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Featuring everything new and experienced authors need to develop creative and technical skills. Check out writing development articles, our Word of the Day, writing prompts, anthology opportunities and more!

Entries in this blog

Tip Thursday: Constructive Criticism

We love getting News blog articles and tips from members - and CassieQ has been a wonderful contributor. Here she writes her thoughts on Constructive Criticism - a very detailed article that shows a lot of thought. I hope you enjoy and let us know your thoughts as well! Also, if YOU have an article you think would be great for this blog, let Renee Stevens, Andy021278 or myself know. Thanks!       Constructive Criticism by CassieQ   I'll try to make this as painless as p


Trebs in Writing Tips

Writing Prompts #176 & #177

I recently read a great short story that originally started as a Prompt response. These prompts have helped generate some fantastic reads - and with this week's prompts, I'm looking forward to some more great responses. Try one (or both) of these prompts and please share them with the community in the Writing Prompts forum.   Prompt 176 – Creative Tag – The Mythical Your child has just told you they found something and want to keep it as a pet, but as they describe it to you, you smile thinkin


Trebs in Prompts

Writing Tip: Keeping It Legal

No - this has nothing to do with pharmaceuticals or jailbait - it is a much more serious tip on how to avoid legal issues when publishing your writings. We thank KingdombytheSea for this great and very timely tip, as more and more authors are looking to take the plunge into being published. Enjoy!       Keeping it Legal by KingdombytheSea   The Copyright Police do exist, and if you’re an author planning on publishing, it’s a good idea to keep that in mind.   When I wr


Trebs in Writing Tips

Writing Prompts #174 & #175

Thank G*d It's Friday! A chance to relax for most, a time to look forward to partying or time with family. For us, it is also a time to take a chance, for one last dance for romance... errr - I mean for writing.   Thanks to our Prompt-Guru Comicfan, we have two great new prompts this week, The Storm and The Job. I'd love to see how YOU might respond to either (or both) of these prompts. And then, please, share what you have with the Writing Prompt Community!   Prompt 174 – Creative Tag – The


Trebs in Prompts

Writing Tip: Using Description

First, Happy National Coming Out Day (NCOD)! First started in 1988, with the date picked as the anniversary of the 1987 March on Washington, the simple theme is to come out - to those you love, those you know, as people's opinions of LGBT persons and rights is better if they know someone who is LGBT.   Now on to our tip, generously contributed by CassieQ, on Using Descriptions in writings. Enjoy!   Using Description by CassieQ   I like to use description to help set a m


Trebs in Writing Tips

Writing Prompts #172 & #173

What better way to unwind after a long week, than to glance at a writing prompt and just let your mind and fingers go. Don't think - just type and see what you come up with.   Sound like fun? Well, thanks to these two prompts from Comicfan, it should be. And please, once you've come up with something, share it with the rest of the community in our Writing Prompts forum!   This week's prompts:   Prompt 172 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story – pillow, evergreen


Trebs in Prompts

Writing Tip: The Mystery Story

The Mystery Story - Crafting a Tale of Suspense by Comicfan       The mystery is one of those things that just can’t be jumped into. You really need to plan out a mystery before pen hits the paper, or in most cases before fingers hit the keys. There is a lot that happens in a mystery and it is important for you follow some basic ideas before you embark on such task.   First up is the mystery itself. Did someone have something stolen? Was there a murder? Is it something tha


Trebs in Writing Tips

Writing Prompts #170 & #171

Prom-proma-proma-prompt me... I wanna feel dirty... Thrill me....   Errrm - I mean - welcome to Prompt Me Friday! Here we look at fantastic writing prompts provided by the Prompt-guru himself, Comicfan. This week's prompts are:   Prompt 170 –Challenge Tag – PoV Write a story from the point of view of an item that has been in your family for years. What story does this item have to tell? Is it great-grandma’s chine or grandpa’s watch? Maybe it is the ring your mother bought as a girl?   Pro


