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Writing Prompts #346 & #347

Renee Stevens


Who's ready for the weekend to get here? To help you start it out on the right foot, we're bringing you two new prompts from the prompt guru, Comicfan. If you're interested in checking out some of the older prompts that Comicfan has supplied, you can check them out and share your responses in the Prompt Forum! Hopefully one of this weeks prompts will inspire you!


Prompt 346 – Creative
Tag – List of Words
Use the following in story – the beach, a blanket, a deer, a torn pair of shorts, and an ice cream cone.


Prompt 347 – Creative
Tag – Silver Shoes
You are shopping with friends when you come to this old junk store. As you wander around you find a pair of silver shoes and your friend jokes “Hey, just like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz.” You just shake your head remembering the film and know they are wrong cause Dorothy’s slippers are ruby. However something possesses you to put them on and the next thing you know you are facing a tall man made out of straw. What just happened?


This week I decided to share Cole Matthews response to Prompt #344, enjoy:

“Why didn’t you just tell me that?”


Justin was silent for a minute. “I didn’t want to bother you. It’s been a rough couple of weeks.”


“Now I’ve got to replace the whole damn thing,” Chad groused. “If you’d told me the light was on, I’d have fixed this one little thing but now we’ve got to replace the battery too.”


The seventeen year old didn’t respond. His world had been upended and his father’s foul mood wasn’t making it much better.


“Hand me that wrench, the one I just set down,” Chad grumped, his head deep under the hood.


“I’m sorry dad,” Justin said picking up the tool and handing it to him. “Can we talk about this?”


“Hmm,” his father responded. “I don’t want to think about it.”


Justin paused. He knew this conversation needed to happen. It was out there, in the open, and his dad refused to acknowledge the repercussions of what had occurred. “Dad, we need to talk about it. I know you’re upset.”


“I’m fine,” Chad said, his voice muffled by the truck’s internal parts. It was funny, in a strange way.


To read the rest, click here.

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Thanks Renee!! This character sketch is becoming a novella called "The Art of Being Gay." Hope you enjoy their antics!!!!

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