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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Button - 13. Thirteen Mile Camp

As promised, Button's very first real kiss, and S'mores and a scavenger hunt!

Thirteen Mile Camp

“Let’s go over the rules again, k?” Button’s camp counselor Paul said with a sour look on his face. “Under no circumstances are you supposed to go into the water or the woods by yourself. We use the buddy system here and it’s for safety’s sake. Got it?”

All the kids shuffled around looking down. It was Wednesday and they were in trouble. Last night a girl had gone missing and she was found lost on the other side of the lake. She was really upset and now they were all getting a talking to.

“Her parents picked her up this afternoon,” Josie whispered to Button. “They were really pissed off.”

“She shouldn’t have gone out by herself,” Andy said slowly. “It’s her own fault.”

“Shhh!” Button whispered back. “You’re gonna get us in trouble and I’m going canoeing.”

“Am I interrupting someone?” Paul asked arching his brow. Paul was a lot of fun but he was dead serious right now.

“Sorry,” Button said flashing an apologetic look.

“Great. Just remember we have these rules to keep you safe,” Lora, Josie’s counselor added.

Button thought it was pretty cool he got to go to camp. Petey’s parents came up with the idea. Natalie had been hesitant but Josie’s moms were all for it. Because of that, Pop and Dad agreed that Button could go with the gang this year.

Thirteen Mile Camp was a blast.

When they’d arrived, Button couldn’t believe how beautiful it was. There were trees everywhere and in the middle was a lake with cool, still water that was perfect for swimming on a hot summer’s day. The camp had eight log cabins. One was a long building that housed the kitchen and dining hall. There was a room with art supplies and a game room. That was for when it was raining. Six of the cabins housed twelve kids each. Andy, Petey, and Button were in the Chaska cabin with nine other boys. Josie was in the Winona cabin with a couple of her girlfriends. Cabins would compete for little things like treats or just bragging rights.

When they arrived, the counselors all talked with their parents and they were assigned colors as well. Button and Petey were ‘greens’ but Andy got stuck as a ‘yellow.’ Button felt bad for his best friend but his mom had been adamant. Andy would not get to canoe or play water volleyball. Andy had to ride in the boat and stay in the shallow part of the lake. He wasn’t allowed to swim out to the raft that floated in the middle of the lake.

‘Greens’ got to do far more rigorous things. “Fun things” as Petey and Button called them. So, even though Andy was in the same cabin as them, he wasn’t part of their daily activities. That sucked but the two boys made sure he was included in their more sedentary activities.

The first day Button and Petey had been shown how to row the boat. They included Andy who rode with them. At first the counselors didn’t want them to do things outside the organized activities but the boys assured them Andy wouldn’t do anything too hard on him. Andy was included when they could but it wasn’t very often.

That first night had been hard on Andy. Petey and Button were too excited to sleep after the bonfire. They’d roasted marshmallows and the counselors told ghost stories. Both boys were bouncing around on their beds until Paul told them to get under the covers. The two boys continued whispering back and forth until they heard Andy’s crying.

Button crawled into the bunk with him and Andy stopped crying. It was all he could do to comfort him. Andy was like his brother and seeing him in distress just melted his heart.

The next night had been worse until Button and Petey warned Andy the counselors would send him home if he didn’t buck up. Button had to admit Tuesday night he’d been pretty homesick too but he had so much fun during the day he shrugged it off. Petey didn’t seem to mind being away and Josie laughed at Andy’s ‘mama boy’ ways.

The only thing that was really annoying about the camp was that Kevin Dooley and Brent Jacobs were there. Those two were in the Mille Lacs cabin and during the week it had become their arch rival. Kevin and Brent were even nastier than they were last year in sixth grade. Kevin taunted him and Brent would pipe up with some kind of putdown.

Button ignored them, though it wasn’t easy. The two of them were very persistent.

“So to practice the buddy system, we’re doing something different for the rest of the afternoon,” Lora said. “We’re going to have a scavenger hunt. Throughout the woods on the south side of the camp there are clues. Figure out how to find the blue Frisbee using these clues. The first group to work through the clues and finds it gets S’mores tonight at the bonfire.”

