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Featuring everything new and experienced authors need to develop creative and technical skills. Check out writing development articles, our Word of the Day, writing prompts, anthology opportunities and more!

Entries in this blog

Cia's Torturing Me: Mod Queue Tips

Cia’s Torturing Me! by Cia   If you’re an author, I’m sure you’ve thought that at least once, right? I swear, it’s nothing personal! GA’s posting system is complicated, and there is always a learning curve for new authors to figure out the ins and outs of posting here. I'm also the primary staff member who reviews Stories submissions, so I am not picking on any one person if you receive more than one PM; I'm simply the staff member who reviews everything in the qu


Cia in Writing Tips

Updating Stories

Hi All! Recently, site staff has been reviewing stories on GA, and we’ve come across a few things that we need your help to fix! Missing/Incomplete Story Descriptions:  A good example of missing/incomplete story descriptions can be found in many of the earlier anthologies. Many of these stories simply have a description of “2006 Summer Anthology”. Incomplete descriptions do nothing to engage readers or entice them to read your story. When updating the story description, keep in m

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

Articles in Review Week 4

This week, we start posting articles by Comicality.  These are in our Writing Tips category in the story system.  When we catch up on all those tips, we'll start posting new ones directly right in this blog.  Keep an eye out!  In the meantime, check out these tips by our very own Comicality:  


Myr in Writing Tips

Writing Tip: Keep in Mind

When deciding what to post for today, I took a look through some of the things I have in reserve. I found a writing tip sent in a while ago and when I took a look back, I realized I'd never used it in a blog!  So, without further ado, here's "Things to Keep In Mind" by craftingmom!   Things I constantly keep in mind as a writer by Craftingmom       1.  The Opening needs to grab the attention of the reader and be interesting enough to hold it.

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

Launching Gay Authors Articles

Welcome, everyone!  Starting early in 2018, we will be posting weekly articles by Comicality and other authors every Saturday morning.  I wanted to get this kicked off so between now and then we'll be posting links to previous Writing Tips, which can currently be found in our Stories Archive in the Non-Fiction -> Writing Tips category. Please be sure to check them out.  Read and review! The three for this week are from Lugh:    


Myr in Writing Tips

Common Editing Issues #1

I've received quite a few editing tips from our membership. Today, we're going to look at some provided by JayT. Enjoy!     There are three common editing issues that I come across frequently. They are punctuation (ie. missing commas, misused commas, and dialogue punctuation), misused words (ie nauseous instead of nauseated, then/than misused, they're, their, there misused), and sentences that don't read correctly and interrupt the flow of the story (they can be fragmented s

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

Writing Tip: Speech Tags

Every once in a while, we like to providing some writing tips to both new and seasoned authors. One thing I've learned as an author is that we never stop learning. Today, Graeme has written up a writing tip for you on the use of speech tags in your writing. Enjoy!   Speech Tags Graeme   Speech tags are important to stories, but they can be easily misused and abused.   What do I mean by speech tags? Speech tags are the little bit of narration that proceeds or fo

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

Why We Write Flash Fiction

How do you write flash fiction? Well, there’s really only one requirement: Keep it short! How short depends on the game, or prompt, or you… but the difference is you write the story planning to make it as concise as possible without sacrificing the image and scene you’re trying to convey. It’s a challenge to write something that pulls in readers without having a lot of time to do backstory or a long adventure.   So why do people like writing flash fiction? For me, it’s a different kin


Cia in Writing Tips

New Author Advice #3

Hey All! I hope everyone is having a wonderful week so far. Today we're going to look at a writing tip provided to me by Cole Matthews. Cole has put together a bit of a primer on a way to build character. As he told me, it's something that he's always reminding himself of and he was hoping that by sharing his thoughts that it would help other authors out as well. Thank you, Cole!  If you have any advice that you would like to share with the GA authors, send me a PM!   Builds Character

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

New Author Advice #2

Have you thought about writing your first story, but it seems a little daunting? Don't worry, every new author has been there at one point or another. Thankfully, you're part of a great community that has plenty of authors willing to share their knowledge, and/or what they wished they'd known when they first started. If you're thinking that you've heard that before, it's because you have, but that's the best intro to this feature. Back in December we first introduced the "New Author Advice" feat

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

Grammar Rodeo #10

I hope everyone has had a great month so far. It's been a while since we had a Grammar Rodeo from Cia, but it's back! Thank you, Cia for providing us with another great writing tip!   The Structure of a Sentence   Okay, so maybe this seems intuitive. After all, we all write sentences every day, right? But sometimes the visual we’re trying to get across doesn’t work because of the way the sentence has been written. A lot of the time, this can be chalked up to dangling modifiers. What ar

