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    Kia Zi Shiru
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  • 1,733 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Black Sheep Part 1 - 5. Chapter 5

I lie back on my bed, closing my eyes and replaying the whole evening for me alone. It had been a pretty strange evening. I had dressed up for Vic, in a way I knew he would find very attractive, and dropping slight hints from time to time. Hoping he would show any more interest in me than just for me being his friend. Not that he had shown anyone any special interest when I was around, not to girls and neither to boys. But well, that was also what was giving me hope. The way he looked at me tonight gave me the strength to go on with my plan. He looked like he was going to jump on me and ravish me. He probably would have, if it wasn't for his self control, but self control doesn't conceal the look in his eyes. Who would have thought that wearing a fishnet and tight black jeans would have that much effect on him?
And well... the photo album cleared the issue about the non interest in girls too. He must have been pretty young when Adam and he got together, he didn't look any older than 12 or 13 years. Not that he didn't look totally hot with that innocence still on him... But too young is too young. I like him better this way.

I pick up the picture frame from my nightstand and look at it. Vic, Marie and me were looking at the camera while trying to make each other look silly. The picture turned out pretty well. It still amazes me that I only know Vic for just over 4 months, it really feels like a lifetime. I put the frame back and close my eyes again.

The first time I saw Vic I was standing at the schoolyard, Marie was hanging around my neck and we were listening to music, like every morning since we started high school. Suddenly she squealed into my ear and out of reflex I started playfully choking her. That was... until someone cleared his throat, we stopped and turned around. I froze, there right in front of me was the most beautiful guy I had every seen. Long black hair, piercing blue eyes, perfect round and pink lips, the black long sleeve with chains attached to his black baggy pants with even more chains. He was just, damn sexy... He looked very confident even as the whole school was staring at him.

You squealed madam?” he grunted but smiled and asked “You know where room 304 is? I'm new here and need to be there for my first class. I'm Vic by the way.”

Uah! Adams family reference!” Marie jumped up and down “We are going to head there too. I'm Marie and this is Jack.” Vic looked me up and down and smiled.

Nice, so I assume you will be helping me today?” he seemed to be talking to Marie but his eyes were on me.

Sure!” Marie grabbed his arm and dragged him with her as she bounced into the school. He looked back at me with large eyes but I shrugged and smiled apologetically at him as I walked after them.

It was never boring after that. Marie kept going on and on about him, about how she liked him and how sweet he was. It was annoying, but heck, even I couldn't get him out of my thoughts. He was jus so... intriguing...

A few weeks after he transferred a couple of guys were going out on a group date with their girlfriends. They asked if Vic would come along too and to bring a date with him. When Marie heard of it she started 'signaling' that she would love to go with him, but he didn't seem to see it. He looked very happy when the girl he did ask said yes to him and Marie had been ignoring him for three days. Marie didn't leave it at that and tried to convince him for the last time on the Friday of the date. But Vic didn't even look sorry when he told her, that he had already promised the other girl to go with her on the date. So Marie locked herself in her room the whole night, leaving me alone, even though we made plans to go and watch movies ourselves. I tink it was then that I realized I loved Vic. I wasn't mad at him for not asking Marie, I felt mad because he didn't ask me to go with him.

I was sitting in my room, looking at the pale blue walls, staring and thinking about Vic and the fact that my room should get a make-over, it still looked like a little kids room, and then back to Vic. What could he be doing? What did the girl look like? I hoped she would be ugly or a real bitch. Somewhere around 11 o'clock my mum kicked me out of the house to walk the dog. I walked to the park and leaned into the wall of one of the flats that were surrounding it. As I let Nina go I followed her with my eyes. She was such a pretty dog, a white with black fur, a nice and lean frame and very fuzzy, she also liked to cuddle. She really was a perfect dog. After a while I really felt like smoking and was glad there was a night store around the corner. Leaving Nina alone in the park, chasing leaves or her own tail I knew she wouldn't miss me for the next few minutes and I bought a pack of cigarettes.

I lighted one and felt the hot smoke travel to my longs and after a few drags I could feel the nicotine do it's job, I felt myself relax. My parents don't like me smoking, they threatened to quit my pocket money when they found out a couple of years ago. But right now, I really needed the relaxing feeling. I slid down along the wall and sat on the ground, no longer caring that I forgot to take my jacket with me or that it was almost freezing out here. I didn't care anymore, I felt broken and the cigarettes seemed to ease the pain. I looked at Nina as she was playing in the park and let my mind drift to nothingness. I lost count after a couple of cigarettes and as I was lighting another one a shadow fell over me, I didn't pay attention to it until he spoke.

Jack, what are you doing out here? It's freezing. Here, take my coat,” He draped his jacket around me and I looked up in confusion. Why was he here? He wasn't supposed to be here, he was on a date with some girl.

Why?” I croaked, my mind and my lips sluggish.

Your lips are blue. You must be very cold.” His voice sounded concerned.

I don't feel cold.” Actually, after such a long time and that many cigs, all I felt was the warm smoke passing to my lungs.

What are you doing out here? I thought you and Marie had plans.” Maybe he was confused to find me here?

She locked herself in her room because you didn't go to the movie with her.” I looked away.

Oh, great. I guess I will be hearing about this for weeks. But why are you here? It looks like you have been here for quite some time,” He knelt in front of me, trying to get me to look at him again.

I'm walking the dog. She is somewhere in the park chasing leaves and such,” I threw away the cigarette butt and grabbed the pack to lit another one. But Vic grabbed it first.

Don't,” he said as he stood and put the pack in his pocket.

Like you ever listen to what people tell you to do. Give it back! It's mine!” I clawed for him but he stood just out of reach.

Go home. You can give me my coat back Monday. Don't smoke; it's bad.” He walked away without looking back. I stood up, confused, did I see hurt in his eyes? He was just trying to be nice and I yelled at him. Why was he here anyway? This wasn't anywhere close to his house or the cinema, not even on the route, maybe the girl lived somewhere around here?

I guess that was when I knew I had to do something to show him my love for him. But that was harder than I imagined. I tried to act normal when I was around him, because I didn't even know if he liked boys, but sometimes it was hard.

It was especially hard at New Year's eve. One of the rich girls from class had invited the whole bunch of us to celebrate New Year at her place. I had been trying to think of a great outfit for weeks, but as the day was coming closer I decided that it was too cold to wear anything sexy like I wanted to. Plus, if my plan worked it would be the last time he saw me like this anyway. So I just put on my most comfy clothing that didn't look too old or dirty.

The party was odd. Marie was trying hard to flirt with Vic but he just didn't look like he saw it. All of us hung out together until midnight. As time was closing the last few minutes I made sure I wouldn't be the first or the last one to greet him. I had planned it out, I would kiss him on his cheek. Just like the girls would do. I kissed him and although it took less than a second I knew it would never be the same for us. He kept looking at me the rest of the night and it was not out of disgust or anger. My plan worked. Though he didn't sit next to me I caught him looking at me and smiling wearily from time to time. Maybe the plan worked better than expected. But only time would tell.

And time did tell. These last few days were full of him trying to react normally to my little flirting and the way he looked at me this evening was enough for me to go on into the next stage of my plan.

(2010) (Kia Zi Shiru/Draigen)
  • Fingers Crossed 1
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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