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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
Charlie and Michael Baxter lost their father at a young age. They have been brought up by a hard-working mother who loved and treasured her boys. Unfortunately, she passed away before they finished college and through no fault of their own, they found themselves homeless. This is their story.

What Happened To The Baxter Boys - 4. Chapter 4

Danny entered the hospital and noticed the W.H. Smith Newsagents store in the foyer. "Charlie, why don't you go ahead? Jason and I will meet you on the ward. I want to buy a magazine from the shop," Danny suggested. He thought this would give Charlie some time alone with his brother, and perhaps they could also buy something for Michael to alleviate the boredom.

"Sounds good to me. Jason, do you remember which ward Michael is on?" Charlie asked, eager to deliver the food to Michael before it got cold.

"I think so. It's ward six in the Acute Medical Unit, isn't it?" replied Jason.

"Yeah. that's right. Thanks, Jason. Okay, guys, I'll head over there now." said Charlie as he made his way towards the AMU following the direction boards.

“You never read magazines. What are you up to?” Jason quizzed.

“Nothing much. I just thought that Charlie and Michael would like some time to themselves for a few minutes. There's nothing wrong with that, is there?”

“No, there isn't. Good thinking, Batman. I didn't give it a thought. Let's go have a mooch then.” Jason entered the small but busy shop and went directly to the magazine rack.

“Hey, do you remember how boring it was for you in the hospital?” asked Danny.

“Yeah, it was mind-numbingly dull.”

“What do you think about getting something for Michael to sort out his boredom?”

“Wow, you're full of good ideas today, aren't you? And thoughtful too!” Jason mockingly felt Danny's forehead to check his temperature, “Are you feeling alright today?”

Charlie arrived at the ward and peeked in to see a sleeping Michael. He looked peaceful and rested. Michael looked a lot better than the day before. He had more colour in his face, and his breathing was easier and less laboured.

Charlie considered going for Michael's weak point but decided not to tickle his feet. He woke him up by shaking his shoulder instead. “Hey, wake up lazy bones. I've got some nice food for you.”

Michael woke up almost instantly and smiled at seeing his brother. “Hi.”

“How are you feeling today?”

“Much better than I did. I'm starving though. Did you say something about food?”

“You're always hungry...and yes, I did.” Charlie quietly laughed. “I've got a toasted cheese and onion sandwich and a flask of hot soup. I hope it's still warm. How does that sound?”

“That sounds so much better than the hospital food.”

Michael looked at the sandwich and the flask of soup when Charlie placed them in front of him, he then looked again at his brother, noticing how he was dressed.

“Charlie, please tell me you didn't? You said you wouldn't when we talked about it. You promised.” Concern for his brother showed in Michael's distressed voice and the expression on his face. When their situation started to become desperate Charlie had considered becoming a 'male escort'. It was not what he wanted to do, but as a last resort, it would keep them fed. When it caused them to argue he promised he would never work the streets or do anything like that.

“No! Nothing like that! I made you a promise, and I'll keep it. I've got a lot to tell you, but it's nothing like that.” If Charlie was offended, he didn’t let it show. “Now, eat up. I know you will like it. Stacy has done his best to keep it as warm as he could for you.”

Michael took the top, which was a small bowl, off the flask and removed the foldaway spoon before opening the flask to pour out the soup. Michael took in the flavoursome aroma as steam rose from the bowl. Then he opened the insulated sandwich box and picked up half of the sandwich. Wide-eyed with anticipation, Michael tucked into the tasty, welcome food.

Michael listened intently to Charlie telling him everything that happened since they met Max. Michael remembered some of the day before, but not everything due to his desperately ill condition. When Michael finished eating, he told Charlie about being in the ward and what Doctor Evans had told him.

Michael spotted Danny and Jason as they entered the ward. “Hottie alert. Don't look now. Two hot young guys have just come in. And before you say anything, I am still straight. I've just been around you long enough to know a hot guy when I see one.”

Charlie turned to look and laughed. “They are hot, but Danny and Jason are too young for me.”

“You know them? How?”

Before Charlie could answer, the two young men approached the brothers. “Hi, Charlie. Hi Michael, hope you enjoyed the food. That soup is one of Pop's best.” Danny stood back while Jason spoke.

Michael was glancing between Charlie and the new arrivals. “Michael, meet Jason. He was here last night, but you obviously don't remember him...and this is Danny, Jason's boyfriend.”