Button grinned at Petey and they high fived. This would be a piece of cake.

“However, there is a twist,” Paul said smiling at some inside joke. “We’ve been pairing up voluntarily within cabins so far. This afternoon we’re getting together with the Mille Lacs and Vermillion cabins and pairing you up. It’s going to be groups of three, two greens and a yellow working together.”

The whole group groaned loudly. Nobody wanted to work with their competing cabin members. This wasn’t fair at all.

“Come over to the bonfire site and we’ll draw names to put you into your groups,” Lora called out. “Hurry up so you can win the S’mores!”

The group rushed over to the logs positioned around the fire pit. After getting settled down, the other two cabins came and joined them. The four groups were neatly segregated in huddled masses. Mixing up the groups wasn’t popular with those cabins either.

“Please, just not Kevin Dooley,” Button whispered to Josie. She just laughed at him.

“The next Chaska candidate is Craig Corrigan and he’ll be paired with…” Paul said reaching in the hat. “It’ll be Brent Jacobs. And who is their other team member Lora?”

“Andy Johnson will be working with them,” she said looking at her list.

“Oh shit!” Button swore softly. “That’s just as bad.”

“Come on. It won’t be that bad. At least you get to buddy up with Andy too!” Petey said.

Button sighed and nodded. Petey always looked on the bright side of things. It could’ve been worse.

They finished picking the teams and Josie ended up with Kevin and a kid named Charlie who had something wrong with his legs. Petey was with a girl named Claire and a yellow by the name of Chad. They all got into their teams and introduced themselves to each other.

Brent gave Andy and Button a pained smile as he approached. Andy looked at him askew but Button greeted him warmly.

“This should be fun. Let’s just work together on this,” he said to a scowling Brent. It was obvious he thought Button and Andy would be mean to him so the gesture made him smile.

“Yeah. I love scavenger hunts. We do this all the time on holidays in my family,” Brent said warming to Button. Andy still looked suspicious but he tried to smile.

“Okay. Here’s your first clue,” Paul said handing out the slips of paper. “You’ll need to work together to find the Frisbee.”

“What does it say?” Brent said grabbing at the paper.

“The wife of Hiawatha gives water to the land,” Andy read.

“Huh?” Brent said. “Who is that?”

Button thought for a second and remembered something from the fire pit. “Minnehaha is the wife of Hiawatha. One the counselors told us a story about them the first night,” Button whispered to his cohorts. “One of the girl’s cabins is Minnehaha. I bet it’s there.”

The three of them ran over to the Minnehaha cabin and looked around it. They couldn’t figure out what it could be until Andy gestured the other two over. He was pointing at the outside water spigot on the east side of the cabin. Sure enough, there were envelopes there.

“Grab it,” Button said. “What does it say?”

“Good job Craig! I totally forgot about that story,” Brent grinned.

“Andy found the clue though,” Button said. Brent high fived Andy who looked completely surprised by the move but looked thrilled.

“Andy gets to read this clue,” Brent said. “Go ahead.”

Andy eagerly opened the envelope. “Burnt or brown, the white treat is always better there.”

The three boys looked at one another and grinned. It had to be the fire pit and they raced to look for the next clue. Right behind them were Josie, Kevin and Charlie. Turned out Charlie was a great puzzle solver too.

For the rest of the afternoon, those two teams battled for the top spot. The clue in the fire pit was figured out by Kevin first and they chased off to find the next clue at the treehouse. Button and his little team were hot on their tail though. At one point, Josie misread a clue and they got off track. Button, Brent and Andy were then in the lead.

There was one final clue at the bird feeder and the other team had caught up with the three boys. Josie was laughing with Kevin and running to get the last hint. Whoever solved the final riddle would be the winner of a night of chocolate, graham crackers and toasty marshmallows. Everybody wanted to win.

“Brent, read it quickly. Josie and Kevin are headed this way,” Andy said.

“Okay it says ‘the place of a warrior wrongly hanged,” Brent said. “What does that mean?”