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

New Author Advice #1

Have you thought about writing your first story, but it seems a little daunting? Don't worry, every new author has been there at one point or another. Thankfully, you're part of a great community that has plenty of authors willing to share their knowledge, and/or what they wished they'd known when they first started. Today we've got both Aditus, who is going to tell how he started out, and Graeme who is going to share a little advice on planning out your story. Hope this helps!   Starting O

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

Re-Feature: Cia's Torturing Me

It's been a while since we took a look at some things that new site authors need to know. Our list of authors continues to grow, and it's never a bad thing to re-visit blog entries that help make their life easier. So you've purchased the author title in the GA Store and you're ready to post your first story. Here's a few things you need to know to make your posting in GA Stories go smoothly and help your story get approved.   Cia’s Torturing Me!   by Cia   If you’re an a

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

Grammar Rodeo #9

It's been a while since we had a Grammar Rodeo from Cia, but this month that feature has returned. Let's see what Cia has to say about.... NUMBERS!   Let’s talk numbers! 01 001 1 100 0... no that’s not what I mean. LOL One of the subtle details that refines writing is how an author addresses numbers. Let’s face it, you can’t write anything at length without running into this issue because our lives are dictated by things like time and money.   Numbers in Fiction   Numbers at the begi

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

Grammar Rodeo #8

Ever wonder what the correct word to use is? Cia has written a blog entry to help show which word should be used in different instances. It's been a while since we had a Grammar Rodeo, but I find these posts to be rather informative and we hope you do too.   Commonly Misused Words   When writing, most authors know there are homophones to watch out for, and we all know the big ones like your/you’re/yore and there/their/they’re. But there are a lot of words that are harder to figure ou

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

Revisit: Cia's Torturing Me

Reminder: Voting for the Secret Santa Story Contest ends TODAY! Don't forget to PM your votes, for your favorite Secret Santa Story, to A.J. before 2:00 PM EST. Now, what do we have for you today. Lately, I've been revisiting some of the old blog posts. The site is growing every day, bringing in more readers and more authors. With the influx in newer authors, I thought it would be a good idea to revisit Cia's blog post on some of the highest occurring mistakes that authors make when posting thei

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

Writing Tip: Grammar Rodeo #7

The hardest part of self-editing is knowing when you're doing something wrong if you don't actually know you're doing something wrong. You might have an inkling and check a reputable source and figure out how to fix your sentence or story, but, other times, you might think you know what you're doing yet still get it wrong. But sometimes we're taught wrong. I think many older authors will recognize these grammar don't rules that are really grammar do rules!   Grammar Myths We All Know Wrong

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

Writing Tip: So You Wanna Be An Author

For a while in the blog, we used to do "Blast from the Past" posts. All of these posts came from the old newsletter. I was struggling to figure out what to post for today, when I thought, why not check out the earlier posts of the revived blog. In looking back, I found the perfect post, and it happens to be the first "Writing Tip" that was posted when Lugh started the blog back up. I hope you find it informative.   If you want to check out the past comments on the original post, you can go c

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

Writing Tip: Conflict Is Key

Sometimes it's hard to find new content to share in the GA News Blog. Lately, I've been looking back at some of the stuff that has been shared since the Blog started up again and I realized something. We have new authors joining all the time and not everyone wants to search through the News Blog and read the tips that have been shared. With that thought in mind, I decided to look at some of the past tips and bring them back to the forefront. The first one I'm once again featuring is from Libby D

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

Writing Tip: Grammar Rodeo #6

Who's ready for another Grammar Rodeo? Today's Grammar Rodeo is sorta a Part 2 of last weeks. A big thanks to Cia for providing these for the blog. They are a great learning tool and include some great tips and tricks to help authors remember what is best to use. Hopefully you'll find Grammar Rodeo #6 as informative as I did!   Grammar Rodeo #6   Plural Nouns   Last time we talked about plural verbs… now let’s talk about plural nouns. Remember how there are ‘regular’ forms and ‘irr

Writing Tip: Grammar Rodeo #5

I hope everyone is having a great week so far! As you can see, Cia has provided us with another Grammar Rodeo. Ever been confused by Present Tense Verbs vs. Past Tense Verbs? Cia gives us a guideline to help out with those pesky issues. In addition to Tense Verbs, Cia also helps out a bit with That vs. Who.   Past Tense Verbs While there are a variety of tenses to write in, I think the most common method is to use past tense. So today we’re going to talk about past tense verbs. For the most pa

Writing Tip: Grammar Rodeo #4

This time for the grammar rodeo, I thought I'd keep our subject matter simple and maybe even fun! Yes, yes, I swear, grammar can be fun--at least when you're like me and find a wicked glee in rolling your eyes at the grammar fails around you!! First, though, let's take a look at a technical writing tip that seems simple, but catches up more people than you might think! Grammar Rodeo #4 Getting It Write Err... Right!   Subject and Verb Agreement   No, I don't expect them to sha


Cia in Writing Tips

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