“Hello,” Michael went a bit shy about not knowing them. ”The soup was great, just like Mum's, and the sandwich was delicious too.”

Danny stepped forward and passed a small bag to Michael. “We know how boring it can be in here, so we got you these. Hope they help.”

“Thank you.” Michael took the bag and looked inside. He smiled when he saw the puzzle book with a biro attached, two Mars bars and two juice cartons. “Thank you, you didn't have to do this, but thank you. It will help.”

Jason sat on the end of the bed. “You're welcome, bro. I can't wait till you come home.”

“What? Wait. Bro. Home. Charlie! What's going on?” Michael was looking seriously perplexed and worried.

Charlie coughed. “Well, I didn't get to finish telling you everything. Max and Stacy, Jason's dads, said we can stay with them till we get on our feet...and, this morning, Jason said he can't be my friend. He said he wants to claim me for his brother.”

Michael did not know what to think and his face froze in a confused look.

“So, what do you think bro'? Cause if Charlie is my big brother, then you are too. I promise I'll be good little bro.” Jason tried to look sweet and innocent, but the exaggerated expression didn’t work.

Michael processed the conversation until, in his head, everything fell into place. Seeing Jason’s look, he decided to have some fun. He answered with a harsh look on his face, “I'm not ready to have a little brother. I am not losing any sleep because of a screaming, bawling brat! And...I am not changing any shitty nappies. That's his job.” Michael pointed at Danny.

Jason and Charlie were in shock. Danny was horrified until he saw a slight upturn in Michael's mouth and noticed the sparkle in Michael's eyes. At the same time, Danny and Michael burst into laughter. When Charlie and Jason realised they had been had, they too joined in the laughter.

Their laughter was interrupted by the nurse. “Okay, boys. I'm all for joking and laughter, but you are getting a bit loud. Keep it down, or the Ward Sister will ask you three to leave.”

There was a round of “Sorry Nurse,” as they tried to control their laughter.

“Good. Right Michael, time for me to take blood like Doctor Evans ordered. I have a feeling if the results come back good, you might be sent home tomorrow.” The nurse went about her duties smiling and winked at the boys when she left.

Michael came out of his shell. For the next two hours, the four got to know each other better, remembering to keep the noise down. Michael liked the clothes that Charlie left for him. After they left, he felt more comfortable wearing fresh underwear and ditched the hospital gown for pyjamas.

Feeling better having eaten and wearing the PJs the guys had left, Michael decided to sit in the armchair beside his bed. The rest of the afternoon was spent completing puzzles while listening to the hospital radio on headphones.

Engrossed in word-search puzzles, Michael did not notice the time passing. It was the enticing smell of hot food that caught his attention. He removed the headphones and set his puzzle book down, waiting for the orderlies to arrive with dinner he had ordered.

Unfortunately, when his evening meal arrived, Michael was underwhelmed. The soup had no flavour except that of some bland seasoning and remained uneaten. The main course of steak pie, mash and vegetables with gravy was marginally better. Michael ate what he could of the lumpy mash and grossly overcooked vegetables. He decided against eating the hard pastry crust of the pie and gave up chewing on the rubbery meat filling. The dessert was a passable syrup sponge and custard. The highlight, if you could call it that, was the accompanying bread roll, butter and banana given to those on a high-protein diet.

Disappointed with the poor quality meal of small proportions, Michael pushed away the tray with the remains of the meal. Still feeling hungry, he dozed off, dreaming of the promised stew and dumplings that Charlie and the boys had raved about earlier. Except for when he was disturbed by the nurses performing their standard checks, he continued napping until awakened by Nurse Donna. Back on duty, she came to inform Michael that Dr. Evans was on his way to see him.

Visiting hours had just started when Charlie approached Michael's bed as Nurse Donna returned to the nursing station on the ward.

“She's pretty. Have you been chatting up the Nurse?” Charlie joked as he passed Michael the bag he was carrying.

“No, definitely not! I've already been warned off by the Ward Sister. And you know me, I get all tongue-tied with pretty girls.” Michael took the bag from Charlie and started removing the contents. “Are you on your own tonight? Where are your shadows from earlier?”

“Believe it or not, they are babysitting tonight. It surprised me, but it seems this is a regular thing that they enjoy doing. And no, I'm not on my own. Max and Stacy brought me. They are talking to Dr. Evans and the Ward Sister in the office. They will be here in a few minutes. Oh, the insulated bowl contains the stew and dumplings. There's a couple of bread rolls in the paper bag. Stacy baked blueberry muffins today, and put some in a Tupperware box for you.”

