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Featured Story: The Experiment

Renee Stevens


Every once in a while we like to highlight a story that can be found in the Premium section of Gay Authors. For today's review, Mann Ramblings has provided us with a review of "The Experiment" by Signature Author: Cia. The Experiment is one of many stories that can be found in the Premium section of Gay Authors.


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Site Administrator




Reviewer: Mann Ramblings
Status: Complete
Word Count: 94,841


Ryker made a mistake. He listened to his government and volunteered for an experiment to help eradicate the alien menace on MC-214-XXV, the planet humans wanted to settle on. Using the blood of a captured native named Seral, the sadistic doctors changed Ryker into a hybrid: part human, part alien and dumped him and Seral on the planet, hoping to retrieve useful intelligence.


But the aliens, or the Caeorleians, were far more than the simple savages the human government's propaganda would have Ryker believe.


Now left behind on the planet, unexpectedly bonded to Seral, Ryker has to learn how to cope with the horrors of his past and find his future among this new world.


The Experiment was one of the stories I was reading that brought me to GA. It was in progress and I was hooked, waiting impatiently for each chapter as it posted. A satisfying multi-chapter serial, we get to watch how Ryker evolves as he copes with the abuses he's endured over his five year stint as a lab rat, and finds himself mated to the tall, fierce, alien, Seral. Being the son of the Caeorleian leader, or Toleral, we are introduced to Seral's family and the structure of their culture and government, complete with all the underlying intrigues.


The first novel in the Saving Caeorleia series, The Experiment is is a rich story with many levels and numerous subplots without confusing the storyline. Cia does an excellent job of using first person for Ryker's point of view and third person for Seral's to tell the tale. The transitions are well handled and I found knowing both of their thoughts to not be a detriment to the plot. The sci-fi elements help define their world without bogging down the narrative with dry technical details that could alienate the reader.


Filled with a budding romance, political intrigue, and a fair dose of action, the Experiment is an exciting tale, well worth the read.


Category: Fiction Genres: Drama, Fantasy Tags: Medical, Aliens, Off-Planet, Anal, Future Rating: Mature

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Recommended Comments

A Great story, I read it here first and bought the EBook - and the same for the second book Adverse Effects.


I love the characters and Cia's writing style is easy to read, mixing humour in with the story line to keep the reader reading 'til the end, and coming back for more.

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I read it on GA and was hooked from the first chapter. It had all the elements I could possibly want in a story. I have always loved science fiction, and to find one married with gay romance was like finding gold for me. Truly an outstanding read about a fascinating world. Cia doesn't just create worlds... she imbues them with her own special touch... a touch that feeds us intrigue and fuels our imaginations, and makes us soar for a time. I highly recommend 'The Experiment'. I now find myself craving Caeorleia once again.

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I truly enjoyed reading the story and the author still has me hooked on the series. The current installment has me pulling my hair at times and stupidly smiling at others. the twists and turns in the plot are typical of Cia, I'm slowly learning.

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Loved this story!   I actually had bought this one on Amazon before even joining GA.  Found out later that Cia wrote it and was so excited!  

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  • Site Administrator

Thank you, everyone! I'm a diehard fan of sci-fi, and have been since the days I read as many of McCaffrey's Pern books as I could get my hands on as well as William Barton's When Heaven Fell and began the Dune saga by Herbert. I like to read a wide array of things, but I always return to my love of sci-fi, which is why I enjoy writing it too. I'm so glad The Experiment and other stories centered on Caeorleia are enjoyed by so many, and thank you all so much for your wonderful comments!

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