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Writing Prompts #218 & #219



Hey folks! It's that time again, prompt time! We have 2 more creative prompts from our resident flash inspiration guru, Comicfan. 218 is right up my alley so I'm going to try to do something for it later this week, I think. Site flash fiction is something I have, to my embarrassment, been neglecting. It's a cool little way to inspire authors to write-even if it's just something small and fun. You can do a 30 word poem, or a 100 word microflash, or an under 1k regular flash, or a prompt could inspire a whole new world for you to dabble in. That part is up to you. But try doing one, because it is a valuable tool in a writer's arsenal, I believe. We need to be able to stretch ourselves from our routines now and then. There are literally hundreds of prompts to choose from too!


Prompt 218 – Creative
You were promised to another before you were even born. Your whole life you knew you would have no choice in this marriage. Now your life partner is due to arrive in mere hours and your entire kingdom has been working none stop to make sure everything is perfect. What is your life partner like and how will you survive with that person for the rest of your life?


Prompt 219 – Creative
A letter was mistakenly delivered to you. You had opened and read it before you realized it wasn’t meant for you. What was the letter about and what do you do about it?


Last week we bypassed the prompts, but in the last two weeks no one opted to try a new flash piece. So I'm going to whip something up, right here, right now, for this week's prompt feature to get everyone started. Hopefully there will be many more added! You can post these in your flash collections, in the topic, etc... but write, post, have fun!

"She's just a girl! She said ... she said ...."


Mr. Caplin eyebrows rose. "What's the matter, Perry?"


I wiped at the tears streaming down my face and held out a letter. It trembled violently. "I thought ... I thought it was from school. They use these envelopes. B-but i-i-i ..." I shook my head violently. "Why?" I cried.


"Oh, hell." Mr. Caplin dropped the letter and pulled me into his arms. "We don't know why, Perry." He rubbed my thin shoulders as I sobbed against his chest. "Sometimes things just happen."


"M-my mom died too." My throat burned as I whispered hoarsely. I didn't want my best friend to die.


"We can't think like that, Perry. We have to believe she's going to live. Leukemia is scary, but Sarah's doctor is hopeful that treatment can help her." He patted my back and then stepped away a little. He tilted my face up, and I could see he was sad too. He had tears in his eyes, but he didn't cry. I tried to wipe mine away too. Men weren't supposed to cry, Dad said.


"Sarah needs us to be strong." I nodded; Dad said that too. "It's all right to be sad, but that would make Sarah sad too. We want her to be happy, okay? Can you visit her and try to do that?"


I bit my lip to stop its trembling. "I can be happy for Sarah." I wiped my face on my shirt and stood as tall as I could.


"I got a new game today. Can I go get it and come back?" I could try to forget what I saw on that paper and the vision I'd seen of my ten year old best friend laying cold and lifeless, just like my mom, in a black coffin. I bent over and picked up the letter he'd dropped, carefully keeping it folded to hide away what I didn't want to know anymore.


"Sure, Perry. She'd like that."

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Cool! I did "The Arrival." It was quiet at work today and I had my laptop with me. (Shh... Don't tell anyone. LOL)


It's up in the forum! 

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