Michael opened the box containing the muffins and inhaled the fresh baked smell. He then did the same with the stew, resealed the bowl, and sat back in his chair. Michael noticed the elderly man in the bed opposite cast his glance down. Michael had seen him do the same thing earlier when Charlie and the boys visited. The man had been admitted through the night. Michael recognised his haunted, lonely expression and realised nobody had been to see the man.

“Charlie, can you get Nurse Donna, please?”

“Are you okay? Are you feeling ill?” asked a concerned Charlie.

“I'm fine. Will you just get the nurse, please?”

“Okay, okay, I'm going.” Charlie hurried to the nursing station.

Charlie returned with Donna close behind him. “Hi Michael, what can I do for you?”

Michael spoke quietly. “The old man over there, he hasn't had any visitors. What's wrong with him?”

Donna quickly glanced at the bed Michael indicated. “I shouldn't say anything. I can get into trouble, but he has the doctors puzzled. They can't find anything wrong with him. His wife died a few months ago, and he has no family or friends. I suspect he has a broken heart and is losing the will to live. Why do you ask?”

“I've seen that look before.” Michael swallowed and was lost in thought for a few minutes.

“Charlie, do you remember Mrs Johnson, who lived over the road from us?” Charlie nodded. “She looked like that before she passed away. Her daughter said she died of a broken heart. Mr. Johnson died three months before she did.” Michael couldn’t shake the sinking feeling in his stomach and lost his appetite.

“Michael, are you okay?” Donna was ready to call the Ward Sister.

“Donna, do you think he'd like some stew? I'm not feeling so hungry now.”

“You can't give away the stew. Stacy would likely have a fit!” Charlie whispered and glanced again at the man. “Tell you what, if it's okay with the staff, you could share it. Nurse Donna might be able to get another bowl and spoon. Is that alright, Donna?”

“I don't know. I'll have to check.” Donna was thinking about Charlie's idea. “Dr. Evans and the Ward Sister are here, so don't say anything to them. I'll see what I can do.”

Donna returned to the nursing station as the Ward Sister pulled the curtains around Michael's bed while Dr. Evans checked his notes.

Dr Evans smiled as he hung the notes on the foot of the bed. “Okay, Michael, everything is looking good. I'd like to examine you before I say anything more.”

Charlie stepped out from the confines of the curtain to wait with Max and Stacy who had arrived, and to give Michael some privacy with the doctor. While waiting, Charlie pointed out the elderly man that Michael wanted to help and told them what Michael wanted to do.

Discreetly, Stacy looked over. “Michael should be thinking of himself not others, but I have a feeling there is more to it than that. I'll talk to the Ward Nurse later.”

Behind the curtain, Gary finished his examination and sat to talk with Michael. “I have good news and more good news. No bad news,” he smiled. Your blood gases are normal, so we can take you off the oxygen. All signs are that you are responding well to treatment. This means we can remove the drip and administer your medication in tablet form. I want you up and mobile from now on. If your signs are good tomorrow, and you function normally when you go to the bathroom, we will discharge you tomorrow afternoon. How do you feel about that?”

“That's great.” Michael felt happier than he had for a while. “Charlie has told me we will stay with Max and Stacy until I'm better. Thank you for making me well again.”

“Making people well is what I'm here for. I enjoy doing it. As for staying with Max and Stacy, I think you will find they have plans for you and Charlie to stay longer than you think.”


“No buts Michael, they are good people and good friends of mine. I know they want you to stay with them.” Gary gave Michael's shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

The Ward Sister re-opened the curtains and spoke to Michael. “I'll get Nurse Donna to remove the IV line, then I expect to see you walking about,” Judy said in her stern and professional manner. “There should be someone in the hospital pharmacy so you can start taking your medication tonight. You also need to start eating more. You need to build your strength to help you recover.”

Sister Judy left Michael with his visitors and went to the nursing station to speak to Donna. Shortly after, Donna came to remove Michael's IV line and turned off the oxygen.

Any apprehension that Michael felt about staying with Max and Stacy was soon dispelled. They all laughed and enjoyed good conversation as they got to know each other better. Max and Stacy clarified that Charlie and Michael were welcome to stay with them as long as they needed. It was hard to tell which of the two brothers was the most excited.

