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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Tales of the Underground: Velocity - 21. Chapter 21

Under Ground Aliases
The Reaper- Jamie Free
Gears- Jacob Palmer
Gizmo- Matty Sanders
*The boys use these to guarantee no one outside the underground finds their real identities*

Throughout my life I’ve heard a lot of people tell me time heals all wounds. Once more I call bullshit, time doesn’t fix anything, love does.

Eli laid his head on top of mine and began to wipe away my tears. “We’ll figure this out okay? But first you have to tell me everything, no more secrets.”

“No more secrets” I repeated sniffling. We both sat across from each other on the bed and I began to explain everything. Where do I even begin? I tried to explain to him how I fell into the underground, how I waltzed up and bet my car on that first race, how I started dominating the league and got my promotion, I told him about causing the first racer to crash, and about freaking out on my last opponent, I tried to explain to him what the roll cage actually was and how I have a fake license. He nodded along to everything I was saying, he was overwhelmed but tried his best to take it in stride. “That’s not all.” I said starting to grow nervous.

Eli reached across and started to hold my hands “its okay, you can tell me.”

“I did a bad thing” I could feel tears returning to my eyes “I did a really bad thing Eli.”

“It’s alright baby, you can talk to me” He said trying to stay calm but I could tell he was getting nervous

“I ran a guy off a bridge and he crashed” tears once again started to flow down my cheeks “he didn’t Eli” I started to get choked up “he didn’t make it” I saw shock fill his eyes “I killed him Eli”

“No, no you didn’t” Eli said trying to calm himself down

I began to nod “I think he was gonna do it to me” Elis eyes began to water “I acted before he even had the chance.”

Eli jumped across the bed and threw his hands around me “That could’ve been you” he squeaked out “You could’ve died Jamie.”

I held him tight “I know” I wiped away my tears “I’ve been trying to act so tough about it like it doesn’t bother me, but I can’t get his face out of my head.”

“You did what you had to Jamie.” Eli pulled away and placed his forehead against mine “It was him or you.” I was shocked to hear those words come out of his mouth, I don’t know if he was being genuine or just trying to justify it. “no more racing.”

“I can’t stop. My family needs the money. Even if I wanted to I can’t just stop”

“There’s gotta be another way to make money.” He said pleading with me

“No Eli, there’s not. Racing pays more money than even my dad makes. Last week alone I made close to $7,500. If I don’t keep it up I don’t think we’ll make it.”

I could see sorrow begin to grow in his eyes “Then I’m coming with you guys from now on”

“No, no, no, you can’t, this isn’t a game. “ I insisted “What if you get hurt? I wouldn’t be able to live myself.”

“What if I get hurt?!” Eli began to shout “What if you get killed Jamie! I’m just supposed to sit awake every night and wait for the day Jacob or Matty call me to tell me you died in a crash?!” Eli began to freak out “I can’t just sit here and wait for that to happen Jamie! I can’t!”

I pulled him fully into my arms and tried to get him to calm down “if you come then you have to keep your face hidden, and no one there can ever find out we’re dating.” I began to breathe a little heavier at what could happen if someone found out “They’ll hurt you to get to me. I –“

“I don’t care” Eli interrupted “You even said it yourself. I’m the only person who can keep you under control. You need me” I hated how right he was.

“I’m gonna kill Jacob” I sighed

“He’s just looking out for you. He did the right thing telling me.” Eli said “I’m your boyfriend, you can tell me anything that’s bothering you, you know that right?”

I nodded “In that case, can we talk about the way you looked at the varsity captain today?” I joked trying to lighten the mood

“What? I didn’t look at him in any special way.” He said slightly embarrassed “And you’re one to talk, what were you even gonna do to that football player? He’s like 10 of you.” Eli said laughing, after all the yelling, fighting and crying it was good to hear some laughter.

“No idea.” I said lying back on the bed, pulling him down with me “but I’d gladly get my ass kicked if it meant protecting you.” He laid his head on my chest

He laughed a bit then tried to make a serious face “It’s hard to stay mad at you when you’re being so cute.”

“I’ll have to remember that” I said with a smile

We spent the rest of the day laying in his bed and talking. I explained to him who Jax was and about how Jacob swapped out my car engine. I told him about all the different sights and sounds, the way the crowd roars when they see me. The way it feels to be going fast and weaving in and out of cars.

“So what do I get to do?” he eagerly asked.

“What?” I was taken back by his excitement

“What’s my role on the team? Jacob gets to fix everything and Matty gets to do all the business, so what do I get to do?”

“You get to stand there and look pretty” I joked still not okay with the idea of him tagging along.

“Come on seriously, I want to help.”

