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Featuring everything new and experienced authors need to develop creative and technical skills. Check out writing development articles, our Word of the Day, writing prompts, anthology opportunities and more!

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Prompt 786 and Prompt 787

First off my apology. I posted the blog and then forgot to post the prompts in the forum. D'oh! I went to look for those that might have done them and felt foolish. I promise they are up now and anyone who posts them, I will include with next week's prompts. Anyway, time for some new prompts. Prompt 786 - Creative Tag - First Line You watched as the water rushed into the cave as you tugged helplessly at the shackle on your arm; realizing high tide was starting to fill the spa


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 804 and Prompt 805

Happy New Year to one and all. It is Friday so be ready to write, cause it is time for some new ideas to get you going. Prompt 804 - Creative Tag - First Line "The hell am I wasting my first kiss of the year on you!" Prompt 805 - Creative Tag - New Year You weren't feeling well last night so you went to bed early. The last thing you remember was wishing that everything would be better when you woke. As you open your eyes you notice the room is different. You go to g


comicfan in Prompts

Writing Prompts #654 & #655

I hope everyone is having a great week! It's time for this weeks prompts, supplied by our prompt guru, Comicfan. Just a reminder, and for those who haven't worked with the prompts before: prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection.   Prompt 654 – Creative Tag – Foreclosed Write a short story where the main character is either having their house or business foreclosed. Prompt 655 – Creative Tag – Happy Dance We all have something that wi

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

National Poetry Month Wrap-Up 4/27/22

There are only three more days left in April, although around here it feels more like December.  The buds on the trees were sporting a nice winter coat of snow today instead of leaves and pretty spring flowers.  I'm wondering if this will be one of the rare times we get a May show shower   The end of April also means the end of National Poetry Month.  There has been a nice selection of poetry posted this month, and @Aditus and @Parker Owens took on the challenge of writing 30 poems in the month.


Valkyrie in Prompts

Writing Prompts #738 & #739

It's Friday again, and you know what that means! New prompts!!!!  Enjoy, and happy writing!!!     Prompt 738 – Creative Tag – Hades You knew you should have read all the contracts before you signed, but who expected to be hired to walk a hell hound? Never mind one of the most famous in all of history. When the dark, sexy, brooding man told you he needed his dog, “Spot” walked and exercised, you figured it was easy cash. Now that you know “Spot” is better known as C

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Writing Prompts #672 & #673

I hope everyone is having a great week! It's time for this weeks prompts, supplied by our prompt guru, Comicfan. Just a reminder, and for those who haven't worked with the prompts before: prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection.   Prompt 672 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story – a computer, an engagement ring, a dragonfly, an orange rug, and a forest painting.   Prompt 673 – Creative

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Prompt 790 and Prompt 791

Hello and welcome to another attempt to get you to write and share your prompt stories. Prompts are usually short tales. However, over the years a prompt has inspired an author and multi chapter stories or novels have happened. They have been used as the start of chapters and as a way to reintroduce old characters into new settings. In plain English, prompts are there to inspire you to think or write in new ways. Don't be afraid to try one. Here are two new prompts to get you writing. Promp


comicfan in Prompts


I’m melting. What do you do when it’s hot? Hug the AC? Work surrounded by fans? Jump into the lake/sea/pool? Well, there are treats: less clothes, skimpy shorts, no shirts - did I say less clothes? Okay, to the prompts. #143 Daydreaming, your MC follows a hot person through the grocery shop until they reach the produce section. They grab the same...melon. What happens, dinner or nothing? Something in-between? # 144 Describe your favorite place in summer. Make us feel it.


Aditus in Prompts

Writing Prompts #616 & #617

Hope everyone has had a great week so far. It's time for this weeks writing prompts. If you're stuck, or you're considering writing for the first time, these might be perfect for you. Don't forget that stories under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection.     Prompt 616 – Creative Tag – First Line “I would love to do that with someone I loved.”   Prompt 617 – Creative Tag -List of words Use the following words in a story -  a postcard

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Disability Pride

I’m writing this blog on July 26th, which is the 32nd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act.  July is Disability Pride Month, which honors the passage of the ADA.  The ADA prohibits discrimination based on disability and guarantees equal accommodation to people with disabilities in areas including access, transportation, and telecommunications.  I had a wonderful discussion today with one of my patients (I work with adults with developmental disabilities) about the ADA and wha


Valkyrie in Prompts

Prompt Day Aug 12, 2022

Still a bit short-winded, I present to you the Friday Prompts! PT# 73: You stare at your best friend’s wedding list. Instead of pots and pans or nifty gardening equipment with useful links where you could order it, you read: Surprise us! As your friends love “quirky things with character”, you decide to go to a yard sale. In the end, you have to choose between a huge, inflatable pink flamingo, a hand-pottered caterpillar-shaped bowl, and a coat rack that looks like a human spine. What


Aditus in Prompts

More Holiday Prompts

It's the holiday season and it's a merry time for some and not so great time for others.  Here are two prompts to reflect both moods.     PT Prompt #97 You are gifted a magic snow globe.  What happens when you shake it? PT Prompt #98 You are spending the holidays alone.  Describe your day and any celebration or lack thereof.    