Trebs in Prompts

Writing Tip: Author Feedback

For today's toss-up, Renee Stevens gives some good thoughts and important questions on author feedback. We hope you enjoy...   Author Feedback by Renee Stevens   Today, as our Toss-Up Tuesday, we'd like to focus on reviews, both negative and positive. It's no secret that many author's on site thrive for feedback. For myself, I absolutely love to get reviews, I'm sure my eyes light up when I see that little notification that I have a review waiting for my perusal.   I don't mi


Trebs in Writing Tips

Writing Prompts #168 & #169

Is it just me or does it seem like Friday's just never end? I mean really, you get looking so forward to the weekend and there is just this one little hurdle in your path, Friday. Last day of work (for the lucky ones), last day of school, and just anything else that ends on Friday and gives a two day break. Well, to help it be a little easier to make it over that hurdle, we've got two new prompts for you from our Prompt Guru: Comicfan. Why not take a minute and try one of them out? Just think, b

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Writing Tip: Working With Your Beta Reader

Today we're bringing you another piece that has been written by Dark about how to work with your beta reader. He was even kind enough to share some of the suggestions made by his beta readers and his fixes or his reasoning. Enjoy! Working with your Beta Reader by Dark   When I first came to GA, I had no beta. After getting to know some of the folks here, advertising, and doing some snooping around, I started working with some folks as betas. So, now that I have a beta, what

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

Writing Prompts Special Anniversary Prompts

How can we have an anniversary week, without anniversary prompts? But oh - Comicfan, the ever resourceful has solved this dilemna with these two wonderful writing prompts. As always, we hope you share your responses with the community in the Writing Prompts forum...   Special Anniversary Prompt #1 Tag: Anniversaries Anniversaries are always something special and unusual. What makes the one you are attending that way?   Special Anniversary Prompt #2 Tag: Save the Date I know I had been asked


Trebs in Prompts

Writing Prompts #166 & #167

So - since there may be a malicious rumour going around today, I just want to verify, today is NOT my birthday...           Couldn't be - I stopped having them about 20 years ago   BUT - if for some reason, you decide to listen to such spiteful drivel, well - maybe give me a gift. Like - don't just read the wonderful prompt responses from other members, take a stab at one of these great prompts from our ever clever Comicfan, and share your response with the community in our Writing Pro


Trebs in Prompts

Writing Tip: Why A Beta?

We have a great tip below, written by our own Dark on "Why a Beta?". But before we launch into this tip, Podiumdavis recently approached Renee and I on another of his wonderful compilations. For this one, instead of privately gathering interviews and/or questions and pulling them together, the thought is to put out the inquiry and invite anyone interested to submit their responses privately to Podiumdavis. Then in a short bit, we'll post the best ones (and as usual, if there is enough and the an


Trebs in Writing Tips

Writing Prompts #164 & #165

One of the things I personally love about the weekly blog is the Prompt Me that debuts every Friday. Comicfan always manages to come up with something that sounds quite interesting and this week is no exception. If you tackle either of these prompts why not share them with everyone else by posting them in the Writing Prompt Forum!   Prompt 164 – Creative Tag – The Stranger They showed up out of nowhere and seem to know everything about your life. Your friends and the rest of your family readil

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Writing Tip: Keeping Your Writing Life In Sync (And Backed Up)

So many of us write from multiple computers and I know from personal experience that it can be a pain to try and transfer files back and forth between laptops/desktops/etc. Today, Myr is telling us about a great way to make our life easier when switching between computers!       Keeping Your Writing Life in Sync (and backed up)   In this day and age, many of us have multiple computers or devices that we use in our daily lives. For those of us that write, we could be writing i

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

Writing Prompts #162 & #163

So once again, it's the end of the week, which is a perfect time to bring you a couple of new prompts by Comicfan. This way, you'll have the weekend to work on them before going back to work, school, etc. Don't forget to share what you come up with in the Writing Prompt Forum!   Prompt 162 – Creative Tag – The Friend Create the perfect best friend. Are they male or female? Are they really smart or super sarcastic? Do they try to keep you from making mistakes or do they hand you another $10 in

