s your next class?

“In an hour, sir. This is my usual study period.”

“I need to head to my office. Walk with me, and we’ll talk on the way.” The man slid folders into his backpack, and they headed for the door. “You’re makeup work so far has been exemplary. I wish the rest of the class put the same effort into what they do.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“Is an hour enough time to give me a brief rundown on what you saw and how it pertains to the subject matter we’re starting?”

“I think so. Are you considering giving me another assignment based off that?”

“Good. You have a unique point of view. Not only did you witness what was happening, but you worked the problem. No additional assignments, but I was thinking of including your experience in the next lecture and discussion session. I want to get a few more details first. I was impressed with what I heard. Is it true you spent time with fire crews, actually working the fire? If I'm correct, you also assisted in facilitating aid for rebuilding.”

“I did mostly logistics, but when the crew needed another body, I did help out. I hope I never have to do it again, but I can handle a fire hose if needed or do the grunt work. As far as the financial aid, all I did was draft memos based on what others wanted to do, sir. It’s not like I was making policy. I was in a foreign country and didn’t even know their laws for anything I did.”

“Still, you gained valuable experience that none of the others in class possess.” The professor unlocked his door as the pair walked into the small office. “Take a seat. Would you like some tea?”

“Thank you.”

“I admit I was disappointed one of my best students up and vanished. There was a fear among some of your other teachers that you’d dropped out, which was unthinkable. Thankfully, the dean set the record straight, and I happily agreed to work around your absence.”

“It was kind of rushed. I honestly thought I’d have to retake the entire semester. Grateful doesn’t quite cover it that I’m allowed to do makeup work.”

The gray-haired man set a steaming mug in front of his pupil. “Let’s start with how your alphas got involved with this. Then I’d like your views on the organization of crews for that scale of operation. If we have time, perhaps your thoughts on cost to governments for responding or doing nothing.”


“These are all the notes you took?” Trevor looked between the tablet and its owner in disbelief.


“Dude! Did you listen to the lecture?”


“Care to fill me in on what you took away from it? Cause I sure as hell can’t tell from what you wrote. You could have at least recorded it so you could go back and review that way.”


“Any more one-word answers, and we’re done. And if I walk out, you won’t get any more help from me. Don’t care if you fail or not. And no pulling the friend card like you always did at Penn State. It won’t work, no matter how much I like hanging out with you.”

“I’m really trying, but a lot of this stuff’s boring as hell,” Jayson whined.

“You think it’s boring now? Wait until we graduate and get jobs. I hear people talking about everything from working on Wall Street to accounting companies to the government. Low man on the ladder does the most menial part of what we’re learning. The ones I know that got jobs say mind-numbing would be an improvement.”

“I know. My grades were high enough when we finished undergrad, a recruiter from a New York law firm arranged for my current scholarship, and offered to hire me after I graduate. She gave a pitch about working in sports and entertainment finance for their firm. Those classes always keep me focused. As much as I like this stuff, it’s not all as easy for me as it is for you. If I don’t get a better handle on this portion of it, I’ll be lucky to be filling out people’s taxes at some strip mall outfit.”

“Okay. Here’s the plan. We’re gonna meet twice a week and go over the work from the classes we have together. I can help you bring those grades up, if you’ll put in the time. I also want to see how you’re doing in the other ones. I’ll tutor you, but it’s gonna be my way or the highway.”

“Thanks, Trev. I really appreciate this.” He typed a few things on his tablet and handed it to his friend. “This is my course list and my current grades.”

“Better than I expected. Maybe this won’t be as hard as I thought. You got your undergrad degree without your daddy buying it like that loser politician we can’t stop hearing about. We were always at the top of the class, and you didn’t need my help to do that. You’re not dumb, or you’d never have gotten into Harvard.” His focus shifted from his classmate’s grades to a brunette walking through the study area. Her slim build, spiky hair, and height from the red stilettos drew the attention of most males in the area. “Hello, Shannon.” The way he drew out his greeting, Trevor’s voice was a low, sexy growl.

“Well, hello there, Trevor.” She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. “It’s been far too long since I’ve seen you. Where have you been hiding? The boyfriends of all the cheerleaders finally gang up on you because their girlfriends want you instead?” Glancing at the study partner, she smiled. “He’s being rude. I’m Shannon.”

“Jayson.” He had been practically salivating since she came into view. Reaching under the table towards his backpack, he tried to subtly adjust himself to a more comfortable angle. “And it’s most definitely a pleasure to meet you.”

Trevor recognized his human friend’s look as that of a hungry wolf. “I wasn’t being rude. You didn’t give me a chance to make introductions. And it’s not my fault if a woman,” Trevor’s tongue swiped across his lips seductively, “comes to me to get what she needs.”

“Thank you for reinforcing that all men are pigs. Fortunately, that’s just how I like them. Didn’t mean to interrupt your study time. I’ve got to find an actual book that isn’t available online. I guess that’s why they call it archeology class. If it happens to be where I can’t reach it at the back of the stacks, could I possibly trouble you or maybe even your friend to help me get it off… the shelf?” Her eyes were pure seduction. “Call me sometime when you’re free. I’d like to get together again. You can give me some of what I need.” She leaned in to whisper in Trevor’s ear. “My roommate’s gone tomorrow, so no one will hear us moaning.” Straightening up, she took a step back. “Nice meeting you, Jayson. I hope I’ll see you around.”