Andy shook his head. Kevin and Josie were now ripping into their envelope and Charlie was almost there. His twisted legs were moving as fast as he could force them.

“I know,” Button said. “I sure am glad I listened to those stories. Follow me.”

Andy and Brent chased after him as Kevin and Josie read the clue to Charlie who was out of breath.


Button walked up to their cabin. He looked at the sign hanging beside the door. That had to be it. He pulled up the wooden plaque on a chain and sure enough, there it was the blue Frisbee.

“It was hanging on our cabin the entire time,” Button said holding it out. Brent and Andy whooped and both jumped on him laughing and cheering him on.

“What story was that?” Andy asked.

“Last night Lora was telling the story about the Native American warrior who saved a woman and her children during the Dakota Uprising. The man killed was called Chaska and he was hanged even though Lincoln hadn’t signed the order for his death. I remembered cuz it seemed so unfair. He did a good deed and ended up dead because of it,” Button said.

“I’ll listen to the stories from now on,” Brent said laughing. “I just can’t sit with Kevin. He chatters the whole time.”

“You got it,” Josie said. “Congratulations.”

“You guys barely beat us,” Kevin said but he was grinning from ear to ear. “No S’Mores for us I guess.”

Button just laughed and they all headed over to where the counselors were clapping and cheering them.

After dinner that night, the campers assembled at the fire pit. The fire was blazing brightly as Paul pushed a cart with boxes of graham crackers, packages of chocolate bars, and bags of marshmallows on it. There were tons of them.

“Okay guys. Craig, Brent, and Andy are the proud owners of all the treats they can eat,” Lora announced. “Good teamwork.”

Andy started walking toward the cart his eyes shining brightly. That boy loved sweets. Brent looked at Button. “Aren’t you coming?”

“Wait a second guys. Come ‘ere,” Button called to them. The three of them whispered together as the counselors and the other campers watched. Button noticed Paul was looking at him curiously.

“Is there enough for everyone?” Button asked after their discussion.

“I’m guessing there is,” Paul said smiling broadly. “Do you want to share?”

Button swallowed and looked to his team. Andy shrugged but Brent said, “It’s up to you. You led us to victory so it’s your call.”

“We want to share,” Button announced and a cheer surrounded him. Paul and Lora were grinning and walking toward him.

“You did the right thing Craig,” Paul said hugging him. “Most kids end up giving the top competitors some but you’re sharing with everyone. That’s pretty cool.”

“I’m proud of you,” Lora said and she hugged him as well.

Button felt pretty good about the decision. The other campers all flooded the three of them with thanks.


The next morning at breakfast, the campers were enjoying pancakes and sausages when Dean, the head counselor, clapped his hands to get their attention.

“Good morning everyone! It seems the scavenger hunt was a big success yesterday. I’m glad you enjoyed it. We’ve got something special lined up for tonight. You’ll have free time for most of the day and then this evening we’re having a dance.”

Button noticed the reactions among the campers were decidedly mixed. Some of the girls were giggling and whispering to each other frantically. Josie was blushing. Petey looked excited. At the next table, Kevin Dooley was scowling while Brent looked pleased.

Andy elbowed Button and said softly, “I don’t wanna go to a stupid dance.”

“It’ll be fun,” Petey said. “You’ll see.” His cheeks were flushed.

“Let’s not worry about it and have a great day,” Button said finally. “I wanna swim out to the raft. Who’s with me?”

A chorus of voices agreed and a flood of kids raced out of the dining hall toward the lake. Button pulled off his shirt and was about to jump into the water when he looked back. Andy was nowhere to be seen. Instead of turning around and going to get him, Button shrugged and jumped into the water. Petey tried to dunk him but he wrestled out of his grasp.

After swimming out to the raft, Button looked around at the kids who’d joined them. It was a pretty big group. Lots of campers had followed him. That seemed weird to him. He’d never had people listen to him before. Sure, Josie and Andy always wanted to do things with him but this was the first time other kids looked to him as a leader.

It felt good.

“Should we swim back?” Petey asked him.

“If you want. I wanna just sit in the sun for a few minutes,” Button answered.

