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Featuring everything new and experienced authors need to develop creative and technical skills. Check out writing development articles, our Word of the Day, writing prompts, anthology opportunities and more!

Entries in this blog

Present The Problem

Present The Problem I’ve often felt that the key to drama and anxiety for a lot of people who may be reading your stories, or just from life in general came from something very simple. And that’s the constant idea of ‘choice’. Better yet, a dilemma. The more that I played around with the idea of it all in my own fiction, the more enamored I became by the power of it all. You can use it to put pressure on your audience, and create a much more stressful situation out of a fictional that may se


Comicality in Writing Tips

Curses and Bears

I’d like to thank Libby Drew; she inspired me to create PT#131 when she cursed my fellow prompter Cole Matthews. PT #131 Invent a colorful curse or charm, depending on your current mood, and maybe tell us something about it, such as why or who. PT #132 Your MC goes camping with someone who never did this before. Write a story or vignette and use the word bear five times without talking about the actual animal.   Please include the prompt number either in your story/


Aditus in Prompts

The Neverending Story

The Neverending Story Last Summer (In late June, early July)...I lost one of the best friends that I’ve ever had before in my life. We had known each other since the fist grade, and shared a life of late nights, movies, video games, and laughing until we fell over holding our stomachs with tears in our eyes. He was the kind of friend that you only make or twice in a lifetime...and one day, he was just...’gone’. Went to bed, heart failure in his sleep, and that was that. A huge part of me was


Comicality in Writing Tips

Pumping Iron, Running a Marathon, and Prompts

Prompts are about creativity, trying new things, and exploring your talents.  They are meant to stimulate storytelling, make you stretch and hone your craft, and practice things you aren't comfortable doing.  For example, I don't like writing dialogue.  I always feel like it's somehow stilted or unnatural.  My tendency then would be to avoid dialogue using it sparingly if at all.  However, using your words is like exercising a muscle.  It will only get better with use.  So here are a couple

Cole Matthews

Cole Matthews in Prompts


Wordy Whooo….now here’s a challenge that I can wrap my head around. How to write an article about being ‘too wordy’...without, in fact, being ‘too wordy’. Hehehe, wish me luck with this one, people! ::Fingers Crossed:: One repeated bit of constructive criticism that I often get when it comes to my writing has been pretty consistent. And that is...I am too wordy in all of my stories. And it’s the truth. I definitely have to concede defeat when it comes to trying to defend that despe


Comicality in Writing Tips

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