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Writing Prompts #204 & #205



Well, Robert's off freezing his bits at the capital and internet gremlins have struck at Renee's, so you get a weekly prompt blog from yours truly! As always, our very own inspiring prompt guru, Comicfan has 2 interesting scenarios to intrigue you. Don't forget, if you decide to try one of these out, share it with the rest of us in the Writing Prompt Forum!!


Prompt 204 – Creative
Tag – The Monster Hunter
You always thought you were the only one. You hunted down the dark and the evil, until they showed up. Their skills nearly matched your own, but where your stuff cobbled together theirs is the best money can buy. Who is this Monster Hunter, and are they there to help you or to replace you?


Prompt 205 – Challenge
Tag – The Best Day Ever
Take the opposite sort of character from what you usually write and now create the perfect day for them. Example: You write about sex crazed teenagers, now write about the perfect day for an eighty year old nun, or your specialty is creating kickass zombie slayers, so maybe you have a male nurse who works in a hospital natal ward.


Last week we shared a prompt by Joann414 with you that incorporated 2 prompts. Dolores must have taken some inspiration of sorts from that when she came up with the impressive piece we chose to feature this week.

The Magic of Fire
by Dolores Esteban
# 135 The Legacy
(There is a child in every generation chosen to inherit the family legacy. It is no easy task and while the rewards can be fantastic it can also be hellish. What is the legacy your family hopes to see you inherit?)




My family guards a magical item that has been passed on from generation to generation for many centuries. Every generation a child is chosen to inherit the legacy. They have chosen me and I’ve learned of it only recently.


The item is called the ring of fire. It’s a golden ring that, at first sight, no one would ascribe magical powers to. However, the magic of the ring is mighty. It can bring about ruin and disaster, not only to the one who applies the magic wrongly, but also to the whole land and the entire nation.


Many centuries ago, an ambitious king used the magic of the ring in order to augment his power, bring down his enemies, and make him the only ruler on the continent. The magic worked according to his wishes as the ring is just a tool and a weapon in the hands of its owner. The defeat was complete. The king defeated his enemies, the few survivors were enslaved and their homelands were occupied. The magic of the ring, however, had not yet completed its task.


A powerful magician had made the ring ages ago. The magic he had woven worked out for the good of all. Any misuse of the magic would in the end backfire.


Not long after the king had become the only ruler on the continent, ships arrived and landed at the coast. The intruders came from a far away land, their technology was advanced, and their knowledge surpassed that of the people whose continent they had entered. The intruders carried powerful weapons. The king called the magic of the ring, but the ring did not respond. The magic ultimately backfired on the king who had used the power selfishly. The intruders occupied the land in only five days. They were without mercy and killed whoever stepped in their way. They burned down villages, towns, fields, and forests, and they killed the king and burned him at the stake. They seized the ring of fire and threw it into a chest along with other jewellery. The rind had turned into an ordinary ring after the magic had completed its task. The ring, however, did not fall into the hands of the intruders. It dropped on the floor when the chest was carried away, just when the youngest son of the king, an eight year old boy, crossed the hall. His nurse had dressed him in rough clothes and had declared him her son and the boy was smart enough to hold his tongue. He recognized the ring and picked it up from the floor and guarded it until the day he died. He left it to his eldest son. The ring of fire was passed on from generation to generation, but never again anybody called the magic of fire, too afraid were the owners of the ring of the effects of any misuse of the magic.


Every generation a child is chosen to inherit the legacy. They have chosen me and I’ve learned of it only recently. It’s an honour that I will not decline although inwardly I shy away from the burden and the responsibility that goes along with guarding the ring. I will receive the ring tomorrow on my eighteenth birthday. This date marks the total change of things.


# 139 The Oracle
(Cue – The Oracle. You never believed in anything you couldn’t touch, taste, or smell. Life for you was one built on the facts of what you had learned in school and college. That went right out the window when you met the oracle. What did the oracle tell you and how did it change your life?)




I do not believe in magic. I believe in what I can see, hear, taste, and smell. I believe in what I can sense and feel. So guess what I did when the so-called oracle said that I was supposed to meet the owner of a magical ring, the so-called ring of fire. I laughed aloud. That’s what I did, and then I went into a bar in order to have a few drinks.


Fortune-telling. I had paid five dollars for the crap, just to please the chick I had dated. I told her my honest opinion after we had left the fortune-teller’s tent. I was totally fed up with the place I had taken her to, the fair she had wanted to go to. She wanted candy, a gingerbread heart, and visit the fortune-teller. I was totally fed up with it. I was merely wasting my time with her. And that was what I told her. She turned around and left me standing there. Like I said, I went into a bar. The bar was crowded with happy people and this instantly raised my spirits. I had a few drinks and I danced with a girl that was totally hot. Unfortunately, I have forgotten her name. But I remember that her breasts were big. I saw them, I sensed them, they were totally real.


I had a terrible hangover the following day. It was real also and I found it felt good. I stretched on the couch and watched TV non-stop for eight hours. Then I must have dozed off. It was about midnight when I awoke. A movie had just started: Lord of the Rings, Part I. I gazed at the golden ring on the screen and the sight made me feel sick and uneasy. I switched off the TV and went to bed, swallowing a Valium before I did.




TBC in Dolores' GA Writing Prompt collection, with not just these 2 prompts incorporated, but 7 in total! Follow this link to read all of The Magic of Fire.


Recommended Comments

Oh, thank you. I actually wrote the story last summer, but then forgot about it and only thought of it again recently. Glad you like it, Cia.

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