“That sounds good. The water’s pretty chilly,” Petey agreed. He laid back and Button noticed his friend had some hairs growing in his armpits. There wasn’t much there but it was obvious his red haired friend was hitting what teachers called “puberty.”

Button looked at the girls too. Josie’s chest had really developed. It was something he hadn’t really noticed. It made him uncomfortable. Josie was his friend and now he was checking her out.

Some of the girls were pretty flat chested but most had boobs now. Brent was as small as ever, though his face had some peach fuzz on it. Kevin had grown, quite a bit in fact. Button hadn’t really seen that before either. Sometimes when Kevin talked his voice would crack.

Button wondered when all the changes he’d heard about in health class would happen to him. So far he felt the same but that wouldn’t always be the case. It was kinda scary to think about. It wasn’t just the physical changes that would be weird. How would he feel about girls? Or boys? Was he like his Dad and Pop?

“Let’s go,” Button shouted to Petey. “I wanna go canoeing.”

“Me too!” Brent shouted as he jumped into the water.

“Wait for me!” Kevin called out and soon the whole group was swimming for shore.


“Would you like to dance?” Josie asked Button softly.

Button looked at her with his head cocked. “Really?” he asked.

“Yeah. It’ll be fun,” she said blushing.

“Okay. But only a fast one. No slow dancing,” he laughed. “I don’t want you groping me.”

Josie giggled and took his hand. “I’ll try to restrain myself.”

The night started pretty slow. A DJ was playing music. Snacks and punch were on a table to the side. The dance floor was the basketball court with paper lanterns hanging off wires stretched between the two hoops. Absolutely no one was on the dance floor. They were all lined up gawking at each other.

“Time to shake your groove thang!” Paul shouted grabbing Lora’s hand. “Let’s boogie.”

The counselors had coupled off and started dancing. Soon some of the girls joined them dancing in small groups giggling relentlessly. All the boys just watched and whispered comments to each other.

Now Josie was proposing they go together as the first boy/girl camper couple. He wasn’t sure what to think about his friend bouncing to the music. Josie had quite a bit more “bounce” to her.

“I guess,” Button said allowing her to drag him out.

“There’s our first couple,” Paul greeted them. “You are the brave ones.”

Lora winked at them. Button wanted to crawl into a hole and die.

“Come on Craig. Just move to the music. You love this song,” Josie said as she swayed to the beat.

Boy she was moving all over the place.

After the song ended, Josie dragged a protesting Andy onto the dance floor. Petey was laughing at them and Button joined his friend.

“I thought you danced like a white boy but then I see Andy and he’s even worse,” Petey howled.

“Shut up!” Button joked. “I don’t see you out there busting a move.”

“I’ve got my eye on a certain girl,” Petey said nodding towards a cute little blonde girl across the way. She was watching them. Button wondered why.

“That’s Amelia. I think she’s really hot.”

“Petey! You don’t know what hot is any more than I do,” Button poked his friend in the stomach. “Like you’re a player.”

“I’ve got game,” his red haired friend said. “I’m gonna ask her to dance.”

“Go for it,” Button said.

More campers were dancing now. He saw Kevin was with a tall, dark haired girl with a beaming smile. He was a pretty good dancer, unlike poor Petey who looked like he was stomping out a fire.

Josie and Andy had returned to his side. “See. That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

“Naw. I’m just not used to it,” Andy said blushing. He was looking at someone else though. Button tried to figure out who he was looking at. There was a group of kids but no girl they knew.

“Wanna have another go?” Josie asked Button. “Come on Craig. I don’t wanna just stand here.”

Button joined Josie. This time he tried to mirror her dance moves. It was awkward but fun. Soon he was bouncing to the beat and a couple of girls joined them.

“Most of the boys won’t come out,” a sandy blonde haired girl with pimples on her cheeks said moving closer. “You’re a good sport Craig.”

Button smiled. Most of the campers seemed to know his name. He supposed that was because of the S’more incident.

“What’s your name?” he asked in her ear.

“I’m Chelsea. This is Ruby,” she said back and pointed to her friend with long straight black hair. “Ruby thinks you’re cute.”

