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    Kia Zi Shiru
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  • 915 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Black Sheep Part 1 - 1. Chapter 1

His soft lips touched my skin. Just one second on my cheek, one glance, and there was a girl - same ritual. Now another guy, just a simple handshake. And even after the fireworks my cheek still tingled. I saw him sitting at the other side of the bonfire. His long brown hair reflecting the flames, as if it were burning. His soft blue sweater and his old torn blue jeans looked so comfy and soft that I thought hugging him would have felt like heaven. His beautiful green eyes crossed mine…

Wow, Jack, what have you done?”

I wake up from my memory. Jack is standing in the doorway. My jaw drops. Jack has gone through a complete make-over. His hair has been dyed black and he is wearing a long, black leather coat. Everything he wears his black, from his skater pants to his nail polish. Jack is looking very uncomfortable because of all the staring and his blush even reaches the tops of his ears. I fall in love with him for the second time. As I look around I see the few Goth girls in my class looking at him in surprise, so even they didn't know about his plan. One of them looks at me after a few minutes.

Now you're not the only Goth guy, Vic,” She smiles with glancing eyes.

I know, I’m not the only black sheep any more,” I smile at her. As I turn back to my table I notice that Jack has taken his place in the seat in front of me.

You look cool Jack,” I say to him while doodling nervously in my drawing book; the shapes are starting to look very familiar. I begin by detailing his shoes and the flames on them and work my way up.

Thanks,” Jack quietly responds and I see the small parts of his ears, that aren't covered by his hair, are getting red. ”It was my birthday Friday and I asked for a lot of money for new clothes.” Then he whispers so softly that even I can barely hear it, “I've wanted these clothes ever since I met you.”

I like them. They look great on you,” I whisper back. He bows a little deeper over his bag. I hang my hair in front of my face to hide my own blushes. The drawing is already coming along pretty well. The way he stood in the doorway had me captured and I couldn't withstand the need to draw it. Damn creativity, I sigh. The bell rings for our first class, the teacher walks in and closes the door. I keep on drawing until I feel a tap on my shoulder.

Your homework, please? And get your books on your table.”

I reach for my homework and give it to the teacher. Keeping my focus on completing the drawing as fast and as detailed as possible.

Vic?” Jack whispers.

Yes?” I look up and cover the drawing with my arm.

I forgot my books. Can I share yours?” Jack looks at me with a really cute smile. I've got to make a drawing of that too. He never smiled like that before, it makes him look like an angel.

Yeah, no problem.” I whisper back as I get my thoughts back in order, quickly hiding the drawing underneath my writing pad. Jack gets his coat and his bag and sits next to me. Well, so much for a quick drawing.

Drawing has been a passion of mine ever since I was little. I have boxes full of drawings of everything I could think of. Aliens and pretty boys alike, all boxed up in my room. There is one box hidden under my bed, a box full of doodles of Jack: Jack smiling; Jack standing on the back of a bench in the park; Jack drinking from a bottle of water; Jack happy and Jack sad. I also made sketches of him in situations that didn't actually happen: Jack pierced and wearing a fishnet shirt; Jack bound to a bed; Jack sitting on his knees in front of me naked... Obsessed much? Yeah, maybe a little. But he looks so frigging cute. It is not just the way he looks but also the way he is, always happy and cheerful. Too bad he is straight, not that he is dating anyone, but he looks too good to be gay.

I catch Jack glancing at me as I turn my head. What did I do? I didn't talk aloud did I? Or moan 'cause that would be even worse, I guess. But he just smiles at me and looks away. WTF? Okay, odd. In the next class I catch him looking at me again, but now I see something else too: he is not just looking at me, he is Looking at me. His eyes are all dreamy and far way, but when he notices me watching he turns away again. Blushing hard, he starts looking at his book like it is the most interesting thing in the world. The next time he looks at me I smile at him. He smiles back but then hides behind his hair, blushing deep crimson. Oh, wow, that never happened before with Jack. It clicked together in my head, Jack kissing me at New Year, his change of style and now the looks he is giving me... Maybe not so straight after all eh?

If only I was worth him...

(2010) (Kia Zi Shiru/Draigen)
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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