Charlie saw this as an ideal opportunity to speak to Max. “Max, I know you are already doing a lot for us, but is there any chance I could work for you as a labourer? I promise I'll work hard.”

Before Max could answer, Stacy spoke up. “Wouldn't you prefer to be a car mechanic...sorry, vehicle technician?”

“Well, yes, but...”

“No buts, young man.” Stacy handed Charlie a slip of paper. “You have an appointment at ten tomorrow morning at Chorlton Service Centre. I have it on good authority they are looking for a trainee. They might help you get your full driving license.”

“I've got one. It was part of the college course attached to my apprenticeship.” Charlie pulled his license from his pocket and passed it to Stacy.

“How far did you get with the apprenticeship?” inquired Stacy as he passed the license back to Charlie.

“I was in my last year. I had just started it when everything went...you know.”

“Can you get a copy of your reports or whatever records the college has?”

“I don't know, possibly. Why?”

“Because it could be very useful to you if you can. Phone the college first thing in the morning and ask them.” Stacy was insistent.

“Yes, sir.” Charlie felt hopeful and happy.

As the visit came to an end, Stacy asked Michael pointing to the other bed, “Are you sure you want to do this?”

“Yes, he looks lonely and lost. Everyone should have someone to talk to. It will make me feel better if I can cheer him up.” Michael spoke quietly so that only his visitors could hear him.

“Okay, just give me a few minutes,” Stacy went to speak to the ward staff.

After saying their goodbyes, Max, Stacy and Charlie left, promising they would return the following day.

A few minutes later Sister Judy carried a prepared tray to Michael's bed. “I don't know if Mr Willets will speak to you or accept your kindness, but I hope you have success. It will be good for him if you do.” Judy placed the tray on the wheeled hospital table. “Do you want some help?”

“Would you mind?”

“I'll be happy to help.”

Sister Judy served the stew and dumplings into the bowls and placed a bread roll and a blueberry muffin on each plate. The remaining two blueberry muffins were resealed in the Tupperware container and placed on Michael's bedside table. With Michael at her side, she wheeled the table to the elderly gentleman.

“Good evening Mr Willets. I'm sorry to disturb you, but this nice young man tells me he has a problem and hopes that you will help him with it. His name is Michael. He is the young man in the bed opposite.” Judy smiled and left them to it.

Mr Harold Willets, Harry to those who knew him, didn't look happy and was grumpy. “I don't know what you want young man, but I wish everyone would just leave me alone.”

“I'm sorry Mr Willets, but I really could do with some help. You see, my uncle brought in too much food for me to eat. I was hoping you would help me eat it. It would be a shame to see it go to waste. He's a good cook. The stew and dumplings are very tasty, and the blueberry muffins are so soft and moist.” Michael was doing his best to tempt Harold Willets with the delicious food.

Michael placed a bowl of stew and a spoon on Harry's table, then followed it with the plated roll and muffin. Harry glared at him. Telling no lies but with slightly exaggerated actions, Michael started eating his bowl of stew. The aroma caught Harry's attention, and his mouth began to water.

“I suppose you're going to sit there till I at least taste it, aren't you?” Harry gruffly asked.

Michael hid the smile that wanted to break through. “Yep.”

“Stubborn fool.” Harry picked up the spoon and tasted the stew.

Even though Harry's expression remained the same, Michael noticed a sparkling glint in his eye. Harry couldn't help himself, the stew was delicious, and he tucked in to eat more. It was as good as Doris'. Harry hadn't tasted anything as good since before she died. Michael smiled and nodded to Harry as they both enjoyed the stew.

“You said your uncle cooked this?” Although still a bit gruff, Harry's voice was a little gentler.

“Yeah, his name is Stacy. He is the smaller of them.” In his mind, Michael was punching the air. Harry was eating and talking. Success!

“From what I saw, it looks like he is with the big fella like they're a couple. Are they queers?” Harry's voice was getting softer, but his bluntness shocked Michael.

“Umm, yeah, it isn't a problem, is it?”

“No, should it be? My son was one, you know, queer. Only he used a different word, happy or something like that, I don't remember.” A tear made a brief appearance before Harry wiped it away.

Michael smiled. “Gay, the word he would use is gay. It means happy too.” Then Michael spoke, taking on a serious tone. “You said ‘was’. Did something happen?”

