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Writing Prompts #266 & #267



Welcome to Friday, and the warmer temps are still here in New York. I am looking forward to the changing leaves and cooler temperatures, but oh well. I don't want to keep you in suspense any longer so here are the prompts.


Prompt 266 – Creative
Tag – First Line
“I don’t care! I still believe in you.”


Prompt 267 – Creative
Tag – Time Warp
You had been watching an old music video from the 80’s, and laughed at the outfits and hair styles. Thinking how easy that time must have been for those living back then, you go to get up from the couch, slip, and knock yourself out. When you wake up, you find yourself dressed differently. When you look outside you suddenly feel sick to your stomach. As you reach for your cell phone you find it isn’t there. On the wall is a calendar that reads 1988. Somehow you are stuck in the past. What do you do?


After last week's screw up, there were four prompts for people to choose from. Choices were varied, but I did get a few takers. One of my favorites was the one about changes. Prompt 264 read - It is the beginning of fall and the temperatures are beginning to change, the leaves are changing color, and the moods of people are changing as well. Create a story centered around the idea of change – whether it is physical, mental, or maybe even a change of location.





Sam shut down the computer, leaned back in his well-worn leather chair and looked around his new study. Only the furniture was the same, everything else had changed. Instead of plain, white painted concrete and a grey carpet, there was whitewashed wood paneling, exposed wooden ceiling beams and a beautiful oak floor. The best of all, though, was the view. Through large French doors he could now watch leaves moving softly with the wind, and when he squinted his eyes, he could even see the surface of the lake glistening in the sun behind low-hanging branches.
Shoving his chair away from the desk, he grabbed his mug of ginger tea and a cookie, and walked over to open the door. Leaning with his shoulder against the frame, he breathed in the clean, crisp air of the early fall afternoon and a deep satisfaction flew through him. While he bit into the cookie he thought of how he had always wanted to live a little more outside the city, but Mark had insisted he couldn't live in the boondocks with nothing but trees and the chirping of birds. He'd need the humming of traffic with the occasional honking of car horns and his favorite coffee shop around the corner.
Thinking of Mark still caused him a tinge of pain and regret. He hadn't seen him since the day Sam had headed out of the door for his business trip and then come home to a half-empty house with Mark gone from his life. Everything they had done afterwards, selling the house, exchanging the very few things Mark had missed taking with him, they had done through Mark's attorney.
The good thing was that with the money from the sale Sam was able to afford this small house by the lake, along with something else he'd always wanted. As on cue, a cold nose pushed against his hand and when he looked down into the hazel-colored eyes of Merlin, his Collie-German Shepherd mix he'd got from the dog shelter, he knew that his life really was about changing for the better.
Sam went back to get another cookie from the plate on his desk.
Hmm...white chocolate with cranberries.
Paul had brought them the other day when they talked about his new business idea, Quick & Tasty, and Sam had agreed to write the program for it. Paul had called it bribery and he had been right; what wouldn't Sam do for another bag of those! He grinned and then shook his head at how fast Paul had caught on about his sweet tooth. He figured it out right at the beginning at that reception months ago



Did you enjoy it? Wanna know how it ends? You can find it here - http://www.gayauthors.org/forums/topic/37728-prompt-264-creative/


The list of words prompt can be found here which includes Kitt's take on this one - http://www.gayauthors.org/forums/topic/37729-prompt-265-creative/


So go read, review, and write. Enjoy this weekend and see what inspires you to put pen to paper or fingertips to keyboard. Till next time. - Wayne

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Recommended Comments

I love that movie, Ron !! :D - I love "Peggy Sue Got Married" 0:)  0:)


And no I didn't edit thist post after reading Comicfans respons below 0:)   :funny:

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Lady and Gent, I realize Time Warp made you both think of Rocky Horror Picture Show, but actually was inspired by Peggy Sue Got Married. Hopefully people will take it and run with it.

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see to me, the late eighties is that dead time where nothing happened because i was born in 87.


nice ideas though

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