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Basics of Internet Security 101: Facebook freaks



OK, Austin Butler is a freak! And I don't mean that teen star of various teen films. I mean the guy who asked all the people from GA to become his friends over Facebook.


Well, I spent all day asking people who this guy is. Apparently, if I used wiki or google first, I'd learn about the true Austin Butler. So I denied his request and reported his profile as fake. What is disappointing and why I'm writing this blog is how many people just mindlessly clicked to accept this freak's request. And I mean people like Jamessavik, Mark Arbour, benji, Nephy, Tiger, Lugh and many others! I understand you use Facebook differently than me. You don't have any personal info on there (hell, Mark Arbour could be the biggest fake of them all! :P ) or if you do, you share it with strangers recklessly. The fact that somebody comes from GA doesn't mean he's a good person! And by accepting their requests on Facebook you link them to ALL your friends and their privacy. Now some people don't mention where they come from even here! Hell, I don't say it to everyone even if I give away much more info nowadays than I used to when I joined GA. And by clicking on that accept you shield them, give them more legitimacy! If "name" is friends with them, they must be OK/safe/nice/whatever!


I use my Facebook account differently. I keep contacts with people I met, knew or I care for. It's my personal profile. Under no curcumstances I let freaks to my personal information. But if you let these people among your friends, you give away info about me and all other people you have among your friends. I know that I can restrict the info I share with people on FB strictly to just my friends and I do. But I don't like the idea that others who have FB mainly to play Farmville, Mafia Wars and whatever else put in unnecessary danger me or other people that share with them their personal profiles.



So I want to appeal to all of you to consider if you know the people who are asking you to become friends! Not everyone who just filled in some registration form at GA is a friend! There are people who got their flats totally burgled, there are people who dig for any personal info to sell, in short, internet is not safe! You don't tell the personal info about yourself or your friends to total strangers on the street so please don't do that on Facebook either! :angry:




P.S. I was told a "freak" is a too strong expression. So those of you who feel offended by it (and I used it only on fake Austin Butler) substitute it with a "weirdo".




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haha. I declined his request earlier this morning. I didn't know him and he only had 2 friends at the time, so rejected :2thumbs: .


I'm like you, my FB profile is my "for reals" profile, so I'm careful about who gets added.


Thanks for your post, I was wondering who Austin was.

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Well, first of all I wondered how on earth did he get all those contacts! He needed to get to the first name!



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I'm like you guys, my FB profile is linked to my friends, family, co-workers and old classmates, but I'm still careful what I post. I have a kid who looks at my profile (on FB... NOT GA!) and everything I post is what I would say to someone in public- nobody needs that much information. If I wouldn't say it out loud then don't post it... that's my my rule.


I didn't know until the other day that you could link your GA with FB, that's so not happening!:ph34r:

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I shudder to think about all the people who put personal content on FB. How many people have been on the news, fired for social network content?


The 'net is a public forum, folks. And once it's out there, even for a minute, it's out there, somewhere, forever.

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Awww mann, I didn't get a request from him


Gosh I feel so left out of the crowd =..........(

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I've quit Faceboook altogether. Don't trust them. As they keep searching for more ways to make money, they loosen their controls over who has access to your information. If you value your privacy, you won't use Facebook at all.


Be sure you Goolge your own name about once per month to see what information about you is actually public. I did that once and was directed to one of those sites that sells public information about people. That's not so bad (actually pretty enterprising). What I didn't like is that the site had a picture of one of my grandsons which it could only have gotten from Facebook.

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I've quit Faceboook altogether. Don't trust them. As they keep searching for more ways to make money, they loosen their controls over who has access to your information. If you value your privacy, you won't use Facebook at all.


Be sure you Goolge your own name about once per month to see what information about you is actually public. I did that once and was directed to one of those sites that sells public information about people. That's not so bad (actually pretty enterprising). What I didn't like is that the site had a picture of one of my grandsons which it could only have gotten from Facebook.


Don’t get me started on Googling yourself!


I love to Googled myself. I’m not narcissistic, really. I didn’t want to see if I could find something on ME. I know all of the facts about me. With more than 6 billion people on this earth, anyone who thinks that they are the only Michael Jones or Bill Miller or KC Grim for that matter, is mistaken.


Viewing someone else’s Facebook page or MySpace is just creepy. Their pictures with my name is so weird. 1,470,000 hits using the combination ‘KC Grim’ alone.


My Mom is a Polish Immigrant with what I thought was a very unique name, but it was freaky to read her obituary…when she’s not dead.


Is there any name that is still original? Are there any words that haven’t been spoken or written already? Not likely.


But it doesn’t make me feel any less original, one of a kind, or unique knowing there is another KC Grim out there? Nope…I’m still me!

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I was one of the folks hit with a request right off when he had only 2 friends. My reaction was to ask one person who it was and then be really vocal in asking others when I noticed more and more GA people accepting it. I'm paranoid, not because my pics are on there, or even that I am on the site very often but because it does have my hometown and current town. I have kids, I protect them above all and that means protecting my info from people I don't know and trust. Those who are on my facebook are trusted, those who aren't... sorry. We might get there eventually ;)

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Haha, all I saw was a guy trying to add me and had mutual friends from GA, i just assumed he was a member. And anyways, my facebook is pretty limited since a weirdo turned up looking for me already. I'm not worried. 

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Haha, all I saw was a guy trying to add me and had mutual friends from GA, i just assumed he was a member. And anyways, my facebook is pretty limited since a weirdo turned up looking for me already. I'm not worried.


Hey man...I had flowers and a DiGiorno and not fish, and everything. idk, thought you woulda liked it and been like "Omgizzards how nice I got a visitor from TX and you have food and everything!" instead of slamming the door in my face and sicing your dogs on me.


that'll be the first and last time I ever do a spontaneous fellow GA ding-dong

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Well, I accepted him becuse of his girlfriend who I have been a friend of for a long time. I figured that if he was with her he must be ok. And i knew I recognised the face but I couldn't remember from where so I figured it must have been on GA.


Go figure

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Actually, being a lawyer I should know better... but I don't I tend to be completely and absolutely open wherever I am and wherever I go. i suppose it's been luck alone that has kept me safe so far.


maybe I shoud fillet my facebook friends

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I normally keep a 'I'll only add you if I've met you face to face' sort of policy. There are couple of exceptions for friends of friends but nothing more. I also rarely put anything up on facebook anymore, I really only use it to keep track of events going on at Uni as they are all posted on facebook both official and unofficial ;)



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I normally keep a 'I'll only add you if I've met you face to face' sort of policy.

I have a similar policy with adding GA Friends. I only add you if we've 1)Chatted in GA Chat or 2)We've had a lot of interaction in the Forums.

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Its pretty easy to find first names on this site. As soon as you give it in chat, it gets used in the forums. Although I've had no interactions with you outside of the soapbox a handful of times, I know what your first name is.

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I have many names... can't remember what the first one was... oh yeah... but I'm not telling you, although if you read my blog you'll find out :) I guess I am too open sometimes. I have an urge to end my facebook account because i really got a shock from what Paya said about it giving access to my friends. I didn't realise that the fact that I am so open might cause problems for others. I figure that I am going to have to do something but don't really know what becasue i am so enmeshed in that there are people I only keep in contact with throught fb and I have a lot of family and friends there... hmm maybe I shoudl just serious fillett my friends list.

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