Harry swallowed, and the tears returned as he remembered the night the police came and knocked on the door. “Yes, something happened. He died. He collapsed at work. He was only twenty-three. The doctors said it was a heart attack. Apparently, he had a rare heart condition, but we never knew. The doctors did what they could. They tried, but they couldn't save him. When the police came to tell us he was in hospital, they took us in their car. At least with the sirens and blue flashing lights, we got there quickly and were with him. He didn't die alone. That means a lot to me.”

Harry wiped his eyes, smiled at Michael, and then continued. “He was a good lad. He would do anything for anyone. He would give you the shirt off his back or even his last shilling. Sorry, you’re too young and won't know about them. His last five pence. You remind me of him a little...you look nothing like him, but you are as stubborn. You would have got on well. His name was Michael too.”

Harry grinned as he thrust out his hand. “Thank you, Michael, for the good food and listening to an old man rambling. Please, call me Harry.”

Shaking Harry’s hand he said, “I can't do that. It seems disrespectful.”

“Then find something else to call me, but not Mr Willets. It makes me feel old. Now who is the other young man that came in with your uncles? He looks like you so he must be related.”

“That's Charlie. He's my older brother and my best friend. The younger lads who came in the afternoon are Jason, he's Max and Stacy's son, and his boyfriend Danny.”

“I know it's a personal question, and you can tell this old man to shut up, but is everyone gay?”

“You are not an old man. You are my friend. No, not everyone is gay, but I'm the only straight one.”

They were laughing when Donna, the nurse, came to take temperatures. The ward orderly followed her, handing out hot drinks, tea, coffee or hot chocolate. After Donna was finished, they both had tea and ate their blueberry muffins as they chatted. Harry insisted on knowing Michael's story, and Michael insisted on knowing Harry's. They shared a lot of laughs and a few tears as they learned about each other.

Later that evening as Harry got tired, Michael returned to his bed promising tomorrow they would share the last two blueberry muffins with mid-morning tea.

Harry fell asleep thinking ‘Michael is a great lad. He makes me feel valued and alive again. It is a shame this is one of those short friendships made during hospital stays.’

Michael lay in his hospital bed, watching as Harry succumbed to sleep. He thought life had been unkind to Harry. He lost his wife and his only child, a son who he loved. He would be a fun and loving father and grandfather given the chance. Michael drifted off to sleep with his thoughts active in his mind.

Michael woke up startled. Still half asleep, he could hear the sound of running feet coming down the ward. In the distance, the faint sound of an alarm. Turning over, he wished it would stop so he could go back to sleep. In his half-awake state, he saw the curtains being pulled around Harry's bed. This was followed by the distant sound of another alarm and more hurried footsteps in the ward.

Michael heard the words. “Get the crash cart. I'll start CPR.”

Michael's eyes flew open, and he immediately sat up. Seeing a doctor run down the ward and go behind the curtains, Michael felt dizzy. Two nurses pushing a heavily laden cart followed the doctor. Watching the frenzied action Michael's heart started to beat harder. He could feel it. He could hear it. What followed did not feel real to Michael. It was like he was watching a TV show.

The team worked frantically, their voices urgent as they tried to revive the patient. The beeping of machines and the sound of CPR filled the air.

“No heartbeat – continue CPR – prepare 5cc's adrenalin – cease CPR – administer adrenalin – continue CPR – stop.”

Then silence that felt like it went on forever. Followed by different voices.

“No heartbeat – continue CPR – prepare de-fib – clear.”

“Clear.” Was chorused.

This was followed by a loud click, then a dull thud.

“We have a heartbeat. It's weak but strengthening.”

After a pause of about a minute that felt like an eternity to Michael, he heard, “We have him back team. Let's get him on oxygen, fifteen micrograms.”

This was followed by the quiet murmuring of different voices, and then, one voice spoke clearly. “Okay, team, we have a strong heartbeat with good rhythm. Keep the oxygen going. I want blood tests for enzymes and blood gases. We can relax now, but I want the patient in ICU ASAP.”

Michael continued to watch as two nurses wheeled out the crash cart and left the ward. Ward Sister Judy opened the curtains, and Michael saw the doctor making notes while Donna tidied Harry's bed.

When Judy noticed Michael watching, she approached him. “Michael, are you okay?”

Michael almost whimpered his reply. “Is... is... he going to be alright?”

