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Prompt #256 - Word List

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and we're all in for six.


Another Long Day


“Are you sure this is safe?”


Jason sighed, and the horse snorted into his hand, impatient and wanting to get on and get going. Jason couldn’t blame him. Ten minutes now they’d been trying to get the last rider on his horse. The bay quarter horse was sturdy and reliable as they came, but that didn’t stop the man, another big shot doctor taking his family on an all too short holiday to make up for lost bonding time the rest of the year, from panicking like a fool.


He had clucked and worried and fretted ever since Jason had told him to shut off his phone and pay attention if he didn’t wanna get trodden on. The three boys and their mother had paid attention to his instructions, and Jason had seen each easily settled into their saddles, stroking the necks of the horses and introducing everybody. Some rent-and-ride stables didn’t think it was important for a rider to get to know their horses for the brief six hours that they might know each other, but Jason didn’t agree. On his ranch, you got the whole package. He turned back to the man who he could already tell was going to make his life hard today.


“Yes, it’s safe.” For the tenth time, “But you’re gonna have to get your weight off your feet and onto that saddle if you’re ever going to make it outta the paddock.” He sighed, and started the process with the man again. “Put your left hand on the saddle horn. Just here.”


“C’mon dad!” The oldest of the boy’s, who was about fourteen, kicked his heels, “It’s not hard.”


“Alrighty then. Now put your left foot in the stirrup.”


“He moved!”


“He’s a horse not a truck, of course he moves. Now stop acting like you’re climbing a mountain and get on. Put your other hand on the back of the saddle and just swing your leg over.”


It took three goes, and another round of coaxing from his sons, but they got the doctor on the horse, feet in the stirrups, seating and panting under his hard hat.



Jason stuck his Stetson on his head and whistled sharply to his horse, whom he had allowed to roam around under the apple tree, snaffling fallen fruit. He climbed up onto a section of broken fence and swung easily onto the gelding as he wandered up.



They were set for a day in the mountains, the mule was loaded up and Jason wound the long line around his saddle horn. Already he could hear the man complaining to his wife about the hassle and stress and ‘why hadn’t they just gone to the beach to relax?’ It was going to be a long day.


Bradley was waiting for him at the main gate, leaning up against the fence post, eating an apple, the juice running down his hand leaving clean damp streaks as it washed the dust from him. The tourists thought it was early, but they’d both been up since the first crack of dawn. Bradley tipped his hat and grinned as they approached.


“You forgot your flask, again.” He handed the leather strap up as Jason rode slowly, walking alongside, “See you tonight?”


“Sure.” As Jason reached down to touch Bradley’s face he could feel the murmured surprise and disapproval behind him. Good Lord he hoped those kids didn’t grow up to be as hidebound and bigoted as their father, “give the horses in south paddock an extra wedge of haylidge please babe.”


“Have fun love.” Bradley smacked his boot and handed his lover the other half of his apple, “See ya.”


Mutterings and tuts followed Jason as he rode. His horse snorted. It was gonna be another long day. 

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