Trevor’s pulse quickened, and he had to close his eyes to hide the amber flash. “I’ll definitely be calling you. I’m sorry I’ve been out of town for a while.”

“You can tell me all about it while making up for being gone. But you’re going to need to work real hard at that. You know where I live and have my number.” She turned and strutted off into the stacks.

“Wow. Why am I not surprised you know one of the most beautiful women on campus.”

Trevor’s hearty laugh garnered glares from other study groups. “Way to objectify her.”

“That’s not what I meant, but it’s still true. I could have said sexiest or hottest. If you’re not dating her, think you could hook me up?”

“True dat, but she’s brilliant too. Twenty-two and about to finish her masters in history and archeology here, while simultaneously getting her third bachelors in artificial intelligence at MIT. She mentioned she thought it would be a fun addition to her robot wars hobby. Heard through a friend she had every major school coming to her with offers. And if you want a shot at her, you’re gonna have to grow a pair and ask her out yourself.”

“Okay. If I’m gonna be surrounded by all this intelligence, I need to buckle down and keep up. Let’s get started on today’s class.”


Sweat dripped from Trevor’s forehead as his body moved in a steady rhythm. His partner’s constant moaning pushed him close to the edge.

Her fingernails raked his sides and back as she finally screamed. “Oh god, YES!” Shannon’s legs tightened around his waist, pulling him in deeper. That was enough to put him over the top.

As the pair laid in bed, catching their breath, her finger lazily twirled through the thick chest hair. “No one does that as good as you do.”

He blew on his fingernails and buffed them on his chest. “What can I say? You keep telling me what a stud I am. I enjoy trying to live up to your expectations.” He rolled, so he was partially over her, lowering his head and kissing her. The passion from before had transitioned into the more tender afterglow.

“You do that every time.” Shannon nuzzled against his chest. “That growl of yours when you cum. If you hadn’t already set me off, that would do it. You’re such a beast.” Reaching down, she ran a finger along the underside of his shaft. “And when you do that while I’m blowing you, it drives me crazy. I could cum just from the vibration when you’re eating me too.”

“Keep doing that, and I’m gonna get hard again.”

“Is that a problem?”

“No problem at all. I’m always ready for another round. And I do suppose I have a couple months’ worth of catching up to do with you. It’s hot you’re not shy talking about sex like most women I know.”

“Good. I don’t want to be like the others.”

“That feels real good.”

“Know what would feel even better?”

“I have a pretty good idea, but tell me anyways.”

“There’s one condom left. I want you back in me.”

He let out a low growl and lifted her legs to his shoulder. After another half hour, the pair was once again panting.

“I’m so glad I ran into you and your friend in the library. I’ve missed this. I thought I’d chased you off when you didn’t respond to my texts. And then no one around campus knew where you were.”

“He’s been hoping I’d hook him up with you.” The deep chuckle reverberated through the room. “No messages could get through while we were in Oz. And I’ve been so busy trying to catch up since I got back, I ended up ignoring a few people.” He moved in for another kiss. “I don’t think you could ever do something to chase me off.”

“I hope you’re right. You’re too good to let go. So, was your friend wanting a one-on-one with me or a three-way?”

“Don’t know, didn’t ask. Told him he’d have to grow a pair and ask you out himself.”

“He’s cute and probably fun. I liked that hungry look in his eyes, but he’s definitely not you. Though, two men at once could be fun. The question is, would you both take turns at me, or would I need a strap-on so we could both do him? Hmm, that could be really hot to see. I’ve got a fantasy of taking it from one guy while another is behind, driving him into me. Just one of my naughty little thoughts. I know you don’t go for guys at all.” Shannon stroked the thick pelt on his chest. “So… Did you ever get a firefighter outfit when you were in Australia? Might be fun to have you wear it if you did.”

“Sorry, but I didn’t.” A grin spread across his face. “Besides, it’s not like I’d have it on long.”

“All these wonderful muscles shouldn’t be hidden under clothes.”

“Wanna go another round?” She ran her finger along him, hoping to feel him lengthen again.

“I’d love to, but we’re all out of rubbers. I don’t think either of us wants an unintended accident.”

“True, but I bet it would feel incredible. You just have to remember to pull out.”

“Sorry, but you know the rule. No glove, no love.” Trevor looked for his underwear and shorts, spotting them in the pile of casually removed clothes. “I gotta head back to my place and finish up some reading for class tomorrow. Text me when you want a repeat.”

Copyright © 2023 WolfM; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

On 9/16/2023 at 3:58 AM, masuk said:

At least he asked for some protection, and I almost needed a different type of protection, when I asked our department's new secretary from the USA, if she had a rubber!

Well, she was quite shocked and told me so.  After things quietened down a bit, I explained that in Australia, a rubber was used to erase pencilled errors.

LOL. If she was in Oz, leave it to an American to take offense to local slang before learning it. :)

  • Haha 3
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