“Shut up Chels,” Ruby shouted slapping her friend. “I didn’t say that.”

She was blushing though. Button was surprised. Some girl thought he was cute? It was flattering but he wasn’t sure how he felt about it. Ruby was really cute too. Her eyes were big and her cheeks were pink.

Button looked at Josie who was watching his reaction. “You can dance with her if you want. I don’t mind,” she said to him.

Button started dancing with just Ruby and he liked it. He really liked it.


The DJ started playing a slow dance and Button decided he’d escape for a few minutes. Ruby was fun to dance with but he didn’t want to dance that closely to her. He slipped away from the dance and headed for the lake.

The moon was out and almost full. It was shining off the surface of the lake which was calm and still. The sounds of the dance seemed almost surreal at the lake. They seemed far away like another world.

Button wished they could night swim. He loved swimming and it would feel good to cool off in the water. As he approached the edge, he saw someone was sitting on the other side of the boats. He made his way over there. The figure looked sad, arms around legs with head hanging down.

“You okay?” Button asked sitting down.

“I’m fine.” It was Kevin Dooley.

Button started getting up but the boy put his hand on his shoulder. “Please stay,” Kevin said. It was obvious he’d been crying.

Button sat back down cross legged. He sighed. “Isn’t the lake beautiful with the moon shining on it?”

“I didn’t notice,” Kevin said. “It is.”

“Aren’t you having fun at the dance?” Button asked. He was actually curious. Kevin crying was very odd. He’d been out dancing with several girls. They all seemed to like him. Why was he crying?

“I’m fine. I just wanted to sit and think,” Kevin said.

“I had fun with a girl. Ruby is her name,” Button giggled. “I just didn’t want to close dance with her.”

“Why not?” Kevin asked. His eyes were shaded but his tone was serious.

“I don’t know. It’s embarrassing,” Button said finally. He didn’t know why.

“I wanted to ask someone to dance but I didn’t have the guts,” Kevin said.

Button thought that was really strange. Kevin had been pretty popular with the other campers.

“Who?” Button asked. “Maybe I could help. I could ask her if she’s interested.”

Kevin laughed. “You’d do that wouldn’t you? You’re always so nice. Everybody loves Craig.” Now he was sounding so bitter, more like the Kevin Dooley he’d always known.

“I just like to help. Sorry I offered,” Button said starting to get up.

“No don’t,” Kevin said grabbing his arm. “Please don’t go.”

“I’m not going to sit here and…”

At first Button thought Kevin was going to hit him. He was looking so intently at him. Kevin’s face got closer and closer. He opened his mouth like he was going to say something. Then instead, Kevin Dooley kissed him.

Button didn’t know how to react. Kevin’s soft lips were pressed against his. His tongue was poking at him, trying to get in. Button’s eyes flew open and he pulled back. “What are you doing?” he squeaked.

“Oh God. Oh no,” Kevin shrieked. “I’m so sor…I gotta go.” He jumped up and ran toward the cabins.

Button sat there in shock. Kevin Dooley liked him. Not just friendly like. Kevin Dooley thought he was cute and kissed him.

When he got back to the dance, walking in a daze, he noticed Brent was looking at him funny. He just smiled and nodded to him. Button grabbed Ruby and slow danced with her. She even kissed him on the cheek.


The next morning at breakfast, Button noticed everyone was looking at him strangely. But, it was their last morning at Thirteen Mile Camp so maybe it was just weird to say goodbye. Andy was really quiet as he ate his cereal. Josie wouldn’t look at him. Petey was laughing and joking though.

What was going on?

Button ate his eggs when he felt someone standing behind him. He looked. It was Brent. His face was red. He was pissed. It looked like he was about to hit him.

“I can’t believe you kissed Kevin. How could you do that?” he hissed.

“What are you talking about? I didn’t kiss him. He kissed me,” Button said loudly.

“What?” Petey laughed. “Kevin kissed you?”

“Yes. He was sitting by the lake crying. I was just talking to him and he kissed me.”

