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Featured Story: The Rider's Pride



Happy Monday! Please enjoy this week's story feature!





Reviewer: Wicked Witch
Status: Complete
Word Count: 107,446


The Rider's Pride is a story by dkstories; It is a superb piece of fanfiction set in the world of Pern, created with its own twists on the mythos of Anne McCaffrey's world. dkstories has some great works on GA but this is my favourite of them all.


I fell in love with this story as soon as I began reading it; it carries you along on an adventure in an alien world, filled with love, tragedy, hope and emotion to a final crescendo that is in my opinion one of the most perfect and most emotional endings to a story I've yet read.


The alienness of the society in which the dragon rider's find themselves needing to live in order to protect their world is strange to read of, but described in a way that you can really get a feel of it and it becomes very natural to read of. At least for me it left me wondering was it all worth it?; was the sacrifices they made worth so many lives in an endlessly repeating pattern, and were the ancients morally right to condemn so many people to this life style. It is an interesting question that I think made this story something more than just a tale and gave it a real depth.


I sobbed my heart out at the ending to this story, it is quite an emotional read. In my opinion a story has hit the mark when it can make you feel an emotion, be it fear or intrigue, laughter or sadness or perhaps happiness, and The Rider's Pride did this in spades for me.


Remember ... Read and Review!

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It truly is one of the best fan-fiction stories I have ever read.  I am so glad it was reposted here.  I heartily recommend it to anyone who enjoyed A. McCaffrey's books about the dragon riders of Pern.

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I too thoroughly enjoyed this story. It was one of the first fanfiction stories that I have ever read, even though at the time I read it I didn't know what it was called. But if you enjoy Anne McCaffrey, then you will most definitely enjoy this story as well.

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I never enjoyed Anne McCaffrey's stuff.  I don't think I actually got more than halfway through a book.


Here's hoping Dan has improved on her work :lol:


Added to my ever increasing list of must reads.

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