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Writing Tip: How To Be Critical, Not Cutting

It's a fine line between being critical in an effort to help a writer, and going too far and just being very cutting in what you say. In a text medium, it's usually hard to hear the "voice" that the criticism is being given. I mean sometimes, the voice comes through loud and clear, like when your friend comes up to you in a new outfit and you're all "Oh no you didn't - girl, you is a hot mess!" (did everyone else hear that in Layfayette voice from True Blood?)   Anyways - Cia as always has som


Trebs in Writing Tips

Writing Prompts #160 & #161

By now - you know the drill... We gives youse two prompts - you writes... Dat easy!   Seriously though, thanks again to Comicfan for this week's prompts. We hope they intrigue you enough to try one or both - and please be sure to share with the community in our Writing Prompts forum.   Prompt 160 – Creative Tag – The dog You hadn’t noticed it at first but now you can’t ignore it. There is a dog following you. You see him when you take your run through the park. You’ve seen him when you go to


Trebs in Prompts

Writing Tip: Breaking Through (Part 2)

Here is the second part of the feature on Breaking Through that we started last Thursday. Great thanks to Radiant Renee Stevens for her compilation of this, as well as to podiumdavis for giving us the idea to do this kind of format in the first place. Enjoy!       Breaking Through: Part 2 compiled by Renee Stevens   So, after the success of the tip suggested by podiumdavis, I decided to take another question to the authors on the site! We had a great response and once a


Trebs in Writing Tips

Writing Prompts #158 & #159

Did everyone catch the full moon last night? It's the first of two this month so the August 31 Full moon will be a "blue moon". Let's see what extra creativity hits us all this month.   To aid you, Comicfan has come up with two terriffic writing prompts. I hope you try one or both and share you efforts with the community in the Writing Prompts Forum.   Prompt 158 – Creative Cue – First Line “Momma always said there would be days like this.”   Prompt 159 – Creative Cue – List of Words Use t


Trebs in Prompts

Writing Tip: Breaking Through (Part 1)

We've got another fantastic two part tip, with part two coming next Thursday. We hope you enjoy, and thanks to all of the authors who participated, but special thanks to the Radiant Renee Stevens, for compiling this!       Breaking Through: Part 1 compiled by Renee Stevens   So, after the success of the tip suggested by podiumdavis, I decided to take another question to the authors on the site! We had a great response and once again I have to break the responses up into


Trebs in Writing Tips

Writing Prompts #156 & #157

I know that many of you look forward to these Friday Prompt's, and we would hate to disappoint. Once again we bring you two prompts by the amazing Comicfan. Both of these look quite interesting and I might even try one out myself. Don't forget to share your prompt in the Writing Prompt Forum.   Prompt 156 – Creative Cue – Nightmare You haven’t been sleeping lately, In fact you have been having this really horrible nightmare nearly every night. The only problem is, you are pretty sure you haven

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Writing Tip: Pen Name

Thank you once again to K.C. for once again providing us with a tip for our Tip Thursday! Hope you enjoy KC's thoughts on Pen Names! Pen Name by K.C.   Pen name or not to pen name…that is the question.   Do you have a pen name or pseudonym that you write under? If not do you really need one?   First, you need to think about where your stories will be posted. Are you posting only in an online forum or are you submitting to publishers, magazines or even entering writing

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

Writing Tip: Stolen Stories! Blast From An Angry Author

Yep, I'm pre-empting Blast From the Past this week to inform members of a story that's been stolen from GA then put up for sale on Amazon. The story stolen was Chasing the Shadows by K.C. Grim and it was posted under Embraced by Shadows by K.J. Fleur back in May. We only found this out when a concerned reader emailed the admin account to find out if the story was stolen and posted on GA. That proved to have happened in the reverse, and KC had his story ripped off.   All this author did was cha


Cia in Writing Tips

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