“Oh!” Brent said. His face relaxed but another look crossed his face. He now looked sad. “Oh!” he said again as he turned and walked away.

“Holy crap!” Petey said. “I thought he hated you.”

“I did too,” Button said shrugging his shoulders. Josie was looking at him now. Andy was smiling. “What?”

“Nothing,” Josie said with a grin. “So that’s why he’s so obsessed with you.”

“I don’t know. Can we talk about something else?” Button asked.

“He doesn’t know, does he?” Andy smirked as he nudged Josie.

Josie giggled. “I’m sure he doesn’t. Craig is clueless.”

“What now?” Button demanded.

“You’re one of the cutest boys in school,” Josie said. “All the girls talk about you. So, it seems some of the boys do too.”

“Stop it,” Button said blushing. “I’m not that cute.”

“Yeah Craig, you are.” Andy grinned and teased him. “When Kevin told everyone you kissed him, we were hurt you wouldn’t tell us about being gay. We thought you didn’t trust us.”

“Not me,” Petey said. “I know he’s straight. He’s a hockey player.”

“My dad was a hockey player,” Button said quietly and resumed eating.

Petey, Josie, and Andy looked at one another. There was a question in each of their minds.

Was he or wasn’t he?

After his Dad, Pop and Sarah picked him up that afternoon, they drove home peppering him with questions. What was camp like? Did he make any new friends? What was his favorite thing to do?

Button answered each question honestly. He was glad they didn’t ask about girls. He was even more pleased they didn’t ask about boys. Button didn’t know how he felt about that. He had to admit, Kevin’s lips had felt pretty good against his.

At fourteen, the body is developing but the challenges of the mind developing are even more difficult to tackle.
Copyright © 2014 Cole Matthews; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

What a bombshell. I'm sad that Kevin is insecure enough to spread lies about Button after he pursued him. It's interesting that he's at that age where he's figuring out where he lies in the sexuality spectrum. (I'm now rooting for a developing 15-16 year old relationship between the two)


Camp seemed like it was really good for Button. He realized that he's well liked and that he can be a leader if he wants to be. Great chapter and I can't wait until next week.

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Another Awesome chapter, I so love how this keeps turing and twisting, Trying to figure out what will happen next is almost impossible


thanks for taking the time to write


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One of my favorite things about Button is how he tackles problems. He takes his time, thinks them through and comes up with workable solutions. I've been wondering where Button would end up on the sexuality curve and it looks like it's starting.


It's also interesting to see all his friends and others grow. Andy needs more freedom or he's going to end up rebelling or depressed. Kevin and Brent are starting to mature and I can see a time in the future when Button and Kevin could be friends, or more.

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Puberty is slapping them all in the face. haha. So Kevin kissed Craig. How cute. Wonder if Button is going to be like his Dad's? Great chapter.

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On 05/26/2014 06:08 AM, LadyDe said:
Puberty is slapping them all in the face. haha. So Kevin kissed Craig. How cute. Wonder if Button is going to be like his Dad's? Great chapter.
Puberty is just starting to kick in. There will be a lot more angst, heartache, and fun coming up in the next couple of chapters. Thanks for the review LadyDe!
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On 05/26/2014 03:30 AM, Irritable1 said:
Andy + Kevin!! It would be so good for their moms!
That would be interesting now wouldn't it? Your instincts are pretty good but you'll have to wait and see!!!! Thanks for the review!!! :)
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On 05/26/2014 01:44 AM, avidreadr said:
One of my favorite things about Button is how he tackles problems. He takes his time, thinks them through and comes up with workable solutions. I've been wondering where Button would end up on the sexuality curve and it looks like it's starting.


It's also interesting to see all his friends and others grow. Andy needs more freedom or he's going to end up rebelling or depressed. Kevin and Brent are starting to mature and I can see a time in the future when Button and Kevin could be friends, or more.