Valkyrie in Prompts

Christmas Eve Prompts

Brrr!! It's so cold and dark this time of year.  Time to put on that cardigan sweater, you know, the one with the patches on the elbows, pull out your trusty computer, sit by a roaring fireplace and let your imagination go wild.  Or, if you don't have a roaring fireplace, maybe write about one! There is a fireplace blackened with soot.  But, as you're about to pile in some wood, there is something sticking out from the corner.  What is it? Immerse yourself in the mood and write a

Cole Matthews

Cole Matthews in Prompts

Staff Prompts #11 & #12

Hi-de hi-de hi-de-hi (Hi-de hi-de hi-de-hi) Hey-de hey-de hey-de hey (Hey-de hey-de hey-de hey) He-de he-de he-de he (He-de he-de he-de he) Hi-de hi-de hi-de-hi (Hi-de hi-de hi-de-hi) Nothing like a little Cab Calloway to kick off our weekend programing . Yes, it is Friday, the day we all used to look forward to  Well if you have nothing planned this weekend, why not for the heck of it, sit down with a pen and paper and crank out a story!! I'm sure you can find someone here tha


wildone in Prompts

Prompt 756 and Prompt 757

It's May? It's May! The lusty month of May. Ooops, my love of Camelot and all that entails is showing. However, the year is just rolling along and we have reached the first Friday of the month and I'm here to tempt all of you with new prompts. Prompt 756 – Creative Tag – Given Life Your family has always been a bit odd. You were never allowed to read fantasy, fairytales, science fiction, or comic books of any kind. You never watched movies based off books or cartoons. The shelves


comicfan in Prompts

Wintry Holiday Prompts! December 3, 2021

With the holiday season beginning to heat up, let's stretch our writer muscles and creativity with some prompts!!  Here are my first offerings into our wonderful winter writing.   PT 3# Holiday Quote - "Let's do something that puts us on Santa's naughty list." PT 4# You've played Santa at the mall for the past twenty-five years, but after dealing with bratty kids, entitled parents, and a total lack of manners, you've decided you're done after this season.  It's taken all your

Cole Matthews

Cole Matthews in Prompts

Prompt 836 and Prompt 837

Welcome to another Groundhog's Day, um, oh I mean Friday. Other watching the television, reading, and raiding my fridge, I have been writing. In fact, here are two new prompts for everyone. Prompt 836 - Creative Tag - List of Words Use the following words in a story - an airline ticket, a silk robe, a blue suitcase, a corgi, and a cursed gold coin. Prompt 837 - Creative Tag - Cursed Your mother used to tease you that if you didn't have bad luck you'd have no luck at


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 830 and Prompt 831

Hello! Well we made it through another week. The world gets a bit scarier, and living in New York has me in the center of the hot spot at the moment. In an attempt to focus on anything other than the news, I present to you new prompts. Prompt 830 - Creative Tag - First Line Where do you think you're going? Prompt 831 - Creative Tag - Owned When you woke up this morning you found a metal collar around your neck. As you raised your hand to feel it, you discovered a ta


comicfan in Prompts

Writing Prompts #524 & #525

Happy Friday, Y'all!!!!! Hope everyone is looking forward to the weekend, I know I am! To help start your weekend off right, it's time for some new prompts. Hopefully one of these great prompts will inspire you, and don't forget to share your responses (at least a link) so that they can possibly be featured next week. Also, as always, remember that prompt responses under 1K have to be posted as part of a collection. Prompt 524 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following in a story – a beac

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Prompt 772 and Prompt 773

We made it to another Friday. That is reason to enough to celebrate, but it also means I've come with new offerings for you. Prompt 772 - Creative Tag - First Line The rain has been falling for hours, soaking my skin, and wiping out my tracks as I do my best to leave the pain behind me while I try to escape before anyone notices I'm gone.  Prompt 773 - Creative Tag - New Day You went with your friends to see the fortune teller that they had booked as a evening's ent


comicfan in Prompts

Fanfiction Prompts

Think of a favorite book, game, show, or movie. Did you ever want to change something? Be a part of it? PT# 113 Choose a short scene and jump right in, be it as a new/random side character or even one of the MCs. PT # 114 You love a book/game/movie, but you always thought one of the characters chose the wrong love interest. Write a short scene where you hint at a different choice.  


Aditus in Prompts

Guest Prompts #11, #12 & #13

So, I was really, really hoping that some new prompts would have rolled in. But alas, not to be .  @aditus has been a real trooper providing us with some great prompt ideas. So to close out the guest prompts, unless some arrive before next Friday, here is the final Guest Prompts. All from aditus      Prompt #11 - Creative   Brought to you by @aditus Write an instruction manual with a twist. (At least 500 words.) For example: How to put on a sweater with the lef


wildone in Prompts

Writing Prompts #594 & #595

Who's been hankering for a reason to write? Are you blocked on your current stories? Just want to play around with something different? Well, then the prompts (brought to you by prompt guru, Comicfan!) are a great way to do just that! Oh, and if you're interested in getting a short piece featured in the site newsletter, check out the Household Items game. There's still time to play!   Prompt 594 – Creative Tag – Western Write a story with a western theme. Cowboys, horses, and what


Cia in Prompts

Prompt 884 and Prompt 885

I apologize for being late. Stomach bug had me up all night. Anyway on to the prompts. Prompt 884 - Creative Tag - The truth You were tired of finding those close to you were lying and keeping things from you. Your father had created a chemical that forced people to tell the absolute truth. However, once exposed they could never lie again. He refused to it to go out of his hands afraid of the repercussions. You take the chemical and pour it into the local aquifer. What happens whe


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 828 and Prompt 829

Well the world has been quarantined and people seem to be wondering what they can do. My suggestion is write. To help get your mind off things here are some new prompts. Prompt 828 - Creative Tag - Pygmalion You'd only learned to carve after your accident. Originally you created birds and small creatures, but when you were left with a piece that was nearly seven foot tall it was suggested you carve a man. It began almost accidentally, but soon you found yourself carving your ideal


comicfan in Prompts

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