He was never gonna let this go “ Well like you said Matty does the business, Jacob fixes the car but you get to fix me. “ He gave me a curious look “You were right when you said you’re the only one who can stop me from losing my temper, so that’s your job. If you notice me start to get on edge or angry, stop me.”

“Alright, I accept it.”

I gave him another weird look “You’re so strange.”

He began to laugh “we’ll too bad because you’re stuck with me.”

I gave him a kiss “I wouldn’t have it any other way. You know if you’re gonna be home alone all night I can sleep over.” I asked nervously

“Jamie Free!” he screamed “Are you really trying to push your luck after everything that happened today?”

My face got a little red “I didn’t mean like that, I meant like literally sleep. Besides I don’t want you all alone in this house.”

He let out a deep sigh “Alright fine, but literally sleep tonight. I’m still mad at you.” He tried his best to be stern with me..

“Sweet, I just have to run home and get a change of clothes then.” I got up off the bed and headed for the door.
“Make sure to take that damn helmet with you. I can’t stand to see it ever again.”

I began to laugh “If you’re gonna be coming to the races you’re gonna have to” I teased running out the door before he could yell at me.

I hurried to my car and raced back to my house. A night alone with Eli is exactly what I need, it may not get frisky but for now we need calm. I ran upstairs got my stuff and headed downstairs right as my dad was walking in the door.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he barked

“Eli’s, his parents are out of town so I’m gonna spend the night so he doesn’t have to be alone.”

“Hold on” I could tell he wasn’t in a good mood “You know I got a call from your school today, last time I checked you’re suspended. Do you really think you should be going to hang out with friends?”

“Yeah but did they tell you the full story?” I asked trying to stay as calm as possible

“I heard enough of it. You cursed out a lunch moderator? What’s the matter with you lately?” he started to raise his voice.

“Some douchebag was picking on Eli, so I stood up for him and the moderator wanted to punish me for it.” I stated pleading my case for the 3rd time today.

“That’s no excuse for cursing someone out.” My dad argued back

“What was I supposed to do, just roll over? You raised me to stand up to stupid shit like that.”

“I’m not saying that, I’m saying that you have to treat the teachers there with respect. You have a bad attitude lately Jamie, and I don’t like it” He was only starting to get more angry

“If I have a bad attitude it’s because I’m stressed. Look you work hard and I get that, but so do I. Do you have any idea what it’s like in the underground, the amount of shit I have to put up with on a day to day basis?”

“Then maybe it’s time for the underground to stop.” He said starting to see more of my side of things.

“We’ve had this conversation before, until we can think of another way to bring in money, we’re fucked.” I sighed

He nodded recognizing I was making sense “Just please start behaving yourself. I can’t afford to have you getting kicked out of school because you can’t control your temper.”

I nodded “I’m working on it”

He gave me a pat on the back “And watch your mouth, you sound like a sailor.”

“Sure fucking thing Dad” I said rushing out the door before he could yell at me, although I swear I heard him laugh.

I raced back to Elis and started pounding on the door.

He ran up and pulled it open “What are you crazy? You’re gonna piss off the neighbors.” I walked in and gave him a huge hug from behind “Jamie, I’m serious, just sleeping tonight.”

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and let him go “I know, but that doesn’t mean I don’t get to hug you.” He rolled his eyes and walked over to the couch.

I dropped my bag and joined him. We snuggled up and he put on a hockey game.

“Are you actually mad at Jacob?”

“I’m not happy with him, but I don’t think I’m mad. I just wish he would’ve told you when I was around.” Eli nodded “Plus it doesn’t help his case that he’s probably the reason there will only be sleeping tonight.” I joked

Eli jabbed me with his elbow “You’re not always as funny as you think, you know that? And you’re definitely not helping your case for future plans.”

“Oh so there are plans for the future?” I asked leaning my head against the back of his “You’ll crack eventually”

“We’ll see about that” he said shifting a bit “Do you think you could teach me to drive one day soon?”

“Yeah sure, your dads really that strict about it?”

“Yup, especially with that kid in the red car tearing up the roads”

“We should probably watch out for him, I hear he’s a real asshole” I joked

Eli laughed a little “Oh trust me, he is, he’s also a pretty shitty boyfriend at times” his words hit hard, but rang true. I’ve been a terrible boyfriend. “Speaking of driving can you give me a ride to school?” Eli blurted out trying to fill the empty silence that filled the room.

“Sure thing”

“And then maybe to hockey practice?” He squeaked out

“I guess my day off from school isn’t gonna be so relaxing.” I joked

“It’s not a day off, you got suspended you dope”

“Same difference”

I looked over at the picture of me and Eli on the mantle. It’s funny how much you can learn in a day. Racing, being the best, winning, all of that never made my Mom proud, Eli and I being together did and I never plan on letting him go.

2016 Ace
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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