Thanks Avid! They are growing up and with it are growing pains. There are budding friendships in the works that will hopefully surprise and delight. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it.
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On 05/26/2014 01:29 AM, fiedlerbob101 said:
Another Awesome chapter, I so love how this keeps turing and twisting, Trying to figure out what will happen next is almost impossible


thanks for taking the time to write


Thanks Bob!! I'm trying to make the relationships as realistic as possible. I remember the churning popularity and friend trades that happened right around middle school. It's a topsy turvy time for kids. :)
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On 05/26/2014 12:34 AM, Rebelghost85 said:
What a bombshell. I'm sad that Kevin is insecure enough to spread lies about Button after he pursued him. It's interesting that he's at that age where he's figuring out where he lies in the sexuality spectrum. (I'm now rooting for a developing 15-16 year old relationship between the two)


Camp seemed like it was really good for Button. He realized that he's well liked and that he can be a leader if he wants to be. Great chapter and I can't wait until next week.

Kevin and Button are both early bloomers. That makes them start to think about their feelings more. Camp was a new experience for Button. He is gaining confidence and growing up. Thanks so much for the review Rebel. I'm glad you're enjoying it.
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On 05/30/2014 01:22 PM, Suvitar said:
Kevin Dooley kissed Button - that was unexpected :P

Another wonderful chapter :)

Thanks Suvitar! *scratching whiskers* I don't think that's the last of Kevin. ;) I appreciate your review. It's getting much hotter now. :) Glad you're liking it.
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I just love the way you do this. It is so life-giving and positive and affirming and beautiful. Yes, we do see the aches of growing up, but somehow, Cole, you put salve on them and make them deliciously delightful (Sorry, that was such an ugly alliteration!) and manageable and even turn them into a positive thing. I thought after Kevin accused him of kissing him to Brent there was going to be another ugly confrontation, but Button seemed to handle it so naturally and honestly that it just blew over. And the question of his sexuality is delightfully still unstated and a matter for exploration. Wish my teens had been so beautiful. I remember them with agony and pain, even these many years later. I wonder how much ones teen experiences actually shape one for adulthood. I think a lot, and Buttons are good and he is doing a great job as are all those around him.

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On 07/18/2014 07:47 PM, Jaro_423 said:
I just love the way you do this. It is so life-giving and positive and affirming and beautiful. Yes, we do see the aches of growing up, but somehow, Cole, you put salve on them and make them deliciously delightful (Sorry, that was such an ugly alliteration!) and manageable and even turn them into a positive thing. I thought after Kevin accused him of kissing him to Brent there was going to be another ugly confrontation, but Button seemed to handle it so naturally and honestly that it just blew over. And the question of his sexuality is delightfully still unstated and a matter for exploration. Wish my teens had been so beautiful. I remember them with agony and pain, even these many years later. I wonder how much ones teen experiences actually shape one for adulthood. I think a lot, and Buttons are good and he is doing a great job as are all those around him.
Thanks Jaro! There is still plenty of teenage issues to explore. That has only just begun. It's gonna get harder. Thanks for the kind words!
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Another amazing chapter. I am trying to read slowly but it is impossible. The time of sexual awakening is a relentlessly confusing one and your depiction of it beginning is so authentic, it brings those feelings back to me like it was yesterday. You're good, Cole. The self confidence that Button is acquiring is going to be essential over the next couple of years as he navigates through puberty and beyond. Our boy has come a long way with a long way still to go....

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On 09/28/2014 09:29 AM, Headstall said:
Another amazing chapter. I am trying to read slowly but it is impossible. The time of sexual awakening is a relentlessly confusing one and your depiction of it beginning is so authentic, it brings those feelings back to me like it was yesterday. You're good, Cole. The self confidence that Button is acquiring is going to be essential over the next couple of years as he navigates through puberty and beyond. Our boy has come a long way with a long way still to go....
Thanks for the kind words Gary. Button is starting on his journey to manhood along with his friends. The teenage years aren't really describable without the friends and peer group. There will be much of the kids and less of the adults. I'm glad you're loving it!
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Nice tease, I thought Ruby was going to be his first kiss but it was Kevin.  Leave it to his conflicted, bullying ass to spin it that Button kissed him.  

I LOVE that Button is considered one of the hotties in school.  This story truly clutches my heart. :heart:

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