“Yes, he is. There is no need to worry about him. You need to concentrate on getting well yourself. The doctor wants to transfer him to the Intensive Care Unit where he will get the care he needs to aid his recovery.” Judy didn't just care for her patients. She cared about them.

“Is it my fault? Did I cause it?” Michael worried.

Surprised by Michael's question, Judy answered. “It's not your fault. These things happen. You didn't cause it at all. You got him to eat some nice food, raised his spirits and showed him that people care. If anything, you gave him the will to live and the strength to fight. I think you have been as instrumental in saving him as the rest of us.”

“Can I speak to him before he's transferred?” He looked at Judy, pleading with his eyes.

“If you keep it brief, I think that would be a good idea for both of you. Let the doctor finish first, then I'll come and get you, okay?”

“Thank you.”

Soon Michael stood at Harry's bedside. “Hey, how are you feeling?”

Harry peered over the top of his oxygen mask. “Exhausted and bloody awful. But I'm going to be alright. That's what counts. Why aren't you in bed sleeping?”

“I was worried about you. I've just made a new friend. I don't want to lose you.” Michael was emotional in his reply.

The hospital porters arrived to move Harry to the ICU.

“Go back to bed and get some rest. I'll be fine, so stop worrying about this old man.”

The porters prepared Harry's bed to move him.

“I'll try, but I'll still worry about you. Good night Gramps. I'll see you tomorrow.” Michael returned to his bed to rest.

Michael's term of endearment did not go unnoticed by Judy. She was happy to see the start of an unlikely but budding friendship.

Harry was misty-eyed and smiling as he was wheeled away.

Michael is getting to know the family that wants to help him and it looks like he is making friends who bring out his mischievous sense of humour. For some who are homeless a sense of humour is all they have. His concern for Charlie is real, they had talked about ways of making money and ruled out resorting to stealing or anything else that would break the law. His concern was that being ill he had pushed his brother into doing something they had agreed Charlie would not do. Charlie did not want to take such drastic actions but did consider it as a last resort. Michael recovering well, which I'm sure we are all pleased to see, but what is he doing by sharing what little he has? I think it speaks volumes for the way he was brought up and shows he has a big and generous heart. Where will his newfound friendship take him?
I hope you are continuing to enjoy What Happened To The Baxter Boys. Please leave a reaction or preferably a comment to let me know what you think, I promise that all comments will be read, acknowledged and replied to.
The next Chapter will be posted on Friday.
Thank you to @raven1 for all of your hard work editing and beta reading, helping and supporting me in the writing of this story.
Copyright © 2023 Mancunian; All Rights Reserved.
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I hope that all readers will enjoy this story and will leave reactions and comments to let me know what they think of the story along with any other comments they wish to make.
This story would not have been possible without the invaluable help and support of @raven1 who has worked hard as the editor and beta reader and deserves a lot of the credit for the end result. 
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Story Discussion Topic

Welcome to The Boot World discussion forum. This includes all of the stories from The Boot Series and the Lost Soul Series. The Boot was the first story posted in this collection of stories, it was originally intended as a one-off story. Like many one-off stories, it grew and The Boot Three Years On was written as a follow-up. Some readers asked about the back story of some of the characters, which led to the Lost Soul Series. Together they form The Boot World. Both Series have grown and in
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Chapter Comments

4 hours ago, Gary L said:

I agree with other comments here, and in your other stories about the authenticity of language and scenes.  I felt as if I were in the MRI (the hospital not a scan machine!) with all its great points and systemic weaknesses.  Reading this story at Christmas on a visit to Birmingham has got me thinking a lot.  Thank you and may your stories reach more people in 2024. 
un abrazo 🤗

Thank you for joining us in reading about The Baxter Boys journey. As you point out there are a lot of good points and weaknesses in the NHS, it felt right to include both in the story. I hope you enjoy your visit to Birmingham, I haven't been there for a few years and high time I paid a visit.

Thank you for commenting, I hope you stick with us for the rest of the journey. :hug:

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I'm another one who came away needing a tissue or three...

I don't remember who said what to get my attention but I started reading and I am hooked.

What got to me in this chapter was an older friend who lost his wife. I knew the look in his eyes. He died six months to the day that Doris died.

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Thank you for commenting @Al Norris and thank you for sharing. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your friend, I hope you have some good and happy memories to cherish of your friendship. :hug:

I hope you will continue to read and enjoy the story, and please feel free to comment at any time, I enjoy reading what my readers think. :hug:

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